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A Message Regarding Neverwinter: Elemental Evil



  • dastardly740dastardly740 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Is +147 Power of the Deathsong Ring (Level 36 blue) really less powerful than +127 Piercing Ring (Level 37 green)?

    In any case the Seal Vendor equipment while leveling needs some work at least for the Paladin. I think one Seal of the Lion item was useful and it lasted maybe one level past when I could use it. The Seal of the Manticore looks a little better, but I have a Cruel Mace of Restoration (Level 38) which is quite a bit better than the Longsword of Doom (Level 38).

    I think the prices or ease of getting seals and the quality of the seal vendor equipment needs to be adjusted a little. Seal equipment seems like the kind of thing a player should work for and keep for several levels before being obsoleted by greens of the appropriate level. Double XP weeks are not really my thing because I actually enjoy the content created for leveling and like to have the various blue items I have acquired via daily dungeon keys, boss drops, or seals feel like good equipment that I worked for and holds up for several levels.
  • senseiwasdsenseiwasd Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Biggest Problems with Elemental Evil, Mod 6:

    Over Half the Dungeon Content Vanished

    No rebalancing effort, no effort to make it easier for folks to dungeon delve together, what-so-ever, is worth the loss of over half of the game's dungeon content. (And no, contrary to rumors, the dungeons do not come back at level 70).

    Removing the dungeons entrances from the world also breaks quest flow (never mind the frustration of following quests to dead ends - think you fixed that, but it just confirmed our fears that the dungeons were gone forever, and you still can't manually enter on those few dungeons that do still exist, even with a proper party).

    The requirement of 3 players, would be a boon, if not for the fact you don't have the option of bringing in the standard party of 5. Three players should be what you get with a standard cue, but if your party has 5 players, for the love of Helm, let them all go in! Otherwise you're just discouraging social play, which becomes a real issue later, largely due to the next problem.

    The Difficulty Curve be Broken

    When solo'ing...

    1-60 is pretty much cruise control now. (Indeed, having a party will cause you to fall asleep.)

    61-69 is the grind from hell.

    70 is slit-your-wrists impossible.

    With my all-blue+ gear 70 Paladin, I *might* be able to get through the Ashen Battlefield and reach Dread Ring in an hour, but I generally give up about halfway through. Suppose I'll have to wait for the day when I have enough level 70's together to do a party and raid the place, but that's going to be awhile. (And it'd just have to be among the buddies I have now, as there's no place for 70's to constructively solo - thus I'm not going to be meeting more people.)

    There's nothing more frustrating than having to hit a non-dungeon adjusted minion, several dozen times, to kill them. It kills combat flow entirely and ends all excitement - making every combat a chore.

    Combat should be swift and exciting, and over fairly quickly, unless there's a boss around, or one is otherwise dealing with an epic event designed for a swarm of players.

    Having open general areas require multiple players, just to be completed in a reasonable timeframe, when you have no solo areas, is just a horribly bad idea. You cannot force social interaction, especially while providing no constructive mingling areas. Folks shouldn't be forced to gather in teams simply to able to play. The traditional structure is: You have your solo'able open world area, where people may gather up, and you have some nasty generated areas, that require you to do so. The way you balanced out the level 70 campaign world areas, you've basically destroyed the award winning formula you kept throughout the rest of the game, and expect people to suddenly adapt, with no real incentive to do so, given the meager rewards, and how often these areas have to be repeated to get anything at all.

    I've kinda dropped this game since I hit 70, save once a week, realizing there's nothing I can do to improve myself in preparation for when I have a party available. Basically, there's no playing save for when your buddies are around on a pre-scheduled basis. Something that, without that solo area access, never would have happened to begin with, so people who are new to this game are pretty much boned.

    Companions: The one real problem

    While boosting pets was nice and all, you didn't address the real problem, and in epic dungeons, I still see people being kicked because you failed to do so: Out of combat, pets draw agro. This gets people into battles they do not wish to be dragged into, and said battles are enormously time consuming now.

