As the title says. Been playing with a few setups and I used as a basic setup for powers, Feats and Paragon. However, as I go along some of the things he has under
"Healing/Support DO build" doesn't seem to work well...or I am just not understanding something.
For Example; I fully understand why the At will are Astral seal and Sacred Flame. It's the encounter powers that give me the biggest pause. I have little qualms about the choice of Healing word or bastion of health. It;s the choices for the last two spots. Currently I am still using both Sun Burst and Searing light for both groups and Solo. I'm not understand as to what/why the reasoning is to swap out these two or how this would work in a piratical sense. I think I am just missing something that will make it click in my head. So maybe talking abou it will help it click for me. Thanks...
Daunting Light is just awesome for DPS. Fully Empowered, when it crits, it deals *a lot* of damage. If you're happy to use potions in solo mode, then you don't need Searing Light to heal and you'll kill mobs (particularly the 'tougher' ones) a lot faster.
I'm not saying they are any better, but they are alternatives. I'm actually using Sun Burst, CoBL and Searing Light at the moment, since I'm experimenting with how the Searing Light heal mechanic works in a practical sense; how far away do I need to be to get the heal, how many mobs do I need to hit to make the heal useful etc.
I don't like Sun Burst. Anything that spews mobs about == "danger!" in my experience. They could end up pulling in other adds, plus it doesn't seem to heal for all that much and I don't feel like I need the action point gain.
Im a DO cleric im running ALL T2 dungs with good success and this what i roll with, i have never had any problems really and very very rarely do people die (buff/healer build not for dps) .....
at wills - astral seal (always slotted), sacred flame (always slotted *gives a hp buff on third strike, can be buffed with dragon wep for more hp OR use the dragon wep that increases Astral heals and then its your choice to use flame or Sun, either is ok really)
encounter - astral shield (always slotted) , divine glow(always slotted), BoH (now this slot i feel can be anything the player prefers, as long as you are using AS and DG correctly this slot is hardly used, 90% of the time i use BoH but i will switch it to try something else if im bored)
dailys - hallowed ground (always slotted and use as often as possible, 30% incoming damage reduction and 30% damage out put increase is beastly) *other daily dont matter as we never use it because focus MUST be to get hallowed down as often as possible, but flame strike or hammer normally slotted*
class abilites/passives - foresight (always slotted 11% damage reduction with feat), holy fervor (aways slotted, more ap = more hallowed ground = good times)
paragon points mostly all in faithful feats (definatly for the foresight buff) -if you want exacts or to see what i have just pm me ingame or something
playstyle = get a lot of recovery (2000-3000) and defence (2000 ish) then work on HP and CRIT. you want to be able to get astral shield down constantly, and spam glow whilst it is down, use hallowed ground WHEN it is available *should be a lot of the time* (the damage reduction when these are both down makes passive healing very very easy, if your feats are chosen correctly you rarely need to worry at all) - rince and repeat
PS - this is for running dungeons, not for solo play or pvp
my setup Seal+flame divine glow , Healing Word and Sunburst as they all provide healing. Class skills are foresight ( with feat bonus ) and holy fervor.
I tend to spam seal on all mobs and aoe them for bonus healing , sunburst also used correctly can be devastating on ledges/bridges.
For solo it's divine glow , daunt and chains.. coupled with terrifying and fervor or prophetic action for dragons.
Soleforge + prophetic is amazing if you want to feel a bit cheeky and taunt a dragon
At-will: Astral Seal and Blessing of Battle/Lance of Faith
Encounter: Healing Word, Sun Burst, Searing Light (Until Divine Glow/Astral Shield)
Daily: Guardian of Faith and Hallowed Ground (Annointed Army later)
Features: Healer's Word and Soothe (Annointed Holy Symbol later)
I focused on healing with my feats, and took AC for the fact the powers seemed more HP based than DPS. I am working on getting good scores in power, Crit and recovery. Regeneration is probably on my list so I can heal a little faster between fights without using extra healing words.
Find me on XBL to get an interview to join the guild.
I was looking at Divine Glow. I was concerned that it wouldn't heal enough in a single blow VS a straight heal like Bastion of Health.
how is your AS bugged?
it works fantastic in divine mode as you can get 3 bursts down very very quickly, buffs, debuffs, heal, and HoT all in one
Divine Bastion of Healing. Because why wait on casting and aiming your heals.
Divine Divine Glow. AoE Reduce Damage Resistance of Tough and Boss Mobs while Boosting PC Damage plus a Heal.
Astral Shield. Localized Direct Damage Reduction, Heal. (Divine Astral Shield = Temp HP)
If I feel I know my groups timing and kill speed, I'll run Divine Prophecy of Doom and increase the how often I can pop Hallowed Ground or Hammer of Fate (PVP). Which is really useful on some bosses, because sometimes Damage Resistance is greater than Healing alone.
Why yes, I rarely cast without Divine. Getting my Divine Back takes 5 Casts a combo of Astral Seal and Sacred Flame, then I am back in business.
Been Bugged for weeks it wont cast under divine mode.. you cast it and it disappears soon as you finish casting animation. tested with friends and they have confirmed it ( just in case it was just on my screen ).
Tried retraining twice but still bugged also affected is Prophecy another duration based skill , sent tickets but they have no idea how to remedy it so hoping when reroll tokens available I can try that.
