I voted for can't stand it also. So everything outside of the new content is now level 70? That wasn't very well thought out. Maybe the Devs should play a charactor that's lvl 62 and also not armed to the teeth in a level 70 area. The new content just isn't that interesting to repeat time and time again. Each time I've leveled, the damage I take gets greater and the damage I give gets less. Still haven't seen any gear close to the quality of mine drop yet. No new areas that I've seen, just the same old rehashed maps. A lot of hype but looks like very little effort was put into it. You might want to do a rollback on this one.
I didnt vote because there are things I cant stand and things I love but I do notice a difference and I do care
few things I like ..
spinward rise is fun and pretty
most of the reskin areas are not too bad ether
I like the focus toward making almost all classes desirable (still needs some tweaking with SW/GWF/HR)
few things I hate
GWFs not having even half the damage resistance of a tank specced GF/OP
seriously being a melee class that can barely get in melee range is pretty broken (we dont have the ITC,stealth or a dodge with immunity frames like TRs) our beefyness is what kept us alive (lifesteal just made us immortal in PvE)
Potions are pathetic compared to the new health pools
at lev 70 with my gear I have 76,000 hp, in mod 5 I had 30,000 why only up the potions 1500? a pot in mod 5 was about 1/3th my heath depending on boons now its 1/7th.
but its early I will give it a month to ge tweaked before giving any verdict
After only 72 hours of the "new" (rehashed) module, half of the players in my guild have abandoned the game already, the reason: if you had a 19K+ gear score toon with a bunch of legendary gear and, suddenly, all the money and time you invested to get those items and refine them went down the drain, you would feel very betrayed by the game too. And I'll be joining them, my epic armor sets look like they're made of butter! And all the work and time I've put to refine artifact gear to legendary it's now worthless... I rather spend my money where I can get value from it and many of my friends are leaving with me for similar reasons. The least that they should have done is to put our gear on level 70 and not nerfed something we had to play Tiamat for 2 months to get it! Real cheap shot!
I'm not only a player, I'm a customer. Neverwinter is not free for me, I and many people in my guild paid to get the best stuff in the game and it's only because of people like us that the free2players can enjoy and explore the beautiful scenarios. Telling me every other MMO is the same also don't solve the problem, so if every MMO is an exploratory business than it's ok for Neverwinter to be one too? I'm sorry, I was playing Neverwinter because I thought it was not like every other MMO. And don't pull that tech-business model **** on us... Just because some tech-business abuse their market power to explore their clients that doesn't make it right for Neverwinter to do the same. What Apple does sux too, but at least you still have a functional (outdated) phone... Contrary to what NW did by making all epic armor and artifact gear literally useless!
Now if you don't understand why we feel betrayed allow me to give you an analogy: imagine that Apple launches a new iPhone 6 and because of that all the apps in your iPhone 5 stop working properly. How would you feel? I bet not good, right?
So this game is losing a lot of its customers and for good reason: people don't enjoy paying for worthless things. Now, me and what's now almost half of my guild are leaving the game... I hope the free2players enjoy taking money out of their wallets to cover our hole.
Does anyone who worked at those zones still work for Cryptic? I don't think so.
You guessed it right, this Dev team isn't the original one.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
The fact that it is difficult means not every Tom HAMSTER and Harry can win, you need to have a real strategy, and that makes it more fun.
Utterly nonsense!
Look at schweifer1982's thread, he is already near in BiS gear and he is one shot with his 160k HP in a normal T1 dungeon. Now where was his strategy wrong there?
Now, if he an "old timer" is having issues in BiS gear, what shall the average Joe do?
A game should be here for everybody, not just the top wallet warriors or the top skilled people.
And take in account, that some classes are really weak now!
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Voted for "I can't stand it".
I mean... wtf? I grinded and farmed weeks and months in the campains... and now I get a "new" area with "new" quests where I can farm from lvl 60 to lvl 70 just to get back to the areas I farmed for months? Ehm... wtf?
And all my items I worked hard or bought them with a lot of AD is HAMSTER and green (!) stuff from normal (!) mobs 1 or 2 lvl above is better?
