I'd turn all chat channels off and enable profanity filter. Still, do you think MMOs is going to be her kind of thing? I mean all these dungeons and dailies grind :( She would probably not play for too long or just toy around in areas a lil bit.
Con isn't as good as used to be, hp buff is just too low. I'd go for CHA belt if Lostmauth wasn't so bloody broken, it adds extra damage on each tick of HG/HS/WB if they crit. (as for CHA belt crit is vital stat for soulbinder since it allows you build sparks even faster) Also, Lostmauth set's ticks seem to have bugged…
Hi, Well, I think secondary slots would do better as stats boosters for crit > arp > power. I keep sigil/wheel of elements and oghma's token in my inventory for the matches when I feel additional damage or CC break would do much better than AP gain (erh, permadaze and roots of HRs...) Forget about lifedrinker and…
That's why the guild should lose something significant if some veteran member leaves or gest kicked. Talking about people that contributed a lot in it's development of course. I don't want another motherfuckers I got dissapointed with rule over my progress. Also, imagine how discouraging this is to realize for some players…
Soooo, I just learnt an awesome thing about Strongholds. You get kicked - you lose your boons. Imagine somebody farming currency for strongholds for months and then getting kicked just because they had to take a break from the game, whever it's live related or technical issue, or maybe after some drama when they said…
More detailed info on OP's gear would be welcome. Also, do you run dungeons or just solo-campaing grind so far, Empalas? Till you get some decent IL around 2.5k I'd go for SB fury/damnation. Imo fury still prevails for solo plays since that puppet bug seems to appear under some circumstancies while running a party. But…
There should be something the players would tear away from the guild they got kicked from, currency or something valuable for the guilds and recyclable. Talking of those that contributed a lot.
I double this statement. I don't mind loggining and doing a couple of daily quests or perhaps donate 2m for guild's development. But I am straight negative about suggestions like that forcing people grind when they simply can't or don't have the time for that. Nevermind people already donating their very sacred AD/time…
BiS SWs are tough but not as tough as the other clases at BiS quality. You can HAMSTER all you want, PvP event's proved the class is in abysmal state and that's why they told us it's on their top priority to buff SW. So yeah, after those buffs, current PvP veteran walrocks will start farming Cuntroll Wizards, Permadaze…
That's why I asked for more info about his party composition but I guess it has something to do with either OP's auras or KV of GFs or simply both which I think is more likely what's happened.