<---- has been wondering how this game will look at multiboxing??? Im not sure on the whole process on a F2P game seeing as they wont be making the 15 a month per accont that my last couple games made while I was running using this. If they allow it I might just do the same and get a couple more accounts up and running…
Think this man hit the nail right on the head with this answer. I would just use my computer sound for Vent/TS and my stero for anything else. Would seem good for others tho I assume if they do not participate in team building expirences in game.
Aiight dude thanks man it will be some time befor I can jump on TS/Vent due to not using my own computer atm. Once I do get back home I hope this guild is up and running smooth would love to be a VERY active member of this community.
US Army Active military. Currently stationed in Afgan land comming home very shortly. Deployed with the 101st. I am more then willing to join this guild and im sure my cusin will be stoked to hear about this one aswell. Picture of me in afgan land in profile ;-) Gota love the VIEW!!! Hope to be accepted. SPC out.