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what do you think of mod 6? (player feedback)



  • c1k4ml3kc3c1k4ml3kc3 Member Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ran VT last night with guildies. When we were in front of the entrance to the boss fight, server disconnected us and we couldn't go back in. After that, the party got automatically disbanded leaving all of us quite angry.

    Currently I can't even log into the game.
    True Neutral
    Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
  • vordaynvordayn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,283 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    c1k4ml3kc3 wrote: »
    Ran VT last night with guildies. When we were in front of the entrance to the boss fight, server disconnected us and we couldn't go back in. After that, the party got automatically disbanded leaving all of us quite angry.

    Currently I can't even log into the game.

    ****e, that's painfully, almost comically funny. It's like the mini-rollbacks they have at Reclamation Rock - if you're disconnected for whatever reason, you lose the last 30 minutes of questing and have to go through the grind again like it's groundhog day in the worst possible way.
    Vordon CW        Vordayn DC        Axel Wolfric GWF        Logain SW        Gawyn GF        Galad OP        Aspen Darkfire HR        Min TR
  • antovarasantovaras Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I voted for "can't stand it". While the Paladin is a really fun class to play all the new additions just leave me annoyed and frustrated. The original 'temple of elemental evil' module was a stunning dungeon crawl mixed in with the wider campaigns ongoing in Greyhawk. This? This is just some soulless MDK gear chasing simulation with a few elemental inspired mobs and and ill thought through diffulty curve in what is mostly old zones, I'll always be a fan of D&D, but NW is fast turning me off...
    A world to defend
    A city to protect
    innocents to save
    "Why?" They ask "they hate you"
    We're heroes it's what we do.
    *patiently waiting on Paragon City*
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    1) I actually like the new zones. However, far too many quests are required, drops are good for nothing but refinement, quest object drop rates are too low for the huge number of quests, and far too much recycled content.
    2) Yanking the rug out from under us with artifact equipment was bad. Lying to us about refining our old equipment (80% vs 40%) was worse.
    3) Epic dungeons are now a transparent money grab to get people to buy health stones instead of the now-almost-useless healing potions.
    4) Loot from t1 dungeons is pointless to anyone who had the sense to grind pvp and gg to buy a lvl 70 Burning pvp set in advance.
    5) I've only played to 70 with my HR, and the new abilities are mostly nice. They don't seem to work as advertised in pvp though.
    6) The neverending wait for a fix to hoard enchantments is infuriating. I'll say it again: The neverending wait for a fix to hoard enchantments is infuriating. And don't tell me they auto-loot or they're fixed. I know, and they aren't.
    7) Constant server issues make it difficult to so much as invoke and do professions, let alone actually play much of the time.
    8) Deafening lack of response from the devs is not impressive.
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    antovaras wrote: »
    I voted for "can't stand it". While the Paladin is a really fun class to play all the new additions just leave me annoyed and frustrated. The original 'temple of elemental evil' module was a stunning dungeon crawl mixed in with the wider campaigns ongoing in Greyhawk. This? This is just some soulless MDK gear chasing simulation with a few elemental inspired mobs and and ill thought through diffulty curve in what is mostly old zones, I'll always be a fan of D&D, but NW is fast turning me off...

    I still have that module. :-)
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • vaultfairyvaultfairy Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I liked the story and having Minsc fighting at my side but other than that i really do not like this mod. Just got to level 63 on my Paladin and was actually looking forward to start doing my Sharandar/DreadRing/ToD boons.. :(
  • clownhasnoclownhasno Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Voted "I can't stand mod 6".
    1. You seem to have gone from 1 extreme to the other in regards to difficulty, before mod 6 things were too easy but now they're too hard. I went to icewind dale today for the first time on this toon, got a quest to do a heroic encounter, it said 5+ people recommended and we couldn't even do it with 7. I'd get 1 hit from like 50k hp before i could even attack anything. I couldn't even do cult prison in Well of dragons with a friend because it's too hard now (both level 70 with around 2k item level each).
    2. The lack of dungeons. I still don't see the reason to leave only a few dungeons in the game while you take all the others out, only being able to do kessels and such till i get my item level up is already getting boring.

    Good that you've decided to make the game more challenging considering how easy it was before but bad because you've made some things literally impossible (especially for new players).
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You need to learn a lot about people!

    Firstly, if a product is utterly garbage, i can't make them eat it, no matter how i stand behind a rotten bread for example.

    Secondly, i am another human being and so are they, if they wished to stay and enjoy "this", they could have stayed, it was their choice to go on stand by, not mine and most of them did it after pre launch test time, cause they saw, that the Devs don't care about their feedback.

