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Elemental Evil Preview Patch Notes NW.45.20150122b.1



  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Ehhh i did not said these words and phrases.I just used some logic and facts.

    About LS/Regen the facts are these:
    LS can now potentially heal you 100% in one hit.You hit tiamat with 30k att wills as we all do?You get 30k hp in one hit.
    Even if you critcal chance to do this is 10% ,how many hits can a CW do in one minute?I ll say over 25.Three of them to proc and he is immortal.
    So i do not see a nerf to LS.Instead of steady hp replenishment now you have huge spikes of incoming HPs.
    it is not a nerf ,it is a rework,some might consider this even a buff.So where the need of DPS for healers here? None ;)

    Regen:Regen was the go to feature for toons with high hp.GFs mostly and GWfs.But especially Gfs since their attacks are slow and out of encounters they hit soft.If regen would stay as it was ,with more HP cap in Mod6,GFs would get a buff to their survivability.
    Current high Hp/regen Gf toons with timed blocking could tank the Scorpions at Elol and Garakas in Esot.In mod6 this will be far more difficult for a Gf.
    LS is not an otion since you lock and drag -kite the scorpion.You do not get to brawl with him (not healthy :) )
    Do tanks need Healers now?Yes!!!

    So now Gfs cannot tank efficiently in the same manner as before.Or they can but with a dc taking care of them.
    Can paladin tank in the place of Gfs ,with out a dc support?Yes!
    While paladin( i ssuspect with his healing ) can.As simple as that. :)
  • cloudius1978cloudius1978 Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    zebular wrote: »
    For the most part, these changes sound great. Here are the parts that I other opinions about:
    Please overhaul the mechanics for refining items. Allow us to drop entire stacks of 99 into one slot. The repetitiveness is what is killing the refinement system for me. Please make sure to also increase the drop rate for new and old refinement stones and enchants.

    ^ Essentially this! *clap clap*

    Here's how a conversation with a friend goes:

    Me: "I'm going DD now..."
    Friend:" Cool I'll join, which dungeon are you running?"
    Me: "No... I'm spending the next 3 hours doing Drag and Drop!"
    Friend: "......"
  • xvader99xvader99 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    you MUST give us 1 ability point at level 70. you can't abandon it, it is basic system of character build that every 10 level up, you can't ignore it exactly.
  • xvader99xvader99 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    and please consider about rate of RP stuffs refining for all artifacts and drop rating of all RP stuffs. Should it balance with new module if you increase maximum artifacts rank?
  • xvader99xvader99 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    xvader99 wrote: »
    and please consider about rate of RP stuffs refining for all artifacts and drop rating of all RP stuffs. Should it balance with new module if you increase maximum artifacts rank?

    and refine rating of all enchantments too.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    rank 12 are overkill....just adjust the current rank to better fit the curves.
  • klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    As a GF tank I'm really worried by the regen/lifesteal changes, the only ways of self-healing we have are dependenant on these two stats. Without in combat-regen we will have more problems dealing with streams of constant but low damage and what about Fighter's Recovery? That's our spike self-heal, with the life steal changes, that daily will suffer enormously and become unreliable at best.
    A healer now may be mandatory for us, but what about the paladin? The devs have called it a "tank and healer", will he be able to self-heal while tanking? And if yes, won't that make GFs obsolete?
    I see the new features and (apart from the fact that they are all underwhelming for tanking, some are flat out weaker copies of the GWF new feats), none of them provide a form of self-healing, even a small regen tick.
    I think the class needs other adjustments if these changes go through, I wouldn't want to go back to the days of "GF = kick from party", I had to endure that for too long and it's not pretty.
  • katbozejziemikatbozejziemi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    About LS/Regen the facts are these:
    LS can now potentially heal you 100% in one hit.You hit tiamat with 30k att wills as we all do?You get 30k hp in one hit.
    Even if you critcal chance to do this is 10% ,how many hits can a CW do in one minute?I ll say over 25.Three of them to proc and he is immortal.
    So i do not see a nerf to LS.Instead of steady hp replenishment now you have huge spikes of incoming HPs.
    it is not a nerf ,it is a rework,some might consider this even a buff.

