So basicaly you want to start at the finish line. Makes sens.
No what I'm saying is that I want a chance to actually get to the finish line within reasonable cost/time if I start a new char and that's never ever gonna happen in this game.
about the artifact gear and such...hopefully the concept is you make yourself stronger, and it's not based on a ton of new higher level gear. I didn't just fight tiamat all those times and equip dragon hoard enchants while fighting many many many monsters to not use my weapons for a long time to come, and I don't think the game will want to make us feel that terrible.
Best case scenario: they put into effect that exp in conjunction with rp system to level up the weapons.. most likely not, though.
The assumption is that level 70 purple, maybe even blue, gear is better than the current max level artifacts (and of course new level 70 artifacts if there are any). That assumes that the current artifacts do not get a level cap increase, too.
I figured, but I highly doubt that. As big as they claim mod 6 to be, not increasing the level cap of the artifacts or realasing new BIS artifacts is going to cost them waaaaaaaaay too many players. Way more than the current RP system ever did. They should know better.
"Called by the Elder Elemental Eye to serve, four corrupt prophets have risen from the depths of anonymity to claim mighty weapons with direct links to the power of the elemental princes. Each of these prophets has assembled a cadre of cultists and creatures to serve them in the construction of four elemental temples of lethal design. It is up to adventurers from heroic factions such as the Emerald Enclave and the Order of the Gauntlet to discover where the true power of each prophet lay, and dismantle it before it comes boiling up to obliterate the Realms."
When there will be only one or two dungeons we have a problem called "boredom".
The same I got infected while killing Tiamat about a hundred times.
I figured, but I highly doubt that. As big as they claim mod 6 to be, not increasing the level cap of the artifacts or realasing new BIS artifacts is going to cost them waaaaaaaaay too many players. Way more than the current RP system ever did. They should know better.
Judging by their actions till now, we can kiss our artifacts goodbye. New lvl 70 items will come and all the ad/zen was lost... i was expecting more fixes of broken things...
Paladin, of all the wonderful classes you could have picked...
The thing is, there's a lot of PvE content (as good or bad as it is) that's designed to be played with level 60: 17 Epic dungeons (t1 x 5, t2 x 6, t2.5 x 3, t3 x 1 and 2 gauntlgrym dungeons), 4 skirmishes, 6 campaign zones, the whole gauntlgrym thing and the Tiamat fight. This makes me wonder... how much are they planning to add to this module to make up for all that content that we lose at level 70? I hope their solution isn't just rescaling dungeons.
i hope they make it so after lv 60 the artifacts you have lvl up together with ur character.
For many of us, this is their last chance.
So Im hoping against hope itself they fix alot of the current issues.
slaaneshihorrorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
edited January 2015
I'm all for a new mod, and don't want this to come off as another threat built on complaints. But this new mod is more concerning to me, with what little we've been told, than it is exciting. Both the new class and the level cap are more ominous than inspiring. The release of Paladins does not bode well for Guardian Fighters. The usefulness of a Guardian Fighter in PvE was already fairly questionable. They had no real purpose in a dungeon as is. A glorified Guardian Fighter with healing capabilities looks to effectively nullify any use a GF had in PvE, and possibly PvP. I do hope that the release of Paladins means Guardian Fighters will come with yet another rework to give them proper use once again.
As for the level cap, my immediate and initial concern is artifact gear. I've never before played an MMO that increased the level cap 6 modules in. Maybe I was alone in this, but I was pretty set in the belief that NW just had no interest in raising the cap. Artifact gear was not a bother to me. I raised my main toon to full legendary status because I saw them releasing different artifact gear types instead of the same ones over and over, thus causing mass frustration for anyone who already leveled said gear type. With the level cap raised, will this mean currently existing artifact gear becomes obsolete?
This would not be nearly as burdensome if modules were not released so quickly, one after the other. Expansions in this game are released far too closely to each other. And that worked fine for a game that kept it's level cap stagnant. An unchanging level cap meant they could do so as often as they wanted. But a level cap change in a game that has new content every couple months, coupled with how artifact gear works and what it takes to level it, mean this could cause a lot of people who've worked hard on artifact gear to just leave. There'd be no point in even trying to legendary on any artifact gear if we knew there was a chance in a couple months said gear would become second best.
I do hope the developers take this into consideration. New classes have already, in the past, caused previous classes to become largely obsolete. Temptation SWs heavily replaced DCs for an entire module before Temptation was nerfed and DCs got a rework. I hope that won't be the case, and forethought will be put into the changes this time. I also hope the level cap vs artifact gear point will be further thought about. This game's structure and content release schedule was pretty firmly built on a no level cap increase foundation. I hope artifact gear at least gets a rework, so it levels with you at legendary instead of having to be released. Because if it's the latter, I can't say for certain many people will want to continue playing. The game just changes too fast and too often to bother with gear like that if it doesn't get reworked.