    Basically, for all the new nastiness that companions are, we're still in a world that if you don't use an Ioun stone (or worse, are a Damnation Warlock), you stand a good chance of being booted from an epic dungeon party - and justifiably so, as every battle is now a major resource drain, both in time and health stones (since healing potions don't do anything), and an unexpected encounter risks a full party kill.

    Leaving the companions as the weaklings they were, and fixing this one issue, would have been preferable to boosting them like this and leaving it, as the team decided to do. They would have still been all but worthless, but they would have finally stopped being an outright BANE.

    Companions need not to draw agro, nor attack, until the player enters combat, period. End of so many problems... And *maybe* then people will like to have Companions in their epic dungeons, and they will no longer be vote-kick bait... and then, of course, people might actually then want to BUY companions.
  • dragonmanxczdragonmanxcz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    f2p can have still max 2 chars?
  • arsonall82arsonall82 Member Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    I haven't made it through all the posts to concur with anyone else, so I'll post my own views from a multi-main player. I am still playing, so don't assume i'm just a QQer, but I do have serious concerns, hopefully you'll listen and believe that silent majority is just resolved to take the unsatisfying and ultimately destructive nature of the game:

    you've destroyed multi character players. I used to play a main, and have alts that were able to be switched to better balance a group composition. the only way to level currently is to solo zerg your way towards 70 in old zones (i fear that telling you that normal Whispering Caverns and previous "story" content is much better to level through, even after you are past L60. your thought that "repeatable quests should not have as much XP as the one-time quests" doesn't make any sense: Sharandar, DR, IWD, WoD all have quests that can only be done once a day - they offer the same XP as 1 vigilance set of 4 offers, which is still 1/4 the value of the whispering caverns quests *per quest*! i don't understand how you advance through the 50s, then hit a literal wall of XP (it's 1.5 times the XP from 60-70 as it was from 1-60, but you're doing a minimum of 16x12 vigilance tasks to get 1/2 way to 70. this is all with 2X XP, too! it's even worse when you haven't doubled the XP. i don't have a problem with the amount of XP, but the rewards for super repetitive content is too repetitive for the value of the quests.

    the loss of weapon/armor enchantments until you get all the way to L70 due to such a drastic change in the gear requiring a character that has become BiS over a year of grinding the same content having to update gear from epic to rare almost instantly upon passing L60.
    Perfect World’s profits fell for 3Q, due in part to the performance of its operations in the US. In the latest financial report, during the three-month period ended Sep 30 2014, Perfect World reported ¥60.7 billion ($9.9 million) in net income for the quarter, 50% of the ¥120.9 million it earned in the same period last year.

    lets stop this from happening - your players are leaving because you feel you need to "make up" for financial mistakes, but your view of it is to increase profits, not increase playerbase - it's the wrong thought to have.
    It was mentioned that the sluggish North American result is due to the falling number of players.

    A very important aspect of this is your choice to begin further binding items that have no reason to be bound to character - I believe a majority of your player base would have been fine with bags binding to account - not allowing them to be sold once equipped - alts would still need new bags, but to straight up force players to begin buying bags because you've now added more inventory spam (how many refinement items do we *really* need here?! there's now 40+ items that get picked up that are not gear - you can only really use one potion, but you cannot filter out all the gear you *don't* want. please look at all other F2P games - there is seldom, if ever, the amount of "per character" purchases that you have. bind to account is how many of your items need to be - i will concede that you can probably get away with companions as bind to character (you have to make money locking some things, i get that, but inventory space? weapons? artifacts?) as they are very particularly for a certain character. the feeling that you don't want me to play more than 1 character is apparent - but I have a choice to make: abandon those characters (losing all the effort I have put into them, making me want to give on the game entirely), or play more than one character, but never get any of them to a point where they can do content, at least with the current way it's going, i'll not be able to set foot in a dungeon for 6 months. that's a ridiculous amount of time to spend above 60 but working on getting to a point where i'm not destroyed for average gameplay - i don't have the money to pour into the game (not that I haven't already spent close to $1000 on the game over the last 1.5 years) but something has to change - and your "message" about EE isn't exactly offering any reassurances further than "we know it's bad, but we'll fix it" but offer very little to actually show you know what the problem is, nor what your ideas for a solution are (like when you said M6 was going to be revolutionary...for WHO?)

