Hey I think I finally understand others complaints now about endgame difficulty.
I went to Icewind Dale with my Paladin yesterday and wow is it hard. The normal daily quests are so hard they are basically impossible to solo.
My Paladin has 2300 Item level with over 70K HP, Perfect Vorpal, etc.. I play smart and use the right skills and rotation to stay alive and deal good dps. In fact every 5 seconds or so I have an encounter that fully heals me, plus I have an at-will slotted that heals me in huge chunks every second if I desire.
Yet, I could barely survive fighting two normal bears. I died several times until I figured out I have to use constant heals, then I managed to solo the two bears, but it took me several minutes. This is not only absurd, but it's intolerable. These daily quests are meant to be done everyday, solo. I asked around in IWD chat and everyone told me you have to join a guild and get help, or find players to group up with in order to do anything in IWD.
That is unacceptable. This needs to be fixed asap. How am I supposed to do my dailies and get IWD done? I don't have all day to seek out groups just to do dailies.
I know there are players that say this same thing about Sharandar, etc. But I solo'd through Sharandar and Dread Ring just fine. I did form groups to do the final dungeon's in Sharandar and Dread Ring, but the rest of the dailies were quite easy for my Paladin.
This is not the case at all in IWD, IWD is a completely fubar zone. Not only is it impossible to solo any quests, but the normal mobs are re-spawning as Heroic mobs all over the zone. You'll be quested to free four caravan people from bears, and the normal bears are nearly impossible to kill, and they hit like a mack truck dealing 30,000 hp or more with each paw swipe, and if that isn't bad enough, 50% of the time they are Heroic level mobs, that are impossible to fight solo, and will oneshot you.
Also I will say the quest in Neverdeath graveyard given by the Harpers for the dragons quest-lines, called Ghost Stories is very, very difficult to solo. I managed it on my Paladin but I cannot think the average class with average equipment could survive it. I have yet to do the quests they give in the other zones on my Paladin but I expect those dungeons will be equally hard to solo.
Something needs to be done by the devs to lower the difficulty of mobs in IWD at the very least.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
edited May 2015
I guess I can't go there any time soon. My test bed was the quest in the inn and I could not get through the 3rd wave. Yes, I solo and I prefer solo.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
ANY SOLO CONTENT HARD ON PALA ???? and how the f did u manage to get 70k hp @ 2.3k ilvl, i have 129k hp @ 2348 ilvl
how did u manage to make it hard on paladin ? when im running IWD on paladin its hard to not fall asleep since about the only thing that can touch my HP through templars is 10man HE, yes mobs do have a lot of hp for a low dps class like paladin, but smth like gwf blows them up in seconds
Ghost stories is hard only if you do it at low lvl unless they fixed scaling issues in the crypt, or you are playing smth like low geared warlock
also IWD is not meant for fresh lvl 70, when it was introduced it was 13k gs and few boons, imho they should put 2k ilvl and lvl 70 req on it, would reduce whine by a ton
Icewind pass is horrible, there are some super mobs which are tuned badly. I can solo the quests on my justice healadin but even with almost a full dps loadout, it's like watching paint dry. Even WoD, which is newer content is faster to grind.
ANY SOLO CONTENT HARD ON PALA ???? and how the f did u manage to get 70k hp @ 2.3k ilvl, i have 129k hp @ 2348 ilvl
how did u manage to make it hard on paladin ? when im running IWD on paladin its hard to not fall asleep since about the only thing that can touch my HP through templars is 10man HE, yes mobs do have a lot of hp for a low dps class like paladin, but smth like gwf blows them up in seconds
Ghost stories is hard only if you do it at low lvl unless they fixed scaling issues in the crypt, or you are playing smth like low geared warlock
also IWD is not meant for fresh lvl 70, when it was introduced it was 13k gs and few boons, imho they should put 2k ilvl and lvl 70 req on it, would reduce whine by a ton
I just hit 70 dude, this is my gear. It's all level 70 gear, with r7 enchants, i just dont have t1 or t2 armour yet. And add 1000 to my stats because this doesnt show my radiant ioun stone companion stats.
Even my guardian angel siphons off a lot of aggro, so survivability goes up a lot.
Oh, and don't go for Protadin before you have grabbed your boons :^D
I could try a differnt companion, but my Ioun Stone gives my character over 1000 stats in several categories including ArP which i need. And as a new toon I actually don't have any other decent companions.
As for Protadin, I don't know what that is. I build my own characters and don't look at the net builds. I am confident enough in this area. My Pally is a healer focus, not a tank.
