control companions are only good if you build everything around control, because in this mod you will be spending a lot of ad and 2 slot for 30% control bonus = 0 more control duration in t2s. at this point you are better to go for straight dmg
Aset Xharran, Oppressor CW
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
control companions are only good if you build everything around control, because in this mod you will be spending a lot of ad and 2 slot for 30% control bonus = 0 more control duration in t2s. at this point you are better to go for straight dmg
Agreed. I respec'd to a control build this weekend just to do some more testing before I update my Renegade guide, and the difference in how long a mob stayed controlled wasn't fight changing. Going to Oppressor cut my damage in half, and I'd rather control a target for one second and have him dead in another, than control him for 2 seconds, the go right back to hitting me while he's immune to chills.
So even with all the changes...I still think death is the best crowd control.
and yeah hard to tell the last one
Wild Hunt Rider vs Air archon(synopsis with Fire Archon)
Cambion Mage is very good one, though very rare and limited , and 4mil+ ad price tag.
also i don't know how damage is calculated. if the crit severity going to apply to other bonuses too , they value of other bonuses like archon are better than expected.
for example with 75% crit chance and 140% crit severity , if we do 100 damage as base then its like
(0.25 * 1 + 0.75 * 2.4) * 100 = 205
now consider Fire Archon + Air Archon its like 5.5% more damage when target is 99% (just not full) to 50% HP and 13%(5.5 air + 7.5 fire) when 50% to 0%. even if we consider this like 8% (mathematically its 9.25, but i think it takes longer to bring boss from 100% to 50% than 50% to dead)
if we replace Erinyes+Cambion Mage with Fire Archon + Air Archon we get something like this
(0.25 * 1 + 0.75 * 2.2) * 1.08 * 100 = 205.2
so if the crit severity going to apply to other bonuses too,other companions with non crit severity bonus can compete with Erinyes and Cambion too.
Agreed. I respec'd to a control build this weekend just to do some more testing before I update my Renegade guide, and the difference in how long a mob stayed controlled wasn't fight changing. Going to Oppressor cut my damage in half, and I'd rather control a target for one second and have him dead in another, than control him for 2 seconds, the go right back to hitting me while he's immune to chills.
So even with all the changes...I still think death is the best crowd control.
I'm still going with a full control oppressor build because i really enjoy the "support" role. my control bonus would be 178% if orb r4 was working but oh well, at this point you can actually feel the control duration increasing but ofc i have absolutely no dmg. I also think that the best synergy is with a renegade dps cw (that is absolutely beast atm), the party buffs coming from both sides are amazingly good.
Acolyte of Kelemvor is my secret weapon in Module 6.
interesting companion, the abilities are nice but i don't know if the active bonus is worth it or not.
for example ToD boon Dragon's Revival = Grants 10/12.5/15% increased Incoming Healing.
twice better than epic Acolyte of Kelemvor at rank 1.
while Dragon's Fury = Grants 5/6.5/8% increased Critical Severity.
its half as good as epic Erinyes at rank 1.
ofc someone can get Dragon's Revival + Acolyte of Kelemvor and Sigil of the Devoted for very good Incoming Healing Bonus.
wish we had more sustain damage and healing instead of 1 sec 80k hp gone or one lifesteal proc and near death to fully healed
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited April 2015
I've ditched my augment in favor of having her out all the time. I haven't used an Augment since Mod 6 started.
EDIT: And yes, I like your math on the Archons. Intellect Devourer is suppose to be fixed in tomorrow's patch, so if it's working as advertised, I think my pet loadout is going to be Air/Fire Archon, Blink Dog, Int Devourer and the Acolyte.
I really have no interest in getting more companions, so here is what I am using.
Ioun Stone of Might
Wild Hunt Rider (procs like crazy with IT/COI)
Erinyes (10% crit sev on a build that starts at over 50% crit & can push over 90% crit in fight)
Fire Archon
Undecided on my last pet. Dancing Blade/Blink Dog
Poo stone
Orange (I don't know why i wasted the ad doing this) wild hunt
Purp blink dog
purp erinyes
purp repentant dragon cultist
If the brain dog works again Ill probably swap out the erinyes or the dragon cultist. I always use the augment. I would think about using a bunch of archons but I don't want to invest the ad. Or I dunno maybe the price dropped since I looked.
