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Has anybody finished T2?



  • edited April 2015
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  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    spideymt wrote: »
    Watch and think about it.... Learn when and how you can use skills. Think about to tank "different". Think about how you play your class and maybe respecc:

    No BIS gear btw...

    Cool, have you been to Kessels yet?

    Also, don't you think there is something wrong if you need KV GF on top of your normal tank to be able to complete dungeon? Honestly?

    Exploiting certain group comps isn't really the same as having balanced dungeons, don't get me wrong, I don't want them to be easy and certainly don't want then like they were before, but having 2 tanks in a 5 man group because dungeon is impossible to complete otherwise is a questionable balance design.

    Lastly, believe me, I'm not one of these narrow minded players who will keep trying single thing if it doesn't work, like a fly bumping against a glass window, I'm always trying to come up with best results and synergies the given group offers, but its not really possible if the game itself is badly balanced.

    PvE situation is still better then PvP one by heaps and miles.
  • syrickwolfsyrickwolf Member Posts: 102
    edited April 2015
    i beat tos without her ever transforming. and we only had a cleric at the final boss.
  • edited April 2015
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  • dfncedfnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    matiagronx wrote: »
    2 weeks after the new module and people cry for not being able to have EVERYTHING..... what kind of mentality is this?

    IT IS SUPPOSED TO TAKE YOU A MONTH OR EVEN MORE for being able to acquire all new epic equipment, what is wrong with ALL THE people? Anxiety, panic disorder, selfishness....GET REAL PLEASE
    Month? For some it took longer to get to 70 and complete 48 vigilance quests for MH than get all new epics.
    "When no appropriate rule applies, make one up."
    — (The unwritten rule)

  • syrickwolfsyrickwolf Member Posts: 102
    edited April 2015
    I beat Tiamat solo the other day, my cleric died so I had to drink some pots here and there
    please be more detailed. you lost tiamat we both know this. what you meant was you completed it and stayed in the action. otherwise you couldve stayed in spawn and said the same thing.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Cool, have you been to Kessels yet?

    Its not my vid, but i was very often in ToS and yes...i was in kessels too. Only 1 time with my guilde to check it. We dont need anything from kessels. So we only run eCC/ToS. But why do you ask? Wots the big deal in kessels? Still the same tactics. Mobs got insane hp and can oneshot you if you think red is the new healing crit zone. Endboss still the same tactic. Nothing new..
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Also, don't you think there is something wrong if you need KV GF on top of your normal tank to be able to complete dungeon? Honestly?

    Wots the problem about using KV GF? Honestly plz.
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Exploiting certain group comps isn't really the same as having balanced dungeons,

    Sry...exploiting? Explain plz. I dont get it.
    lerdocix wrote: »
    PvE situation is still better then PvP one by heaps and miles.

    Thats why i dont play PVP anymore. PVP in NW is the most unbalanced system i ever saw.

  • lowenduslowendus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Is anyone else getting invisible aoe'd or damage hits from out of nowhere when fighting the scorpions in ELOL ?
    This HAMSTER is p!ss!ng me off heaps.

    I'm 2 chars out of the cone while kiting the scorpion and I start taking damage as if some hurler is throwing HAMSTER at me.

    wtf is going on ?
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    spideymt wrote: »
    Wots the problem about using KV GF? Honestly plz.
    Again, you really see nothing wrong in need of TWO tanks for a 5 man group?
    How high are you?
    Sry...exploiting? Explain plz. I dont get it.
    The word doesn't have just the "bad" meaning you know, being forced to use KV to have a chance at completion, therefore exploiting one specific group comp or having a single class a complete mandatory because of a single skill doesn't mean the content is fine, it means its so bad that you are forced to go for one specific class for one specific skill each time, otherwise you'll fail. Simple concept really.

    Thats why i dont play PVP anymore. PVP in NW is the most unbalanced system i ever saw.
    There is no denying that. I sometimes wonder how I am able to find it enjoyable.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Again, you really see nothing wrong in need of TWO tanks for a 5 man group?
    How high are you?

