Where do you find time to continually post on the forums with your 30 hours a week gameplaying, burkaanc? Plus make nifty avatar pics defending Cryptic? Do you have a job?
yes i do, and as long is i do my job well and users dont destroy everything they touch i have a lot of time to post
and i dont defend cryptic for the sake of defending them, i only defend them when they are right, and i dont want them to waste time nerfing content because its too hard for some "special" ppl who cry about the difficulty at the same time refusing any advice that would make things easier for them, when they could be doing something more useful, like fixing broken feats and features, bugged skills, dealing with lag and any of the 658925298 bugs in this game
Paladin Master Race
magnusolamMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 82
they decide to not put effort in gearing up, they do not put effort in their builds, they do not put effort in their gameplay, What people should not do is cry about content being too hard when it lies within their control to choose to gear up, work on their builds and skills to make it less hard.
And, generally, they do all that but on their own time scales. Remember :
If it ain't fun they won't play.
If they don't play they won't pay.
If they don't pay, you won't play.
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
P.S.: @your sig:
If you believe this maybe you need some advices in the game? ^^
Yes, I know this. However, there is no better place to get XP to make it to level 70, especially now that they nerfed the ToD dailies' XP.
I've leveled two characters by doing the entire EE content. There are others in my guild who have refused to step foot in the "new" areas and they're still working on getting one character to level 70.
So there is sort of a "big picture" thing going on here, and if you have a problem with my sigline, or anything else, I invite you to p!ss off.
As the tread is about solo content and not dungeons (which are supposed to be harder and require a team), there are many people who felt quite happy with the challenge level pre mod6 in Sharandar and Dread Ring,myself included. My wife and I had to team up to run dailys in WoD and still the jailer gave us a hell of a time.
Now I'm still doing Sharandar, but struggling and it's beyond being fun for me any more. I expect a challenge from bosses, not from every minion on the map. I have completed all the EE quests, made 70 gotten my main and off hand weapons, and followed the path provided using the gear provided. Is the content doable yes, is it fun, not for me at the moment. Now what level of challenge is fun depends on the person, but obviously there are a lot that are likewise upset. Yes we may all be horrible players, but many of us up until now have paid and contributed to the game, and would like to see our patronage reciprocated with the ability to enjoy the game as we did.
I have 4 mmos loaded onto my PC. NWO used to be my favorite and the one I spent the most time in, that is no longer the case. I still go in and do a little each day but only for an hour or so until I'm burned out with it now. My wife has given up on it all together, and she is the one who spent most of the cash on cosmetics, mounts, and pets.
We don't want to nerf T2 dungeons, and ruin anybody end game challenge, we would just like to have the solo content we enjoyed before restored to a level we can enjoy again.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited April 2015
Pre-mod 6 Shar and Dread Ring were a joke, some challenge was needed, but not going overboard, like dying in 1 second allowing quicklings to surround you.
And, generally, they do all that but on their own time scales. Remember :
If it ain't fun they won't play.
If they don't play they won't pay.
If they don't pay, you won't play.
some will quit, others will replace them, some ppl who left because of lack of challenge will come back.
+ the whales are usually above average players(at least the ones i know) so neverwinter might even be getting more of them, and that would be financially better
Paladin Master Race
magnusolamMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 82
some will quit, others will replace them, some ppl who left because of lack of challenge will come back.
+ the whales are usually above average players(at least the ones i know) so neverwinter might even be getting more of them, and that would be financially better
And remember :
If it ain't fun they won't play.
If they don't play they won't pay.