But I can't use all of it... cause in green and blue stuff there are not the important slots... So my options are: I have to use HAMSTER armor and HAMSTER weapon or I can't use the enchantments... nice...
And the "new" content... Minsk got a voice of a kid (in the german version)... the character designers did not take the time to show Boo (just ONCE u see him -.-)... The "new" areas are just old maps and old dungeons we saw in the old game... we just start on a different position...
So there is NO new stuff for lvl60 player... nothing... nada... just: "okay u played the game for hours and hours and hours now... do it again! On the same maps over and over again so u can go back to the stuff u did before module 6"
Plz take Module 6 back and act like it never happend!
Plz take Module 6 back and act like it never happend!
Yep, only human and customer friendly solution. I have written here, if 100 times bigger companies could do it, than Cryptic sure can. Roll back and throw this garbage out, even my 5 year old god son, who watches me GM on weekends could come up with something better.
Actually if they don't act soon to our appeal, then it shows only, they only care for Xbox now and we, the PC players were just a cheap PR trick to hop onto Microsoft's boat.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
the question is in the title. please vote honestly and comment down below why.
Ok whats happened to Warlocks. I had 12.3k of epic gear before this mod, battles with grunts were the rigtht level of difficulty and with bosses challenging.
Now all my gear seems wasted, normal grunts are almost too hard for me to fight, bosses kill me in one hit. I do around 17k of dam with some of my encounter powers and yet I might as well shoot ping pong balls.
I liked the way my Warlock was set up so now do I need to change everything again?
Just please review the impact of your mod before you lose more players. This is a business for you so please keep customers happy and review the impact of these changes across the board.
I'll start with what the hell? I've been quietly invoking and doing tradeskills for a while now waiting for Mod6 to release.
Tradeskills are ok I suppose, but as usual the content of tradeskill items is far eclipsed by even junk drops. But I can whip through the tradeskills while eating lunch at work, so no big issue there.
Invocations: are you kidding me? This is the biggest load of - well you get the picture. 7 day boxes are now (effectively) 14 day boxes and the AD from invocation doesn't even come close to the previous ones.
Content: seriously you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. The 'content' is a huge issue. I'd much rather you had waited another 2 months and actually delivered actual content. I'm not even talking about Dread Ring/Sharandar/etc.
For 3.5 gigs of download I was expecting to have something worthwhile. Surprise!
i'm level 62 and stuck. i cant find any new gear and i can't survive most mobs. i don't know how to progress. there only seems to be one or two of the new quests that i can do and even they are costing me potions and injury heals. i was quite happy doing the hourly dragon things and getting back ice for my armour but now i can't do those things. is this how it was intended to be? i'm not highly skilled at playing and i avoid the difficult stuff but there has always been a slow steady way for me to progress. in my brief time playing warcraft i seemed to spend most of my time running back to my corpse and this feels a bit like that. yesterday i ended the day standing on a circle with a full set of injurys because i did not want to buy any more injury heals.
and i would have liked to post this as a new thread but the forum will not let me. i guess because i'm new.
i'll try again tonight but i'm not very optimistic. if this was a standalone game i would be turning the difficulty slider down a notch or two so i could enjoy it more.
This isn't how you level up. There's a big new thing in protector's enclave. It's a large tree. Don't you have any curiosity? The levelling quests are there, the campaigns are there because the devs thought it would be cool to give players access to them earlier. It's not, it's a mistake, because people like you have zero curiosity and don't care much about newer content if they can play the old one, which is now lvl 70. lol.
You're lvl 62, of course you'll die to lvl 70 npcs.
I voted love it, because yes, I actually do. For me the 1 hour quest cooldown was a good idea, I'd much rather do this than end up doing dailies day in day out. I've enjoyed the grind to 70 so far, and I have 3 levels to go. It's a shame the first 3 zones were effectively re-used content, but I did enjoy progressing through them, to the new area. I think the new area is AWESOME! (Can't remember its name off the top of my head though). Granted, there's a lot of things that need sprucing up, and a lot of things could be better, but asides from the legendary artifacts bug that's now been fixed, I can't say I'm unhappy personally. People moan and ***** about the increased difficulty, but personally I think it's a good thing. It was always the same sort of parties, tanks and healers were overlooked, and the fact they've become necessary is a good idea in my mind. They didn't put the classes there so everyone could make them, yet not be able to properly play them because of player attitudes :P
Look at schweifer1982's thread, he is already near in BiS gear and he is one shot with his 160k HP in a normal T1 dungeon. Now where was his strategy wrong there?