    Thirdly, most of them didn't leave for ever, just waiting and counting the days until something happens. Not my decision, theirs!

    Very well said mate!

    They play the same game as politicians do, they know, people will eventually leave, the newcomers are too fresh to see the difference, the not so DnD addicted don't even have a clue, what Temple of Elemental Evil should have looked like and the big voices will eventually be tossed out, so they can't disturb the progress.

    I for myself wouldn't be surprised at another fact, namely if the paying whales leave and no money comes in, then they would come out with plan C, which is called Xbox only.

    I think the management of this game has reached their desired goal, they got Xbox secured, we the PC players were only a milestone to get there and if this boat sinks, no big deal, if it stays alive as it is and people settle for this and with time begin to pay, than they got a win-win situation.

    You know a product that doesn't deliver,no matter how well packaged,will eventually be abandoned by every paying customer. People aren't stupid.However if the makers of a product are opportunists who are only looking for a quick grab,then that's another matter entirely.So the real question is, to which category do the Managers of this Franchise,fall to. Are they serious businessman or opportunists? If it's the former then ,eventually in a future Mod perhaps,we'll see some positive changes.If however it's the latter then this product(Neverwinter) will be discontinued since,eventually,noone will pay for it.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • edited April 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • umcjdkingumcjdking Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You can see that the Developers put a lot of time and effort into building an environment and I would like to congratulate them on that. All the new areas are REALLY cool.

    My beef is there is simply NOTHING to do 60-70 except PVP. Run the same 2 skirmishes and three dungeons until I explode? C'mon guys. 70 isn't much better, simply do what we did before except we're missing about 1/2 the dungeons. I have 15 alts and would like to all eventually play them up to 70 but it's so god-awfully slow and repetitive that I don't know that I can.

    And then the bugs. And the network stability.
  • chronoskenschronoskens Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I freakin' can't stand the updates with this Module, First lets talk about the leadership profession cause i used to do this one twice a day every day, but since your "Update" one of the tasks I ran was destroy enemy camps it game me a nice nit of AD per day and I was happy with it, then here comes the "Update" and turns the task from 12 hours to 16 hours, now to only way to run it twice a day is with Hero's on all 16 of my toons. Lets think about this for a min they only way to get enough of the Man-at-arms, adventures or heaven forbid I might get a Hero is to buy a lot of the profession packs, I am not spending that kinda money for a small chance to get them. Now comes to may other problem with this "Update" is the epic gear that you have released to replace the old stuff, it is all bind on Pick-up, you guys have potentially killed the AH because people get Zen to turn it into AD so they can at least get some gear from there, I know a few people who's computers for the most part can handle the game but with the amount of Mobs in some dungeons lag out their machines so they buy their gear not they can all they will have is HAMSTER that isn't worth it to have. Is it so hard to make the Epic gear BOE instead of BOP? Atleast this way you don't kill the Auction House. I know some people are gonna see this and complain about what I have said but this is my thoughts about the Mod6 and if you expect a response from me don't. that is all cya.
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Voted : Can't Stand it.
    It's not that I Cant Stand it, but it was a letdown from the hype. (wish there was an option like, Dont hate it, But Still disapointed)

    The Release was just too broken for me. too many problems, Things that were said to be fixed that weren't.

    I get that there are deadlines, but the product was not at a release standard yet I personally feel, maybe if It had a few more patches to iron out bugs, and the fixed issues were actually fixed, it would have been amazing, the amount of new content is pretty large. But I see positivies and negatives from this mod so far.

    PROS :
    New Level cap adds something for End game players to do

    New Gear to work for

    New encounter powers

    Companions are useful!

    Harder PvE content

    New Maps look cool (love Spinward rise.)

    Paladin Class is Awesome fun! (My GWF was meant to be a paladin, now that I have a paladin I can rewrite their backstories into a younger/older version)

    the amount of bugs left in, Things that were said to be fixed were left unfixed.

    Inbalance between Classes still just as bad (overbuffs and overnerfs)

    Recycled animations and Overperforming / Underperforming new skills (Grand fissure is a joke, Disintegrate is Insanely OP)

    Jump in XP required is huge. 60-61 is like 3-4 higher than 59-60, instead of the more linear scaling prior.
    Recycled maps

    Less Transmogs and gear, so less ability to make yourself look how you want.

    The new Stat scaling, and the "buff up to this level for an area" system does not work very well. You feel like you are LOSING strength by leveling to 70.

    Recycling old Campaign areas and just making then level 70 zones. I would of rather these been left 60 zones, and WoD be the 70 zone.

