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Basic Looting Etiquette for Level 60s

morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
When in PUGs for dungeons or the Campaign Skirmish, a decent amount of loot tends to drop. For some reason, people seem to think that they're the only players in the instance, and needlessly 'Need' on otherwise useless loot. They should be rolled on by everyone taking part in the instance. It's really not difficult to follow basic etiquette.

Put simply, you can get loot while still being a good teammate:
Enchants and Profession Mats are Need
Green and Blue equipment are Greed.
[Purples obviously Need/Greed as available to you]

That way, you have a chance to get ahold of any blue (or green trash) that drops, and you don't look like a selfish toolbag. Win-Win!
Post edited by morgonmgc on


  • quaffliciousquafflicious Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Basic etiquette would be to never loot anything on the ground that isn't blue or purple. That stupid loot window is the biggest cause of dungeons wipes I have ever seen. If you are in an epic dungeon looting everything on the ground, then you should just leave cause you are just gonna get everyone killed when they can't see what's going on cause you are looting in the middle of a fight and blocking their screen.
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    Sadly that is not the way the loot system has been designed. As compared to other MMORPGS, SWTOR and WoW being prime examples: the Loot system is kinda broken and in "any" dungeon the only way to get loot period is to Need on anything that doesnt say "Your Class Cant Use This", which I think is wrong in any case because when I play SWTOR or WoW or any other MMORPG it pisses me off when Loot Ninjas NEED on every single stinking piece of gear, but it seems this is the norm here and it's sad
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    Basic etiquette would be to never loot anything on the ground that isn't blue or purple. That stupid loot window is the biggest cause of dungeons wipes I have ever seen. If you are in an epic dungeon looting everything on the ground, then you should just leave cause you are just gonna get everyone killed when they can't see what's going on cause you are looting in the middle of a fight and blocking their screen.

    Agreed...I've almost wiped 4 times that I can count cause of that...gets in the way of seeing what I am doing. Usually I glance for a second then decide, but that second looking away is like texting and driving. That is all it takes to wipe.
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm willing to bet that neither of you have artifact belts or weapons yet. Not meaning to sound harsh but those things are a pain in the rear to upgrade, if "Needing" something instead of taking a chance with "Greed" gets my gear upgraded faster, sorry but you're just gunna have to deal with that. Also, if a purple drops off a poss that's for my class, even if I don't actually need it. Why exactly shouldn't I hit the "Need" button anyway when with a PUG? That's just silly, miss out on potential profit just to be a nice guy to some random people I'll never meet again? Nah, no thank you. Now if you want to get into a guild and do "Greed only" runs with your guildies, I get that, me and my guild do that quite often while speed running dungeons for profit. But that's amongst friends, friends whose gear upgrades and overall improvement will still benefit me because I will continue to play with them in the future. Which isn't the case in PUGs.

    Now quafficious is spot on though, shouldn't pick up ANYTHING until everything you're fighting is dead. Doing that just gets people killed or worse, makes them accidentally quit out of the group because the menus messed up.
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • groovyloopylougroovyloopylou Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I love looting. I know gold isn't so relevant at higher levels but I am in a position to help friend who start out with mounts and help guild mates with heal potions and kits etc BECAUSE I loot like crazy.

    I do however wait for the combat to be over before I pick up. I do wish they stacked it up and only need or greed when the team reaches a campfire and is out of combat. The window is annoying as hell even to me and I love my loot.

    Another solution could be an auto setting where you auto need / greed based on quality and suitability. When its auto set the window simply doesn't show or the window is put in a less visible place.

    Or even being able to set the need / greed on blues and above only in dungeons. Team vote it level. most would vote blues. That would eliminate a lot of it.
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    I had someone do that to me once and when I went to pass on the item, the game crashed and I was able to log back in pretty fast, just to find out that I had been booted from the group at the last boss. I was beyond livid. I had just run through Cragsmire Crypts to the very end some moron decided rather than fight I am gonna go around grab all the loot and the client crashed for some reason on me. And when I got back into the game, found I had been kicked from the group at the last boss.