Now, if he an "old timer" is having issues in BiS gear, what shall the average Joe do?
A game should be here for everybody, not just the top wallet warriors or the top skilled people.
And take in account, that some classes are really weak now!
I am not having the same problems. Must be because I learned my lesson on strategy in Ice wind dale 2. Started it with a weak character from IWD 1 and had to adapt or die.
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
I started playing NWO about two months ago - so I'm a complete newbie here. This is my first MMO (I spent years playing the TES series, without ESO), but finally I became curious and wanted to try something different. I did a lot of searching and then I ended up with NWO. One of the main reasons being that a lot of things a soloplayer friendly. I started with my HR woodelf and really enjoyed it. When I wanted to join a group I simply queued for one of the dungeons or skirmishes.
I really had a good time and finally I hit level 60. I went to Sharandar and immediately fell in love with it (woodelf... ). I also started to climb up the trees of the other campaigns as well - step by step, slowly and steady. I didn't want to rush the game, taking my time, just having fun. I don't care about BiS, I just take what I find in the game and do a bit of refining now and then. As I really enjoyed this game, I finally decided to spend some real money, just to have more space in my bank account and in my inventory and to have two more character slots. I slowly increased my gearscore and just before Mod 6 hit I was at 12000 (most of you would probably laugh about it but I was really proud ;-)).
I tried the more difficult campaigns and also dared to take my first steps in the Well of Dragons. Yes, I died now and then, but I didn't care. I was used to taking healing potions and injury kits. I coped pretty well and was just trying to figure out how to slay the end boss of the prison in WoD.
Well, then came Mod 6. I first went to Sharandar as usual and took the weekly quest, entered the Arcane Reservoir and... died. Immediately. I didn't even have the time to react. Going through this quest I died about 6 times, but in the end I did it (but don't ask me how). Then I took some of the daily quests and started to collect the Fey Flowers... Absolutely no chance. I tried to sneak past the Redcaps in order to get the flowers (well, sneaking is not the right word as you can't sneak in this game, but I think you know what I mean) - and I died and died and died and died... So I finally gave up and left Sharandar, completely frustrated.
I went to this forum and saw that I was not the only one having this problem. After reading a bit I didn't even try going to the other areas (I think in WoD I even wouldn't make it alive from the cave exit to the camping site...).
I think Mod 6 is a slap in the face for everyone who enjoys a steady, calm and slow way of playing this game.
Some say you just have to do the new campaign and simply level up to 70 and grind, farm... whatever, to have the level 70 gear. I would like to level up to level 70, but only when I want it. Now I am forced to level up, I am forced to do really boring, annoying and completely dull quests to level up and to get some gear that I don't want to have. I just started to collect the Fabled Iliyanbruen Equipment because I really liked it. But I think I can forget about it now, for it won't be of any use anymore.
This is no fun for me, I don't enjoy this game anymore. Everything I enjoyed about this game was taken from me with Mod 6.
As you can imagine, I voted for "I can't stand it".
It had the potential to be good, but they didn't really take in much feedback from the preview server and didn't really communicate the reasons behind major changes well, or at all.
Overall, pretty poorly done, with some prime examples of utter ineptitude and fewer examples of reasoned change.
Posting here because as a new forum member I cannot start new threads (and I only joined to have a bit of a moan!)
For weeks/months I've been killing the WoD dragons to earn AD and stuff to upgrade my char. Some consider it a repetitive grind but I actually enjoyed the zerg thing and the timed nature of it fitted in well with my day - one before work, one when I get in, maybe another couple later in the evening, maybe not. I knew mod 6 was coming and I knew it was going to be more difficult but I did not realise that it would cause WoD to become impossible for me. I've tried the new mod 6 quest line. They are a bit tedious but I can cope with that but the problem is that at level 63 I just can't stay alive long enough to do the quests. It is fairly common in an RPG to find areas too hard for you and the standard solution is to go and level up somewhere else than come back when you are stronger. My problem is that I can't find anywhere else to level up. Even Sharandar is difficult now and I have finished all the pre-60 quest lines. In desperation I've even done a few foundry quests, something that I have never really enjoyed.
