Why are you all crying? Just read descriptions of feats and add to ones you like... It's really easy choice. Not talking about powers because we have a lot of points here and most of the skills will be maxed anyway. If you need respec that hard, collect this diamonds and do it, but please think and calculate before you…
Stop QQ. You can kill mages in two hits and clerics in three hits. And that's what you are supposed to do. Not even mentioning you can disable skills for long time, spam ranged strong attacks, hide'n'run... It's enough for one class...
So we will measure player skill by how well he captures point? Oh come on, they will propably add more PvP modes and then you can't use "score" viable in every of them. For example in deathmatch, capture the flag? In first one for example, if clerics would earn points for healing their teammates, they will do nothing…
That would be a lot of work, sir. You can't measure damage dealers, healers and tanks by same standards like kills for example, because they have different roles (even in PvP) and that would harm some classes. So they would have to make special ranks for every role and that would delay other important things to do.