While I'll say that archons are very attractive (mostly the one that increase dmg while mob isn't a full hp), I don't think it's better than what we already have available.
the augment is probably the best summoned companion still. Blink dog is a 5% multiplicative (and probably be the same for the int devourer). Erinyes depends on your crit rate and crit severity, but it's still extremely potent. In a perfect scenario, you have 100% crit chance and 247% crit sev without the erinyes, it would bring a 4% dps increase. A little worse than the new archon. Wild hunt rider is a 10% increase that is up quite often, could maybe be replaced.
Is everyone just stacking bonding on the companion now?
Also which companion do you actually summon and use in dungeons?
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited April 2015
Now in Mod 6, my main CW (Spellstorm, Arcane Spec with no chills, Renegade) uses:
Ioun Stone of Allure (Legendary, Summoned)
Will-'o-wisp (Epic, Active)
Battlefield Medic (Epic, Active)
Vicious Dire Wolf (Epic, Active - Guardian Pack)
Panther (Epic, Active - Hero Pack)
Sometimes I swap in my Erinyes of Belial (Rare, Active - Scourge Warlock Pack) with the Will-'o-wisp if I feel I need to do more damage and less control (like in boss battles).
Is everyone just stacking bonding on the companion now?
I put 2 bondings (for the nice Power) in my Offensive slots on my Ioun Stone but leaving my R7 Eldritch in the defensive slot, as I am sure they will fix Eldritches.
Also which companion do you actually summon and use in dungeons?
For me, on any characters that have augments of blue or higher quality, that is what they use as their summoned companion.Otherwise, the character will use their best healer companion, usually a Battlefield Medic.
Is everyone just stacking bonding on the companion now?
Also which companion do you actually summon and use in dungeons?
i think for offensive slots bonding is best, power is very good for CW and most classes
for defense slots eldritch .
majority of players summon their augment (stone,cat,chicken),
mine is black dragon stone , and planing to put 3 new personalized rings on it and I'll get 6 offensive slots witch gives a lot of options to balance my power/crit/lifesteal/recovery.
you will get huge amount of stats by putting high rank enchantments specially good ones like brutal or savage.
Control companion like Cantankerous mage can be good for dps if you use chilling presence.
Because frozen state is longer(probably) so as chiling presence.
I use Eots as thaum.
Need to be tested though.
those sword coast items are very rare and very low drop rate, don't know if drop rate is like Lightfoot Thief or better.
get a floating disk mount too and you have a rare collection of game's items
Got it today for around 500k AD (two rings) and one necklace (50k AD). If I ever get tenser's floating disc, I'll be sure to sell it as soon as possible and buy bags for zen.
Edit : Made a terrible mistake for purchasing them. They do not work on augment. Do not buy for augment.
True Neutral
Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
I have a number of questions I would like clarification on:
1) does the slow target active bonus on the Ioun stone of Allure work?
2) definitively, once-and-for-all, do bonding runestones grant Companion's Gift on augment companions, ie chance to transfer a percentage of stats to you?
3) if yes above, what activates Companion's Gift on an augment pet? Its active bonus perhaps?
4) I've figured out what its icon looks like in the buff bar but is there another to way monitor Companion's Gift? Combat log perhaps?
5) does Companion's Gift transfer all the stats from slotted enchantments/jewelry + the pet's intrinsic stats to one? Augments don't have much by way of their own stats.
6) does the 10% extra from Legendary status apply to all slotted enchants/jewelry + pet stats or only to the pet's own stats?
7) does the 10% control duration bonus from the loyal pet jewelry transfer?
8) wishful thinking but does a non-augment's HP transfer? I can see the other stats going up and down on the character sheet but not HP.
The secret weapon (credit to ironzerg79) of mod6 relies on using a non-augment pet with at minimum two greater bonding stones active thereby giving you 100% augmentation plus the benefit of the pet's stats and spells. I don't fancy carrying a bell and looking over my shoulder the whole time, therefore 2 more questions:
9) do you lose Companion's Gift as soon as the pet dies?