    Something I wish they had was what Diablo III has. The loot is tied to your console. For example if you are running a game with a bunch of friends, they get their own loot and you get your own loot. Then you could sell it on the AH to players who may want it whereas you may not want it.
  • quaffliciousquafflicious Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have a belt and a weapon that needs greens. But I do not farm them in a dungeon. And even waiting to kill everything to loot wastes time. Dungeons are long as is. Now you have to wait for some looter to pick everything up so the group can move on, NO. Just, NO. You are in the dungeon for boss loot, seals and the chest at the end. No one goes in to farm greens and blues. If you are, then again, you need to leave.
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have a belt and a weapon that needs greens. But I do not farm them in a dungeon. And even waiting to kill everything to loot wastes time. Dungeons are long as is. Now you have to wait for some looter to pick everything up so the group can move on, NO. Just, NO. You are in the dungeon for boss loot, seals and the chest at the end. No one goes in to farm greens and blues. If you are, then again, you need to leave.

    some may not be there JUST to farm greens and blues, but if they're dropping, why NOT pick them up? Especially when you consider you can carry a great deal more greens and blues away from dungeons because of the loot overflow system. Not picking up the items is hardly a waste of time when you figure your spending a combined total of about 2 minutes picking up loot in a 20 minute dungeon run. Could always do what my guild does and designate one person to pick up loot. That way after we're done mopping up one pull of mobs, the main group can move on to the next pull while the looter picks everything up then catches up. It's not hard to Need/Greed on stuff with autorun enabled...
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • iowastatecycloneiowastatecyclone Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2015
    mrtehpuppy wrote: »
    some may not be there JUST to farm greens and blues, but if they're dropping, why NOT pick them up? Especially when you consider you can carry a great deal more greens and blues away from dungeons because of the loot overflow system. Not picking up the items is hardly a waste of time when you figure your spending a combined total of about 2 minutes picking up loot in a 20 minute dungeon run. Could always do what my guild does and designate one person to pick up loot. That way after we're done mopping up one pull of mobs, the main group can move on to the next pull while the looter picks everything up then catches up. It's not hard to Need/Greed on stuff with autorun enabled...

    Good idea... will have to propose this next run :)
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    Good idea... will have to propose this next run :)

    True but tell them NOT in the middle of a battle. Cant tell you the amount of times people do this and it blocks our view of the battle. Hate it when they do this
  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    As many others pointed out, looting etiquette in PUGs pretty much equates to "need on everything you're allowed to". Not only are you probably never going to see those people again, but unless you're waiting to roll last on every single item, there's no guaranteeing everyone else is going to Greed out of consideration for the other players in your PUG.

    Not only would you be missing out on a lot of potential profit, but you're basically giving it away to players who, for the most part, would very much take advantage of your misplaced morality. It has its place, but it's not too beneficial for your character's growth potential when playing with randoms.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    As many others pointed out, looting etiquette in PUGs pretty much equates to "need on everything you're allowed to". Not only are you probably never going to see those people again, but unless you're waiting to roll last on every single item, there's no guaranteeing everyone else is going to Greed out of consideration for the other players in your PUG.

    Not only would you be missing out on a lot of potential profit, but you're basically giving it away to players who, for the most part, would very much take advantage of your misplaced morality. It has its place, but it's not too beneficial for your character's growth potential when playing with randoms.

    LLMAO for anyone who is waiting for everyone to roll "Greed" on an item, just so you can roll NEED, they will be sadly disappointed.
    Because when you look at it you will see:
    Player A Has chosen NEED
    Player B Has chosen GREED
    Player C has chosen NEED
    Player D has chosen PASS
    which leaves you and oh darn...you're gonna have to contend with the other 2 who rolled NEED.

    And of course it's those same players who want to wait to NEED til the end who get so butt-hurt when they dont get the loot.
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    Not only are you probably never going to see those people again

    What a terrible argument. Whether you'll see them again or not is wholly irrelevant to common courtesy. In fact, your entire post essentially boils down to "screw other people over because they might screw you over". The entire point of this thread is to highlight a common issue in the hopes that people will stop having this exact mentality.

    mrtehpuppy wrote: »
    I'm willing to bet that neither of you have artifact belts or weapons yet.
    I do have an artifact weapon. I know they're a huge pain to upgrade (more than they should be, but that's a different discussion).

