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  • I would love to see my favorite class Black Guard in the game. It would be a pretty functional class in alot of the game as it can control undead and such. And there are alot of undead in the game. I just really enjoyed the Anti-Paladin aspect of the class in general. Could wield one or two handed weapons and such as well…
  • I killed them with my GWF at 60 in pvp gears. You are right that they are hard as hell though. Unstoppable saved me along with Slam and WMS they dropped fairly fast. Not saying it was easy at all still had to move alot and burn pots..lol Regards
  • I log in a couple times a day to pray for a coin and check/re-start my proffessions. Other than that I am on DDO or MWO until ESO is released. I hope to play this game some more but by the sounds of it they are not increasing the level cap along with the new expansion so there reallly is no point to play this any further.…
  • Of which this game has none of.... Exploration is a joke in this game, there is no open world exploration. Ingenuity?? c'mon really? nothing new about this games mechanics. Monsters... yes, dungeon maps... yes. As for the rest, the game lacks it now and will lack it in the future. Sadly...
    in really ? Comment by akostis June 2013
  • Agree totally with this... +1
  • Well, leveling fast just puts you at lvl 60 which is a death sentence for any mmo player that likes to have things to do. At 60 its all over as there are no dungeon partys to speak of, well a few in queue during DD event but not many. Regards
  • Bottom line is the player base is already starting to dwindle. Thers half the players there was when OB started. Noone even runs Dungeons anymore except a few that run during DD event. The game economy is ruined from explioted programming errors and new players cant get gear from T2 dungeons because there are no others…
  • The only mobs you should actually have to toss off the pit are the ones that spawn along with mini bosses. Thers another thread about this somewhere. 1: Get to the right front of brain, melee dps the brain, 1 DC 1 CW stand off a bit (right front of brain but away just in range to do AS on melee)and deal with trash. when…
  • Guys, Its all about tweaking. Lets be honest with ourselves the game has issues that need addressing. this is the first step. We all agree AS stacking was a crutch/easy mode. They fixed it, now we see how things go after the reduce duration. All the points being made in this post have some validity. Yes maybe they will…
  • YAY!!! Something gonna change hopefully Dev will see thread!! :eek:
  • Agreed. Traps are nothing to laugh at in DDO I think blankdave2 is drawing a blank to be honest. Epic levels especially in DDO traps can and do instakill alot of players. There are many many dungeons that cannot be ran without a rogue or someone that at least has a few levels of rogue or an artificer. regards
  • http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Blackguard My favorite class from old school P&P days... This class would be fun as all he11 in this game. Functional too. Regards
  • Yep agreed. Get an a55pile of identify scrolls from foundry, (they drop alot there) then ID the items and sell for golds. Gold is the next big FOTM as you see people trying to sell nightmare boxes and keys, T1's and T2's for fast easy golds. This is due to the fact that potions and injury kits cost alot of golds. Heck,…
  • Well at least now they cant kick you from dungeon party just because they want a cleric or CW instead of a melee, well they still can kick you but.... From what I read if they kick a GF or GWF hoping to get an arcane/healer class theyre screwed because the queue will fill the spot with another melee regardless. Maybe now…
  • You are correct. In DDO traps are killers hardcore. Rogues are a must have in (alot) of dungeons just for their ability to disarm traps which in alot of cases really impede progression in a dungeon. Seemingly in Neverwinter the trap disabling ability for rogues is pretty much useless as traps really dont do anything but…
  • Balance classes? Believe it when I see it. Not to be super negative or anything but to date the game sucks for those who like to play melee classes. I hope you are correct to assume they do something with the queue or characters to make melee mor valuable to a team not just a class that gets tossed out of every queue.…
  • My Apologies O great god of grammar. If thy hast nuttin cunstructive to post go trolls elswheres... Regardses...
  • 1: I would like to see some open world PVP styling added to the game. Something similar to SUN or Warhammer. Make areas in open world that have quests or whatnot that are PVP areas. 2: Expand the world, I feel the open a map click the location then just appear there is sort of an old concept. Let us explore the world of…
  • Obviously the devs missed some of the ill gained AD that flooded the economy and sunk it like the Titanic... Regards
  • -Melee/TR on Brain - Healer/CW stand off to right front of brain little ways back. when boss adds come all drag to pit and knock em off. rinse/repeat.... Regards
  • Hmmmm??? A TR calling another class OP in PVP??? :rolleyes: Regards...
  • I play dragon server and all those high price pieces dont move at all... lol thay sit in the AH and are gathering dust. Please stop... All you mean is that people price them at that high price, they sure arent selling them...lol regards
  • Pretty much hit the nail on the head with this point. DD events are a waste of time for any fighter to even queue up for because they will just get kicked out of the party or if they are leader everyone just quits and re-queues because they dont want to be in a party with a fighter class. This is just plain wrong and needs…
  • Yes it seemed a bit slow in the video but it wouldnt be too hard to give the sword toss a stunning effect that would allow time enough for the GWF to leap in and do the smash thing. Im just thinking that that ranged attack may be a really good option for balancing the class as they need something. regards.
  • I dont know anyone that will pay 400k AD for anything in this broken economy... I know I dont and wont.. As far as PVP goes.... yes the system and classes need alot of work/balancing. The game now is overflowing with TR's as they are easy cheesy to play and farm with. And are way overpowered for the reasons noted by the…
  • Dont feel left out man.... GWF in same boat along with GF, kicked from every dungeon party or skirmish party. Unless you get party lead then others just quit and re-queue and leave you there with nothing but other melee. I myself have more a less just quit playing the game as I honestly dont like Arcane type classes or…
  • This is 100% exactly what is going on IMHO.... Regards