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
edited May 2015
I run the "easy" area of IWD everyday
it is harder but not impossible
The mini dungeons in the "Rng" and "Well" they are mostly impossible
Until you have a full T1 set, I would go with a physical companion. Depending on the situation, I used the frost mimic for tanking or even a dog companion being striker and take down skill. I already used my war dog on an old toon long time ago.. so I used the damaran shepherd, which isn't that bad for being a white companion. Dog choices are rather.. limited. It actually gives you 100 crit now and it gets 2% crit chance. Either way, a striker could help kill things faster. Once you have a full set T1, then you can swap over to an augment.
IWD is certainly no where fresh 70 friendly. I tried it at fresh 70 and then left it alone for a while. I'd get some gear first and then come back, or you will have to group up to do the dailies. It's a huge setback to get boons done but depends on which you prefer, solo or group play, at least until they fine tune the game, which at this point is ??? time frame.
I find it oddly twisted that WoD and IWD are the only two areas where players can get so-called intermediary blue equipment - after blue random drops and before running T1 dungons (ideally, it's oviously not working quite like that for everyone). Eternal armor and upgraded BI armor are the only non-dungeon PVE-obtainable pieces (although BI has tenacity) that have an armor enchantment slot (do correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm knowingly counting out PVP currency items)
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
I could try a differnt companion, but my Ioun Stone gives my character over 1000 stats in several categories including ArP which i need. And as a new toon I actually don't have any other decent companions.
As for Protadin, I don't know what that is. I build my own characters and don't look at the net builds. I am confident enough in this area. My Pally is a healer focus, not a tank.
The corporeal companion halves your incoming damage. Apart from the wee occalional 10 second nap, which you can bridge with the power-heals...
Can your stat points do that?
Also: Sry. Prot(ection Pal)adin. Tank. Surely helluva guy in and the heart and soul of Dungeon parties. But soloing? Maybe if you really lke challenge, or have very affluent "friends in high places"...
The corporeal companion halves your incoming damage. Apart from the wee occalional 10 second nap, which you can bridge with the power-heals...
Can your stat points do that?
Also: Sry. Prot(ection Pal)adin. Tank. Surely helluva guy in and the heart and soul of Dungeon parties. But soloing? Maybe if you really lke challenge, or have very affluent "friends in high places"...
where do i find this companion?
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
edited May 2015
I find it awesome how some people are defending the difficulty. Can SOME people do them easily? Sure if they are geared high enough and/or have the perfect class. Leave the dungeons for the hard difficulty not the daily tasks that are done be a lot of casual people. Or don't. Just don't be surprised when a lot of those people stop pumping money into the game because it's not fun. But you hardcore people have fun with the 20 of you who are left until PWE pulls the plug because nobody but you is spending real life money on anything.
There is ZERO reason the existing campaign difficulty should have been changed. EE scaling up to 70? Sure. Why change Sharander, Dread Ring and Icewind Dale? For a lot of people they, at least IWD. were fairly difficult back at 60 and now they are just impossible for the casual solo player.
And yes I am one of those people who apparently don't "know how to play". Whatever. I'm fine with that. I'm also done spending money in this game unless the difficulty, at least on PREVIOUSLY EXISTING CONTENT, is set back to what it was. They ruined it FOR MANY PEOPLE with the scaling to 70 HAMSTER. I can't even do the Ghost Stories mission now in Neverdeath because I die in like 3 hits. There is a lot of other entertainment for people to spend their time on where they'd have much more fun that what Module 6 introduced.
I find it awesome how some people are defending the difficulty. Can SOME people do them easily?
Short answer, actually yes.
Longer answer. For me at least it's been dependent on class. I started mod 6 by creating a Paladin. At level 60 I started on Sharandar, Dread Ring and Well of Dragons not noticing any massive spike in difficulty. Cult Prison was roughly as difficult for my Paladin in mod 6 as it was for other classes in mod 5 and by that I mean I died a couple of times at the final boss. Never been much of a fan of IWD so I've not tried that yet.
To get some perspective I've since played my other classes and with the exception of my GF and CW, they get wrecked.
I've leveled a paladin as well and I've been doing IWD for a good two weeks now. I agree it is too hard for casual players and I can't really see how a non-tank paladin is going to solo this stuff. I haven't had too much trouble soloing all of the campaigns, the only things I've failed to solo are the WoD lairs but I've specced into DPS, as well and I find it hard to believe that support classes could solo most of it.
I'm not saying I'm a super awesome player but I've been here since beta and I play every class so I've got a pretty good understanding of what's gonna work and what's gonna fail miserably.
i have soloed it also. briggins tomb is much easier than reg iwd.