    However, I know that many people in Shores of Tuern, for instance, likely also have artifact weapons, so everyone generally has the same level of interest in an item. I just never understood how people could only look at other group members as a vehicle to get things, rather than being equals and working together. In my experience, the people who Need on things they don't actually "Need" (e.g. when you're lower-level and can actually get better equipment from random drops) tend to be the types of people who never even attempt to revive you when you're down.
  • rangerman25rangerman25 Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    What a terrible argument. Whether you'll see them again or not is wholly irrelevant to common courtesy. In fact, your entire post essentially boils down to "screw other people over because they might screw you over". The entire point of this thread is to highlight a common issue in the hopes that people will stop having this exact mentality.

    I do have an artifact weapon. I know they're a huge pain to upgrade (more than they should be, but that's a different discussion).

    However, I know that many people in Shores of Tuern, for instance, likely also have artifact weapons, so everyone generally has the same level of interest in an item. I just never understood how people could only look at other group members as a vehicle to get things, rather than being equals and working together. In my experience, the people who Need on things they don't actually "Need" (e.g. when you're lower-level and can actually get better equipment from random drops) tend to be the types of people who never even attempt to revive you when you're down.

    all the items I have rolled on are all "unidentified"...want to fix this...Cryptic needs to make them BoP and identifie
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Imo it's always good form to change loot roll threshold to rare or epic if you happen to be leader greens are just annoying.
  • quaffliciousquafflicious Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Imo it's always good form to change loot roll threshold to rare or epic if you happen to be leader greens are just annoying.

    Yeah...when you form your own group of 5 people. Once you join the looking for group, there is no way to change the loot threshold.
  • werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah...when you form your own group of 5 people. Once you join the looking for group, there is no way to change the loot threshold.

    That should be changed and available by vote...
  • arlequin13arlequin13 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Good idea... will have to propose this next run :)

    Our guild usualy makes the healer do it. Castle never is perfect for artifact belts. As long as the healer keeps an eye on the tank everyone leaves with <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> loads of items super fast.
  • dreampagehundreampagehun Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This is how I loot in Epic Dungeons:

    Everything that's green or even blue: PASS
    Enchantments: NEED (because I need them for refinement)
    Purple items for my class: NEED (no explanation needed I think)
    Purple items for other classes: GREED (so I can salvage them for AD because I need it)

    So I basically just try to get enchantments and purple items, I have no interest in anything else. Also, I've observed that pressing "Greed" almost certainly means that you won't get the item, simply because "Need" is preferable to the system. I hope this doesn't make me an unwanted person in a dungeon. :-)
    Guardian Fighter | Total Item Level: 2600+
  • yllenyllen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Very disappointed in some of the attitudes here. And would also like to point out an irony.

    1. It seems like the general consensus from experienced players is that new lvl 60s should do their time in lower dungeons, getting kitted out in Blues and then T1.

    2. At the same time, other experienced players (not necessarily the same ones I might add) are suggesting its OK to screw those players over and 'need' on items that could legitimately improve their GS.

    Personally I would be mightily annoyed if I got grouped with someone who needed on a blue or a purple that they weren't actually going to wear, particularly if I could use it.

    THAT. Is what Need was intended for. For when you're going to wear it. Not use it as raw mats for an upgrade.
    Wear = Need
    Sell/Salvage = Greed

    I will concede however that the insistance that everything is unidentified contributes to the problem.
  • yllenyllen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I hope this doesn't make me an unwanted person in a dungeon. :-)

    I think you have correctly interpretted the intention of the different options. This is the type of behaviour I would expect.
  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    What a terrible argument. Whether you'll see them again or not is wholly irrelevant to common courtesy. In fact, your entire post essentially boils down to "screw other people over because they might screw you over". The entire point of this thread is to highlight a common issue in the hopes that people will stop having this exact mentality.