    My Own Opinions
    Regen Changes, Regen is still on loads of PVP gear. but its Value in PVP is now FAR lower. I wouldnt find if the heal was nerfedon it, but the change was huge.

    Lifesteal Changes, RNG makes you feel bad, It's be nicer if it was 25-50% Severity , and the scaling was about 100% better imo, same overall amount technically, but you feel better from seeing it proc.

    Leadership Armies are still #1 in making money, It'd be nice if playing the game made you a better income than having a bunch of characters that you dont play just generating cash like interest accounts.

    I cant wait to see the balance patch on 4/23 too see what changes are being made. there, and hope we see some based on the feedback that has been provided by all of us
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • seanna2000seanna2000 Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2015
    Please, hold it right there, guys. The thing just launched not too long ago. I also played proper DnD and also PC-based and console-based DnD, so yes I don't think it lives up to the standards of the best. But we also all know that there's worse REAL DnD out there. Also, give them some time. I think their ideas are interesting, and naming isn't a problem (Has anyone ever heard of a non-ridiculous DnD name?). Still storyline and immersion is important, not to mention build variety.

    However, being a computer scientist myself, I can see their point of view. They have deadlines to meet and the modern world expects so much so fast, so they're probably using an iterative software development lifecycle (Iterative SDLC). So seeing that it's an iterative SDLC, it'll probably go through multiple cycles of analysis, inception, elaboration, design, implementation and maintenance before it truly is complete. This is the process that computer scientists have decided on as most suitable for modern software development in a fast paced world for many years now and it has worked well. Let's give them some time to perfect their module before we make any judgement.
  • antovarasantovaras Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    seanna2000 wrote: »
    Please, hold it right there, guys. The thing just launched not too long ago. I also played proper DnD and also PC-based and console-based DnD, so yes I don't think it lives up to the standards of the best. But we also all know that there's worse REAL DnD out there. Also, give them some time. I think there ideas are interesting, and naming isn't a problem (Has anyone ever heard of a non-ridiculous DnD name?). Still storyline and immersion is important, not to mention build variety.

    However, being a computer scientist myself, I can see their point of view. They have deadlines to meet and the modern world expects so much so fast, so they're probably using an iterative software development lifecycle (Iterative SDLC). So see that it's an iterative SDLC, it'll probably go through multiple cycles of analysis, inception, elaboration, design, implementation and maintenance before it truly is complete. This is the process that computer scientists have decided on as most suitable for modern software development in a fast paced world for many years now and it has worked well. Let's give them some time to perfect their module before we make any judgement.

    This isn't D&D on any level (yes I've played since 1979) It's a MDK gear grind with ZERO story. The devs have had close to two years working on this game... how much more iteration do they need? Mostof the original content is better than this and if you think this module is going to get anything other than surface tweaks you're sadly mistaken. sorry.
    A world to defend
    A city to protect
    innocents to save
    "Why?" They ask "they hate you"
    We're heroes it's what we do.
    *patiently waiting on Paragon City*
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    seanna2000 wrote: »
    Please, hold it right there, guys. The thing just launched not too long ago. I also played proper DnD and also PC-based and console-based DnD, so yes I don't think it lives up to the standards of the best. But we also all know that there's worse REAL DnD out there. Also, give them some time. I think there ideas are interesting, and naming isn't a problem (Has anyone ever heard of a non-ridiculous DnD name?). Still storyline and immersion is important, not to mention build variety.

    However, being a computer scientist myself, I can see their point of view. They have deadlines to meet and the modern world expects so much so fast, so they're probably using an iterative software development lifecycle (Iterative SDLC). So see that it's an iterative SDLC, it'll probably go through multiple cycles of analysis, inception, elaboration, design, implementation and maintenance before it truly is complete. This is the process that computer scientists have decided on as most suitable for modern software development in a fast paced world for many years now and it has worked well. Let's give them some time to perfect their module before we make any judgement.

    Going by the results of this Poll, I think the playerbase both the money-spending people and the more casual people, would of been happy to wait a bit longer if it Meant they'd have less Bugs / Exploits / Broken mechanics and more of their feedback taken into consideration.

    There are bugs in the current module that were around since they first started testing it and there was so much feedback regarding balance / bugs / potential issues that seems to have just been forgotten.

    From a Programming point of view, sure, you need to test different things and revise until you have the end product. but Game-breaking mechanics and bugs should be fixed in this stage before release, at least the ones that were discovered, It's fine if you dont catch every bug. but all the large things that are caught by the testers should be addressed. It'd be nice too see a "dev log" also where maybe once a month / 2 months. A list of the issues that have been brought up is made, and we are told if they are bugs, or are intended, and if bugs, are told roughly when to expect a fix (even if they say, 4-5 patches, or "next module".

