Enemies more than 2 levels above you will result in a sharp increase in difficulty. (Down from 5 Levels).
...and NO increase in experience?? So, I won't get any benefit from "fighting above my weight class" any longer? I usually like to try and push my Alts into fighting at least a zone higher than they should.
Life Steal: No longer activates on all attacks. Life Steal now increases the chance to activate life steal, which will steal an amount equal to the life steal severity the player has.
Bah. Nice to know my Necromancer who has studied life/death his entire life can't even get his necromatic spells to be consistent. "Chance to activate." More RNG which everyone loooooooves so much. Good choice. :rolleyes:
vampirecavyMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 55Arc User
edited January 2015
As a request, for people who for whatever reason can't get on preview, or are actively patching, could we get some info on what the new feats/features for the classes are in the patch notes?
Clarification: Does the increase in the artifact level cap affect ONLY artifacts that previously had a 100 cap? (e.g. Lantern of Revelation)? Or does this affect artifact equipment as well, that previously only had a cap of 60?
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Can you please drastically lower the AD cost of upgrading companion quality? They're already insane as they are now, but I'd hate to see how much the Epic to Legendary upgrade is...
There's already a massive gap between the elite and the average players. Keeping the costs as they are now will only widen that gap, as only the elite will be able to even afford to upgrade their companions.
Well, the white to green is 300K, the green to blue is +200K on the previous cost, then +250K, so if they went with +300K (following that pattern) your purple companions would cost 1,050,000 AD each to upgrade. Then again, this is based on really nothing whatsoever.
Well, the white to green is 300K, the green to blue is +200K on the previous cost, then +250K, so if they went with +300K (following that pattern) your purple companions would cost 1,050,000 AD each to upgrade. Then again, this is based on really nothing whatsoever.
Ugh. Yeah, only the richest people in the game, who already have practically everything else they want would be willing to pay that...
Im worried about the regen changes, most high level bosses are already pretty hard, now they will be almost impossible for me.
Also, are you reducing the cool-down on potions? if not you might want to think about that since we will either need to use lots more potions or start an athletics competition while running from a boss and waiting for the cool-down to finish, mostly in solo play but my chas get enough exercise already!
orangefireeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,148Arc User
edited January 2015
Let's not get up in arms about anything until we can actually test the stuff.
At the very least, we'll probably have rank 5 enchantments dropping at level 70 in place of rank 4 ones.
Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
Might I inquire as to the source of your information?
Id like to know as well.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited January 2015
Here's a simpler fix for regen - give it 2 values - a suppressed in-combat value, and a greatly increased out-of-combat value. By going this route, you at least make it still useful. Perhaps also have it grant a reduction in the duration of debuffs/DoTs applied to the character.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Here's a simpler fix for regen - give it 2 values - a suppressed in-combat value, and a greatly increased out-of-combat value. By going this route, you at least make it still useful. Perhaps also have it grant a reduction in the duration of debuffs/DoTs applied to the character.
No, They need to keep Regen as a Constant Health regen, Thats how that stat is supposed to work, otherwise onlyc lasses that have abilities to get away/Stealth will be able to make use of it..
if they really dislike self healing, then they should just implement greater healing depression once again -.-
No, They need to keep Regen as a Constant Health regen, Thats how that stat is supposed to work, otherwise onlyc lasses that have abilities to get away/Stealth will be able to make use of it..
if they really dislike self healing, then they should just implement greater healing depression once again -.-
Well, no, because Stealth still wouldn't make much of a difference as they'd still have to wait for combat to actually stop. It doesn't just instantly end combat solely because you went into stealth.
Making Regeneration regen you at double speed outside of combat (or half speed inside of combat, or something similar) is actually a really really good suggestion.
Um... not to sound rude or anything, but why post the patch notes if the server isn't ready yet?
It's kinda like hinting at adding a Druid class for a few modules, and then adding a Paladin instead... (Yes, I'm still kinda bitter about that. Don't hint at a class that is nowhere near ready to release. Hint at the class that is.)
It's kinda like hinting at adding a Druid class for a few modules, and then adding a Paladin instead... (Yes, I'm still kinda bitter about that. Don't hint at a class that is nowhere near ready to release. Hint at the class that is.)
Are you kidding? It was a single hint 18 months ago. That clearly left the door open for things to change. Yea, we all kinda expected Druid, but you cant blame them for the level of hype over it.
Are you kidding? It was a single hint 18 months ago. That clearly left the door open for things to change. Yea, we all kinda expected Druid, but you cant blame them for the level of hype over it.
True, and a Druid would be epic. That said again, this is something of a combo impact people are experiencing alongside the stat changes.
The awkwardness is that the way regen and life steal are being changed, with the life steal percentage now base 100% it's decidedly more useful for DPS than for tanks. Regen only works when you are healed, so that doesn't help as much for soloing. Actually though, come to think of it, these changes would be PERFECT if Neverwinter had a tank class that could heal ITSELF while soloing. Hmm...