If they don't pay, you won't play.
to add to magnusolam's quote.
if it ain't fun, they wont play
if they dont play, they dont pay
if they dont pay, you wont play
added, as if they dont pay, devs and management team lose the jobs and get laid-off.
anyway, no one likes it, only except small niche group who get "jollies" when other players suffered playing hardcore, if anyone want playing hardcore, then they should go play Wizardary online, when characters dies, death is perma and lose everything.
let me tell you what really happen years ago, i played Dungeon and Dragons, with varied DMs, most were fun and more socialble, except one guy that we all hate and we all walk away after starting scene and frustrations, he killed half of our group in the first room with strange puzzle that no one in the group could figure out, no lever, or any item, just bare room with pillars, no next door, except a water canal (wich was a deadly trap that took half of group).
there was no glyphs or runes, so we decided to call it quits.
devs should know this situation, games are meant for fun for ALL, not some niche minority, even it is said "MMO", but it doesnt say "Must be groupings", many other players who got fed up with pugs (not those poor lovable dog with sad eyes), we had faced mean players who ruined by making them to lose, or get kicked before looting the chest rewards, or griefed or too greedy.
now there is reason why many want to solo and social with thier friends, and get in tougher dungeons for elite drops.
the dailies are not suppose to be that hard for solo, was meant for slower grinds to earn marks, chance of rarest items, and should collect seals if they should be, and the group runs should be yeilding a larger amount of seals, so that way that everyone is happy.
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
edited April 2015
it is odd that the monsters are level 72-73 and my max is 70
let me add, i just forgot.
i tried solo in Sharandar, i solo'ed Gnarlroot Bitenail and final boss in Arcane Resevior, both are tough but doable to solo.
that far i know, i hadnt got time for Witches in Witch's Fen, so i cant tell yet, and i didnt like mobs in Malblog's Realm, too dense and deadly with companion pulling. i play Greater Fighter, had to play and timed my attacks.
right now, i am doing 3rd part of Fiery Pit, almost all missions are soloable, i love going to Burning Heart, in my opinion, the best farming zone, only if you get that mission to get in, cant go in without a mission.
Spinrock or Spire is my next area to fight air elementals very soon, then i will check out Witchs' Fen and Realm, then checking Dread Ring and Icewind.
magnusolamMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 82
let me add, i just forgot.
i tried solo in Sharandar, i solo'ed Gnarlroot Bitenail and final boss in Arcane Resevior, both are tough but doable to solo.
that far i know, i hadnt got time for Witches in Witch's Fen, so i cant tell yet, and i didnt like mobs in Malblog's Realm, too dense and deadly with companion pulling. i play Greater Fighter, had to play and timed my attacks.
right now, i am doing 3rd part of Fiery Pit, almost all missions are soloable, i love going to Burning Heart, in my opinion, the best farming zone, only if you get that mission to get in, cant go in without a mission.
Spinrock or Spire is my next area to fight air elementals very soon, then i will check out Witchs' Fen and Realm, then checking Dread Ring and Icewind.
Good to hear. Other players may not have your dexterity or may have greater problems with lag, however, so the content may well be too difficult for them. Now IMHO the content should be available to be enjoyed by all types of players which is why a difficulty setting would make sense.
this game plain sucks right now
solo content right now on the old maps is death in sec.
solo on the new maps is ok,as it should be on the old maps. every thing is wrong when trash mobs can 1 shot you
and the health potions dont do s**t to help ,they should have shorter cooldowns or heal you more
decursiaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited April 2015
I'd like to do my dailies solo. It could be OK for mini dungeon to group with more ppl but atm I'm not having fun anymore. I can't solo any daily lev 70, I dont have that much time to play and it's annoying to beg around to find ppl available to help.
Plus lag is killing everything. I could only finish VT a couple of times since party was forced to leave for lag.
High level content is not accessible for casual gamers. Tiamat is just a dream and everything is now out of range for non cashiers and non farmers. Pls let us at least do our daily duties with some ease...