So, it's fine (and good!) to introduce new, harder quests but those of us who are perhaps not such good players need some way to "train up" for those new areas. I'd love WoD to return to pre mod 6 but I realise that is not going to happen. So I'm a bit stumped. I've started levelling up an alt but I've no idea what he will do when he gets to Sharandar or wherever.
So, in summary, I was quite happy plodding along, slowly upgrading my artifact stuff and enchants but now I am sort of stuck at 63. I can't see me reaching 64 anytime soon.
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
After only 72 hours of the "new" (rehashed) module, half of the players in my guild have abandoned the game already, the reason: if you had a 19K+ gear score toon with a bunch of legendary gear and, suddenly, all the money and time you invested to get those items and refine them went down the drain, you would feel very betrayed by the game too.
I gave feedback earlier, but I suppose that was a little negative while I was grinding. Once you finish and reach level 70, things look fun again.
So now I've thrown away millions in AD and hundreds of hours of my life... okay, whatever. It's only time and money.
But.. I had already finished DR and Sharandar. If there's no reason to finish my Draconic Templar set, then I have no reason to finish ToD. So that leaves Icewind Dale. But, what's the point of IWD, other than to feed the little yeti snacks?
So at this point, I'm grinding just so I can go feed the little yeti snacks. I'm actually okay with that. However, in a more "real" situation, me and my epic Yeti would go in there and free the little yeti and smite anyone who tried to stop us.
I tried but the new stuff is tedious as hell, 16 HAMSTER quests here 16 HAMSTER quests there with pathetic xp. I clocked over 475 hours in the two and a bit months I was playing this game, 3 characters to level 60 and all to ice dale, brought a lot of zen, a 3 figure amount, then mod 6 happened... NWN was fun to play after work, this current HAMSTER just... any way time to find something else. Hopefully they will fix this current rubbish but I doubt it. Bye Neverwinter.
You all cry about M6? Haha Wait for M7, New artifact gears / weapons and sets is coming!
and all you've done will be worthless again lol,
All the people who refine right now like crazy, gonna fail so hard haha
enjoy ur 70.Legendary for 2-3 month xD
<::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
Well broke down bit my lip did 3 new quests .First 2 got 4 pieces of junk armor =no use to me. 3rd got a junk blue helmet = no use to me. Went to this place with mines not sure on name ( and don't care) spent 2 hours there trying to kill a total of 12 things in this mine,had to run from beginning to end 4 times to get those 12 kills,wicked fun that was(not). Went out side had to find this roving thing to kill 30 to 45 minutes I found it finally .then turned those quests in and got some junk stuff that has no use to me .great if you do professions i guess ,but maybe I'm only player that doesn't do them.
Well I have 12 toons ,10 are level 60 . Will I ever do these quests on them ,NO, will I spend any money on any of my toons, NO. So you have lost a paying supporter from day 1,but I will suck up the free to play thank you.
"What is the sense of living the life you're given if all you ever do is stand in one place?" Lord Huron
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
edited April 2015
I can play my characters' strengths very, very well.
So I will be relying on that, instead of spending more money on the game. At least until they start making it interesting and fun again.
Well, it is the way of MMOs to constantly turn over new and more exciting content, storylines and player abilities to develop ....... what ? No new stotyline ? Reworked old content ?
Well, it is the way of MMOs to constantly turn over new and more exciting content, storylines and player abilities to develop ....... what ? No new stotyline ? Reworked old content ?
At least tell me the new abilities work ?
as far as i know they all do. some not useful some are. its actually quite a shocker.
alex00silfoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited April 2015
Voted: I can't stand it
This module sucks hard, really hard. Leadership was my main source of money in the game, now it has become a bad joke of what it was. Worked hard to get like 7 heroes to lvl 20 in leadership to discover that now alts are almost a punishiment to any player (have 10 alts + my main). Invocation is also a horrible thing, they make you stay at least 4h to get the coins to the same coalescentless chests a week after... and the lore, that is absent.