    A constant small flow of HP and the ability to get big spikes on demand is ALWAYS better than random spikes that you have no control over (this is exactly the same as all the awful enchants that activate randomly without your input that nobody uses by the way).
    You take a big hit, you use hard hitting powers to get life back. What will happen now is that you take a big hit, use hard hitting powers and if the life steal doesn't proc you die.
  • etnad321etnad321 Banned Users Posts: 52
    edited January 2015
    with the nerf to LS and regen i highly recommend you to give GWF an decent selfhealing ability else the class ill most likely not survive in next mod

    change unstoppable recovery feat to heal 5/10/15/20/25% of ur total HP over 10 seconds or so.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    A constant small flow of HP and the ability to get big spikes on demand is ALWAYS better than random spikes that you have no control over (this is exactly the same as all the awful enchants that activate randomly without your input that nobody uses by the way).
    You take a big hit, you use hard hitting powers to get life back. What will happen now is that you take a big hit, use hard hitting powers and if the life steal doesn't proc you die.

    x10 for rangers. They can only wear AC9 leather and don't hit anywhere near as hard as someone with a sword. Their maximum AC is 17, and that's with a legendary Lathander's cloak.

    By the way, I managed to take a look at the defense stat before Preview was brought down. For 6200 defense, damage resistance went from 48% on Live to 49% on Preview. gmc, I expect better if all in-combat-regen is being zeroed out in a game where we have to solo dailies the vast majority of the time. There's a saying: "I carry a gun because I can't carry a cop". Here it's "I carry regen because I can't carry a DC" -- and spare me about companions: I can summon my Cleric Disciple, which takes away upwards of 1000 defense and 4000 HP when I put my augment away. That's a non-starter.
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • deadshadows86deadshadows86 Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    x10 for rangers. They can only wear AC9 leather and don't hit anywhere near as hard as someone with a sword. Their maximum AC is 17, and that's with a legendary Lathander's cloak.

    By the way, I managed to take a look at the defense stat before Preview was brought down. For 6200 defense, damage resistance went from 48% on Live to 49% on Preview. gmc, I expect better if all in-combat-regen is being zeroed out in a game where we have to solo dailies the vast majority of the time. There's a saying: "I carry a gun because I can't carry a cop". Here it's "I carry regen because I can't carry a DC" -- and spare me about companions: I can summon my Cleric Disciple, which takes away upwards of 1000 defense and 4000 HP when I put my augment away. That's a non-starter.

    Same problem with any classes in fact (other than DC and future OP i immagine), i hope they will at least make heal potion having a lots more health potential than today ... My GF will become useless the more i read about this module ... Well at least in dungeeons i think GWF will be less tanking than today and GF will need a DC for surviving ... (I will need to try to solo all epic dungeon as GF before it come to live ... only 1 made so far and if regen is dead, then need to do it before ...)
  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Im crying in corner right now, with rp system, rp drop rate and rp items prices we all r doomed, i thought now it was bad, but if changes will stay as it is we have nothing to do here coz its simply immposible playing casual with this rp demand... and enchants to r12, with current enchants system it must be a joke.

    Do u guys at least have any plan for rp system? to make them more approachable?

    Just say u have a freaking plan, which results wont clean the population of casuals... now even making hoard enchants without ICD wont cover all this rp demand we will get. DO U SEE IT?


  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    tank my ***... if this change affect cws, the comunity will cry and the class will be more powerfull than ever.

    Noone beats the crying river of Gwfs!

    Do you think a Gwf wouldn't use lifesteal more?
    Even me having only a casual Gwf knowledge I think it does...
  • edited January 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • cetaceta Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    panderus wrote: »
    Shard is up! If you have issues getting disconnected when attempting to login to the Well of Dragons, please move your character on the Live shard to Protectors Enclave, then reimport your character.

    New Features
    Level Cap increased to 70!
    • With the release of Module 6: Elemental Evil we are increasing the level cap and the many systems that are associated with that including:
    • New class features and feats for each class!
    • Enchantments and Runestones may now be refined up to rank 12!
    • Artifacts may be refined up to rank 120.
    • Companions can now earn Legendary quality and gain up to rank 40 with new passive powers to unlock! Companions can all also gain 5 new ranks regardless of their current quality.
    • Professions can now all reach level 25 (currently still in development)
    • New items, potions, refinement stones and profession resources to accommodate for the new level cap!