After starting mod 6 by creating a Paladin (Protector) I didn't really see any difficulty problems with the content. I've now had a chance to play most of the other classes with the exception of the GWF and HR. In WoD at least my tank classes, OP (L65) and GF (L70 but still in mod 5 gear) can do fine. My Oppressor CW (L63) is also ok but she freezes things pretty quickly, which is what saves her. My TR, DC and SW (all L63) die frustratingly fast and often, if this the the experience people have in other areas I can now see why they aren't happy.
decursiaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited April 2015
Dear Cheese, the frustration is that until one month ago, we were good players, happy and satisfied, struggling to improve our stuff with enchants, farming tiamat for boons and gear, doing dailies for money and tokens. We were happy people. Now this FAKE expansion, has shifted the content doing NOTHING new but leaving a growing frustration among players. Ppl who happily went through ELOL, VT, MC, Tiamat, Kessel, SOT are now alomost banned from this content, too hard for those who, like me, play for fun, honestly, without farming or exploiting contents. Tbh if the stuff is going on like this, my plan is to leave the game and look for something more satisfactory.
magnusolamMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 82
edited April 2015
What seems clear is that prior to mod 6 they had areas which generally worked well for level 60 characters (with the exception of those who insisted on playing with OP characters for whom the content was too easy - which, lets face it, it should be that's the whole point of using maxxed out gear). Post mod 6, they appear to have a situation where the previous areas being enjoyed by players are not working well at level 70 and the new content seems to be viewed as tedious and annoying by many.
It's not too difficult to understand why there might be a little disappointment and annoyance amongst the player base.
I've decided that the new content isn't too hard (as in difficulty) - it's actually a nice challenge. My gripe is how it now just takes too lang. That's also okay, generally-speaking. Except when you have to kill 40 Lizardmen to achieve one vigilance and need 16 vigilance to move to the next zone contact and need to complete four zone contacts to move to the next zone and complete four zones...
By adapt you mean stop playing because i find it not fun anymore. Don't mind if I do.
No one said faceroll content
What gets me is that all these minmaxing ppl screaming for harder stuff, yet no body tells them to adapt their play styles, and run under geared and what not. But the minute casual non minmaxed ppl start asking or arguing its too hard for them to play as they played b4, they get told. Consult a build expert, adapt their play style. Well I will adjust my playstyle and that is to not have one.
See ya. Try not to stumble into pvp queue on the way out
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited April 2015
Is it a little questionable that a powrie is more dangerous than the GWD boss on a normal 3 man dungeon? My OP was only 39, AND it's devotion, AND the mobs still don't hit hard. Take a fresh 70 to Shar, get wrecked.
decursiaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited April 2015
... Not to mention Tiamat which is pretty useless unless you have all stuff maxed. We tried yesterday with a full group of well geared ppl, we entered # 1 and we made good groups and we could hardly kill 2 heads.... You cant' deliver resources either because they're fulled since nobody kills Tiamat. These guys from Cryptic have done a really AWFUL work.... the game is unplayable, lags is behind each corner, nothing is fun anymore. Plus I run out of gold because I have to buy pots and kits just to kill a single group of mobs... I solved buying another game and saying goodbye to NWO. This is NOT working as intended.
Actually yes, you should. You shouldn't be able to just throw your character together with random mishmash of armor, and no thought to your powers or tactics and expect to faceroll the new content.
Adapt and overcome.
Ahh, but the new content wasn't that hard. It's the old content most of us are complaining about. We woke up one morning expecting a new add-on to the game, and instead found a new game. From what I've seen on the forums, "Most" of us were not asking for this.
My character is weaker in the same world at 70 than when I first hit 60. There was no disussion or warnings about this game change, only a hint that regen and lifesteal would be changing the "survivability" of the game. I thought that was interesting, since they were only adding a new area. Now it's a different game altogether.
If you suggest there was a lot of discussion, I will point out that I used to "play" the game, not read the forums. And I liked it like that.
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
Ahh, but the new content wasn't that hard. It's the old content most of us are complaining about. We woke up one morning expecting a new add-on to the game, and instead found a new game. From what I've seen on the forums, "Most" of us were not asking for this.