Don't know how the screwed mod6 beyond mods 4 and 5!
I thought mod 5 Rise of Recycled Content was bad, Mod 6 Temple of Perpetual Recycled Content is absolutely awful.
I don't know why players wanted to recycle the same dungeons all over again, were you not tired of running through them a 100+ times that you needed more monotony? We needed new dungeons.
Broken/OP classes, bad powers, terrible method to redo stat curve (should have waited another mod and had this ongoing work to fix it from level 1), destruction of paragon trees, looking at you DPS DC. It took 5 mods (Mod 5) to finally get a good dps DC, and in the very next mod (mod 6) they practically rendered that same paragon tree path obsolete.
Failed patch work (fixing of invocation as now many players cannot perform this function) many players having lag issues.
I will stop right there, as others have already gone through most if not all the problems with this recent mod.
Just thinking about mod 6 is giving me a headache.
EDIT: Only good thing from MOD 6 is Spineward Rise, as that is actual new content.
I show player support, by only playing Neverwinter as F2P
You know something, I've been thinking a lot about the complaints I've made, in this thread and others. And now, with a little consideration, I can honestly say, I would rather have the game as it was before mod 6. Outright, I would be happier without this content. Much happier even.
few things I like ..
spinward rise is fun and pretty
most of the reskin areas are not too bad ether
I like the focus toward making almost all classes desirable (still needs some tweaking with SW/GWF/HR)
few things I hate
GWFs not having even half the damage resistance of a tank specced GF/OP
seriously being a melee class that can barely get in melee range is pretty broken (we dont have the ITC,stealth or a dodge with immunity frames like TRs) our beefyness is what kept us alive (lifesteal just made us immortal in PvE)
Potions are pathetic compared to the new health pools
at lev 70 with my gear I have 76,000 hp, in mod 5 I had 30,000 why only up the potions 1500? a pot in mod 5 was about 1/3th my heath depending on boons now its 1/7th.
but its early I will give it a month to ge tweaked before giving any verdict
I'm not only a player, I'm a customer. Neverwinter is not free for me, I and many people in my guild paid to get the best stuff in the game and it's only because of people like us that the free2players can enjoy and explore the beautiful scenarios. Telling me every other MMO is the same also don't solve the problem, so if every MMO is an exploratory business than it's ok for Neverwinter to be one too? I'm sorry, I was playing Neverwinter because I thought it was not like every other MMO. And don't pull that tech-business model **** on us... Just because some tech-business abuse their market power to explore their clients that doesn't make it right for Neverwinter to do the same. What Apple does sux too, but at least you still have a functional (outdated) phone... Contrary to what NW did by making all epic armor and artifact gear literally useless!
Now if you don't understand why we feel betrayed allow me to give you an analogy: imagine that Apple launches a new iPhone 6 and because of that all the apps in your iPhone 5 stop working properly. How would you feel? I bet not good, right?
So this game is losing a lot of its customers and for good reason: people don't enjoy paying for worthless things. Now, me and what's now almost half of my guild are leaving the game... I hope the free2players enjoy taking money out of their wallets to cover our hole.
You guessed it right, this Dev team isn't the original one.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Utterly nonsense!
Look at schweifer1982's thread, he is already near in BiS gear and he is one shot with his 160k HP in a normal T1 dungeon. Now where was his strategy wrong there?
Now, if he an "old timer" is having issues in BiS gear, what shall the average Joe do?
A game should be here for everybody, not just the top wallet warriors or the top skilled people.
And take in account, that some classes are really weak now!
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
I'd like to respond to your question if I may, no wait I may not, can't log in past the load in screen.
I mean... wtf? I grinded and farmed weeks and months in the campains... and now I get a "new" area with "new" quests where I can farm from lvl 60 to lvl 70 just to get back to the areas I farmed for months? Ehm... wtf?
And all my items I worked hard or bought them with a lot of AD is HAMSTER and green (!) stuff from normal (!) mobs 1 or 2 lvl above is better?
But I can't use all of it... cause in green and blue stuff there are not the important slots... So my options are: I have to use HAMSTER armor and HAMSTER weapon or I can't use the enchantments... nice...
