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what do you think of mod 6? (player feedback)



  • edited April 2015
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  • ofnieslafofnieslaf Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I literally almost faceplanted on my desk due to how boring it was. It almost drains your soul given how boring it is. Worst module (so far).
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    Found my new signature, ty.
    myne too 10/chars

    haha mine too, thanks tsutomo, one of the best cws and funny as hell too

  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    vordayn wrote: »
    Raising the previous module levels (Sharandar, Dread Ring, IWD, Well of Dragons) to a level 70 zone that level 60 characters can enter is pointless! Why enter it at 60 when you are practically going to die? Why not have made a new map and keep the old zones for new level 60 characters to enjoy and progress towards level 70?

    ^ Yeah what vordayn said !
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    I have mixed feelings about this mod. I like it, but only because I understand what its for. Actually playing it however, could be improved.

    The problem is change, people don't like it, and this entire module is all about it. But change had to be made, too many over powered stats, too many new things without a foundation to support them, like artifacts.

    This new module isn't about new stuff, its a new foundation. It fixes the stat curves and allows for further development, it deals with the RP issues by allowing new ways to farm and earn refinement points. This was a hard restart for many people, but I have to give credit to Cryptic for doing so. Even in the face of all this backlash. It would of been so much easier to keep building on the shoddy foundation the game and there would of been less backlash...at least for a time. So for that, I like this mod. But change is hard and I'm sure Ill grumble with the rest as I learn how to play all over again.

    Id agree with you on that having good foundation is good stuff. Problem is really in close to 0 new stuff and as always with cryptic - too much of old stuff and new is too broken, unbalanced, too much bugs, too much of "not listening to players" and so on. It feels like an 'alpha build' no more.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Garbage module.

    I was (actually, yes really) excited to level up again to 70, thinking it was the same level-up style as 1-60. What do I get? Grinding worse than dailies... I literally almost faceplanted on my desk due to how boring it was. It almost drains your soul given how boring it is. Worst module (so far).

    my new Signature. TY
  • jenacydejenacyde Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2015
    I voted can't stand Mod 6. Which is the closest to my thoughts. The atmosphere so far is nice, but the rinse and repeat is just ridiculous.
    It isn't fun leveling up, which is usually the most fun about MMO's hearing/reading the new storyline in new content for the first time. This has almost none. Just repeat the same quests over and over and over. Some of the encounters are able to be soloed but most are not which is fine but don't make them in the middle of solo content so you can't even do your other quests near them. I like how things are more difficult, keeps us on our toes. But some of it I think went to the extreme for solo content. I can tell you I probably won't be leveling up my other characters for it is way too tedious and boring. Sadly I didn't level them up for leadership and invoking like most, I have them cause sometimes I like to switch out who to play from boredom. I have spent money on this game, holding off on paying anymore because I feel I will completely be bored at endgame, but we shall see. I haven't finished the content as of yet. If I continue to play, I would like to see more content for leveling up and endgame dungeons/raids. All MMO's have grind I get that, but make the grind rewarding like the boons, not just grinding to level up to see the same stuff from previous mod.
    EDIT: Want great ideas for next mod or improving this one: Have a contest for players to create a dungeon using the Foundry system or something. I bet you would get some highly creative and interesting storylines. Sorry but this one is so lacking I think the players could definitely come up with better. Just give guidelines.
  • wovenmidnightwovenmidnight Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I voted can't stand it, but to be more accurate: I absolutely can stand it, I don't want to though.

