Just throwing an update here. I've unlocked more boons, found some artifact pieces, crit and power is much higher. I can usually keep eLoL pugs alive with just crits and Astral Seal/Divine Glow, usually don't even need to do that with a tank. I still sometimes have trouble on the scorpion boss, since I usually have aggro…
WoW hasn't put an end to DDOS. It was really bad at the start of the expac. I'm sure it will be attacked again when someone has a good enough reason to. Even bigger companies like Microsoft have been DDOS'd before. Maybe Cryptic security is bad, idk, I'm not gonna argue against that. You can block some of it. But it's…
Thanks, I'm still struggling with the zones that have level 73 mobs. But I'll start working on the Burning set and work on the boons that I can. I bought VIP, how does it pay for itself? I claimed the stuff, what should I do with the keys?
I think I'll stick with Righteous for now. I tried eLoL a couple more times and it went much better. I think the main difference from yesterday is we actually had tanks, so the bosses didn't have to run around and one-shot us. Overall better groups though. I also managed to finish my dailies in Dread Ring. Still a bit too…
Damn, I'm a new player - been playing for a week. I see lots of people are angry on reddit and such, I don't quite understand what's going on. Here I am just wanting to spend my weekend to get from 66 to 70. =/ Pretty much every MMO I've play(ed) has been DDOS'd a couple times. Most of em being subscription. It sucks it…