Just watched the video and am trying to figure out how there is so much damage coming from low end gear...? Even before mod 6 My HR had all rank 9/10 enchants, full draconic templar armour, 2 legendary artifacts and legenadary ioun stone and I never once broke 100k damage even with Perfect Vorpal. I was often in the top 5 of Tiamats end stats back then. Now with blue gear and the same artifacts, same p.vorp, double enchant rings/belts and both arti weapons, I still can not even break 50k damage during a crit. To me, either that character is OP'd from the get go or is using exploits to accomplish the solo effort.
Take the extra time to do the job right and it will never come back to bite you in the A**
Burtkaanc got that right, devs missed or forgot changing the "requirements", as he said, it isnt for fresh 70 lvl, some of us are wearing 1.8k item, it should had type as "+2.2k" or as "+2.4K" to survive Icewind daily quests.
When I was warning people on the preview feedback threads about being eaten by bears in Icewind Pass, very few seemed to even notice. Simply put anything in the pass requres a party unless you are ready to spend as much money as Lazaroth.
I don't see how the difficulty wasnt scaled back at all with all the feedback provided. even the easiest HE's in there require you too be geared too the nines or have a party. there is no solo play there anymore.
to make things worse. the Gear you MAKE from doing IWD (a level 70+ area) is level 60 gear. and THEN you have to farm for over 2-3 months to get the Rep + HUGE amount of ice (or pay $50 + more for gauntlets + better pick etc :O) to be able to start making the level 70 versions (which also requires other expensive to make / not easily farmed requirements)
I really dislike trolls. My Tank Pala has 2500 IL and 110k HP going upto 180k with Temp HP, DR is at 50% pre Negation. So anytime you feel like showing me how you kill regular bears in the Pass quickly and efficiently I'll be happy to tag along and observe.
IWD is not face roll easy. It wasn't face roll easy at the release of mod 5 either, it was hard then too. But hard is good. As we gear up feeling the hard stuff get easier is the only way we can feel we're progressing. Particular areas and particular kinds of mobs can be easier or difficult for particular classes and builds. If that happens I just go somewhere else for a while because there are plenty of other areas, then come back when my newb fingertips have become suitably hardened by calluses.
A nice thing about difficulty is long unused strategies, such as the dodge key, and companion abilities such as threat generation, are rediscovered in our quest to survive.
Should all the content be doable in our still wet new 70s greens? I don't think so. It's nice to have things to look forward to conquering. If we're elite and indestructible out of the box what's the point?
Not that I don't relate to your frustration. After the end of mod 5 dying in mod 6 is quite a shock to me. Just trying to offer a perspective which helps me survive.
Edit: Forgot to mention, if your using a stone be sure to throw some 70s gear on it. Makes a huge difference. If you can afford Binding runestones for its slots get them, the bigger the better. They offer relatively massive buffs. At 70 don't forget to add your 4th artifact if you have one. Apologies if you're way ahead of me on that.
I really dislike trolls. My Tank Pala has 2500 IL and 110k HP going upto 180k with Temp HP, DR is at 50% pre Negation. So anytime you feel like showing me how you kill regular bears in the Pass quickly and efficiently I'll be happy to tag along and observe.
Take any one non-augment companion. If you take an aggro-binding striker, the results are more predictable than with healers, but they work, too... ...a significant part of the reds will decide to attack your companion instead of you, thereyby (statistically) halving your incoming damage, as our companion gets it.
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
edited May 2015
IW pass is hard but doable
I have not gone into the mini dungeon so I can't speak to that
That said I have tried the Ring and all but the Illusionist is a killer for my GF
And the rewards are the same as when it was a cake walk
how did u manage to make it hard on paladin ? when im running IWD on paladin its hard to not fall asleep since about the only thing that can touch my HP through templars is 10man HE, yes mobs do have a lot of hp for a low dps class like paladin, but smth like gwf blows them up in seconds
Ghost stories is hard only if you do it at low lvl unless they fixed scaling issues in the crypt, or you are playing smth like low geared warlock
here go read this http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?915281-Leeroy-Jenkins!!!-The-Legendary-Hero-that-Neverwinter-deserves!-OP-Class-Guide and dont come back til you implement it in your build, all solo content on paladin is super easy, just takes a bit of time
also IWD is not meant for fresh lvl 70, when it was introduced it was 13k gs and few boons, imho they should put 2k ilvl and lvl 70 req on it, would reduce whine by a ton
I just hit 70 dude, this is my gear. It's all level 70 gear, with r7 enchants, i just dont have t1 or t2 armour yet. And add 1000 to my stats because this doesnt show my radiant ioun stone companion stats.
click image for fullsize
Even my guardian angel siphons off a lot of aggro, so survivability goes up a lot.
Oh, and don't go for Protadin before you have grabbed your boons :^D
I could try a differnt companion, but my Ioun Stone gives my character over 1000 stats in several categories including ArP which i need. And as a new toon I actually don't have any other decent companions.