    I think the big problem (for me at least) is the experience between 60 and 70. I'm sure that a lot of the heavy criticism will settle once most people hit 70. However, that doesn't mean the problem is going to go away. 60-70 leveling is fine, it's okay, it's......meh. But the thing that really kills it for me, is that there isn't any other content in that level range. Level 59, you could queue for a skirmish, and do dailies like that, 60? You're bolstered to 70 and you get insta-killed. I haven't tried the leveling dungeons yet, because there is way too much latency to play now, so we'll see. Since the leveling experience is what made neverwinter for me, this is kind of a bummer.
  • blanndeblannde Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Main reason for voting option 2 was because they changed the campaign levels instead of adding new content to them or just leaving them alone. This alone is a game breaker. If my character has completed everything in a campaign making it level 70 is not going to make me want to repeat it. Invoking is now a joke, just a excuse to get us to use portable alters.

    Wheres the story line content ? do 16 repeatable mini quests for poor xp. This was prob to save on having separate instances. Everybody now running in circles just wacking npc's. I'm trying to give it a go, but its hard to get motivated to play the way it is right now.
  • runonnikerunonnike Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I don't want to level my toon. If I go to open world PvP and have better damage at 60 than 70, why should I level? I don't need new artifact weapons. I don't need more RP.

    I wish we had an option to turn off experience gain.
  • xginocidexxginocidex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Whats killing me is having xp gain slotted and getting what seems like a normal amount of xp with nothing slotted. I mean c'mon i have 75% xp gain and at max get like 4500 xp per quest. Grindfest as it's called feels more like dying inside with the option to get a reward.

    Managed level 66 and i am just so bored now. I'm noticing i am spending more time waiting around for stuff to re-spawn. First come first serve to a quest objective is annoying and add the lag to that and ALT + F4ing and watching a movie sounds very appealing.
  • lordrhavinlordrhavin Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Perhaps it is my perspective as a programmer and not really a gamer's perspective that makes me think better about mod6. The repeatable quests in the ›Drowned Shore‹ are idiotic, as it is to do the two initial ›Seed‹ quests again. But the simple fix would be to just set them to once only and to set the ›Drowned Shore‹-vigilants to redo-after-a-week. There are more than 40 Quests in that map, so there is no real need to do any of them twice IF it would be fixed. So this part of the mod i dont see in any way broken, its just not finished in my opinion.

    That all those lvl-60-gear is now rather worthless is plainly stupid, as all this "bound to char" generally is. I think any gear exept very special quest-items should be freely sellable and drop less often. I still had some good laughs at the first two quests with Minsc and i see much, that could be done with the engine of Mod6 that mod5 would not allow. Thats why i like it.
  • edited April 2015
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  • toxicwolfietoxicwolfie Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The way I am looking at all the changes,is much like everyone else.With great dislike.What it comes down to is they more or less changed the rules of the game fight in the middle of it.Not sure how much if any warning was given about these changes,but laying odds it was little to none.

    The level 60 zones were end game zones.It's of to leave them for level 60.Or even up them a few level keeping them in the 60's.Maybe ending with WoD being changed to 70.The level scaling thing is just trash and need to go.It helps no one.The down scale in some places is just lame as I still have level 60 everything.

    I can't speak on the stat changes,because I need to play more and level to get a feel on how they will work.

    As for the gear.We all put a ton of time into getting our gears.Took me weeks if not months to get my BI gloves.Was working on the BI orb when I took a break fromt he game.Came back to having no way to get that orb now.The only reasons I wanted it was because I wasn't so sure about artfact gear (clearly it was a pain to level) and I wanted the weapon set for the heal power.Something that would be of great use now.
  • torontodavetorontodave Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 992 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Things I like:

    - Rank 5s drop now in 'endgame' content.
    - The Earth Node minidungeon is cool.
    - The Druid questgiver hiding inside the tree illusion on drowned beach. He made me laugh.
    - That Slaad HE is t o u g h! I'll have to try it later with more people.

    Delete some of the patrolling NPC's and bookshelves in the Helm's Hold Cathedral. That place is tooooo slow.
    NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments
    NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
    Thanks for all the fish.
  • pantherwitch4982pantherwitch4982 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    As it currently stands, it is extremely boring with no real story line behind the quests (this counts even for the people who just buzz through and never read the dialogue), extremely difficult to play, even in groups. I understand that the developers wanted to make things more difficult for players, and I can support that idea. However, at this point mobs and heroics are so extremely difficult that you can forget soloable content, and frankly some people want to solo stuff instead of being forced to wait for a group to do a raid style run (WoW, anyone?)

