Hmmm, I didn't realize those human interior doors could be used for that? They can't (or could not) be used in component conditions for one. I'll look into it though whenever (if) they fix the filter... till then I'm scared of even opening up the foundry to check on things. :(
BUMP! BECAUSE OF THE AGRO THROUGH DOORS BUG and the inability to open closed doors while agroed, I strongly recommend to pick easy mode if you are going to play this quest. (I have done countless runs on easy without experiencing the issue) No matter what I tried so far to fix this bug, such as boxing in mobs with…
I'd want an encounter budget increase in anycase. In my quest I ran out of encounters so I can't add a hard mode without splitting the quest into two maps, or add more respawns for the companion guards... :( As someone who was new to the foundry and didn't know what I was doing I ran out of encounters pronto. :(
I've had same issue as janusthered, and could mirror his comments. :) I could not complete the quest. So far I'd also recommend costumes for some of those enemies - recruit mobs are too generic.
Hellos! I remember being pmed by you and seeing the pm after a long period - I almost never check my pms - then I pmed you back not sure if you got it. I'll trade you a review (quest is in my signature) - if you already played mine a while ago -not sure if you eventually did or not-, you could if you have time play it on…
Thanks for the info mate. :) I'll look into doors first thing when they fix the filter so i can update the foundry without foxing it up filter style. :( I think I'll just renounce a lot of doors to be honest - I have seen something that blew me away in a recent run of my foundry... one of the guard companions decided to…
Thanks for the feedback guys! Those doors drive me crazy. :( So many issues with them, I might just renounce all doors altogether... I've pretty much had it with them, having to box all mobs with invisible walls, triggers past doors to despawn them etc, and still issues makes me think I'll just edit most of those doors out…
They didn't fix this yet? I'm not even going to enter the foundry again till they do. My quest is filled with the word master for one, so publishing a new version under these rules will fox it up...
Thank you for feedback. :D I've spent an entirely unhealthy amount of time on environments already :( (the trick I did in Aeron room with duplicating stuff etc with massive foundry lag took forever+1) - but I am constantly improving them anyway hehe. There was rhyme and reason behind my original environment design -…
Ok, I'll trade you a review then. :) My quest is in my signature. EDIT: Played it. It's a good continuation quest, I guess those who are fans of dwarves will be pleased. :) Noticed wall flickering in one early corridor (textures not merging properly). Text errors I noticed: Notice board: my quest's -> my quests Nessa: in…
I'll trade you a review. :) My quest is in my signature. EDIT: Played and reviewed it. It's a good fast exp run. The horse at end is semi-broken. It gives two interactions if you pick one, you can't zone. I had to exit the map manually. I recommend adding more details to it.
I just played my foundry with filter on, to make sure the filter does not affect foundries published before it went into effect, and it didn't filter words like "master". I guess I'm not going to update my foundry till this is fixed.
Just played and reviewed all your quests... Talk about getting better and better! Some glorious customization of environments to say the very least. :D I had actually been thinking of making a sphere from Netherese elements myself, but got lazy, and when I saw yours I had a... well let's call it a moment of zen. :)
I'll trade you a review. :) My quest is in my signature. EDIT: Played and reviewed it. I liked how it was paced, and I admit finding it fun to get through. :) Minimalistic surreal experience. :p -You should finetune the environment. Add more details here and there, a bit too much of "empty" in some parts - although that's…
QUEST IS BACK UP. Major rework of the end scene in this update (besides fixing previous issue). The rework of the end scene took me forever due to technical difficulties -and ultimately got rushed because I wanted to test the lights bug on live :). Shifting perception is such a pain. :cool: Hopefully now it works well.
I'm currently experiencing a weird bug with my latest version in foundry: I made some static lights disappear during an objective, then on objective complete new duplicated lights reappear in their place... (wish cryptic gave us the option to reappear stuff without duplicating) The problem is all the lights load up from…
Don't get disheartened mate! Trolling is something that will happen, no matter what you do. :( For example, my quest rating would be quite a bit better if not for some anonymous trolling, but I guess everyone is affected by it. I know it can be disheartening and annoying, but there's nothing you can do - those guys will…
I'll trade you a review. :) My quest is in my signature. EDIT: Played and reviewed it. Quite liked it! Nice environments and good story. The outside area before the cave is a bit frustrating because of collision - invisible walls? I noticed a few minor text errors here and there. Ex: childrens, thiers, peices, etc. Great…
I'll trade you a review. :) My quest is in my signature. Played and reviewed it. Good first foundry. Solid core for a combat run. I suggest maybe putting some teleporters in, a bit too much running back.(like from east wing back) Also adding more details and customization never hurts. :) End of quest -> rename the horse.
Sure! I always return the review trade. :) EDIT: Played and reviewed it. Good combat run, I recommend maybe adding a waypoint to first objective (although i guess you want the player to _find_ that place), and adding some more details to environments to flesh them out better. It was good exp, and had good difficulty I…
BUMP! Updated the quest before going to bed. Hopefully the agro through doors issue is now completely eradicated. Some major interior reworkings. The improvement of Car Aglayr continues apace.
Thanks mate. :) You know, my suggestion would be to add an easy(er) mode, maybe via dialogue prompt, maybe at beginning of maps, despawning or changing some encounters to something easier if player selects that prompt. That way you please the guys who want an easier experience too. Of course, it's entirely up to you. :)…