Are you kidding? It was a single hint 18 months ago. That clearly left the door open for things to change. Yea, we all kinda expected Druid, but you cant blame them for the level of hype over it.
(no promises were actually made, this had been your friendly neighborhood ranter. signing off)
orangefireeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,148Arc User
Can you please drastically lower the AD cost of upgrading companion quality? They're already insane as they are now, but I'd hate to see how much the Epic to Legendary upgrade is...
There's already a massive gap between the elite and the average players. Keeping the costs as they are now will only widen that gap, as only the elite will be able to even afford to upgrade their companions.
IMO at the very least, there should be no nett cost increase in upgrading a companion under the new system. Which is to say the total cost from common to legendary should be (at least) the same as the current cost from common to epic.
Xp currently in overflow will stay there until you are level 70 and then magically reappear to give a boost on your next overflow reward.
Artifact gear will not rank up to 120. They will, most likely, add an additional 20 ranks just like regular artifacts.
o.O 20 ranks on arti equipment as well? *le sigh* Please, please make sure the devs read my thread on the RP system, as I fear the forums will burn down without a change to the system.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
IMO at the very least, there should be no nett cost increase in upgrading a companion under the new system. Which is to say the total cost from common to legendary should be (at least) the same as the current cost from common to epic.
...why, exactly, would this be the case? I mean, sure, I'd love it, but I can't at all imagine why everything would suddenly get cheaper.
Bah. Nice to know my Necromancer who has studied life/death his entire life can't even get his necromatic spells to be consistent. "Chance to activate." More RNG which everyone loooooooves so much. Good choice. :rolleyes:
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
In a cool way! :cool:
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Did you have one last chance to bettering this game and just threw it in the trash.
Bugwinter=Super P2W
Dont think about it dlt my post.
DC Taylor speaking.
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
Well, the white to green is 300K, the green to blue is +200K on the previous cost, then +250K, so if they went with +300K (following that pattern) your purple companions would cost 1,050,000 AD each to upgrade. Then again, this is based on really nothing whatsoever.
Ugh. Yeah, only the richest people in the game, who already have practically everything else they want would be willing to pay that...
Also, are you reducing the cool-down on potions? if not you might want to think about that since we will either need to use lots more potions or start an athletics competition while running from a boss and waiting for the cool-down to finish, mostly in solo play but my chas get enough exercise already!
At the very least, we'll probably have rank 5 enchantments dropping at level 70 in place of rank 4 ones.
Might I inquire as to the source of your information?
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Id like to know as well.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
speak, and cite your source...
No, They need to keep Regen as a Constant Health regen, Thats how that stat is supposed to work, otherwise onlyc lasses that have abilities to get away/Stealth will be able to make use of it..
if they really dislike self healing, then they should just implement greater healing depression once again -.-
Well, no, because Stealth still wouldn't make much of a difference as they'd still have to wait for combat to actually stop. It doesn't just instantly end combat solely because you went into stealth.
Making Regeneration regen you at double speed outside of combat (or half speed inside of combat, or something similar) is actually a really really good suggestion.
It's kinda like hinting at adding a Druid class for a few modules, and then adding a Paladin instead... (Yes, I'm still kinda bitter about that. Don't hint at a class that is nowhere near ready to release. Hint at the class that is.)
Just keep a healer companion as one of your active ones, even if you don't have it summoned. Top off on health between combats.
Are you kidding? It was a single hint 18 months ago. That clearly left the door open for things to change. Yea, we all kinda expected Druid, but you cant blame them for the level of hype over it.
True, and a Druid would be epic. That said again, this is something of a combo impact people are experiencing alongside the stat changes.
The awkwardness is that the way regen and life steal are being changed, with the life steal percentage now base 100% it's decidedly more useful for DPS than for tanks. Regen only works when you are healed, so that doesn't help as much for soloing. Actually though, come to think of it, these changes would be PERFECT if Neverwinter had a tank class that could heal ITSELF while soloing. Hmm...
(no promises were actually made, this had been your friendly neighborhood ranter. signing off)
Huh, now I can't find it. I could have sworn I saw it mentioned in these patch notes earlier.
Artifact gear will not rank up to 120. They will, most likely, add an additional 20 ranks just like regular artifacts.
IMO at the very least, there should be no nett cost increase in upgrading a companion under the new system. Which is to say the total cost from common to legendary should be (at least) the same as the current cost from common to epic.
o.O 20 ranks on arti equipment as well? *le sigh* Please, please make sure the devs read my thread on the RP system, as I fear the forums will burn down without a change to the system.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
This. What's the word? Very keen to try out here, with a view to dropping cash for more character slots!
...why, exactly, would this be the case? I mean, sure, I'd love it, but I can't at all imagine why everything would suddenly get cheaper.