    Things I would love to see changed: Requirements to get the 7,8,9, and 10 level enchants should be easier to achieve. Current leadership quests make it difficult to reach the cap on AD, so purchasing those GMoP plus having the second enchant of the same level still makes things very costly and time consuming for most players.

    Gear with more defensive abilities. I personally find regen useless in the game, as it does not help me survive the battles. Even my DC (healing spec) has a difficult time keeping up because of cooldown times on her healing spells. If lifesteal stays as a "chance" based ability, give us the defense or hp to survive easier.

    Speaking of gear, shouldn't the blues for lvl 63 and up be better than our current purples for lvl 60? Seems like a no-brainer here. Our current gear just isn't cutting it for the mobs.

    Quests: hourly quests? Seriously? The mod gives us probably about 10 different quests available as hourly quests. It's freaking BORING! Grind fest is what comes to mind here. Could it be changed up to at least have a daily theme like Dread Ring does?

    I liked some of what I saw on preview, like how it would be easier to upgrade enchants with the rank 4 and 5s that dropped and were located in skill nodes. We're now getting rank 3 and 4s instead. That's a big frustration point.

    I'm not asking for things to go back to what they used to be. Not at all. But I am asking for content to be tweaked, and for the encounters and mobs to be at least more balanced than are currently shown.
  • xictusxictus Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Overall I find it a bit of a disappointment. I did like the companion level upgrade and tie to WOTC story lines. Its fun having Minsc and Boo make an appearance (why you guys wouldn't sell Giant Space Hamsters in the Zen store is an obvious missed opportunity). I do understand the design need to implement a more mechanic for future power creep and progression longevity. I'm level 64 with only casual play this week and I haven't found the new content that difficult. The disappointment for me is the repetitive nature of the quests and lack of a very robust story line. The reuse of zones and the lockout of zones like Well of Dragons until I'm close to 70 also degrades my experience. I would rather they just implemented a couple new zones with the changes and left the old stuff alone. Its always a bad idea to take away experiences people of had and make them regrind to access the same content. This was no exception to that rule in my opinion. Anyway, just my $.02. I'm sure this too will pass, I just hope they do it different in Mod 7.
  • anim3kanim3k Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This mod is like 2 days old cheeseburger..Good but still same maybe even worst,
  • naicalusnaicalus Member Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Voted for hate. I have so much of it.

    1. Nostalgia-based design. I never played Baldur's Gate. I have no idea who the hell Minsc is other than some meme about hamsters, but for the love of Corellon, if he screams about butt-kicking one more time, I'm going to throw my keyboard. My keyboard is 31 years old and solid metal and weighs ten pounds and will cause a lot of damage. I guess it's a nice homage for those people, but man is it irritating.

    2. Irritating leveling zone setup. Go to this rehashed area that doesn't even look like anything happened to it. Do sixteen mind-numbing, repetitive quests, some of which you have to skip because gods know when that HE is going to spawn and you can only have four at a time. Spend several minutes waiting bored for a single unique NPC to spawn, which will then have a far too long cooldown before it spawns for the next guy. Then another repetitive quest which is probably to a lair area you JUST WENT TO to kill something there, before finally advancing to the next quest area... Which is the same exact thing in a slightly different part of the zone. *facepalm* Nothing spawns fast enough, even the places like the mines that should be instanced aren't, you're fighting against 20 other people for one thing. This was horrible design in Sharandar. It's still horrible design five modules later. Is this really so hard a lesson to learn? It's soul-numbing and irritating and I want to stab myself in the face rather than log in again to do anything.

