I don't mean to irk you, "for me" if I can't make my NPCs look like themselves I just won't use them. Thanks to the above poster for helping me clarify thatpoint.
I wrote a 140,000 word module. I learned a lot. I ended going through every conversation adding the option to bypass all RP and get the quest with concise directions in one panel. I will do the same in this game. I have played some WoW and DDO and I can tell you the majority of players in MMOs are much less interested in…
Two major points almost made me step away from this game. No alignment (I like to provide the RP options for evil characters) and (judgeing from STO) not being able to use cannon material. I came to this conclusions, these restrictions should be viewed as opportunities. I will just pretend theplayers are evil, and write my…
http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s15e14-the-poor-kid is the reference I recognized the original poster used the term "gods" in a rp fashion, when bard barian brought religion into it, i made a reference to agnostic beliefs by referencing south park. that is the chain of events.
Dave Solomon, lead designer of the new XCOM game, explaining why they took out Time Units fom the game. "Freeing up the headspace of the player" No, that is political speak for dumbimg down the game so fat kids sitting around on mom's sofa can play it on a console. This is why India institue of technology has surpassed…
I won't tell you how old I am but I played redbox D&D and all that until I got my first windows computer, then no more PnP for me. I played Eye of the Beholder and Menzobarenzan when they were new. Baldur's Gate was great, and all it's cousins were fun. I played NWN from black box on, NWN2 not so much but I was on the beta…
Wow, that is a very detailed and informative answer. Thank you very much Truthseeker. The compiled info you have just given me has moved me from the "Super excited and hopeful" category to the "Aquiver with antici....pation" category. I foresee great things in our future :).