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Immortal SW taking 0 damage



  • ninefingers222ninefingers222 Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    macjae wrote: »
    Intimidation initially did piercing damage which cut through all damage immunities, which I'm pretty sure was considered either a bug or "unintended". They fixed that, then added all sorts of damage bonuses to it so it did massive damage instead.

    Regardless, the principled difference between knowingly using something that's too good by design and something that's too good by accident is rather slim.

    Like I said 5 month break came back a month and a half before the end of mod 5, during the double RP, wasn't there for that .
    Essence of Aggression, OG PvP GWF
  • imm0rtalboyimm0rtalboy Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You know bug abuser no0ob will be always a no0ob because he learn how to play with bugs only if everything get fix you will know who the real pro here and 0 dmg bug its true i just saw one SW no0ob using it
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You know bug abuser no0ob will be always a no0ob because he learn how to play with bugs only if everything get fix you will know who the real pro here and 0 dmg bug its true i just saw one SW no0ob using it

    sounds like an embittered TR that tried to get an easy kill, cool down Mr. Superpro, tell us about your bugs and take a seat
  • imm0rtalboyimm0rtalboy Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    sounds like an embittered TR that tried to get an easy kill, cool down Mr. Superpro, tell us about your bugs and take a seat

    I don't need to tell you about the bugs everybody know it and im cool Mr.probux
  • tsokushintsokushin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    macjae wrote: »
    The first thing I did once I'd confirmed that bug was send a report to the devs about it, trying to keep it from spreading too much, and hoping for a quick fix. As long as that masks SW vulnerability, balance issues are going to look skewed.

    And I really didn't want to change the way I played to compensate for a bug or something plainly broken, but I rerolled and took the feature off. The bug in question involves something that virtually every PvP SW I saw in module 5 was using; it's not an uncommon thing that requires special circumstances to use, unfortunately. I don't like exploits like this, and I don't want to abuse it -- so for my part it's off.

    And I apologize to everyone concerned for the exploiting on my own part.

    Now, as for the complaints more in general, I've seen some enormously hypocritical comments and remarks over the last few days. For example, from people that I know very well did stuff like this:
    - GWFs who happily ROARed module 3 away, or used Deep Gash in module 2, or Intimidation in module 4/5.
    - TRs who happily exploited Knife's Edge (and are presumably currently exploiting double procs from Shadowy Opportunity), or other things like double procs from Shadow of Demise or permadaze.
    - CWs who are using Spell Twisting with the DC artifact.
    - DCs who are using Geas, other DCs who evidently feels it's perfectly reasonable for SWs to do 0s against Astral Shield, but not their own DPS.
    - HRs happily permadazing away.
    - I saw an OP that no one on my team could kill, while he was happily using a passive aura to daze and root. He was very angry that his one-shot daily didn't one-shot. He seemed to feel entitled to be immortal while still having the ability to inflict massive damage (particularly against a class that cannot dodge).

    As far as I am concerned, people like these have absolutely no ground to stand on to complain about "exploiting" in a principled fashion. They could claim "everyone was doing it" or "this bug is worse," which may be true, but doesn't change the principle of taking something that is clearly bugged or working better than intended and abusing it.

    So for the future, I expect those who complain about individuals using this to first make a thread apologizing about the bugs or broken things that they have abused themselves in the past, and apologize for any games they won on that basis, and to stop abusing such things currently. Saying the bug is way beyond broken is fine. It is. But anyone that complains about it while having abused broken mechanics or bugs in the past is simply an enormous hypocrite.

    Wasn't here for anything before mod 4, still doesn't excuse abusing a bug. Now, the grand majority of the things you listed are mainly balance issues rather than people abusing bugs. There's an inherent difference. To emphasize
    DCs who are using Geas, other DCs who evidently feels it's perfectly reasonable for SWs to do 0s against Astral Shield, but not their own DPS.

    Now, I don't use Geas as I'm dps and that's flat out counterproductive, but Astral Shield, unlike the SW bug, has a limited duration and an extremely limited area of effect.
  • edited May 2015
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  • edited May 2015
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  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    Well, I've fought against one and I can certainly tell you that considering the damage he could put out, the level of survival was far beyond acceptable.

    CWs shield? Nothing compared to what I witnessed. Now, of course, I'm using Barkshield, that hasn't been updated yet. But I've been doing pretty darn well against all the classes. So maybe if I had a Trans Negation, it would have been a closer fight. Probably not. I couldn't really damage the guy. My final attempt I figured I might as well stack some wicked reminder on him. Same results, whether 1 vs 1 or even if I had help, barely any damage done. He works through his rotation and down you go.

    No class comes close to this bug. The guy was sort of flaunting it as well. I believe he went 25-1 in the match. It was near the performance a BiS MI Saboteur would do against a weak team. This SW was going against reasonably strong characters.

    More people are using it, abusing(?) the HAMSTER out of it, and I have run into it myself. So now, ya, I'll say I was wrong about that. SW really needs some love though. Definitely broke when a class has to use such a game breaking bug just to compete because it otherwise really sucks.
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