    The Drowned Shore
    In the wake of the defeat of the Blackdagger Bandits, trade along the High Road gradually resumed. Rangers of the Emerald Enclave took it upon themselves to guide merchants and travelers through the stretch of coastal forest that surrounds the Blackdagger Ruins, while keeping watch to assure the fortress did not become home to some other baneful force.

    A contingent of dwarf miners under Udo Stonekin took up working the abandoned mines in the area with modest success.

    Meanwhile, Lord Neverember assigned a small contingent of Neverwinter Guards to garrison the lighthouses at Raven Cliff Beach with orders to prevent those beacons from falling into the hands of pirates and wreckers as happened once before.

    The Guards were somewhat surprised to find an ornate tower built on the shore. They learned this tower was built by followers of Lliira who called it the Fountain of Delights. Visitors were offered relaxing, scented baths. Seeing no harm in this, the guards went about their business.

    Patch Notes
    Classes and Balance
    • General
      • All characters should receive a forced respec to accommodate feat tree and power changes.
      • Classes now have a new feats for each path as well as two new class features (some are still a work in progress or not ye implemented)
      • Enemies more than 2 levels above you will result in a sharp increase in difficulty. (Down from 5 Levels).
      • Regeneration: No longer provides in Combat Health Regeneration. Now increases the effectiveness of healing spells cast against you and provides out of Combat health regeneration.
      • Life Steal: No longer activates on all attacks. Life Steal now increases the chance to activate life steal, which will steal an amount equal to the life steal severity the player has.

    Items and Economy
    • All Overload slot enchantments can now stack up to 99 if no time has been used.
    • Companions: Companions now have an Expert and Master passive power that unlocks in additional ranks.
    • Mulhorand, Dragonbone, Xvim and the Bahamut Fang equipment stops levelscaling at level 60.
    • Potions: We have changed the way that stat enhancing potions work. Now you may have only one normal stat enhancing potion in effect at one time. The magnitude of many stat potions has also been increased.
    • PvP healing potions now give an error message when you attempt to use them outside of PvP

    User Interface
    • Average Item Level displayed on your character sheet in place of Gearscore will be used to gate character’s from entering some Dungeons and Zones in the same way that Gearscore did. We are still in the process of finalizing exactly what will go into this number and it will be a sum of the item levels of your equipment, enchantments and artifacts.
    • Gearscore has been replaced with "Average Item Level".
    • Removed 'Exit Now' button from Change Character countdown menu option. Changed Log Off menu flow, so it never shows a countdown timer. Instead, if you are in an area where your character will stay on the map after you log off, it tells you how long your character will stay. Currently Protector's Enclave is the only area where you can logoff instantly.

    Known Issues
    • Most level 60 Epic Equipment has been updated to have its correct item level. Some of these items however, are still at Item Level 60.
    • Combat: Artifact equipment will be increased in power to start at Item Level 90 before this module goes live.
    • The Campaign Zones (Sharandar, Dread Ring, IWD, & WoD) & Queues have been turned off to focus attention on the new Drowned Shore content & level cap increase.
    • Some quest interacts may not appropriately grant objective credit while in a party.
    • Some of the Quest Tracker objectives & waypoints and not update while in a party.
    • Heroic Encounters grant Success Rewards on the Failure Condition
    • Protectors Enclave area in front of the market is undergoing renovations.

    This is all fine and dandy. your forgetting the newbys... And what the heck happened to this guild system ??? No mention on the guild system while you sit here and mess up everyone Builds AGAIN........ Are you planing on fixing the archer class or is it going to be just a pvp charecter? because it sux in pve... Peoples boot archers out of the parties in dungoens because they are that bad. IT sucks because thats my fav class and i dont pvp... you guys promote Dungeons and Dragons, And NeverWinter. yet you guys are pushing this pvp garbage.. Do you know that Both dnd and neverwinter are Roleplay games. Not pvp games ??? Such a disapointment.... Again... I dont see what you guys are doing with the guild system in these notes. That is the only thing Im interested in.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Noone beats the crying river of Gwfs!

    Do you think a Gwf wouldn't use lifesteal more?
    Even me having only a casual Gwf knowledge I think it does...