    If you went to the shop and bought a gaming console. But 25% of the games you tried to play on it didnt work at all due to some underlying bugs, you'd be pretty grumpy. Neverwinter is a Free 2 play game, so sure, you potentially haven't spent any money on it, But out of the games I've played in the last 3-4 years I don't think any of them have had ongoing bugs as long as this one, (there were some really Huge Dota 2 and HoN ones, but they were fixed within a Week, some of them within a few hours)

    I love this game, And I really dont want too see it meets its demise due to untested or broken mechanics, upset players, or a passive "Pay"-wall of extremely long farm times or unpleasant questing/combat (think of a new player, who hasn't spent any money, trying to get his PVP/end game stuff and do his campaigns with no source of AD other than dailies and his 1-2 characters leadership, if he even has leadership as there isnt much in the tutorial of professions explaining how critical it is, you can only be oneshotted and trolled so many times before its not fun anymore) scaring away new players
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    seanna2000 wrote: »
    Please, hold it right there, guys. The thing just launched not too long ago. I also played proper DnD and also PC-based and console-based DnD, so yes I don't think it lives up to the standards of the best. But we also all know that there's worse REAL DnD out there. Also, give them some time. I think there ideas are interesting, and naming isn't a problem (Has anyone ever heard of a non-ridiculous DnD name?). Still storyline and immersion is important, not to mention build variety.

    However, being a computer scientist myself, I can see their point of view. They have deadlines to meet and the modern world expects so much so fast, so they're probably using an iterative software development lifecycle (Iterative SDLC). So see that it's an iterative SDLC, it'll probably go through multiple cycles of analysis, inception, elaboration, design, implementation and maintenance before it truly is complete. This is the process that computer scientists have decided on as most suitable for modern software development in a fast paced world for many years now and it has worked well. Let's give them some time to perfect their module before we make any judgement.

    People have been justifiably upset about this game for a long time. The players have been patient but there is a limit to everything and I think mod6 just shot right through that. Players have been so disappointed on so many levels and expectations grow instead of decrease because after all the marketing says everything is just awesome. It is what people want to believe. So when something like mod6 drops, you have an explosion of that collective compressed disappointment and anger. Its like that girlfriend you love but who cheats on you. She says lets move to a different city for a fresh start, everything new, everything will be better. Well your first day of work there you come to the new apartment and she has the mailman the plumber the landlord and the neighbor all in bed with her and your head explodes. There is no reasoning with that. Disappointment after disappointment and people finally vent their rage and just leave for good.
  • kyobi16kyobi16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    from random boot on last tos boss to random dissconnect and rank 4 powers being broken/not working as well as certain enchants not performing as inteanded or not performing at all to the massive out rage that gylphs are not stackable and so much other stuff i forgot this is completly not standable.
  • xgrandz02xgrandz02 Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My impressions:

    Spinward Rise it's a beautiful place, I know currently is it a bit- laggy but gonna fixed probably soon,
    I think for the PvE part has enough been said from all of you..,

    Well what i could say: for the moment, I start to enjoing the pvp match again, after months (seriously)
    The lv70.GG 10v10PvP is currently really awesome!, the Queue pop up very fast,
    its unbelievable how many 70ties are already walking around.
    currently it doesn't seem unbalanced for me, I tried many rounds already Simply because is Fun.
    it doesn't matter if i win or lose it's the fun of the match itself that i had.

    it's not exactly, the first thing that most pvp-players was calling for,
    But it's a nice change/improvement for the PVP aspect in Neverwinter.
    One day we will get our new pvp map and we all will be fully-happy.

    Thanks to the Devs for the change of GG!,
    <::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
  • blanndeblannde Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I figured I would try this one more time, tried the last area in Sharrandar could just get my cleric around with her draconic gear and her Lilland but if u pull a extra mob she was stuffed, so ok thought I'd try the second area in drowned shore again maybe a few days break and it wouldn't be so tedious... what happens some critter manages to stop me using potions for 60 seconds.. not sure which one pulled 2 groups ok I didn't die but wtf! simply the fun has gone from this game... hoping but not expecting much on the 23rd... in all my years gaming I have never seen anything quite like mod 6.....
  • edited April 2015
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  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    khimera906 wrote: »
    I don't know why you guys are expecting any kind of acknowledgement for your complains/concerns. You do realize they knew they were putting out a HAMSTER? You think they don't know when they release good quality content?
    For some reason they had to do release this module - good or bad.
    I'm curious about the famous patch that's coming on the 23rd. It better be good.