10) which useful non-augment pet keeps itself out of trouble?
My thanks.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited April 2015
A few answers.
Augment companions don't have any abilities to use, therefore they cannot proc the bonus from bonding runestones. Companion's Gift is tracked in the combat log, so you can evaluate it via ACT. All the stats transfer (same rules as augments), but I don't know if the 10% control/threat/healing does. I haven't taken the time to test those.
The Legendary bonus again follows the same rules as augment bonuses. It's 15% "always on" bonus from your summoned companion.
I've been using the Acolyte of Kelemvor, and she tends to avoid trouble, and is fairly robust. I'll have to pay attention more to it, but it doesn't look like companions are taking full damage from monster attacks, either. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her eat a 40k hit in Malabog's Castle this weekend (which would surely kill her), but her health bar only lost about 20% or so. I don't know if it was combination of buffs and heals landing just as she was hit, or if there's some innate resistance going on on. Or it could've been overlapping numbers or something. I wasn't running ACT so I can't tell. I'll make it a point to study some logs after I run dungeons tonight.
And Companion's Gift is a buff that lasts 20 seconds. If your companion dies, the buff stays, but you won't get it again until your pet starts casting. Again, I highly, highly, highly recommend carrying a Bell if you're going the summoned companion route.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
onegaki101Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 327Arc User
edited April 2015
Question regarding the archons. I see many people mention Air and Fire, but no on really mentions the Earth one which seems to be pretty good as most of the time you are at full hp (Water one is self explanatory based on active bonus description). Maybe I am missing something but I am not sure since having 3 archons would give 1.5% increase for each of your archons.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited April 2015 T1 and T2 dungeons, you're not at full HP most of the time
I have a number of questions I would like clarification on:
7) does the 10% control duration bonus from the loyal pet jewelry transfer?
unfortunately not [not tested myself though]. hard to get stuff like control duration wont transfer.
i remember the AP gain kit on gear wont transfer too.
its seems they have done it to prevent making OP toons.
still why they put such stat on companion only gear i don't know.
do we have companion with control powers? i don't think so. then really why they have put such stat on companion only gear ?!
the Earth one which seems to be pretty good as most of the time you are at full hp
with things like IT,ST,SS,OP we are in center of danger like GF or GWF, i bet that's why our HP is like them
with LS nerf we are more in not full hp state than full hp. and we have not seen most of the T2 yet
ravenwings22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 13Arc User
Got it today for around 500k AD (two rings) and one necklace (50k AD). If I ever get tenser's floating disc, I'll be sure to sell it as soon as possible and buy bags for zen.
Edit : Made a terrible mistake for purchasing them. They do not work on augment. Do not buy for augment.
Ummm, I'm a little confused... do you mean that personalized rings and necklaces do not work on augment?
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
edited April 2015
Augment companions only transfer you the stats they have. They dont have control bonus or AP gain or CA bonus so any item or gem with that stats are not transfered. They do have regeneration so regeneration jewels work and they transfer the stat to you.
I think control bonus items are for non augment companions, unless they change them and add those stats to them.
Fire Archon(buffed for mod6)
and yeah hard to tell the last one
Wild Hunt Rider vs Air archon(synopsis with Fire Archon)
Cultist Repentant
Blink Dog/Devourer(renegade or Gf in party)
Agreed. I respec'd to a control build this weekend just to do some more testing before I update my Renegade guide, and the difference in how long a mob stayed controlled wasn't fight changing. Going to Oppressor cut my damage in half, and I'd rather control a target for one second and have him dead in another, than control him for 2 seconds, the go right back to hitting me while he's immune to chills.
So even with all the changes...I still think death is the best crowd control.