    I link again:

    I only wrote about this vid. I dont see TWO tanks..sry. How high i am?

  • onegaki101onegaki101 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lerdocix wrote: »
    The word doesn't have just the "bad" meaning you know, being forced to use KV to have a chance at completion, therefore exploiting one specific group comp or having a single class a complete mandatory because of a single skill doesn't mean the content is fine, it means its so bad that you are forced to go for one specific class for one specific skill each time, otherwise you'll fail. Simple concept really.

    So you are saying if we bring a DC for healing with Bastion of health is exploiting because we bringing DCs for heals....
    I find ToS is the easiest of the T2s. Beaten it with and with out KV. Always had a tank and healer. It's all about composition and player synergy.
  • grabmooregrabmoore Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Cool, have you been to Kessels yet?

    Also, don't you think there is something wrong if you need KV GF on top of your normal tank to be able to complete dungeon? Honestly?

    I dualed Kessels endboss with my TR bro and me as DC yesterday. Both PvE specced, no exploits, Non-Heal DC.
    That's not impossible at all.

    On the other hand I agree with you, that the necessity of a Tank is lazy design.

    Heroes of Darkness

    Retired since 02/15
    My opinions are my own. Please do not judge my friends nor guild for my statements.
  • raydrootraydroot Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lowendus wrote: »
    Is anyone else getting invisible aoe'd or damage hits from out of nowhere when fighting the scorpions in ELOL ?
    This HAMSTER is p!ss!ng me off heaps.

    I'm 2 chars out of the cone while kiting the scorpion and I start taking damage as if some hurler is throwing HAMSTER at me.

    wtf is going on ?
    I have many times and it is worse with the Lostmauth battle. I believe it is a latency issue IMO.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Whatever guys, obviously we dont see eye to eye and thats fine. You think its OK for a tank with 180k HP, 65% DR and shields up to die from aggroing 4-5 trash mobs in tuern or kessel and I think that is problem. Period

    PS: whats funny is that Im doing much better in PVP than in PVE, yeah I can tank 5 players but I cant tank 5 undead in Kessel, go figure

    And that is why the difficulty is unreasonable. A typical encounter in any room -- in any dungeon -- will have five enemies:

    - 2 melee minions
    - 2 ranged minions
    - 1 tougher melee

    Any of whom can one-shot anyone but a tank. For the other party members to survive long enough to use their control/healing/striker abilities, the tank has to take aggro -- which he cannot survive.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    It should be doable with a queued group not just pre-made Teams

    They may want to put in a queue for Teams only...
  • edited April 2015
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  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thank you Thia Duskwalker, finally someone who gets it. I guess I can count on the laggy gamers to make sense


    16:21....yes yes...the gf dies so many times. Cant do anything to survive..count that ^^

  • b3llist0rb3llist0r Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    We did ToS on 2nd day after release. DC,GF,GWF,HR,CW. Guild premade with TS mod5-near-bis-eqip. 100% legit. Needed about 2,5h. After a few runs we did it very fast. DPS to phase 2 -> Kill spiders, block the heal-ray, protect the party -> Done.

    Later we tried GD and needed some time to understand how to use the red wolf as "calm emotions" spell ^^. The boss fight is really hard. The little archers are... brutal. The Stormcasters have HP... endless. We tried some pulling him here, kiting x,y,z but after 3 hours of experimentation we stopped it and promised to return a few days later with more time, HP and maybe another party setup.

    In the evening I tried CC. Dungeon is OK. But... I really have no idea how to kill the boss. The fight is chaos. Add spawn all the time. Archers hitting like trucks. To purge the field we activated the barrel and the ultimate-killing-rage insta-killed the casters. We had to synchronize in TS to use dodge, immunity frames, buffs and soulforged up-time. Our tank died by some hits through block. Killing the adds fast enough to do damage on the boss in between... all that ASAP to use the barrel not too much. Really heavy :-) No good fight for a GWF. The burning circles made it near to impossible to move while boss and even adds ignore them means the stand IN the fire and use ranged attacks. We really had no chance.

