@lukejones77 i agree with all that i dont want nerfs to other toons as in the past this has never ever worked stop nerfing even it out. I use to run dungeons for those up and coming everyday i suppose i just miss that part of the game where i could run and help others i feel useless haha ill get over it and hope that they…
sorry edit 3rd on rank of tank. I dont want a nerf of other toons why cant all toons do what their name suggests. Cleric heal tank tank dps dps is it really that hard plz explain this to us so we can understand what it is you doing so we can choose to pour more money in or not.
I do buy zen in game with that said I wanted to see how easy it was for all the non cash spenders to get something half decent in game seems that is not so easy to do which is a little sad but I will try again no doubt lol
update our computers turn off things to make a game that worked two days ago go again so disappointed...cant get in game in any mode going back to pwi good luck all