And the "new" content... Minsk got a voice of a kid (in the german version)... the character designers did not take the time to show Boo (just ONCE u see him -.-)... The "new" areas are just old maps and old dungeons we saw in the old game... we just start on a different position...
So there is NO new stuff for lvl60 player... nothing... nada... just: "okay u played the game for hours and hours and hours now... do it again! On the same maps over and over again so u can go back to the stuff u did before module 6"
Plz take Module 6 back and act like it never happend!
Yep, only human and customer friendly solution. I have written here, if 100 times bigger companies could do it, than Cryptic sure can. Roll back and throw this garbage out, even my 5 year old god son, who watches me GM on weekends could come up with something better.
Actually if they don't act soon to our appeal, then it shows only, they only care for Xbox now and we, the PC players were just a cheap PR trick to hop onto Microsoft's boat.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Ok whats happened to Warlocks. I had 12.3k of epic gear before this mod, battles with grunts were the rigtht level of difficulty and with bosses challenging.
Now all my gear seems wasted, normal grunts are almost too hard for me to fight, bosses kill me in one hit. I do around 17k of dam with some of my encounter powers and yet I might as well shoot ping pong balls.
I liked the way my Warlock was set up so now do I need to change everything again?
Just please review the impact of your mod before you lose more players. This is a business for you so please keep customers happy and review the impact of these changes across the board.
Tradeskills are ok I suppose, but as usual the content of tradeskill items is far eclipsed by even junk drops. But I can whip through the tradeskills while eating lunch at work, so no big issue there.
Invocations: are you kidding me? This is the biggest load of - well you get the picture. 7 day boxes are now (effectively) 14 day boxes and the AD from invocation doesn't even come close to the previous ones.
Content: seriously you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. The 'content' is a huge issue. I'd much rather you had waited another 2 months and actually delivered actual content. I'm not even talking about Dread Ring/Sharandar/etc.
For 3.5 gigs of download I was expecting to have something worthwhile. Surprise!
That's ok, there are other games.
This isn't how you level up. There's a big new thing in protector's enclave. It's a large tree. Don't you have any curiosity? The levelling quests are there, the campaigns are there because the devs thought it would be cool to give players access to them earlier. It's not, it's a mistake, because people like you have zero curiosity and don't care much about newer content if they can play the old one, which is now lvl 70. lol.
You're lvl 62, of course you'll die to lvl 70 npcs.
I am not having the same problems. Must be because I learned my lesson on strategy in Ice wind dale 2. Started it with a weak character from IWD 1 and had to adapt or die.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
I really had a good time and finally I hit level 60. I went to Sharandar and immediately fell in love with it (woodelf...
I tried the more difficult campaigns and also dared to take my first steps in the Well of Dragons. Yes, I died now and then, but I didn't care. I was used to taking healing potions and injury kits. I coped pretty well and was just trying to figure out how to slay the end boss of the prison in WoD.
Well, then came Mod 6. I first went to Sharandar as usual and took the weekly quest, entered the Arcane Reservoir and... died. Immediately. I didn't even have the time to react. Going through this quest I died about 6 times, but in the end I did it (but don't ask me how). Then I took some of the daily quests and started to collect the Fey Flowers... Absolutely no chance. I tried to sneak past the Redcaps in order to get the flowers (well, sneaking is not the right word as you can't sneak in this game, but I think you know what I mean) - and I died and died and died and died... So I finally gave up and left Sharandar, completely frustrated.
I went to this forum and saw that I was not the only one having this problem. After reading a bit I didn't even try going to the other areas (I think in WoD I even wouldn't make it alive from the cave exit to the camping site...).
I think Mod 6 is a slap in the face for everyone who enjoys a steady, calm and slow way of playing this game.
Some say you just have to do the new campaign and simply level up to 70 and grind, farm... whatever, to have the level 70 gear. I would like to level up to level 70, but only when I want it. Now I am forced to level up, I am forced to do really boring, annoying and completely dull quests to level up and to get some gear that I don't want to have. I just started to collect the Fabled Iliyanbruen Equipment because I really liked it. But I think I can forget about it now, for it won't be of any use anymore.
This is no fun for me, I don't enjoy this game anymore. Everything I enjoyed about this game was taken from me with Mod 6.