    I thought "Nice, first dungeon to farm and 2 dungeons on the list^^" ... a day later the bugs became public. Endless Ap, glitching CC and one-hitting bosses. Now everyone can "earn" the seals of the protector and the PvE content lost its challenge. The need for invisible walls is known since beta (CN!!). The other bugs were reported from preview. Their potential to ruin the game was known. Of course players can try to run it legit. But there is a BIG difference between running it legit because its the only way to get the seals, the fun, the experience and the success or running it legit because of being bored. The moment a dungeon can be done with bug using ... it´s dead or in other words I cant get satisfaction/fun/D&D-feelings out of it. And: Every +ä#§% can have a full T2,5 set now... thats not so important but reduces the challenge/fun even more. I had two days of PvE with A LOT OF FUN. Now mod6 PvE is done.

    Playing a GWF in T2 dungeons
    is not easy but possible. Even without exploits and the losmauth set.
    - Avoid bugged powers/feats/etc. (Weapon Master rank 4, Sure Strike main-hand feature, the list is long)
    - With around 100k HP a GWF is not one-shotted in 75% of the typical one-shot situations. For the rest you have a Soulforged and sometimes a rezz.. so it is.
    - Soulforged is mandatory
    - I play Iron Vanguard. Frontline Surge and Indomitable Strength for CC. Threatening Rush to rush and mark my enemy ASAP
    - IBS for damage (only encounter that does real dps... GWF encounters hit like wet noodles)
    - Daring Shout for control. When party is stronger i use the Hidden Daggers. Sometimes takedown (yes, for example in the Enemy Adv. Party in CC) -> Interrupt their AoE.
    - Do not play for the fuu##+ng paingiver list. No one cares for GWF-dps.. that is a CW-discipline^^
    - I play single-DPS style. Rush, mark, CC, DPS with sure strike, move, CC
    - If you have a tank, let him run in. Follow him. Focus archers ASAP.
    - Pop unstoppable after your first incomming hit. The temp HP are huge! If done right a GWF can stack enormous amounts of temp HP.
    - After going unstoppable if there are several mobs... draw additional aggro. Pick the heavy hitting slow ones.
    - Forget about potions. Avoid the hits. Most mobs have a animation for their heavy hits. Perhaps some sort of "charge-up". Step THROUGH them or around. Not backwards (front AOE).
    - GWF needs equip. No question. First I did was to bring the new weapon/off-hand to max. I am using radiant and dark in defense and I play a full CON (ex-PvP) build so I reach 70% ResIgnore without darks. So i stack a mix of azure and radiant for offense. Artifacts on ArP/Crit/ComAdv/Power/HP.

  • raydrootraydroot Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Has there been anyone to finish with a random solo queue?
  • angrymanagementangrymanagement Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    raydroot wrote: »
    Has there been anyone to finish with a random solo queue?

    The answer would be yes, some people have....of course that was probably because there was already a 5 person pre-made clearing it, and one of the members dropped, and someone got lucky, got their spot, and wasn't kicked.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    b3llist0r wrote: »
    - IBS for damage (only encounter that does real dps... GWF encounters hit like wet noodles)


    You play IV...take SM and you will see that the GWF is one of the best DPS classes.

  • b3llist0rb3llist0r Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I tried both. I said the ENCOUNTER powers hit weak! Especially in comparioson to other classes. The 40% buff from hidden daggers is sweet but the damage is low. Grand Fissure, Mighty Leap, Frontline Surge and so on ... wet noodles. Flourish is a bit better. I think most GWF players use 2/3 Encounter for buff/util and only IBS for damage. Most SM I see use DS/HD/IBS.