    3. Getting weaker from leveling! I swear I was doing better at level 60 than I am at 63. I haven't found anything worth using, so I feel like I'm not only not getting stronger, but that I'm actually getting weaker. I want to leave Drowned Shore because gods this is boring, but I'm probably going to get my *** kicked by Reclamation Rock. I can't even imagine how painful going to WoD and trying to do anything there would be.

    4. Insulting design. My character has killed King Malabog. Numerous dragons have fallen to my blades, including the legendary Lostmauth. Defeated Valindra. Defeated Akar Kessel. Banished Tiamat back to the Nine Hells. And now, crabs. Crabs are supposed to be a legitimate, believable threat. Are you freaking kidding me? Crabs? *facepalm*

    5. Changes that don't affect everyone equally. Life Steal is a good example. It never fully kept me alive on my TR. I don't do enough AoE. My CW, sure, she procced it so much she could stand in red and LS past it. My TR, nah, just supplemented potions. Now, LS isn't even a supplement. It procs insanely rarely, and usually off a small Duelist's Flurry hit for a few hundred HP. This is not in any way useful or helpful. Meanwhile, CWs everywhere report the changes are barely noticeable. Gee, I wonder why. Potion cooldown is 18 freaking seconds. Potions still heal a pitiful 8.5k. Gods help you if you can't heal yourself with LS or being a DC. Hey Cryptic, maybe I LIKE soloing my dailies. Ever think of that?

    6. Stupid ninja nerfs. Let's make stealth worse for TRs now that they don't have pots or LS usable to keep themselves afloat! Let's destroy the Executioner path by making the capstone completely non-functional! The fix to multi-SOD procs was to fix the source of them, not ruin it for those of us who aren't exploiting scumbags. Doesn't proc on AoE anymore, doesn't proc on dailies or at-wills, and since at least one of our encounters pretty much has to be non-damaging for the purpose of not dying horribly, hey, there goes another thing to add to our damage on those big mobs and bosses where we need it. Oh and the stealth effects of the Exe capstone don't seem to work anymore. Good job, guys. Thanks. At least you actually gave us a respec so we could go to another path, but I went Executioner over Saboteur because I didn't like the way Sab plays. Oh, and Sab's 'behind the enemy' stuff is, again, irritating solo. YAY. I wonder what's in store for my DC. I bet DPS DC isn't viable anymore due to something silly too.

    7. Content removal. Really? Instead of leaving the old dungeons you haven't redone yet, you just remove them for now? Yes, let's put out a new mod with almost nothing in it, and REMOVE old content. That makes sense.

    Nope, there isn't a single aspect of Mod 6 I like except autolooting on Dragon's Hoard enchants. Except the only place I actually needed that was running through Castle Never with OP CWs running door to door, which obviously isn't a thing now. Welp.
    Largely inactive, playing Skyforge as Nai Calus.
  • vheeshanevheeshane Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I rarely sign in to this forum, but as bad as 6 has been, especially with 3 toons at lvl 60, this is just too painful and irratating. I can't add anything more than whats already been posted in this thread. I think BOO the hamster was the foreshadow of the change by name.

    oh yeah I voted HATE
  • nyteleenytelee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Voted "Love it!"
    Seems like, besides bugs which will be worked out in time, the difficulty is the main complaint. I don't play games because they're easy and I can win easily. I prefer a challenge.
  • goblinman32goblinman32 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Vote "can't stand".

    Devs: I mean this in the politest way possible: The new zones are horrid, unfun HAMSTER. I'm not going to torture myself by trying to play through them. I'm going to look for other ways to level to 70 instead.

    1. The new zones need to be rebalanced for people who don't have high-end gear.

    I'm a newbie: I only just made it to 60 and never got the chance to get any good endgame gear before mod 6 hit. My character, a HR, was previously a very strong soloer: I got to 60 without once dying in a stand-up fight while soloing (I did die on teams, and in a few incidents related to falling off cliffs and other assorted stupidity). Now I'm getting constantly facerolled by groups of ordinary even-conning minions, to the point where I just plain can't defeat certain kinds of (standard) enemies.