As you can imagine, I voted for "I can't stand it".
Overall, pretty poorly done, with some prime examples of utter ineptitude and fewer examples of reasoned change.
The Tome of Air Quest is my favourite quest, and that just involves jumping around to reach a tome.
Otherwise, I didn't enjoy much else in the new areas.
For weeks/months I've been killing the WoD dragons to earn AD and stuff to upgrade my char. Some consider it a repetitive grind but I actually enjoyed the zerg thing and the timed nature of it fitted in well with my day - one before work, one when I get in, maybe another couple later in the evening, maybe not. I knew mod 6 was coming and I knew it was going to be more difficult but I did not realise that it would cause WoD to become impossible for me. I've tried the new mod 6 quest line. They are a bit tedious but I can cope with that but the problem is that at level 63 I just can't stay alive long enough to do the quests. It is fairly common in an RPG to find areas too hard for you and the standard solution is to go and level up somewhere else than come back when you are stronger. My problem is that I can't find anywhere else to level up. Even Sharandar is difficult now and I have finished all the pre-60 quest lines. In desperation I've even done a few foundry quests, something that I have never really enjoyed.
So, it's fine (and good!) to introduce new, harder quests but those of us who are perhaps not such good players need some way to "train up" for those new areas. I'd love WoD to return to pre mod 6 but I realise that is not going to happen. So I'm a bit stumped. I've started levelling up an alt but I've no idea what he will do when he gets to Sharandar or wherever.
So, in summary, I was quite happy plodding along, slowly upgrading my artifact stuff and enchants but now I am sort of stuck at 63. I can't see me reaching 64 anytime soon.
There is no "strategy" against things that can 1-shot you.
^^^This. A thousand times over.
So now I've thrown away millions in AD and hundreds of hours of my life... okay, whatever. It's only time and money.
But.. I had already finished DR and Sharandar. If there's no reason to finish my Draconic Templar set, then I have no reason to finish ToD. So that leaves Icewind Dale. But, what's the point of IWD, other than to feed the little yeti snacks?
So at this point, I'm grinding just so I can go feed the little yeti snacks. I'm actually okay with that. However, in a more "real" situation, me and my epic Yeti would go in there and free the little yeti and smite anyone who tried to stop us.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
and all you've done will be worthless again lol,
All the people who refine right now like crazy, gonna fail so hard haha
enjoy ur 70.Legendary for 2-3 month xD
Well I have 12 toons ,10 are level 60 . Will I ever do these quests on them ,NO, will I spend any money on any of my toons, NO. So you have lost a paying supporter from day 1,but I will suck up the free to play thank you.
So I will be relying on that, instead of spending more money on the game. At least until they start making it interesting and fun again.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
At least tell me the new abilities work ?
This module sucks hard, really hard. Leadership was my main source of money in the game, now it has become a bad joke of what it was. Worked hard to get like 7 heroes to lvl 20 in leadership to discover that now alts are almost a punishiment to any player (have 10 alts + my main). Invocation is also a horrible thing, they make you stay at least 4h to get the coins to the same coalescentless chests a week after... and the lore, that is absent.
Don't know how the screwed mod6 beyond mods 4 and 5!
Thx in advance.
# Ah i get it, the hollidays are still on, luckily soon it's back to school time, again. (he he)
I thought mod 5 Rise of Recycled Content was bad, Mod 6 Temple of Perpetual Recycled Content is absolutely awful.
I don't know why players wanted to recycle the same dungeons all over again, were you not tired of running through them a 100+ times that you needed more monotony? We needed new dungeons.
Broken/OP classes, bad powers, terrible method to redo stat curve (should have waited another mod and had this ongoing work to fix it from level 1), destruction of paragon trees, looking at you DPS DC. It took 5 mods (Mod 5) to finally get a good dps DC, and in the very next mod (mod 6) they practically rendered that same paragon tree path obsolete.
Failed patch work (fixing of invocation as now many players cannot perform this function) many players having lag issues.
I will stop right there, as others have already gone through most if not all the problems with this recent mod.
Just thinking about mod 6 is giving me a headache.
EDIT: Only good thing from MOD 6 is Spineward Rise, as that is actual new content.