I should like to change the title of this to specify we have cleared all PvE content except what has to be unlocked via the campaign

Our guild is currently focusing on clearing Shores of Tuern and continuing to clear Epic DV and CN for players who need gear.
Please note, as a result of the high visibility of our guild, recruitment into Lag Forged is currently closed for all classes except GF. Exceptions can and will be made for exceptional players. I will continue to monitor this thread and will not turn anyone who contacts me directly in game or via Xbox party. We are here to have fun, as I assume you and everyone else here intends to do.
Lag Forged Recruitment
Lag Forged is a semi-hard core PvE focused guild. We are seeking active players who proactively research and otherwise understand the mechanics of their class. Our intention is to remain the top guild in the guild and recruit and retain players who share a similar mentality.
We clear Castle Never[ daily, multiply times throughout/B]. Recently, we were acknowledged by Perfect World as being the world first clear of Castle Never for the Xbox platform. We hope to get more groups and rotate players into full-clear Castle Never runs as possible. Our main focus now will be to clear campaign content in order to obtain artifact weapons.
Lag Forged currently consists of approximately 60 players; the player base is predominantly North American with some players from Western Europe and an Australian--who happens to be the Guild Master (aka Team Leader). Most of us come from PC-based gaming, with extensive MMORPG experience. We strive to be the best players and best guild in the game.
Rules and Considerations
-We require guildies to have and use a mic while grouped for dungeons with fellow guildmates.
-We have an 18+ age restriction and expect our members to behave in a mature, sensible, and respectful manner.
-We have a level 60 restriction and are currently only recruiting exceptional players.
-We are an English-speaking guild.
-Our activity peaks during evenings/afternoons on weekdays (EST) but members are always on throughout the day. We do not currently have scheduled dungeon runs. We have high activity throughout weekends.
-We are fairly laid back and easy going. Even when we are not grouped in game, we often have party chat going. Jokes are made and an occasional f* bomb or 20 is dropped, but everything is in good spirit.
-We sometimes have groups that will complete dailies and weeklies together, do pvp, and kill open-world dragons. Overall, we are helpful--as long as your expectations are reasonable
Application Format and Details
Please copy the format below and post if interested in joining.
Character Name:
Gear Score:
Campaign Progress:
Time Zone:
Neverwinter Experience: (i.e. played PC, cleared all T1/T2, etc...)
Other Gaming Experience:
(note: you may elect not to include your gamertag as it will be available for public display should you choose to do so.)
Recruitment needs:
Guardian Fighter:
Hunter Ranger:
Trickster Rogue:
Devoted Cleric:
Great Weapon Fighter:
Control Wizard:
Scourge Warlock:
You may contact me in game at Pandynu or Panda@Xx Aped You xX with any questions or send me a PM to my inbox via this forum.
Class: cleric
Level: 60
Gear Score:9.576
Time Zone:eastern
Neverwinter Experience: cleared all t1 and t2 other the dread
Other Gaming Experience: wow swtor tibia xbox
Gamertag: Alexandercrews
Class: GWF
Gear Score: 11,200
Time Zone:Eastern
Neverwinter Experience:Full cleared T1 and the first 3 T2 dungeons with pugs
Other Gaming Experience: Server first raiding guild in WoW from late BC through mid Cataclysm, US skytower first 20 floors in Aura Kingdom, rank 9 in warframe all endgame content released to date completed, and raided in destiny for a bit too.
Gamertag: Red X8
Class: Cleric
Level: 60
Gear Score: 10.5, full t2
Time Zone: west coast -8
Age: 23
Neverwinter Experience: played PC, cleared all but castle never boss when the game first released. Done all but never and vault on xbox so far
Other Gaming Experience: tons of MMO experience as well as gaming in general, only play competitively
Gamertag: Im Grantisimo
Class:Great Weapon Fighter
Gear Score:12500 to 13000
Time Zone:EST
Neverwinter Experience: cleared most t2 but groups are hard to find
Other Gaming Experience:wow for a long time prime world xbox for 10 years
Class:Scourge Warlock
Gear Score:9,910
Time Zone:PMT
Neverwinter Experience: All Regular dungeons, Some T1. Cant find good teams.
Other Gaming Experience:RS,WoW,Diablo1,2,3
Gear Score:11.3k. Lesser plaguefire. Lesser soulstone, stone of allure
Time Zone:EST
Neverwinter Experience: All Regular and epic but dread vault and Cn. On pc all dungeons cleared
Other Gaming Experience:WoW,Diablo3, DAOC, Asherons call, Neverwinter PC
Gamertag:Chatham wargod
Class:Great Weapon Fighter
Gear Score:9.8k
Time Zone:GMT (UK)
Neverwinter Experience: Played for a few months on PC then fell away due to personal commitments. Done all regular on xbox and found it useless doing epic with random party's.
