Content and Environment
• Temple of Tiamat: The respawn location is now at the campfire instead of the door.
Items and Economy
• Ghost Paladin companion is now classified as a Defender. No other changes were made.
• Hearts of the Dragon may now be used to refine artifacts (except the Heart of the Red Dragon).
• Imperial Dragon Cloak is now bound when purchased with Linu's Favor from the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign store.
User Interface
• The Guild Mail tab is now functional again as well as restoring the 'Guild Mail' permission in Guild Settings.
Performance and Stability
• Graphics memory texture has received and update and will now start to throttle the size of requested textures after texture memory reaches a certain size based on your system. This will decrease the visual fidelity of textures when in high load areas and increase overall performance and smoothness. In addition, it should reduce the amount of client crashes that can occur due to out of memory issues.
User Interface
• The Guild Mail tab is now functional again as well as restoring the 'Guild Mail' permission in Guild Settings.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This has got me most excited!
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
• graphics memory texture has received and update and will now start to throttle the size of requested textures after texture memory reaches a certain size based on your system. This will decrease the visual fidelity of textures when in high load areas and increase overall performance and smoothness. In addition, it should reduce the amount of client crashes that can occur due to out of memory issues.
Performance and Stability
• Graphics memory texture has received and update and will now start to throttle the size of requested textures after texture memory reaches a certain size based on your system. This will decrease the visual fidelity of textures when in high load areas and increase overall performance and smoothness. In addition, it should reduce the amount of client crashes that can occur due to out of memory issues.
Oh, oh, oh. My friend's going to be REALLY happy about this. He normally lags like hell and crashes in cities and crowded areas. I hope this will give him a better Neverwinter experience.
I want to report one buff on DC... Its named "Break the Spirit". In the description on the right side in lvl 2 and 3 it says "(null) +10%".. I play this game in German... May be it doesn't work like it should because of wrong address.
Tyvm for attention
no battlefield medic usable in SCA?
people can still get tiamat's orb in teir 0 and Draconic templar gear? Whats the point in upping reclamation besides buffs if all the gear drops
Performance and Stability
• Graphics memory texture has received and update and will now start to throttle the size of requested textures after texture memory reaches a certain size based on your system. This will decrease the visual fidelity of textures when in high load areas and increase overall performance and smoothness. In addition, it should reduce the amount of client crashes that can occur due to out of memory issues.
THANK YOU! I hope in future maintenances there will be more room for performance and compatibility improvments!
As long as it takes That's what I have to tell people at work whenever they ask "How long will the Windows Updates take?". There's more to maintenance than meets the eye.
I aim to misbehave
hellwinkleMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited January 2015
at least the patch is starting to download. good sign
EDIT: BOOM there it is, the long awaited for and expected 1 hour delay.
"We will be performing shard maintenance on January 15th from 6-10:00 AM Pacific (14:00-18:00 UTC). Please check the forums."
My efforts were a complete waste of HOURS of my time! I ended up with well over 200 new handles on my ignore list. Previously I had only a dozen on my list since the release of this game, which is to say - I am definitely NOT /ignore happy.
Hear Hear!!!
Dont forget to mention that they wsp lower level toons. I consider this a form of harassment.
I dont even go to PE anymore if I can help it. mailboxes, DD and dailys are really the only reason to go there, but I can get my mail in IWD tyvm.
Hey there, thanks for the info. Allways nice to know what was changed
I'm new to the game so please excuse the question but
600+mb does seem a bit harsh though for a this the usual size of patches or a sepcial case due to the event? Is there no way to "patch as needed" or "background patch" as you play.
Stability and performance are main issues for this game, it's fun to play and all but it's way too resource consuming. When I increase some of my cpu-heavy video options from low/off to medium, the game literally eats my cpu and usage skyrockets sometimes to above 80%. I'm not saying that I got some really good processor but I think for Athlon II 455 tripple-core 3.3GHz this game is consuming way too much resources compared to graphics it offers. This is not critic, but suggestion for devs to pay close attention to this issue because not everyone has i7 processor and 500 dollar gfx card.
