I'd feel more positive about this system if it wasn't for the fact that it has failed to reduce the real spam from gold sellers, this just plays into the hands of griefers because it is such a blunt and heavy-handed instrument. And do the devs really think a gold-seller gives a **** about being banned from party / guild /…
It's truly amazing how many Cryptic developers and testers have the time right now to post on these forums. I'd have thought you guys all had more important things to do, like finding and fixing bugs.
I've seen worse (SWTOR, obviously). And I'll take frequent maintenance over none at all, any day. Mind you, the way the queues disappeared overnight was a bit suspicious....
Maybe you are a mature adult, and yes, I lumped you in with the forum whiners, perhaps unfairly given your response. I really doubt you're older than me though :) And if you are, you have my commiserations. Once the exploit was "public knowledge" opportunities to abuse were gone though. As I said before, 7 hours is a…
Yes, it's called a compromise. You'll find them more and more in life as you grow up. They are trying to save their game here - a wipe was certain death, a rollback of days would have close to the same effect. This 7 hour rollback isn't ideal, as there are still duped currency items in the game, but presumably the number…