    I propose you alter your way of locking things down - you've made sigils non-refinement, so basically if you put any refinement in them, you're wasting it. if you have multiple characters, it's not worth it to add anything to them, just leave them naked and use them to farm AD - it's not enjoyable - no one *wants* to make alt armies, but we're doing this because everything binds, making everything in the game inflated.

    you could make an AD sink to turn items that are bind to character bound to account (still cannot profit off of it/sell it/gift it/etc) so that you can at least combine the efforts of your crew to characters - you could add an AD sink by allowing skins to be removed from items. skinning an epic means you pay 50 AD to re-skin a new item (that's fine) but YOU LOSE THE ITEM to be use for salvage, backup, etc. i have a number of artifacts I have played plenty to earn them legitimately, but i either lose all the refinement of a currently equipped sigil if I remove it from my bar - after a certain point in a sigil's refinement, the "non-refinement" tag should be removed, the "bound to character" should be removed, or the RP into a sigil should be like a 10X multiplier. the point is, acquiring artifacts is appropriately possible, but the cost of refinement is outrageous to say you cannot use that refinement elsewhere - if everything is bound to character, and you lose refinement value in the process, then why are you locking so much down?

    I don't have a problem with the content being harder, but the level at which it is done is pretty unforgiving - if it takes longer to kill, fine, if they hit harder, fine, but a 2.1k SW is at least 1/2 as viable as a 900 OP, seriously, the glass cannon classes are no longer viable (this is a issue more of the SW being eliminated from any possibility to play in endgame- i have mine at 70, but i cannot imagine anyone being remotely receptive of allowing me to join a dungeon - i'm a liability to others right now.)

    the issue, as mentioned on at least one of the first responses here, is the abysmal stat distribution of gear - yes, it's simplified, where all gear has very similar names and standard stats - but adding more life to gear and no proportional increase in the other stats has made high HP, low mitigation options for most all classes.
  • archanarchistarchanarchist Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tousseau wrote: »
    So... his first act is to nerf the XP from the ToD dailies?

    ofcourse hes a dev.
    1 fix the respec token bug give those that used it and were unable to place r4 powers after usign it a fresh one(every char i used token on experienced issue none that i didnt use it on did)

    2 reduce the horific grind of the new zones 1/2 the number of vigilances double there exp, remove there timers its realy crapy to not only have to grind the same flavourless missions over and over but also have to wait for the pleasure if you grind to fast

    3 fix the broken CW sheild negation +30% tenacity gear +25% sheild on tab 80-25% mitigation leads to CW having perma 80%+ unmitigatable mitigation in pvp totaly breaks pvp havign a bunch of invincible wizards (chaotic growth ren spec) slapign each other and never going below 90% life

    4 remove items like tymoras enchants and others that have 0 effect on combat from effecting gear rating score

    5 put blue item drops back in to open world criters items not just enchants

    6 put the minstral fight on a seperate shard so it dosnt lag the entire 20-50 instances of spinward out everytime a group atempts it, making it take aslong as timer or fixing timer would be nice(it currently ends at 5 min remaining mark)

    7 fix negation enchant it curently offers a gwf more mitigation then all there armour combined and as mentioned above on a CW or a DC for that mater it can create a almost unbreakable tank, pvp used to be fast paced now its like watching paint dry if its a geared fight or if one person dosnt have negation they moeswell just go home.