Other Gaming Experience: Played MMORPG's since EQ, played Lineage 2, FFXI, EQ2, Tera, Archeage, ESO, RaiderZ, GW, GW2, in all honesty, pretty much played everything except WoW (*SHOCK*)
Gamertag: HAMSTER snipe HAMSTER
Class: GF
Level: 60
Gear Score: 15,640
Time Zone: Central
Age: 31
Neverwinter Experience: cleared all T2 3/4CN
Other Gaming Experience: Guild Leader of Nerfed World first achievements in (Swtor,Rift) 15yrs of competitive gaming experience. Can go on if needed in party chat.
Gamertag: Robthebrewer
Class: DC/SW
Level: 60/60
Gear Score:(DC 10750) SW/9500 or something don't play often now i made a dc.
Time Zone: eastern
Age: 20
Neverwinter Experience: all T1/T2 except dread and spell can never get a good group lol.
Other Gaming Experience:
Gamertag: P0ppin skulls
Class: Great Weapon Fighter
Level: 60
Gear Score: 11,100
Time Zone: Eastern
Age: 18
Neverwinter Experience: Cleared all T1 and a couple of T2 with PUGs
Other Gaming Experience: Runescape back in 2007 and a lot of raiding experience on Destiny
Gamertag: Tony the Timber
Class:Guardian Fighter
Gear Score:14194
Time Zone:CST
Neverwinter Experience: cleared everything except final boss of CN on XBOX (cleared everything on PC several times)
Other Gaming Experience:over a year of neverwinter on the PC and played several other mmorpgs and mmortss
Class: Divine Cleric
Level: 60
Gear Score: 12,598
Time Zone: GMT +1
Age: 33
Neverwinter Experience: Played PC up till lvl 30, Cleared all T1 and T2 on XBOX, CN up till Dracolich (~75% wipe)
Other Gaming Experience: On MMO's my main class was always the healers, previous experience includes
4.5 years World of Warcraft (main class Priest)
1 year Warhammer Online (main class Zealot)
1 year Aion (Cleric)
Played some other MMO's, but never that hard to really get involved in the endgame content
Gamertag: Emmure 8004
Note: I'm currently the dedicated healer in CrazySquiggle aka Crazywhiteguy99 crew and I'm Twitch streaming quite a bit, and even more since I started playing Neverwinter. Just a heads up, because I like the thrill of having people watch me play, but for some in the group that might sometimes be disturbing, knowing that there is 10-30 people watching them play.
Bring Me The Horizon - lvl 70 Rogue - 2.5k IL
[The Legendary Outlaws]
Class: Control Wizard - Storm-spell Mage
Level: 36
Gear Score: 3452
Time Zone: -7 GMT
Age: 26
Never winter Experience: newbie
Other Gaming Experience: Rune scape (Merchant), Last Chaos, Defiance, War-frame. Xbox Original, 360 and ONE
Gamer-tag: Unleash Evox
Note: typically online between 12am - 4pm.
Contact: Emma Hayven@Unleash Evox, evoxm9@gmail.com
Class: CW - stormspell
Level: 60
Gear Score: 8900 atm
Time Zone: CST
Age: 39
Neverwinter Experience: Played PC version, cleared all T1's, most T2's, sharandar expan, valindra expan. @13k gs on PC
Other Gaming Experience: DDO several years, AoC, LoTRo, SGO, some warhammer online, Destiny (xb1)
Gamertag: SmurfyScrote
Notes: Just looking for a solid group of players I can farm/run with, share strats etc. I mainly play evenings (a brotha's gotta work) as well as days off. I just capped 60 a couple of days ago so my GS is still lacking due to the constant group kicking which is partially why im trying to find a solid guild. Have mic and prefer to use it (is it me or do people in this game not want to talk?). Anyway, your guild sounds like exactly what im looking for so hit me up please. Thanks!
Class: TR
Level: 60
Gear Score: 10,041
Time Zone: PST
Age: 27
Neverwinter Experience: Cleared all Xbox One T1, and most of Xbox One T2's.
Other Gaming Experience: 9 Years of WoW from Burning Crusade to current. Aion for 3 years, Rift for 2 years, SWTOR for about a year, Tera for a few months, FF A Realm Reborn for about 4 months,
Gamertag: msg me on here to get that. Would prefer to keep it hidden.
Class: TANK
Level: 60
Gear Score: 11.3 k
Time Zone: America
Age: 28
Neverwinter Experience: All t1 and t2. Been doing Dailies and dragon group since and trying other spec/ build for tank.