  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Back on topic: Killed the final boss in GWD. We found a couple of things to make the fight quite trivial. And that's still 100% legit. Will post the video later this week. Hopefully people will realize it's not that difficult but that it's just a matter of learning to play the game.

    I wish people could stop saying it's too hard but that they simply refuse to learn to play the game. :(
  • umt1982umt1982 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    I know of no one who has done it without a few of the exploits currently in the game, (hr, dc, pally)

    However, its not like every dc is trait-ed to use it (you have to pick a specific line, or spend points up to it) of which we will not point out details. In addition, you can further exploit it, by going a specific paragon and a offhand power (both of which I do not use atm to avoid it)

    Frankly this smacks of the time when another , un-named DC power allowed people to defeat mad dragon and castle never, all of which wouldn't have happened without that power.

    What I want is a generally re-scaling of some of this damage, to allow a broader scope of people to accomplish the t2s, they seem to have a hard time with this, either making it a blow through via power creep, or not winnable without certain exploits.

    Will people get to the point they can beat these if these items are fixed? Ya, but poeple are going to have to get pretty heavy gear score item level, in addition of not making any mistakes in some of these boss fights to do it.

    If the toned down the grind level of how many seals you need, you can farm some of the mini bosses and get your protector setup easier, allowing more poeple to finish bosses (in theory anyways)

    I have beaten all 3 without exploits. I know many others who have as well. To state no one can or is beating them without exploits is assinine. Yes, 99% of this games population are using exploits. I.E. AP bug (which btw there isn't any further way to exploit it, it is a set feat with a set offhand bonus with a set daily), eCC final boss bug or if you want to go in to individual class bugs, CW's using spell twisting bug or abyss of chaos bug, SW's 0 damage bug when using a specific spell on a mob, etc.

    I have utilized the AP gain myself but this depends on the party. I have very well geared friends, guild mates where I have no need for it but when I join a pug or even a random group from LFG and you realize they are all still green/blue geared..... Without a proper group there is no beating it without exploits. This can fall in to Cryptics lap as they made these dungeons as they are. I beat all 3 dungeons before ever knowing about the AP gain (back when it was triggered with Hallowed ground). It took an hour to beat the final bosses alone. So even when most can beat the duneons legit most won't for the time it takes to beat them. 2-3 (or more!) hour dungeon runs for nothing drops and 10 seals..... 50 for the first run of the day (why most will only do a t2 once per day).

    I have been one of the first people on the forums anytime I see a bug. When they fixed the AP gain with hallowed ground and I noticed it still worked with another daily I was here stating it so it can get fixed. When I noticed the HR bug with gushing wounds after they fixed the lostmauth set, I was here. You notice the one class they haven't touched at all, bug wise.... CW's. CW's can still bug lostmauth set with abyss of chaos and still bug their artifact CD's with spell twisting. I have seen GWF's able to bug with lostmauth set, end a dungeon run with 150-190 mil dps when 2nd has 80-90 mil (a well geared CW and the gwf apart from the lostmauth set had mostly blue gear with rank 7-8 enchants).

    They have known about all of these bugs months before release and here we are still dealing with them. They pick and chose what they want in the game.
  • umt1982umt1982 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    diogene0 wrote: »
    ToS is doable with no exploits or cheats. GWD and CC's first two bosses too. Final boss in GWD is a bit tricky to kill and blackdagger in cragmire is probably not possible to kill as it is.

    All 3 are doable, TOS is the easiest. CC without a tank is impossible and GWD jsut needs a DC with Geas.
  • umt1982umt1982 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Back on topic: Killed the final boss in GWD. We found a couple of things to make the fight quite trivial. And that's still 100% legit. Will post the video later this week. Hopefully people will realize it's not that difficult but that it's just a matter of learning to play the game.