    8 put gear drops in chests rather then just marks all your encouraging is the single most exploitable dungeon get run repeatedly and no other content played

    9 dont respond by making game grindyer because ppl complained the new areas are 2 grindy and go to older more flavoured content. i realy like the new maps i hate the missions and the lag from having a large open world encounter being tryed basicly 24/7 on some shard of map is just horible at least in well of dragons it was on a timer and you could have low lag times to get stuff done in.

    10 if this game is realy meant to be free to play and casual friendly dont put in gear that requires 10s of millions of AD worth of refinement to upgrade one character. if you joined today and wanted to pvp your looking at close to $1000 us to be similarly geared to legacy pvpers and for pve still like $500 to get enchants and artys to close to max rank, if you buy when its cheap and wait for double refine and discounts on coal wards.

    11 give people who didnt get to use the mod 6 code before you disabled it acess to the items, 1000s of bot acounts got to aquire those items over and over and most of the real players ive talked to didnt see the email till youd disabled code cataday 2.0

    love the combat system but this steady trend to korean style missions and gear aquisition is not casual or free to play friendly in the least. put yourself in the 1 hr a day gamers shoes they log in they do 8 vigilance misisons
    next day they log in do the same 8 vigilance missions, next day they log in and do the same 8 vigilance missions, all the while it has no decernable effect on the environment, the next day they get to do 8 very similar vigilance missions in s slightly differnt area of the map.... how many days are they going to find that interesting for?
    ps i have no issue with the dificulty rating all the pugs ive made that didnt get laged out finished Elol kessels ect and only one of my chars took off there old gear so i did that with 30k hps and almost no mitigation on 2 of them my cw has sheild on tab so she tanks like a beast but tr and gwf have pretty much no mitigation. its the mind numbing grind thats dificult and lag, without lag the fights are fun chalenging but quite easly defeatable with 2kgr. and for the record ive stoped even bothering to refine gear i dont buy coal wards or zen to buy AD to buy refinement items off AH, i dont have $1000 dollars to spend on each of my 15 chars and i dont feel like picking a main, i did have a main but the new gear puts all chars at same level, what i have refined i swap from char to char that can be swaped. if you want me to invest more money you need to make it look less like a bottomless pit that im tossing it into.
    i used to buy ever pack founders fey ect to support the game because i love the combat system and i tend to play mostly cryptic games ever since city of heroes. im just lucky i made soem greaters(weapon enchants) in first few months still the only greaters i have and i would of easly invested $1000 dollars over the years few 100$ in champions $1000 or more into startrek

    I know perfect worlds profit margins have halved since 2013 but making the most profitable f2p game into a korean grind pay to win game is not the answer D&D fans require more mental stimulation then that, most have familys and not unlimited time also
    anyways thats my 2 cents i may be wrong its posible everyone was just waiting for more mindless grind but i think at least some were looking for some new content or at least not having all the stuff they had grinded rendered useless due to rebalancing stat curve.
    ps having to wait for the pleasure to grind is also anoying whenever i do spinward i have to go spend 1/2 a hr at a camp fire after i finish the first cycle of vigilances. please please make them 8 of 8 and double the exp people would still do most of the asociated "content" they would just feel it was a little less mind numbing and repeditive.;)
  • archanarchistarchanarchist Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    you only have to do spinward rise to get the arty mainhand, i dont bother with any of the other zones anymore i did them all atleast once on one char or enuther once was enuff was 2 repeditive reminded me of silk road. with double exp it will take you from 66-70
  • edited April 2015
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  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Does anybody know why they closed the Tiamat treasure in Mod v6. Claimes it's 100 per cent full until next reset. Never seen that before....
  • edited April 2015
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  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have played plenty of MMOs in my time. What has always killed me was the grind to level, the grind to achieve gear, PvP trolls (in those that were open world PvP), and the live to play dedication some games required. The leveling grind here is nothing compared to one that had 1-100 - Veteran status - 1-100 again - and finally Expert status (probably had plans for another 1-100 and then Master status). That doesn't make it a non-issue, just a bit of perspective needed.