My point too
The old stuff is either too low level or now Level 72-73
I do miss the older things and don't see how you make up for the 2-3 level loss
Unless you can get new stuff in DDs which seems to be too difficult for many myself included
I know some seem to thrive on this but many do not... me included in the latter
I've decided that the new content isn't too hard (as in difficulty) - it's actually a nice challenge. My gripe is how it now just takes too lang. That's also okay, generally-speaking. Except when you have to kill 40 Lizardmen to achieve one vigilance and need 16 vigilance to move to the next zone contact and need to complete four zone contacts to move to the next zone and complete four zones...
I digress.
Exactly! I'm with you on that! Nice to finally have some challenge - I even die here and there now, which was extremely rare prior to Mod 6.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
I'm sure you could have chosen to die prior to Mod 6 if you wanted .
there were only a few ways to achieve that prior to mod6
1) do it intentionally
2) play @ some 2fps, thanks to this great, modern, sophisticated and well engineered game engine that totally isnt older than many players
3) Lag
4) Derp as hard as u possibly can
yes i do, and as long is i do my job well and users dont destroy everything they touch i have a lot of time to post
and i dont defend cryptic for the sake of defending them, i only defend them when they are right, and i dont want them to waste time nerfing content because its too hard for some "special" ppl who cry about the difficulty at the same time refusing any advice that would make things easier for them, when they could be doing something more useful, like fixing broken feats and features, bugged skills, dealing with lag and any of the 658925298 bugs in this game
And, generally, they do all that but on their own time scales. Remember :
If it ain't fun they won't play.
If they don't play they won't pay.
If they don't pay, you won't play.
Yes, I know this. However, there is no better place to get XP to make it to level 70, especially now that they nerfed the ToD dailies' XP.
I've leveled two characters by doing the entire EE content. There are others in my guild who have refused to step foot in the "new" areas and they're still working on getting one character to level 70.
So there is sort of a "big picture" thing going on here, and if you have a problem with my sigline, or anything else, I invite you to p!ss off.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Now I'm still doing Sharandar, but struggling and it's beyond being fun for me any more. I expect a challenge from bosses, not from every minion on the map. I have completed all the EE quests, made 70 gotten my main and off hand weapons, and followed the path provided using the gear provided. Is the content doable yes, is it fun, not for me at the moment. Now what level of challenge is fun depends on the person, but obviously there are a lot that are likewise upset. Yes we may all be horrible players, but many of us up until now have paid and contributed to the game, and would like to see our patronage reciprocated with the ability to enjoy the game as we did.
I have 4 mmos loaded onto my PC. NWO used to be my favorite and the one I spent the most time in, that is no longer the case. I still go in and do a little each day but only for an hour or so until I'm burned out with it now. My wife has given up on it all together, and she is the one who spent most of the cash on cosmetics, mounts, and pets.
We don't want to nerf T2 dungeons, and ruin anybody end game challenge, we would just like to have the solo content we enjoyed before restored to a level we can enjoy again.
some will quit, others will replace them, some ppl who left because of lack of challenge will come back.
+ the whales are usually above average players(at least the ones i know) so neverwinter might even be getting more of them, and that would be financially better
And remember :
If it ain't fun they won't play.
If they don't play they won't pay.
If they don't pay, you won't play.
if it ain't fun, they wont play
if they dont play, they dont pay
if they dont pay, you wont play
added, as if they dont pay, devs and management team lose the jobs and get laid-off.
anyway, no one likes it, only except small niche group who get "jollies" when other players suffered playing hardcore, if anyone want playing hardcore, then they should go play Wizardary online, when characters dies, death is perma and lose everything.
let me tell you what really happen years ago, i played Dungeon and Dragons, with varied DMs, most were fun and more socialble, except one guy that we all hate and we all walk away after starting scene and frustrations, he killed half of our group in the first room with strange puzzle that no one in the group could figure out, no lever, or any item, just bare room with pillars, no next door, except a water canal (wich was a deadly trap that took half of group).