Cambion Mage is very good one, though very rare and limited , and 4mil+ ad price tag.
also i don't know how damage is calculated. if the crit severity going to apply to other bonuses too , they value of other bonuses like archon are better than expected.
for example with 75% crit chance and 140% crit severity , if we do 100 damage as base then its like
(0.25 * 1 + 0.75 * 2.4) * 100 = 205
now consider Fire Archon + Air Archon its like 5.5% more damage when target is 99% (just not full) to 50% HP and 13%(5.5 air + 7.5 fire) when 50% to 0%. even if we consider this like 8% (mathematically its 9.25, but i think it takes longer to bring boss from 100% to 50% than 50% to dead)
if we replace Erinyes+Cambion Mage with Fire Archon + Air Archon we get something like this
(0.25 * 1 + 0.75 * 2.2) * 1.08 * 100 = 205.2
so if the crit severity going to apply to other bonuses too,other companions with non crit severity bonus can compete with Erinyes and Cambion too.
on top of that, the problem of every group is boss fights and i think they are and will be immune to control.
I'm still going with a full control oppressor build because i really enjoy the "support" role. my control bonus would be 178% if orb r4 was working but oh well, at this point you can actually feel the control duration increasing but ofc i have absolutely no dmg. I also think that the best synergy is with a renegade dps cw (that is absolutely beast atm), the party buffs coming from both sides are amazingly good.
interesting companion, the abilities are nice but i don't know if the active bonus is worth it or not.
for example ToD boon Dragon's Revival = Grants 10/12.5/15% increased Incoming Healing.
twice better than epic Acolyte of Kelemvor at rank 1.
while Dragon's Fury = Grants 5/6.5/8% increased Critical Severity.
its half as good as epic Erinyes at rank 1.
ofc someone can get Dragon's Revival + Acolyte of Kelemvor and Sigil of the Devoted for very good Incoming Healing Bonus.
wish we had more sustain damage and healing instead of 1 sec 80k hp gone or one lifesteal proc and near death to fully healed
EDIT: And yes, I like your math on the Archons. Intellect Devourer is suppose to be fixed in tomorrow's patch, so if it's working as advertised, I think my pet loadout is going to be Air/Fire Archon, Blink Dog, Int Devourer and the Acolyte.
Ioun Stone of Might
Wild Hunt Rider (procs like crazy with IT/COI)
Erinyes (10% crit sev on a build that starts at over 50% crit & can push over 90% crit in fight)
Fire Archon
Undecided on my last pet. Dancing Blade/Blink Dog
Orange (I don't know why i wasted the ad doing this) wild hunt
Purp blink dog
purp erinyes
purp repentant dragon cultist
If the brain dog works again Ill probably swap out the erinyes or the dragon cultist. I always use the augment. I would think about using a bunch of archons but I don't want to invest the ad. Or I dunno maybe the price dropped since I looked.
the augment is probably the best summoned companion still. Blink dog is a 5% multiplicative (and probably be the same for the int devourer). Erinyes depends on your crit rate and crit severity, but it's still extremely potent. In a perfect scenario, you have 100% crit chance and 247% crit sev without the erinyes, it would bring a 4% dps increase. A little worse than the new archon. Wild hunt rider is a 10% increase that is up quite often, could maybe be replaced.
Is everyone just stacking bonding on the companion now?
Also which companion do you actually summon and use in dungeons?
Ioun Stone of Allure (Legendary, Summoned)
Will-'o-wisp (Epic, Active)
Battlefield Medic (Epic, Active)
Vicious Dire Wolf (Epic, Active - Guardian Pack)
Panther (Epic, Active - Hero Pack)
Sometimes I swap in my Erinyes of Belial (Rare, Active - Scourge Warlock Pack) with the Will-'o-wisp if I feel I need to do more damage and less control (like in boss battles).
I put 2 bondings (for the nice Power) in my Offensive slots on my Ioun Stone but leaving my R7 Eldritch in the defensive slot, as I am sure they will fix Eldritches. For me, on any characters that have augments of blue or higher quality, that is what they use as their summoned companion. Otherwise, the character will use their best healer companion, usually a Battlefield Medic.