    The problem with grind is the constant repeat of the same old thing, over and over again. Boredom kills it. In this game, though, it really isn't that much of an issue. It is adaptable. The issue with the 60-70 leveling, if you don't have sub-60 areas left to complete (Hotenow to Whispering Caverns will only get you to around 66 if you do all quests and fight all mobs between you and the objectives), is that the new area Vigilance quests can only be taken 4 at a time, repetitively over-and-over again in the same areas. It is such a boring activity that I switched to alts this weekend and completed the old story line quests from Hotenow to Whispering Caverns on two characters back to back. Without getting bored. The new leveling areas need to take on a quest system similar to the old 1-60 leveling areas.

    The difficulty should not be an issue, really it should be a welcome thing. The problem I seem to see in reading others' comments is that the scale is way too high. Low-end minions (trash mobs) should not be hitting as hard as they do, it feels like some of my characters are now the same as the scripted to die civilian NPCs you see across your leveling experience. I thought we were supposed to be the favored heroes of a fantasy game, not extras in a horror movie. Really though, all this talk of needing the new gear with all its added HP to level out that damage so build and strategy is now more viable is actually wrong. It should not need all this HP from items to survive.
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  • matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Tymora's Lucky Coin broken too. If there is an AP bugged DC, the affects of the coin get cancelled. The timer on the coin simply resets in a few seconds and the bonus to any stat is instantly zero.

    Please scale the difficulty back, PUG runs are a nightmare, i keep getting head aches. Most people can't do even VT. I was there about 20+ times yesterday, had no luck with PUG team mates. Most died on the spawn point or couldn't advance from the first campfire. Not that hard, but as it seems hard enough for 90+% of the people and this shouldn't be so, since other more skilled players have to rely on team too.

    IWD still useless, 1 shot trash Mobs, as a solo player you can't gather the required Black Ice to forge the PVE gear. Solo game is nearly dead, holding each other hand doesn't work.
    The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
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    The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
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  • akeel3akeel3 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Lets start after leveling 3 chars to 70 from 60 (most were +14 k+G.vorpal...etc),I found these points about MOD 6

    1-repeatitive quest for lvling (almost 200 quests for getting lvl 70)..ends with off hand -main hand weapons lvl 70
    Com:[COLOR="#00FF00"]u dont need making very boring quest and torturing players for giving them new weapons that should be fun and enjoy trip for players(if they r pay 2 win players or free 2 play) its a game[/COLOR]
    2-NEW artifacts and weapons ench...more DMG
    Com If u want to push players for buying refine points and wards instead of ages of grinding for getting max lvl ..i m not paying for getting same artifacts with same animation ..only stats be double
    3-zones and dungnes +70 have adds "normal" that can kill u with 45k heath by 1hit !!!!!!!! and ur dmg with that gears still same dmg almost..cant see the point behind that!!!!!!
    4-removeing bonus from gears ..its most ridicules decision u mad beside the 3 above
    continue with those mod 6 points and many players will stop pay and play this game
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    About the grind and broken things of mod6. I am slowly leveling alts to 69. I did the 60-69 areas ONCE on one character. So I mainly level the others by playing pvp. To 69. ONCE the multitude of bugs with every single aspect of the game are fixed, I will get each character to 70, and knock out the spinward line of grind as quickly as possible. Insane grind, broken character progression...it just doesn't make a lot of sense to delve too deeply into the "new" waters. They are tedious and incredibly dangerously buggy. Not breaking my toons on poorly developed content, nope.

    So maybe an answer is slow and easy rather than rush to 70. Mod 6 was rushed and put in in an unfinished state. Why the hurry to stress the hell out of a weak system that is currently held together with rubber bands and duct tape?
  • charandicharandi Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Does anybody know why they closed the Tiamat treasure in Mod v6. Claimes it's 100 per cent full until next reset. Never seen that before....