    The reason of this gwf situation- and the game - is 100% due to demonstrably false feedback of your community who, unable to compete on equal environment, begin to appeal to the only scenario where they are unbeatable: gossip

    against facts there are not arguments.

    note:the cw comunity today is far better than the comunity in the past... it seems that after getting what they wanted - destroy the game - the trolls left.

    see you in lower depths.
  • yolohahahayolohahaha Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    it doesnt show up the preview-shard in server option at launching?
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    "The server is unavailable at this time"

    no login for me
    I aim to misbehave
  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    And can't even image how CWs are "destroying the game"!
    In your mind probably they are all source of evil: bad loots, endless grind, bad pvp party etc.
    All I see are the same 5-10 person are badmouthing CWs since mod2 and guess what? They are all GWFs...
  • yolohahahayolohahaha Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    silence1x wrote: »
    "The server is unavailable at this time"

    no login for me

    same here when i tried to login with main acc.

    unmain acc with 4lvl char couldnt even get in shard
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    maybe you do not know the story of one who, after being fully exposed by me, apologized for "being drunk".

    or who reported steel blitz ... or that reported 12% extra damage from the feets while cw bonus granted 4 / 5x more often ... or the roar of 5 secs ... the list goes on.

    the rest is just the history of the game. nothing to say.

    of course, iam including certain dev like cw.
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Yeah. i guess they're fixing/adding stuff as I type this. Oh well, I'll try later today.
    I aim to misbehave
  • kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Well I got to do a little testing before the shutdown. Couldn't set my boons for IWD, DR, Sharandar, so could not re-spec.

    A couple of questions:
    a) existing level 60 epic gear (AoW for example, Corrupted/Purified Black Ice), will it be upgraded to level 70 or must we re-acquire our gear?
    b) any point to creating Personalized Archmage/... Rings/Belts/Necklaces? Are they now going to be obsolete (trying to avoid wasting AD if they're about to be pointless).
    c) Should we bother to put RP into our artifact equipment at all? Especially as the new level 70 gear may be better?
  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    maybe you do not know the story of one who, after being fully exposed by me, apologized for "being drunk".

    or who reported steel blitz ... or that reported 12% extra damage from the feets while cw bonus granted 4 / 5x more often ... or the roar of 5 secs ... the list goes on.

    the rest is just the history of the game. nothing to say.

    of course, iam including certain dev like cw.

    And who are reporting CWs good pve feats like assailing etc constantly beacuse of the saint and holy pvp? Guess what again! Pvper Gwfs...
  • amenephisamenephis Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    People, if you haven't figured it out already, all you have to do is look at the most recent expansion to Star Trek Online to see how Cryptic is going to run this one, because it sounds like it's going to be exactly the same, starting with dramatic shifts to existing content to force players onto the new content, so then their numbers say that lots of players are playing the new content.

    Then you add enormous amounts of grinding, just like...stupid amounts. This will be further hidden behind RNG, which has a high chance to simply void all of your grinding to that point, and make you start over.

    This will also make running multiple characters absurdly expensive in terms of time, money, or both.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    silence1x wrote: »
    Yeah. i guess they're fixing/adding stuff as I type this. Oh well, I'll try later today.

    Don't bother.

    From the NeverwinterPreview forums:
    "Our investigations into this issue revealed problems that will prevent us from bringing NeverwinterPreview back up this weekend. We hope to have Preview up and ready as early as we can next week. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your support"
  • edited January 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    Maybe we are reading different forums!
    Most CW players are enjoying PVE and most PvP complainers are from different classes.

    TR class is imbalanced? You mean in pvp right? Of course you mean pvp what else! My bad!
    Well guessing from the complaints in forums than I think its not really balanced in pvp . But Its not really my business.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1 - cause and consequence.

    2 - cws should have the pve perfomance halved since m1.

    The (broken) performance of this class in pve have been the paradgma of "reworks" and a lot of bad decisions is the beginning of this insanity (dont forget "i dont have damage", when my cws in blue gear hit by 50k shard/solo).

    pvp i dont know. any word about that is pedantism
  • commanderdata001commanderdata001 Member Posts: 307 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    1 - cause and consequence.

    2 - cws should have the pve perfomance halved since m1.

    The (broken) performance of this class in pve have been the paradgma of "reworks" and a lot of bad decisions is the beginning of this insanity.

    pvp i dont know. any word about that is pedantism

    Sure sure and GWfs should get extra mod2 style deep gash I guess!
This discussion has been closed.