    I get where you're coming from, but the bottom line is previous games have set the bar for the way loot is rolled on in pugs. You can try all you want to change the mentality of other players, but the people you're whining about are the same people who never visit these forums and will more than likely never see this thread.

    If something drops for your class that you legitimately need, the system is set up in such a way that if you're the only player of that class in your group you have a 100% chance of receiving it. If it's an offpiece (belt/jewelry) or an item for another class that you want to give to your alt, you roll as high as you're allowed to because everyone else has and always will do the same thing.

    I know when I carry through T2 dungeons I roll on everything I can, because I want some compensation for what is otherwise usually a waste of my time. When you PUG it's an acceptable and expected practice, and has been for longer than I'm sure you've been playing MMOs judging by how butthurt you are at something players like me have been dealing with for a very long time.

    Get over it and start Needing, because if you're trying to change the way people act you've got your work cut out for you. It'll take you years of petitioning and being a stuck-up self-righteous ******, and in the end there will always be people who just don't give a flying ****.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • tzarofkaostzarofkaos Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2015
    I only use "need" when it's asked. (usually rune,enchant,armor,ect..)
    Avoid stuffs that doesn't belong to my class.
    "Greed" is pointless for me,one day or another i will get stuff that i need.And i got plenty of time.
    I'm level 60,got + 11200 gear score (so far),got kick very often in dungeons but still i can progress and happy with what i already got.
  • grabmooregrabmoore Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This is how I loot in Epic Dungeons:

    Everything that's green or even blue: PASS
    Enchantments: NEED (because I need them for refinement)
    Purple items for my class: NEED (no explanation needed I think)
    Purple items for other classes: GREED (so I can salvage them for AD because I need it)

    So you play a DC and run FH the whole time I guess? Because each boss can drop DC-only epic gear?

    Do you know that each party on PC would kick you instantly, because you were selfish to roll need on epic gear?
    Those items are worth nothing and even (and especially) if they are worth something you take away the chance for others. Usually epics are worth less than the salavaging value. You should overthink your loot role!

    The most fair loot role is GREED on epic equipments, which are not bound on pickup, and NEED on anything else. Tested for nearly two years!

    Heroes of Darkness

    Retired since 02/15
    My opinions are my own. Please do not judge my friends nor guild for my statements.
  • shepardtheweakshepardtheweak Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i think some people pick up loot on purpose to get the rest of the party killed like trolling sort of, i seen it a few times, people being asked to wait till battle is over then they can go loot crazy but most never do they loot when there is fighting even more just to make everyone mad
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    You can try all you want to change the mentality of other players, but the people you're whining about are the same people who never visit these forums and will more than likely never see this thread.
    Be a catalyst for change. If you adopt the thoughts of this thread, and lead by example, then you'll have an easier time encouraging the people you speak of to do the same.
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I see a lot of flawed logic in this debate from some of you guys so I'm going to speak my pace through a scenario to try to make this easier to grasp.

    An item drops for my class. There is no one else in the group that is my class. Since no one else in the group is my class, there is no one that stands to lose any benefit the item could bring to them from using the item. Simply put, they can't use it, the game realizes this and disables thier ability to "Need" the item. So what could they then use the item for? Obvious answer, Vendor it for gold, salvage it for RAD, or AH it for AD. Well if I do not need the item for actual use, I could do the exact same thing, so why then should I give up a guaranteed profit for myself? To be a nice guy to a group of individuals that will likely not even notice that I rolled "Greed" when I could have rolled "Need" and regardless of which I choose, will most definitely forget me in less than the time it takes them to leave the instance and queue up for their next activity and just assume that the individuals in my group will do the same when they are in the exact same scenario? That's quite a bit far fetched and to be quite plain, just a silly assumption.

    Let's alter the scenario a touch. An item drops for me and there is someone else that is my class in the group that is the same class as I. Hell we'll go one step further and say that if they get the item, equipping it will improve their GS or whatever. You're saying I should basically "Greed" this item and allow them to "Need" it (basically pass on the item) because it wouldn't benefit me? But that's a rather flawed train of thought. If I "Need" on the item, me and the other individual both have a chance at getting the item. If I win it, sure I'll probably vendor/salvage/AH/refine the item. But that doesn't mean that I'm not benefiting from winning the loot roll. What else do you think i'm going to do with any potential profit gained from the item? I'm going to use the profit to improve my own character of course. So the item is still going towards improving myself even if it's not as direct as you may prefer for it to be.