    Its not like Tiamat gets killed anymore anyway...
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tousseau wrote: »
    Last patch... resets once a week now...

    Then it's to keep people from buying Eternal Gear. That's the one solid source of Dragon Fang.

    Interesting that they have to rush to add new changes to the Dragon Horde and slash ToD Daily XP on the first patch while they are letting us beta test their new game. From a player perspective, there are more serious problems here.

    I've been wanting to get a new mount and an Ioun Stone, but things no longer feel very long term. I just had a bunch of equipment trashed.
  • snafu1971snafu1971 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have noticed that if i go into and area where the difficulty has been increased, i get killed instantly or almost instantly. making me not really want to play anymore and i hate to leave a game i have put money into very recently. I hope that something will be done to better balance the game as right now my higher level characters are all but useless.
  • juanlu311juanlu311 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Gf shield doesn't work if the enemy hits you from above or below, it doesn't work in 3 dimensions. Also the angle of blocking is to small, the enemies constantly hit you from the sides. Make the angle 200 degrees at least and make it work in 3D.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Then it's to keep people from buying Eternal Gear. That's the one solid source of Dragon Fang.

    Interesting that they have to rush to add new changes to the Dragon Horde and slash ToD Daily XP on the first patch while they are letting us beta test their new game. From a player perspective, there are more serious problems here.

    I've been wanting to get a new mount and an Ioun Stone, but things no longer feel very long term. I just had a bunch of equipment trashed.

    I still have all of my pre-mod-6 equipment sitting in the bank. With the difficulty so stupid-hard today that it's obvious that something has to change, I'm keeping every possible base covered. At this point anything could happen.
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  • gphxgphxgphxgphx Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My initial impression of mod 6:

    'I just want to get back to what I've been doing. What's new in mod 6?'

    'Did you hate having to kill hundreds of dragons per character? Now we're going to make you do what's
    essentially the same new quest 192 times in a row per character!'

    'After that's all done can I get back to what I was doing?'

    'Yes, except now it's a lot harder! And you still have to kill hundreds more dragons per character!'

    'But I can get back to doing my favorite dungeons and stuff, right?'

    'No, we took a lot of them out of the game!'

    'What do I get in exchange for all this?'

    'You get the same artifact equipment you had but with new adjectives in front of them, zero rp, and the skill rerandomized! You'll get other new gear too, sometimes with zero stats and/or undocumented features!'

    'Then I can get back to what I was doing?'

    'Yes, provided you can assign your character points and a bug hasn't rendered your character
    completely unplayable! Don't you just love the new mod?!?'

    It's nice to feel there's someone in charge of the team who isn't the counterparty to the above
    conversation and who can take an objective look at the mod. Releasing this kind of statement
    is likely the most confidence inspiring initial action which could have been taken and I'm looking forward
    to good things in the future.

    All that said the above conversation could also apply to most mods in most games and in a few
    months I expect to progress into the new mod and for it to be as comfortable as the old one was.
    When mod 5 first came out the new areas were tough and I hated them. As I geared up they
    became easier and I grew to love them but I also ran out of goals and things to do. The new mod
    restored having goals and things to do just as did mod 5. In the end that's all that counts to me and
    for that I'm very grateful despite the inevitable bumps in the road.
  • khaymanbb1023khaymanbb1023 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    One word that we are all used to, are accustomed to, and actually expect: "DAILIES". Now that Spinward is finished, we're level 70, what dailies do we now have? What is going to be our desire to log in each day and play, to grind, to work up towards? Currently, there is none. There was no campaign progression with this new release, nothing to work at daily for several weeks to achieve. Just level 70. Now there is only dungeons to get the new Seals or pvp or Glory. Well of Dragons grind is basically over, as all the gear achieved there is basically useless now. We don't grind for experience points any more, because we've maxed out our levels. The rewards for filling our experience bar is so minimal that it's not even worth trying (a peridot???). I love this game, will still play this game, and understand this is just a woefully disappointing module that will eventually be fixed, but will our voices be heard? I play for about 30 minutes to an hour before work, then for an hour or two when I get home. I can't jump into a 45 minute dungeon every morning without taking the chance of quitting so I can jump in the shower, so I'm just doing the two new seed quests (really should be four), and my dragon daily, popping off professions, and leave. Evenings I'm logged in, but kind of lost. What to do? What to grind? The multitude of quests in the new areas? Why? For what rewards? There are none, so I'll stay out of those. Just basically chatting with guildies, reading zone chat, and watching tv. One good thing this new module has done, I'm paying a bit more attention to my kids :)
  • flamesorflamesor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    snafu1971 wrote: »
    I have noticed that if i go into and area where the difficulty has been increased, i get killed instantly or almost instantly. making me not really want to play anymore and i hate to leave a game i have put money into very recently. I hope that something will be done to better balance the game as right now my higher level characters are all but useless.