there was no glyphs or runes, so we decided to call it quits.
devs should know this situation, games are meant for fun for ALL, not some niche minority, even it is said "MMO", but it doesnt say "Must be groupings", many other players who got fed up with pugs (not those poor lovable dog with sad eyes), we had faced mean players who ruined by making them to lose, or get kicked before looting the chest rewards, or griefed or too greedy.
now there is reason why many want to solo and social with thier friends, and get in tougher dungeons for elite drops.
the dailies are not suppose to be that hard for solo, was meant for slower grinds to earn marks, chance of rarest items, and should collect seals if they should be, and the group runs should be yeilding a larger amount of seals, so that way that everyone is happy.
i tried solo in Sharandar, i solo'ed Gnarlroot Bitenail and final boss in Arcane Resevior, both are tough but doable to solo.
that far i know, i hadnt got time for Witches in Witch's Fen, so i cant tell yet, and i didnt like mobs in Malblog's Realm, too dense and deadly with companion pulling. i play Greater Fighter, had to play and timed my attacks.
right now, i am doing 3rd part of Fiery Pit, almost all missions are soloable, i love going to Burning Heart, in my opinion, the best farming zone, only if you get that mission to get in, cant go in without a mission.
Spinrock or Spire is my next area to fight air elementals very soon, then i will check out Witchs' Fen and Realm, then checking Dread Ring and Icewind.
Good to hear. Other players may not have your dexterity or may have greater problems with lag, however, so the content may well be too difficult for them. Now IMHO the content should be available to be enjoyed by all types of players which is why a difficulty setting would make sense.
solo content right now on the old maps is death in sec.
solo on the new maps is ok,as it should be on the old maps. every thing is wrong when trash mobs can 1 shot you
and the health potions dont do s**t to help ,they should have shorter cooldowns or heal you more
Nice and very polite. If i need a good advice ingame i think i send you a PN. I love ppl without any clue about wot they talking ^^.
Plus lag is killing everything. I could only finish VT a couple of times since party was forced to leave for lag.
High level content is not accessible for casual gamers. Tiamat is just a dream and everything is now out of range for non cashiers and non farmers. Pls let us at least do our daily duties with some ease...
It's not too difficult to understand why there might be a little disappointment and annoyance amongst the player base.
I digress.
See ya. Try not to stumble into pvp queue on the way out
Ahh, but the new content wasn't that hard. It's the old content most of us are complaining about. We woke up one morning expecting a new add-on to the game, and instead found a new game. From what I've seen on the forums, "Most" of us were not asking for this.
My character is weaker in the same world at 70 than when I first hit 60. There was no disussion or warnings about this game change, only a hint that regen and lifesteal would be changing the "survivability" of the game. I thought that was interesting, since they were only adding a new area. Now it's a different game altogether.
If you suggest there was a lot of discussion, I will point out that I used to "play" the game, not read the forums. And I liked it like that.
My point too
The old stuff is either too low level or now Level 72-73
I do miss the older things and don't see how you make up for the 2-3 level loss
Unless you can get new stuff in DDs which seems to be too difficult for many myself included
I know some seem to thrive on this but many do not... me included in the latter
Exactly! I'm with you on that! Nice to finally have some challenge - I even die here and there now, which was extremely rare prior to Mod 6.
But, yes, those vigilance grinds . . . Whew!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
at least you can do those grinds in a day, instead of having to do them every day for more than a month.
+ i rarely had to repeat the quests, since the number of quests is close to the 16 quest requirement
I'm sure you could have chosen to die prior to Mod 6 if you wanted
there were only a few ways to achieve that prior to mod6
1) do it intentionally
2) play @ some 2fps, thanks to this great, modern, sophisticated and well engineered game engine that totally isnt older than many players
3) Lag
4) Derp as hard as u possibly can