    The "Need/Greed/Pass" loot roll system works as it's intended to work. There is no one being screwed over massively by someone who can "Need" on an item when that option is disabled by the game for others. And if it bothers you that much, join a guild and when you do dungeon runs, request for everyone to do a Greed only run. I feel like some of you guys are making mountains out of mole hills on this issue
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • arlequin13arlequin13 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    mrtehpuppy wrote: »
    I see a lot of flawed logic in this debate from some of you guys so I'm going to speak my pace through a scenario to try to make this easier to grasp.

    An item drops for my class. There is no one else in the group that is my class. Since no one else in the group is my class, there is no one that stands to lose any benefit the item could bring to them from using the item. Simply put, they can't use it, the game realizes this and disables thier ability to "Need" the item. So what could they then use the item for? Obvious answer, Vendor it for gold, salvage it for RAD, or AH it for AD. Well if I do not need the item for actual use, I could do the exact same thing, so why then should I give up a guaranteed profit for myself? To be a nice guy to a group of individuals that will likely not even notice that I rolled "Greed" when I could have rolled "Need" and regardless of which I choose, will most definitely forget me in less than the time it takes them to leave the instance and queue up for their next activity and just assume that the individuals in my group will do the same when they are in the exact same scenario? That's quite a bit far fetched and to be quite plain, just a silly assumption.

    Let's alter the scenario a touch. An item drops for me and there is someone else that is my class in the group that is the same class as I. Hell we'll go one step further and say that if they get the item, equipping it will improve their GS or whatever. You're saying I should basically "Greed" this item and allow them to "Need" it (basically pass on the item) because it wouldn't benefit me? But that's a rather flawed train of thought. If I "Need" on the item, me and the other individual both have a chance at getting the item. If I win it, sure I'll probably vendor/salvage/AH/refine the item. But that doesn't mean that I'm not benefiting from winning the loot roll. What else do you think i'm going to do with any potential profit gained from the item? I'm going to use the profit to improve my own character of course. So the item is still going towards improving myself even if it's not as direct as you may prefer for it to be.

    The "Need/Greed/Pass" loot roll system works as it's intended to work. There is no one being screwed over massively by someone who can "Need" on an item when that option is disabled by the game for others. And if it bothers you that much, join a guild and when you do dungeon runs, request for everyone to do a Greed only run. I feel like some of you guys are making mountains out of mole hills on this issue

    Totaly agree. You can always pass if you don't really need something but thats you just being a truly nice person. Just like in real life, don't expect strangers to be nice to you because you where nice to them.
  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    Be a catalyst for change. If you adopt the thoughts of this thread, and lead by example, then you'll have an easier time encouraging the people you speak of to do the same.

    You've hit the crux of the whole debate and somehow missed the entire point. Everyone has an equal chance at the loot that drops, and PUGs will never change no matter how hard you try.

    Furthermore, the console crowd is significantly less likely to heed any unwarranted advice you try to give, and like I said, there will always be those people who just don't care. You're asking myself and others to give up loot that we worked just as hard as the rest of our group to obtain (moreso in my case, because I'm a geared Cleric and an excellent player) on the longshot-shooting-backwards-and-blind-from-half-court chance that people won't just take advantage of the "example" we try to set and gank loot out from underneath us.

    You might do well in politics, but the gaming community has no patience for preachers of morality. PUG looting etiquette has been the same since WoW changed the ability to Need on everything no matter what class you were back in '04 or whenever it was, I can't be bothered to look it up. I prefer this system of looting, thanks.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Pointless thread.

    Running with pugs, I need on anything except for a couple boss drops.
    Running with my guild, I pass on anything except for enchantments. (unless I need the drop from the boss, than we discuss)

    Simple as that, for me at least.
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
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