    I'm not asking for the game to be a cakewalk, but does the difficulty really need to ramp up so sharply before the endgame? It's not like I have any way to really improve my gear until I get there.

    2. The Vigilance system is over-complicated and boring.

    There are more than enough vigilance quests in the new zones for the devs to have just strung some of them together into a solid story-arc and still have plenty left over for repeatables. The cap of four missions at a time plus the timed lockout system just makes the whole thing needlessly convoluted, and turns what could otherwise be at least a decent concept into a grindy slog. Do we really need nearly 200 new repeatable missions in zones that aren't even endgame?

    3. Why were the previous endgame zones bumped up to 70?

    They should have stayed at 60 and auto-adjusted players' levels down. Adjusting players up to 70 is pointless because it still doesn't mean you're actually powerful enough to do anything there. I guess it's probably a little late to do anything about it now, but this module shouldn't have been released without new endgame zones to replace the old ones.

    In short: I'm level 62 now, and I feel less powerful and have fewer things available for me to do. What's to like?
  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ninatheaxe wrote: »
    I'm well aware of the essential paradox of all RPGs where you kill stuff to get stronger so you can kill stronger stuff to get stronger again but this seems to have turned into "kill stuff to get stronger so you can kill the stuff you already thought you could kill". That's a bit odd.

    Funny thing is that you're getting weaker and weaker with every level above 60. Gear can't compensate for that.

    My GF had 55% DR at level 60. At level 65 he has 40% DR. At level 70 he'll likely have 25% DR. To compensate the loss he'd need about 12000 additional defense (%1 DR/400 points). There is no way that any current level 70 gear will provide that much defense.

    The only things we're getting more of are "resistance ignored" and hit points.
  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    "I can't stand mod 6"

    Where is the storyline? Leveling zones from 1 to 60 were fun. There was a story. Does anyone who worked at those zones still work for Cryptic? I don't think so.

    The new stats curve makes you weaker with every level above 60. No existing gear can compensate. That's not fun.

    I don't know how to find the motivation to level my eight toons to level 70. It's plain boring.

    Also knowing that at level 70 only frustrating (i.e. too difficult) old content is waiting doesn't make things better.
  • matiagronxmatiagronx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Actually the quests for each area need a slight adjustment and all would be great. Especially the third part/campfire of each area which leads to the final quests is quite interesting and challenging in each area, BUT more than half the population never got the chance to do it cause SOMEONE decided that before reaching the 3rd campfire the next area unlocks. So everyone left IN THE MIDDLE OF THE QUEST/STORY PROGRESSION to reach/explore/start the next area..and so on. So everything turned into a mindless grind, all this effort that got into each area's quest design and progression went down the drain, JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE DECIDED THIS IDIOTIC WAY of skipping quests/areas. Plus there is ZERO design and information about the 16 quests. The majority of people mindlessly press 1 when they reach each npc and take all the quests beginning from the first up until they are full of quests. SO ALMOST EVERYONE ENDED UP WITH THE SAME QUESTS EACH TIME leading to frustration about repeated questing..Couldnt you just make the quests already done delay enough time so the next quests that the player would choose would be DIFFERENT. Almost everyone skipped the last part of each area's content, which is the most challenging and well designed. I asked this so many times and i ll ask again, WHO made these poor choices ? Why game takes this POOR treatment after so much work is done? Why you let these things HAPPEN ALL THE TIME? Its small adjustments BASED ON REASON BUT NOONE DOES THEM PRIOR RELEASE...NEVER EVER in EVERY MODULE..omg i cant stop shouting..so frustrated.
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    "I can't stand mod 6"

    I've found that, at least in the past before it became a chore, the leveling from 1-60 was fun. Story was interesting and some of the areas were rather inspired. This new stuff, not in the least is it fun.

