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  • That's why i keep to the term mindless grinding! :) The only problem is that people will keep creating those, knock the orgres down maps. And even if they nerfed the exp gain, then it would still give a lot of exp. We need to come up with a better solution, so that the foundry is usefull for everyone once again.
  • No, i have yet to find a game that fit's better than this. This is a mmorpg, and does that mean i have to be part of the rpg? No, that it does not. I like the playstyle, i like the game, and i like grinding? So you do FIRMLY believe that i should not play this game, because i do not like questing? As someone who likes…
  • Ah so my mindless grinding will be, smack mobs untill i gain no exp -> AFK for 5 min -> smack mobs and repeeeat. Well, i understand that they want to nerf the exp, but this i just find plain stupid. I like grinding. I dont want to be ahead of questing people, i just don't want to quest myself. I want the mindless gauntlet…
  • Okay, so the foundry exp is "Off"? Well, i am getting exp / loot sometimes. But at other times i get nothing at all no loot / exp. I do not mind that they nerf the foundry exp alot, so that it is on-par with questing. Can't you guys understand that some likes to grind mindlessly, and not "immerse" in the story? I tend to…