As for Protadin, I don't know what that is. I build my own characters and don't look at the net builds. I am confident enough in this area. My Pally is a healer focus, not a tank.
it is harder but not impossible
The mini dungeons in the "Rng" and "Well" they are mostly impossible
IWD is certainly no where fresh 70 friendly. I tried it at fresh 70 and then left it alone for a while. I'd get some gear first and then come back, or you will have to group up to do the dailies. It's a huge setback to get boons done but depends on which you prefer, solo or group play, at least until they fine tune the game, which at this point is ??? time frame.
The corporeal companion halves your incoming damage. Apart from the wee occalional 10 second nap, which you can bridge with the power-heals...
Can your stat points do that?
Also: Sry. Prot(ection Pal)adin. Tank. Surely helluva guy in and the heart and soul of Dungeon parties. But soloing? Maybe if you really lke challenge, or have very affluent "friends in high places"...
There is ZERO reason the existing campaign difficulty should have been changed. EE scaling up to 70? Sure. Why change Sharander, Dread Ring and Icewind Dale? For a lot of people they, at least IWD. were fairly difficult back at 60 and now they are just impossible for the casual solo player.
And yes I am one of those people who apparently don't "know how to play". Whatever. I'm fine with that. I'm also done spending money in this game unless the difficulty, at least on PREVIOUSLY EXISTING CONTENT, is set back to what it was. They ruined it FOR MANY PEOPLE with the scaling to 70 HAMSTER. I can't even do the Ghost Stories mission now in Neverdeath because I die in like 3 hits. There is a lot of other entertainment for people to spend their time on where they'd have much more fun that what Module 6 introduced.
Short answer, actually yes.
Longer answer. For me at least it's been dependent on class. I started mod 6 by creating a Paladin. At level 60 I started on Sharandar, Dread Ring and Well of Dragons not noticing any massive spike in difficulty. Cult Prison was roughly as difficult for my Paladin in mod 6 as it was for other classes in mod 5 and by that I mean I died a couple of times at the final boss. Never been much of a fan of IWD so I've not tried that yet.
To get some perspective I've since played my other classes and with the exception of my GF and CW, they get wrecked.
I'm not saying I'm a super awesome player but I've been here since beta and I play every class so I've got a pretty good understanding of what's gonna work and what's gonna fail miserably.
Just watched the video and am trying to figure out how there is so much damage coming from low end gear...? Even before mod 6 My HR had all rank 9/10 enchants, full draconic templar armour, 2 legendary artifacts and legenadary ioun stone and I never once broke 100k damage even with Perfect Vorpal. I was often in the top 5 of Tiamats end stats back then. Now with blue gear and the same artifacts, same p.vorp, double enchant rings/belts and both arti weapons, I still can not even break 50k damage during a crit. To me, either that character is OP'd from the get go or is using exploits to accomplish the solo effort.
I don't see how the difficulty wasnt scaled back at all with all the feedback provided. even the easiest HE's in there require you too be geared too the nines or have a party. there is no solo play there anymore.
to make things worse. the Gear you MAKE from doing IWD (a level 70+ area) is level 60 gear. and THEN you have to farm for over 2-3 months to get the Rep + HUGE amount of ice (or pay $50 + more for gauntlets + better pick etc :O) to be able to start making the level 70 versions (which also requires other expensive to make / not easily farmed requirements)
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
You "found" this Vid? ^^. Interessting ^^.
its not quick, but it is easy
A nice thing about difficulty is long unused strategies, such as the dodge key, and companion abilities such as threat generation, are rediscovered in our quest to survive.
Should all the content be doable in our still wet new 70s greens? I don't think so. It's nice to have things to look forward to conquering. If we're elite and indestructible out of the box what's the point?
Not that I don't relate to your frustration. After the end of mod 5 dying in mod 6 is quite a shock to me. Just trying to offer a perspective which helps me survive.
Edit: Forgot to mention, if your using a stone be sure to throw some 70s gear on it. Makes a huge difference. If you can afford Binding runestones for its slots get them, the bigger the better. They offer relatively massive buffs. At 70 don't forget to add your 4th artifact if you have one. Apologies if you're way ahead of me on that.
its not quick but i dont see any problems here
Take any one non-augment companion. If you take an aggro-binding striker, the results are more predictable than with healers, but they work, too... ...a significant part of the reds will decide to attack your companion instead of you, thereyby (statistically) halving your incoming damage, as our companion gets it.
I have not gone into the mini dungeon so I can't speak to that
That said I have tried the Ring and all but the Illusionist is a killer for my GF
And the rewards are the same as when it was a cake walk