    It's not just those level 71-73 zones. I can't even do simple foundry's without getting one-shot by 3+ mobs converging on me and all critting at the same time. It's an instant death for my CW even on the easy mobs. If there is more than one difficult mob in the pack I basically stand no chance. The only content I can currently do without dying repeatedly on are the two minsc assisted quests. So I've been doing those and waiting to see if they are going to do something about the overwhelming mob damage.
  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I can no longer do any of the Dread Ring's daily dungeons except the Lord of illusion.

    I find that very sad.

    I always had trouble with the ones in the "Well" but I could make it through


    The Dragons... the most I have gotten through is3 most times it is one.

    I know they will fix it but they really need to rethink this

  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I love the mysterious damage that I suddenly suffer. No animation showing them take a swing at me, or throwing something at me... usually not even any red numbers coming up.. more like they get close-ish, and I'm suddenly down to half my HP.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • edited April 2015
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  • parrish90parrish90 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I was thinking of getting back into this game, but after reading this thread, I realize this is clearly the wrong time to pick this game up again. Hopefully things will improve, although I have noticed that with most F2P games, game design is heavily influenced by the cash shop. This game already has a heavy-handed cash shop presence, so I would think that certain design decisions that push players towards spending AD/Zen are not going to improve.

    As a player attempting to return, the chaos I pick up from this forum and others just doesn't encourage me to spend the time to get up to speed. I do wish everyone devoted to this game good luck.
  • edited April 2015
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  • arakk00arakk00 Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Again, please focus on fixing the SW class. Rolling back all the nerfs to the class itself (except TT) would be a good start. Then look at buffs/changes to compensate the loss of Lifesteal and Accursed Diabolist, for entry-level players without stupid powerful gear/enchants.
    A <Friendly Dragon>!
  • matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I love the mysterious damage that I suddenly suffer. No animation showing them take a swing at me, or throwing something at me... usually not even any red numbers coming up.. more like they get close-ish, and I'm suddenly down to half my HP.

    Yep, can confirm it too. Leveled a Pali to complete my collection of classes and he had constantly wounds caused by death and death penalty, but he wasn't dead ever. Had to use a med kit each time. I mean what the hell, now leveling is broken too?! Oh boy i better don't say anything...
    The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
    Robert E. Lee