    The statistics curve seems to be way too high and none of my 9 characters has gear that can compensate for it. It certainly is not what I came to enjoy in this game. I can't see myself leveling my crew to 70 and spending a year or more grinding for replacement gear when there is no way to cope with what I have now and not have bleeding fingers and carpal tunnel by the end of a session. Being in the more 'casual' level of gaming, due to life and family (which will not change for a least a decade), I'm going to have to find some other game to pass my limited free time with.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I like it.

    The fact that it is difficult means not every Tom HAMSTER and Harry can win, you need to have a real strategy, and that makes it more fun.
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Funny thing is that you're getting weaker and weaker with every level above 60. Gear can't compensate for that.

    My GF had 55% DR at level 60. At level 65 he has 40% DR. At level 70 he'll likely have 25% DR. To compensate the loss he'd need about 12000 additional defense (%1 DR/400 points). There is no way that any current level 70 gear will provide that much defense.

    The only things we're getting more of are "resistance ignored" and hit points.

    I can tell you that the DR at 67 is a full 19% lower than it is at 61. You can test it by taking one of the Minsc quests. Those downlevel you to 61 when you're doing them.

    How did I vote? Take a wild guess. "I can't stand mod 6" doesn't go far enough. Frankly, to me it's flat-out sadistic. There is no way that I will ever drag my other alts through it. I wasn't even sure that I wanted to log in tonight, and the experience has simply gone from bad to worse as I've reached higher levels and greater weakness.

    To me the real deal-breaker is the regen nerf -- not lifesteal, regen. By all accounts, it was by no means OP and wasn't being abused, yet someone saw fit to inflict it upon us anyway. And then, to add insult to injury, comes the increased potion cooldown. There's a saying: don't *** on my leg and tell me it's raining. Spinning it as a benefit insults my intelligence.

    The new quests are by no means balanced. Most are doable, but every once in a while one comes along that is far beyond the pale.

    Exhibit A: raising the banner. There are two similar quests for this: one does NOT warn you that raising the banner spawns an instant HE at your location. If you take this quest, prepare to either die or burn up life stone charges. No wonder they're on sale.

    Exhibit B: retrieving the earth seed. Prepare to be outnumbered ten-to-one, not once, but twice. It is neither balanced nor reasonable by any measure.

    Content: so far I've yet to see anything that isn't simply a modification of something we've already seen, sometimes something we can walk through with our eyes closed. I mean, sure I like going to Mad Drag--I mean, the earth node. That's its new name, right? And of course we all know Fardelv--the Forgotten Tomb! Who could forget such a grand mausoleum?

    Sad, sadistic, and simply put, disappointing.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Voted: I love it. Sorry but I do. Aside from the leaver penalty in pvp which as a tradeoff for a fixed leaderboard maybe isn't so terrible.

    Why do I like it? The new pve content is fairly easy and bearable. Not like sharandar or dr which I despise. I play pve to grind for boons and so forth while I am waiting for the pvp que to pop.

    And pvp seems better. It is a crazy mess of who has the initiative wins, but that is ok. There seems to be more parity in the matches. Might be because all of the bis are already 70 and somehow totally geared out and can stand around with nothing to do but look pretty.

    So I am liking it so far.
  • kronus#9296 kronus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    mynaam wrote: »
    I like it.

    The fact that it is difficult means not every Tom HAMSTER and Harry can win, you need to have a real strategy, and that makes it more fun.

    I don't think it has as much to do with the player ability level as it does the type of character. I can't even run my ranger anymore in icewind dale or well of dragons just in the new mod scenarios. In well of dragons he is running as a lvl 70 (actual lvl 63) and got killed by 3 drakes while doing almost no damage to them. The HR gear scores have alway been pretty pathetic and to begin with, but this mod basicly killed me even wanting to play it. It is more interesting for my GWF though.
  • edited April 2015
    This content has been removed.
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