Oh I don't think DC will become totally useless now, especially with the Mod 5 rework. Righteous DC can compete with even better-geared CWs for DPS and paingiver.
compete? lol?
it doesnt compete with cws, it greatly outdamages them period.
Yeah GF will become totally useless now ... and DC would probably too ... Making 2 class go to waste (or go to a wait an update to become less useless (even if i can't think of anything a GF could do better than a paladin ... (Actually big gs GWF tank better than my GF so i'm already kind of useless so ...)))
If you think the DC is for healing you're not playing this game right.
The healing is a side effect of blowing things up. Which is the best kind of healing, I might add.
Well, you should have PLAYED for your gear, not paid for it. It's an MMO. Nothing stays BiS forever, not matter how hard it is to initially get.
I'm actually happy to see the level cap. Hopefully it will help rebalance the game at the top end, and give other players a chance to "catch up".
Except I'd expect the legendary gear to stay BiS for more than 1 freaking module. offhands and neck slots were just introduced and it's a big xx to players if they make them obsolete the very next module. Whether you played or payed for your legendary gear, the fact of the matter is the refinement items could have been sold for a LOT so it has an implicit cost you have to take into consideration.
No one said anything will become "obsolete", no one said all your hard work and much-spent AD and Zen will go to waste. It's all a bunch of unnecessary speculation. Fear-mongering to yourselves. The best bet is to just wait and see what is announced further, wait for Preview to start getting some of this stuff, and take it nice and slow as the new content and paradigms are released and official words are given. THEN complaint about what you *know* to be the case, rather than just reaching into the dark and predicting doom-and-gloom for that which you are only guessing at.
Well, then perhaps they should have added a few extra comments to their announcement, explaining what will happen to existing Legendary gear. I won't be wasting my time doing anything in game till they say more.
Except I'd expect the legendary gear to stay BiS for more than 1 freaking module. offhands and neck slots were just introduced and it's a big xx to players if they make them obsolete the very next module. Whether you played or payed for your legendary gear, the fact of the matter is the refinement items could have been sold for a LOT so it has an implicit cost you have to take into consideration.
totally agree i paid 4 mil for a belt that dropped to 4k like 2 weeks later. if my brand new oranges are made reundant in a month im out
There is one last great hope for the artifact gear we have all invested in: Cryptic's notoriuosly poor decission making when designing gear. Remember some classes T2 and even T1 is still BiS. Realize that from Beta until Artifact belts blue belts with offense slots were BiS. Hold forth a bit of hope that they will introduce L70 gear with such poor stat distribution and such lousy set bonuses that we will not have to throw away our multi-million AD equipment. There is still hope. Trust in incompetance.
There is one last great hope for the artifact gear we have all invested in: Cryptic's notoriuosly poor decission making when designing gear. Remember some classes T2 and even T1 is still BiS. Realize that from Beta until Artifact belts blue belts with offense slots were BiS. Hold forth a bit of hope that they will introduce L70 gear with such poor stat distribution and such lousy set bonuses that we will not have to throw away our multi-million AD equipment. There is still hope. Trust in incompetance.
LMAO u think exactly like me. case in point was that my CW int belt mod 4 was still bis than that BI HAMSTER with derp set bonuses. devs pls dont read this post n make derp gear that wont replace our multimillion stuff ty
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited January 2015
Now that the official announcement is here on the forums, let's continue to discuss things here. Feel free to copy/quote messages from this thread to continue the discussion there.
Update: Added a sticky redirect to the news thread in the news forum.
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl PWE Community Moderator
compete? lol?
it doesnt compete with cws, it greatly outdamages them period.
Here's to Mod 6.
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
If you think the DC is for healing you're not playing this game right.
The healing is a side effect of blowing things up. Which is the best kind of healing, I might add.
Don't you mean their bear asses? You cannot have an MMO without them.
No its polar bear feet
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
Except I'd expect the legendary gear to stay BiS for more than 1 freaking module. offhands and neck slots were just introduced and it's a big xx to players if they make them obsolete the very next module. Whether you played or payed for your legendary gear, the fact of the matter is the refinement items could have been sold for a LOT so it has an implicit cost you have to take into consideration.
Well, then perhaps they should have added a few extra comments to their announcement, explaining what will happen to existing Legendary gear. I won't be wasting my time doing anything in game till they say more.
totally agree i paid 4 mil for a belt that dropped to 4k like 2 weeks later. if my brand new oranges are made reundant in a month im out
Update: Added a sticky redirect to the news thread in the news forum.
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl
PWE Community Moderator
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