Daunting Light, Forgemaster's Flame, Healing Word for encounters, eventually going to replace healing word with Divine Glow.
Holy Fervor and Terrifying insight for features.
Hallowed Ground is the only daily worth using.
Spec'd into righteous... DPS/heal/debuff/buff all at the same time! (atleast until mod 6 comes out and level 70 destroys cleric dps)
the blue circle dissapears yes, but the HP buff does work and stacks and only effects players that was in the circle during cast and stays with them until it is consumed/depleated.
unless you mean the HP buff is dissapearing then i think it is because it only effects those in the aoe, so if you recast it quickly at another destination away from those that are already buffed maybe it removes the buff from those that are not in the aoe of the 2nd-3rd cast O.o (example - hp buff tank...turn to hp buff wizard, because tank is not in aoe of that 2nd cast he loses his hp buff) - in all honesty i have had/seen no problem with my AS in divine mode and hp buff works well, im constantly getting praised by TR'S and tanks for keeping them in a HP overflow state xD will test this theory out later though as i tend to only use this on those close to bosses and dont spread it out or use it that much, but its the only explanation i can think of
this video shows it got a nerf/change and in divine mode the blue circle does vanish after cast and only gives a hp buff in aoe location -
Well that video certainly displays perfectly what happens to me.. but no matter who/how or where I cast it whether on players or just me the circle disappears and buff icon goes in an instant.
Update: Hmm after extensive reading on mod5 I may now understand a little more of how nerfed they are.. although I swear I could cast under AS under divine and it showed a circle for a good 6 seconds.
Thanks Gaanjaa would never have thought to check that out.. I feel slightly better now that i'm not going completely mad.
Right Trigger - Sacred Flame
Left Trigger - Astral Seal
X - Divine Glow
Y - Astral Shield (Daunting Light when solo questing)
B - Bastion of Health
Daily 1 - Hallowed Ground
Daily 2 - Divine Armor
Class Features I run are Foresight and Divine Fortune. I like to spam divinity mode often, so like getting it back asap.
Devoted Cleric: Heskan
Different button setup, but this is what I decided to try last night....
you are very welcome
oh, as for the HP buff icon dissapearing, i have not checked that BUT an easy way to tell if someone has the HP buff is target/hover cursor over them, if their hp bar has a yellow section then THAT is the extended hp buff you gave them (it doesnt show on the party list hp bars in the top left of the screen, you NEED to target/hover cursor over the player to see, which is slightly annoying)
My setup
Right Trigger - Sacred Flame
Left Trigger - Astral Seal
X - Divine Glow
Y - Healing Word / Daunting for solo
B - Sunburst / Chains ( for aoeing trash )
Hallowed Ground
Flame Strike
Class Features:
Party - Foresight / Divine Fortune
Solo - Foresight /Terrifying Insight
Dragons - Divine Fortune / Prophetic Action
I like this setup, thanks for the ideas...
LOL. Almost my exact set-up except different buttons, and I haven't gotten AS or DA yet as I'm only level 47. Right now I use Chains to help with damage and keep adds off me. I'll miss Chains when I have to slot AS there...
Not many run without Astral so welcome to the club , to be fair Astral is good if everyone uses it !! Sunburst maybe hated but it heals and keeps adds off when others fail to help me.
I have started using Brand of the Sun during Dragon encounters instead of Sacred Flame as it only takes 3 casts to get full Diviinty ( Dragons seem to love a cleric ) and I don't have to stop as much.
P.S I use Punishing Light a lot more now.
just so you know, Divine Astral shield dont work like that anymore, it ONLY gives HPbuff in divine mode now
Normal mode gives - def reduction. Divine mode gives - AOE HPbuff. Empowered mode gives - Absorbs fixed ammount of damage based on 3% of your max HP for each stack used.
Are you sure? Because I have been casting it when I come across a dragon spawn alone, at the mass of people around the dragon, and I immediately get green heal values...
yeah im sure, you are probs seeing heals from astral seal or passive healing
i was playing around with BtS a bit recently, while i do like it and it is a pretty good skill there is no way i would drop astral shield, divineglow or bastion for it in the harder runs =/
thats the problem, not enough skill slots and will always be more limited this way using a console instead of a PC, some mmo's i play on PC i have like 4-5 skill bars all full up with abilities, will never have that luxury on xbox
off topic slightly, but I don't think xbox is necessarily the limiting factor here. There are 4 buttons and 4 d-pad buttons, 2 triggers and 2 trigger buttons. Thats 8 * 2 * 2 (32) combinations of slots (without using the 'menu' and 'view' smaller buttons). The folks upstairs have just chosen to limit the usage of those slots.
When I will be focused on healing and shielding, I do not have a slot for DPS boosting.
Though when I am doing dragons or PVP, they are nice additions to my rotation. (I am sure the slow component does not affect the dragon)
I run that load out(with some different button set ups) for T2 dungeons with a couple exceptions. I run the class feature that increases AP gain instead of Divine Fortune and I use Brand of the Flame instead of Sacred Flame. The combo of passive divinity regen from the dots and active divinity gain from the astral seal spam fills my divinity bar fast enough for me.
When solo I switch out Bastion of Health for Daunting Light, I switch out my not Foresight class feature for the feature that increases your damage each consecutive hit and I replace astral seal with Sacred Flame.