    I strongly suspect that WotC forced their hand. The last three modules coincided with PnP releases. Regardless of the official line, I think it was contractual.

    That said, even with a not-ready-for-prime-time release, there is no excuse for this new "kill the players" attitude. I was checking the forums today in the hope that someone at Cryptic would have responded by now to the MASSIVE amount of criticism mounting here. I guess I shouldn't be surprised to be sadly disappointed.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    MY biggest problem is not the Insane difficulty or the issue i die in all corner with my GWF .
    My biggest problem is we cannot have any resonable stuff from dungeons cuz all you can farm can be opened from lockbox .
    And to open lockbox you need just pres mouse button 1.

    Can somone tell me why shoud i go to any T1-T2 if i can get it out from lockbox ?
    Whats the point to farm T1 or T2 ? Or even Tiamat?
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • thetrueazurethetrueazure Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    It's not quite to the level of "I can't stand it!!!!", but I -am- quite disappointed with it.

    I was expecting... well, more than just these "here's a hub and a set of repeatable quests; do the quests repeatedly until you've done enough to move on to the next hub and repeat the process; oh, also, you can only pick up a limited number of these at a time, which will essentially force you to spend a ton of time just going back-and-forth from the hub".

    The bigger issue is the lag. The lag makes the experience very unpleasant for me and my squishy CW - for now, I've relegated to logging in intermittently to check if it's sorted, finding out it's not, and logging out. I'd just rather not play than deal with it. :/
  • runonnikerunonnike Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Why I'm not liking this mod:

    1. The devs straight up lied to their players. We, actually, do not 75% of our RP back. In fact, it is 40%. This would have been fine if they had just hold the truth from the beginning.

    2. I'm just glad I saved up Seals of Triumph before this mod. New players who want PvP armor are screwed.

    3. I'm really fed up with the leveling. We do the same few quests for not a level or two, but ten levels. TEN! Not only that, but level 61 quests only give some 2k experience.

    5. For the Black Ice profession, it costs more to level from 3 to 4 than 4 to 5. How is this logical? This is just shouting, " I wanna get in your wallet!"

    6. Level 60 have more damage than 70s in scaled areas. Again, how is this logical?

    7. Stealth removed was removed, while perma-stealth wasn't.

    8. Leadership "Destroy Enemy Camp" nerf. If you introduce gear that costs more AD than it's worth, then don't nerf AD gain. Simple as that.
  • edited April 2015
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  • boardnut696boardnut696 Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2015
    the question is in the title. please vote honestly and comment down below why.

    Mod 6 Questchain; go here, do 16 quests, repeat doing 16quests 16 times, ding 70, get new gear so you can feed yourself to mobs a little slower. My vote?; Very Boring and endgame isnt fun, regardless of difficulty there just isnt any incentive to hitting 70 and pretty much nothing to do. Its sad seeing a D&D title on a mod with no adventure to it
  • boardnut696boardnut696 Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2015
    runonnike wrote: »
    Why I'm not liking this mod:

    1. The devs straight up lied to their players. We, actually, do not 75% of our RP back. In fact, it is 40%. This would have been fine if they had just hold the truth from the beginning.

    2. I'm just glad I saved up Seals of Triumph before this mod. New players who want PvP armor are screwed.

    3. I'm really fed up with the leveling. We do the same few quests for not a level or two, but ten levels. TEN! Not only that, but level 61 quests only give some 2k experience.

    5. For the Black Ice profession, it costs more to level from 3 to 4 than 4 to 5. How is this logical? This is just shouting, " I wanna get in your wallet!"

    6. Level 60 have more damage than 70s in scaled areas. Again, how is this logical?

    7. Stealth removed was removed, while perma-stealth wasn't.

    8. Leadership "Destroy Enemy Camp" nerf. If you introduce gear that costs more AD than it's worth, then don't nerf AD gain. Simple as that.

    The difference in dmg from 60's and 70's in scaled area's is absolutely stupid, I went from doing 5000 at lvl 63 to 500 at lvl 70?!!!, as the previous poster said, "How is that logical?!"
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    runonnike wrote: »
    Why I'm not liking this mod:

    1. The devs straight up lied to their players. We, actually, do not 75% of our RP back. In fact, it is 40%. This would have been fine if they had just hold the truth from the beginning.


    The blog was later corrected to clarify that the 75% intended was in terms of levels (which, actually is 80% -- 48/60 is 80 percent of total levels).

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • learch123learch123 Member Posts: 514 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    yea to late for alot us that took it at the 80% retune on investment
  • baszun67baszun67 Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2015
    I'm havin' a ball in 6.
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