    I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
    Winston Churchill

    The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
    David Icke

  • psycotron510psycotron510 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    can some one tell me where in this new mod will it explain what the hells going on and how you even play this story line? all i have done is go to the new zones and grind my *** off for what seems like nothing. whats the goal? what am i doing? how do i get a main hand? who knows all i know is grind.
  • geoffreysgeoffreys Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ofcourse hes a dev.
    1 fix the respec token bug give those that used it and were unable to place powers after usign it a fresh one(every char i used token on experienced issue none that i didnt use it on did)
    2 reduce the horific grind of the new zones 1/2 the number of vigilances double there exp, remove there timers its realy crapy to not only have to grind the same flavourless missions over and over but also have to wait for the pleasure if you grind to fast
    3 fix the broken CW sheild negation +30% tenacity gear +25% sheild on tab 80-25% mitigation leads to CW having perma 80%+ unmitigatable mitigation in pvp totaly breaks pvp havign a bunch of invincible wizards (chaotic growth ren spec) slapign each otehr and never going below 90% life
    4 remove items like tymoras enchants and others that have 0 effect on combat from effecting gear rating score
    5 put blue item drops back in to open world criters items not just enchants
    6 put the minstral fight on a seperate shard so it dosnt lag the entire 20-50 instances of spinward out everytime a group atempts it, making it take aslong as timer or fixing timer would be nice(it currently ends at 5 min remaining mark)
    7 fix negation enchant it curently offers a gwf more mitigation then all there armour combined and as mentioned above on a CW or a DC for that mater it can create a almost unbreakable tank, pvp used to be fast paced now its like watching paint dry if its a geared fight or if one person dosnt have negation they moeswell just go home.
    8 put gear drops in chests rather then just marks all your encouraging is the single most exploitable dungeon get run repeatedly and no other content played
    9 dont respond by making game grindyer because ppl complained the new areas are 2 grindy and go to older more flavoured content. i realy like the new maps i hate the missions and the lag from having a large open world encounter being tryed basicly 24/7 on some shard of map is just horible at least in well of dragons it was on a timer and you could have low lag times to get stuff done in.
    10 if this game is realy meant to be free to play and casual friendly dont put in gear that requires 10s of millions of AD worth of refinement to upgrade one character. if you joined today and wanted to pvp your looking at close to $1000 us to be similarly geared to legacy pvpers and for pve still like $500 to get enchants and artys to close to max rank, if you buy when its cheap and wait for double refine and discounts on coal wards.
    11 give people who didnt get to use the mod 6 code before you disabled it acess to the items, 1000s of bot acounts got to aquire those items over and over and most of the real players ive talked to didnt see the email till youd disabled code cataday 2.0

    love the combat system but this steady trend to korean style missions and gear aquisition is not casual or free to play friendly in the least. put yourself in the 1 hr a day gamers shoes they log in they do 8 vigilance misisons

    next day they log in do the same 8 vigilance missions, next day they log in and do the same 8 vigilance missions, all the while it has no decernable effect on the environment, the next day they get to do 8 very similar vigilance missions in s slightly differnt area of the map.... how many days are they going to find that interesting for?
    ps i have no issue with the dificulty rating all the pugs ive made that didnt get laged out finished Elol kessels ect and only one of my chars took off there old gear so i did that with 30k hps and almost no mitigation on 2 of themmy cw has sheild on tab so she tanks like a beast but tr and gwf have pretty much no mitigation. its the mind numbing grind thats dificult and lag, without lag the fights are fun chalenging but quite easly defeatable with 2kgr. and for the record ive stoped even bothering to refine gear i dont buy coal wards or zen to buy AD to buy refinement items off AH, i dont have $1000 dollars to spend on each of my 15 chars and i dont feel like picking a main, i did have a main but the new gear puts all chars at same level, what i have refined i swap from char to char that can be swaped. if you want me to invest more money you need to make it look less like a bottomless pit that im tossing it into.
    i used to buy ever pack founders fey ect to support the game because i love the combat system and i tend to play mostly cryptic games ever since city of heroes. im just lucky i made soem greaters(weapon enchants) in first few months still the only greaters i have and i would of easly invested $1000 dollars over the years few 100$ in champions $1000 or more into startrek

    Exactly this. They keep trying to incorporate a monetization model from other markets that clearly do not work in the west and are very off-putting.

    The more they do this, the more they will loose the player base. I certainly have no intentions of playing this game again until these practices change. As an example, turning bags that were account bound, to single character only. Clearly a cash grab.
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