Other Gaming Experience: Neverwinternight, Wow, UO, Runescape, Rift,
Gamertag: Crinkleb
Gear Score:12,412
Time Zone:BST
Neverwinter Experience: Played on PC as a CW. Now running GWF on XB1 have run all T1/T2s
Other Gaming Experience:Just about every major MMO going on PC the list would be to long. playing as a team isn't a problem for me
Gamertag:NinjaPimp Cy
Class: CW
Level: 60
Gear Score: 14,772
Campaign Progress: 4/5 Assist the Zhentarim
Time Zone: Central
Age: 25
Neverwinter Experience: 0 on PC. Cleared all dungeons currently available including Castle Never 3 times.
Gamertag: NutMcGravy
Class: Trickster Rogue
Gear Score: 11.9k
Campaign Progress: Minimal but will work on it
Time Zone:Pacific
Age: 19
Neverwinter Experience: Played PC version till lvl 60 but started working a lot and never really went back into it.
Other Gaming Experience: I've been playing video games since I was 7 started on PlayStation then and have played games on every consoles since then . I play World of Warcraft for years and had tons of fun , I played neverwinter for days and had ever more fun , I plan to be playing this for a while and I want to experience all the content hopefully the guild can help me with that if not I understand . Hope to see you in game.
Class: Guardian Fighter
Level: 60
Gear Score: 10,165
Campaign Progress: 80% or so
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (US)
Age: 23
Neverwinter Experience: Cleared T1, working on T2 with pug groups
Other Gaming Experience: I won't bore you with a list but I basically play everything sports related through MMO's.
Gamertag: GetInTheTruck
EDIT: Oh and btw I eat meat, drink beer, solicit women, HAMSTER, and horde bacon. I'm extremely laid back, have a weird sense of humor, have a few tightnit guildmates from a different game on their way to 60 that I help, but when I'm on (which is pretty frequently) I like to tear sh*t up! Sooo fair warning, if I'm not your cup of tea I get it
Class: Trickster Rogue
Level: 60
Gear Score: 14.2
Campaign Progress: 3/5 Assist the emerald enclave
Time Zone: Eastern, usually on between midnight to six-seven am.
Neverwinter Experience: None on PC. I've cleared all the way up to 3/4 castle never. As I can never find a good group to take down the last boss.
Other Gaming Experience: I've played multiple mmo's like shaiya, tera, rift, perfect world, battle of the immortals, war of the immortals and quite a few more.
Gamertag: Freaky Pills
Class: TR
Level: 60
Gear Score: 10,041
Time Zone: PST
Age: 27
Neverwinter Experience: Cleared all Xbox One T1's and T2's (Including Dread Vault Solo'd the boss down from 75% myself while everyone else did mob control.)
Campaign Progress: 60%
Other Gaming Experience: 9 Years of WoW from Burning Crusade to current. Aion for 3 years, Rift for 2 years, SWTOR for about a year, Tera for a few months, FF A Realm Reborn for about 4 months,
Gamertag: msg me on here to get that. Would prefer to keep it hidden.
2nd Post for the update since Campaign Progress was added to the list of questions. An so that way I'm updated on the list. Plus cleared a bit more content since my application.
Class: Cleric
Level: 60
Gear Score: 11k, T1/Ioun Stone/Plaguefire/Soulforge
Campaign Progress: Just starting Assist the Zhentarim, 80%ish?
Time Zone: EST -5
Age: 23
Neverwinter Experience: Cleared T2 except Dread Vaults
Other Gaming Experience: 16 years of mixed FPS, MMO, RTS and MOBA with hardcore progression raiding and high ranked group PvP experience; willing to elaborate if necessary
Gamertag: ReallyRecon
Gamertag: ReallyRecon
Guild Leader of <Critical Severity>
We are recruiting 15+GS PVE and PVP players
Class: Scourge Warlock
Level: 60
Gear Score: 9800
Campaign Progress: 30% (I PvP'd a lot)
Time Zone: GMT but usually stay up late on weekends.
Age: 25
Neverwinter Experience: Started on PC Beta (I still have the Kittyapocolypse email) My group were the first Holy Trinity Team to beat Never castle. GF, GWF, Rogue (was me), Cleric and CW. All other teams were using double Cleric due to the Astral Shield bug.
Other Gaming Experience: 3 years in Aion 2 years in Tera, 1 year in Wildstar Reaching end game content and completing it all (apart from wildstars raids). I've been playing games since i was 3 years old playing Doom on Win 95. I love a good challenge.
Gamertag:L Ellz L