About the arti gear...In mod3 all purified gear,armour set ,main ,ring,it was BiS back then.When mod4 arrived cryptic-by your logic -could just add an T4 black ice empowered stage.It did not.
Based on this...
On the other hand to level a level 60 arti gear to new extended level you would need to pay..and that every company loves.So not sure where we will end up.
Middle ground is my assumption:Cryptic will extend the existing artis level cap to make them barely BiS.
But on the end of the campaign you will unlock a weapon that will be superior to arti,(elemental probably it's title) in the same sense that arti weapon is superior to BI weapon.
At first thought the increase of the level cap to 70 would be nice as well but, to implement this correctly they would have to do alot of leg work i.e. change the "excess XP" that was implemented for gaining XP while at 60, potentially adding new encounters/dailies/at-wills/class features/ or even expanding the heroic and paragon trees to compensate the level difference to actual make the 10 level difference worthwhile. And that would be for each class. Plus you would potentially need not just 1 new map but a whole new area with maybe 4 or 5 maps that were 61 -70 exclusive. That would lead into new dungeons for level 61- 70 as well and even 70 exclusive ones. An obvious PVP change would be necessary as well.
Even all that is probably the tip of the iceberg of what would be needed for the bare minimum to make it work. What I think they should really do is postpone the new mod for a bit and actually dedicate some time to actually fixing or atleast looking at the many bugs in the game/individual classes before they go an add this new class or anything else and make that bug list even larger than it already is.
Poor GF, they had already humble powers and poor animations this paladin class is unfair. Come on how can be a character both dps and tank at the same time, i wonder if they want to make people play solo. artifact offhand and artifact cloak appeared recently but they made them obsolete as well by increasing level cap, probably black ice armor will become useless too at least they must put that black ice gloves on store next to other black ice equipments. I said it but this would be unfair too.People tried their hardest to drop that and also that over all iwd campaign taking more than one month you know all for black ice armor in fact,then it'll become useless against lvl70 equipment
i was expecting a new module too but i hope for something like "Underdark Campaign" , so many people are using drizzt name and probably they hope some adventure like his. Some new equipment also could be good ,like pwafwi that will decay with sun light and have to feed it with some special material like we do with black ice equipment and also scimitars resemble twinkle and icingdeath whatever i've written too much and digressed, sorry
I don't know why everyone thinks the gf is a bad class currently. Right now, that is the ONE class I hope to see in my party when I do dungeons.
I do agree that paladin is a weird choice that certainly would make me concerned if I was a GF. Hopefully, like how an sw feels very different from a cw or a dc, the paladin class feels very different from a dc and a gf. I mean, you don't go into a group with an sw and expect the same exact thing you'll get from a cw (if fury) or a dc (if tempt). So the same might be able to be said once paladin comes out. Fingers crossed.
I'm willing to bet that Legendary Lvl 60 gear will be more or less equivalent to Epic Lvl 70 gear.
slaaneshihorrorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
edited January 2015
While I love new content, historically new dungeons have not equated to harder dungeons. Not in Neverwinter. The most difficult thing in the game is Tiamat, and that is only because it's a forced PUG system. I was voicing immediate concerns revolving around how the game is currently structured and what a level cap change affects.
While I love new content, historically new dungeons have not equated to harder dungeons. Not in Neverwinter. The most difficult thing in the game is Tiamat, and that is only because it's a forced PUG system. I was voicing immediate concerns revolving around how the game is currently structured and what a level cap change affects.
That's why I bring up sto. They just did this level cap raise and raised the difficulty of their dungeons, to massive outrage from some true, but I can hope they follow sto's formula.
I searched the wikipedia but did not found anything recent relevant o Temple of elemental Evil campaign release.
I only found about the 1986 campaign in GreyHawk setting.Is the same thing?
slaaneshihorrorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
edited January 2015
Does STO have a large foundation on artifact gear that takes millions of their currency to upgrade? Because if not, the point you're making is fairly moot in the grand scheme of what I'm talking about.
Does STO have a large foundation on artifact gear that takes millions of their currency to upgrade? Because if not, the point you're making is fairly moot in the grand scheme of what I'm talking about.
Their ships are sort of like that, it's different but parallels can be made.
That's why I bring up sto. They just did this level cap raise and raised the difficulty of their dungeons, to massive outrage from some true, but I can hope they follow sto's formula.
Hmm I don't play STO but I've heard alot of complaining about their level cap increase. I've heard that gaining the levels is super grind-y and boring, and that the new ships are a debacle
Perhaps those who play STO could shed some light on this.
slaaneshihorrorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
edited January 2015
So STO forced every player to get brand new, starter level ships and level them to cap again when they raised the existing level cap?