    I wish people could stop saying it's too hard but that they simply refuse to learn to play the game. :(

    A DC with Geas and GWD is easy.
  • umt1982umt1982 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have posted this a few other places. Here is to hoping it gets around and people actually learn the dungeons. Pretty soon here they will have to as, I assume, the bugs will be fixed. The key to all 3 is teamwork and communication. Without teamwork or communication you won't beat them without an exploit.

    eTOS: 1st 2 bosses are fairly easy but in case your party isn't the best geared, Lure the first boss over the bridge or on the bridge and use a knockback/repel. No, you won't get any gear drop but will still get the seals. 2nd boss, lure to the stairs and if possible into the room before him (yes this would mean not skipping the adds in this room as everyone does). By luring him away from his spawn point it takes the adds longer to reach you when they spawn allowing your DPS/CC more time to kill them before reaching the entire group. As far as Syndryth, this fight NEEDS a decent to good tank with, IMO, 110k hps+ or 4 highly geared, focused DPS classes with good survivability and a focused DC. Best option is a good tank. When fighting Syndryth it is a must to kill the spiderlings (just as important is to stay out of the webs - red circles on the ground).

    eCC: 1st boss is fairly easy regardless of the grouping. With a tank it is even easier and with good DPS even more easier. With good enough DPS and/or a tank you can burn the adds with the boss. If neither of those you can lure him to the campfire (opening the door to your left when entering the room makes it a shorter trip). 2nd boss needs a tank unless you, again, lure them to the previous campfire. You can even skip this fight entirely if you have a TR or someone with a Cloak of Lesser Etherealness. 3rd boss NEEDS a tank. Tank holds boss (as close to entrance as possible) while everyone else focus' on adds. Archers and hexers mostly. When there are 4 or more red circles on the ground use the keg. If everyone else except the tank runs to keg the bosses super move (bounces from one person to another basically one hitting them) will not bounce to anyone except the tank. If anyone is close to the tank he will bounce away from the tank. This is the hardest fight out of all 3 of the epics (minus the bug).

    eGWD: First boss, while isn't necessarily easy, is simple. Focus on boss except when the adds spawn. It is key to kill the archers. Rest of the adds can be burned by aoe on boss. 2nd boss can be pulled into the room before him. If you can lure him out without aggroing the wolves with him he will not spawn any adds while fighting him. If you aggro the wolves or he spawns some just burn with aoe while tank has aggro on boss. 3rd Boss here is the only final boss a tank is not needed. As long as your DC has geas this fight can be won without a tank. Even with a tank Geas makes this fight so much more easier. Geas boss while he becomes immune (when he summons stormcallers). Whoever has boss aggro move away from everyone else when the red circle is at his feet so when he finishes summoning stormcallers he will attack you away from them. This is when the DC should use Geas as it is less likely to break. Then it is focus on the stormcallers. Best to kill the stormcallers before the red wolf. When he is at about 65-70% and 35-40% a group of adds spawn. Key here is to stop everything else and at least kill the archers.

    I have all 4 elemental elven pieces. I have done these dungeons enough. If you follow these guidelines it shouldn't be too hard finishing the epics. However, as I have stated a few times, teamwork and communication will be most people's biggest challenge.
  • jcktattoojcktattoo Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    why waste time trying t2 dgs ? or better why waste time with enverwinter now ? this game is dying Mod 6 ruined NW
  • grabmooregrabmoore Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'd like to see someone posting screens or vids of a successful T2 run with a non GF/OP/CW-group. A run without CWs would be ok, too.
    Seriously, the dungeons are beatable, but as long as CWs or OPs are needed, the classes aren't balanced.

    Heroes of Darkness

    Retired since 02/15
    My opinions are my own. Please do not judge my friends nor guild for my statements.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Self-explanatory discussion to the devs.

    What's the big pve problem in the past? For certain classes and players with relatively high gear and / or experience, pve is easy. Current discussion: for some classes and players with relatively high gear and / or experience, dungeons are made without major problems. for everyone else, requires a certain sacrifice or is simply impossible.

    is nice the idea to "i will have a hard mmo", really nice, but you can not simple up artificially and indiscriminately the difficulty of the game JUST to not do what is necessary to do...
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