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- with 2x + 1 x
i think for offensive slots bonding is best, power is very good for CW and most classes
for defense slots eldritch .
majority of players summon their augment (stone,cat,chicken),
mine is black dragon stone , and planing to put 3 new personalized rings on it and I'll get 6 offensive slots witch gives a lot of options to balance my power/crit/lifesteal/recovery.
you will get huge amount of stats by putting high rank enchantments specially good ones like brutal or savage.
those sword coast items are very rare and very low drop rate, don't know if drop rate is like Lightfoot Thief or better.
get a floating disk mount too and you have a rare collection of game's items
Control companion like Cantankerous mage can be good for dps if you use chilling presence.
Because frozen state is longer(probably) so as chiling presence.
I use Eots as thaum.
Need to be tested though.
Got it today for around 500k AD (two rings) and one necklace (50k AD). If I ever get tenser's floating disc, I'll be sure to sell it as soon as possible and buy bags for zen.
Edit : Made a terrible mistake for purchasing them. They do not work on augment. Do not buy for augment.
1) does the slow target active bonus on the Ioun stone of Allure work?
2) definitively, once-and-for-all, do bonding runestones grant Companion's Gift on augment companions, ie chance to transfer a percentage of stats to you?
3) if yes above, what activates Companion's Gift on an augment pet? Its active bonus perhaps?
4) I've figured out what its icon looks like in the buff bar but is there another to way monitor Companion's Gift? Combat log perhaps?
5) does Companion's Gift transfer all the stats from slotted enchantments/jewelry + the pet's intrinsic stats to one? Augments don't have much by way of their own stats.
6) does the 10% extra from Legendary status apply to all slotted enchants/jewelry + pet stats or only to the pet's own stats?
7) does the 10% control duration bonus from the loyal pet jewelry transfer?
8) wishful thinking but does a non-augment's HP transfer? I can see the other stats going up and down on the character sheet but not HP.
The secret weapon (credit to ironzerg79) of mod6 relies on using a non-augment pet with at minimum two greater bonding stones active thereby giving you 100% augmentation plus the benefit of the pet's stats and spells. I don't fancy carrying a bell and looking over my shoulder the whole time, therefore 2 more questions:
9) do you lose Companion's Gift as soon as the pet dies?
10) which useful non-augment pet keeps itself out of trouble?
My thanks.
Augment companions don't have any abilities to use, therefore they cannot proc the bonus from bonding runestones. Companion's Gift is tracked in the combat log, so you can evaluate it via ACT. All the stats transfer (same rules as augments), but I don't know if the 10% control/threat/healing does. I haven't taken the time to test those.
The Legendary bonus again follows the same rules as augment bonuses. It's 15% "always on" bonus from your summoned companion.
I've been using the Acolyte of Kelemvor, and she tends to avoid trouble, and is fairly robust. I'll have to pay attention more to it, but it doesn't look like companions are taking full damage from monster attacks, either. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her eat a 40k hit in Malabog's Castle this weekend (which would surely kill her), but her health bar only lost about 20% or so. I don't know if it was combination of buffs and heals landing just as she was hit, or if there's some innate resistance going on on. Or it could've been overlapping numbers or something. I wasn't running ACT so I can't tell. I'll make it a point to study some logs after I run dungeons tonight.
And Companion's Gift is a buff that lasts 20 seconds. If your companion dies, the buff stays, but you won't get it again until your pet starts casting. Again, I highly, highly, highly recommend carrying a Bell if you're going the summoned companion route.
unfortunately not [not tested myself though]. hard to get stuff like control duration wont transfer.
i remember the AP gain kit on gear wont transfer too.
its seems they have done it to prevent making OP toons.
still why they put such stat on companion only gear i don't know.
do we have companion with control powers? i don't think so. then really why they have put such stat on companion only gear ?!
with things like IT,ST,SS,OP we are in center of danger like GF or GWF, i bet that's why our HP is like them
with LS nerf we are more in not full hp state than full hp. and we have not seen most of the T2 yet
Ummm, I'm a little confused... do you mean that personalized rings and necklaces do not work on augment?
I think control bonus items are for non augment companions, unless they change them and add those stats to them.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
It would be nice to know, if it procs often and, if the boost or the proc chance is higher with upgrades (10% dmg boost with purple Yeti?).