No what I'm saying is that I want a chance to actually get to the finish line within reasonable cost/time if I start a new char and that's never ever gonna happen in this game.
Best case scenario: they put into effect that exp in conjunction with rp system to level up the weapons.. most likely not, though.
I figured, but I highly doubt that. As big as they claim mod 6 to be, not increasing the level cap of the artifacts or realasing new BIS artifacts is going to cost them waaaaaaaaay too many players. Way more than the current RP system ever did. They should know better.
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
^^^ thanks!!!
Not really. I was hoping for Druid, but Paladin definitely seems interesting.
Judging by their actions till now, we can kiss our artifacts goodbye. New lvl 70 items will come and all the ad/zen was lost... i was expecting more fixes of broken things...
Paladin, of all the wonderful classes you could have picked...
HR Stormwarden Trapper / Stormwarden Combat
GWF Swordmaster Destroyer
CW Master of Flame Thaumaturge / Spellstorm Oppressor
TR Master Infiltrator Executioner
SW Soulbinder Fury
For many of us, this is their last chance.
So Im hoping against hope itself they fix alot of the current issues.
As for the level cap, my immediate and initial concern is artifact gear. I've never before played an MMO that increased the level cap 6 modules in. Maybe I was alone in this, but I was pretty set in the belief that NW just had no interest in raising the cap. Artifact gear was not a bother to me. I raised my main toon to full legendary status because I saw them releasing different artifact gear types instead of the same ones over and over, thus causing mass frustration for anyone who already leveled said gear type. With the level cap raised, will this mean currently existing artifact gear becomes obsolete?
This would not be nearly as burdensome if modules were not released so quickly, one after the other. Expansions in this game are released far too closely to each other. And that worked fine for a game that kept it's level cap stagnant. An unchanging level cap meant they could do so as often as they wanted. But a level cap change in a game that has new content every couple months, coupled with how artifact gear works and what it takes to level it, mean this could cause a lot of people who've worked hard on artifact gear to just leave. There'd be no point in even trying to legendary on any artifact gear if we knew there was a chance in a couple months said gear would become second best.
I do hope the developers take this into consideration. New classes have already, in the past, caused previous classes to become largely obsolete. Temptation SWs heavily replaced DCs for an entire module before Temptation was nerfed and DCs got a rework. I hope that won't be the case, and forethought will be put into the changes this time. I also hope the level cap vs artifact gear point will be further thought about. This game's structure and content release schedule was pretty firmly built on a no level cap increase foundation. I hope artifact gear at least gets a rework, so it levels with you at legendary instead of having to be released. Because if it's the latter, I can't say for certain many people will want to continue playing. The game just changes too fast and too often to bother with gear like that if it doesn't get reworked.
Based on this...
On the other hand to level a level 60 arti gear to new extended level you would need to pay..and that every company loves.So not sure where we will end up.
Middle ground is my assumption:Cryptic will extend the existing artis level cap to make them barely BiS.
But on the end of the campaign you will unlock a weapon that will be superior to arti,(elemental probably it's title) in the same sense that arti weapon is superior to BI weapon.
Exactly what I am dreaming about
Furthermore, increasing the Levelcap has never made a game more interesting. We kill a goddess every hour on lvl60, what are we doing on lvl70?
Edit: And don't be naive. Artifact gear won't level with your exp, it's obsolete, easiest and most productive way
Even all that is probably the tip of the iceberg of what would be needed for the bare minimum to make it work. What I think they should really do is postpone the new mod for a bit and actually dedicate some time to actually fixing or atleast looking at the many bugs in the game/individual classes before they go an add this new class or anything else and make that bug list even larger than it already is.
I hope they do this right.....
i was expecting a new module too but i hope for something like "Underdark Campaign" , so many people are using drizzt name and probably they hope some adventure like his. Some new equipment also could be good ,like pwafwi that will decay with sun light and have to feed it with some special material like we do with black ice equipment and also scimitars resemble twinkle and icingdeath whatever i've written too much and digressed, sorry
I do agree that paladin is a weird choice that certainly would make me concerned if I was a GF. Hopefully, like how an sw feels very different from a cw or a dc, the paladin class feels very different from a dc and a gf. I mean, you don't go into a group with an sw and expect the same exact thing you'll get from a cw (if fury) or a dc (if tempt). So the same might be able to be said once paladin comes out. Fingers crossed.
That's why I bring up sto. They just did this level cap raise and raised the difficulty of their dungeons, to massive outrage from some true, but I can hope they follow sto's formula.
at least 30K as well as 100K HP.
Their ships are sort of like that, it's different but parallels can be made.
and we will lose more then half player base and noone will play instances anymore like in sto :P so i hope it wont be done like they did in sto
Perhaps those who play STO could shed some light on this.