Simple solution to Spamming in PE...make a new town with all the same amenities that PE has (bank, guild bank, quest givers, salvager, dailies etc). Perhaps with level requirements to get there.
The game is incredibly straight forward at low levels, so if you have say level 30 and under restricted to PE, there should still be enough people there to help out newbies. Once you go beyond level 30, perhaps Knox sends you to his brother, Major Knox, to continue questing from a new central city hub. At 60, perhaps you go to another new hub with Commander Knox!
Spammers are not going to waste the time it takes to level to 30. Yes, they could do it just praying and leadership, but it would take a LOT longer to get to 30 than it does to get to 15. Ability to hash out characters over and over would be significantly limited.
I must say... I'm excited about all of the items dealt with in todays patch. The spawn point in Tiamat's, I would like to say I am not familiar with the former location but, lol, we've all been there. Ghost paladin, ok cool. Heart of Dragon artifacts, imperial Dragon Cloak, Guild interface... Those are BIG! Performance and Stability pertaining to graphics, Especially if it pertains to Tiamat's Temple...
H U G E !!! Thank you so much! We sooo needed THAT!
I don't want to seem disappointed are unappreciative because I am very glad to see development using it's resources wisely and efficiently. PROPS! I would simply like to request that the team seriously consider finding a way to deal with the Gold/AD spammers in /zone, /trade, and /LFG chat.
I have noticed over that past week that spam in Protector's Enclave has reached EPIC proportion! It has bcome SO disruptive, that I am finding it nearly impossible to scroll through chat and locate actual players, to find groups, or set up dungeon parties. For 48 hours, I clicked names of spammers and used the "Report Spam" option, which basically adds that @handle to the ignore list, in an attempt to clear up my /zone, /trade, and /LFGt chat while in town. My efforts were a complete waste of HOURS of my time! I ended up with well over 200 new handles on my ignore list. Previously I had only a dozen on my list since the release of this game, which is to say - I am definitely NOT /ignore happy.
After watching chat for several hours, and paying close attention to ALL of the chat channels, I arrived at a theory... I believe that there are, at least, 4 individuals using /zone, /trade, and /LFG channels to spam advertisements for websites that sell various items found, or currencies used, in game.
These individuals are using 3rd party software that apparently creates a new game account, with a new @handle, a new game character, Then logs in, cuts and pastes the advertisement into the fore-mentioned channels, logs out and then starts the process over again. New account, new character, advertisement, etc...
These individuals are able to run this process, once every minute of the day, INFINITELY! Which means that using /ignore is absolutely useless. (I tried to explain this to a GM, who in-turn replied by telling me to use the /ignore feature)
This will, more than likely, be a tough fix! However, adding an innate spam filter might be a nice solution. Hypothetically, the filter would simply send chat text that included certain predefined strings into oblivion. This would require a moderator, several times daily, to extract(copy/paste) specific strings of text from unwanted advertisement spam and add it to the filter.
So basically the spammer sets up his program and goes AFK. The Moderator adds the advertisement to the filter. Then every time the spammers program tries to advertise in chat, it just goes nowhere!
Want to make it easier on the Moderator? Set the in-game "report spam" function so that it flags chat, Set the server so that when the same text string gets flagged 10 times or more by different users, a report is sent to the moderator so that it can be investigated... when the moderator sees... /zone Johnny User: W W W. S_I_T_E_M_. C_O_M_ >> 1 million AD = $9 USD.
The Moderator can add it to the filter... Then everyone in Protectors Enclave doesn't have to look at that Ad. ALL DAY LONG!
I can totally understand that perfect world may not want to be responsible for hiring someone to fill the position of Spam Moderator.
Thats ok, just add the filter interface to chat option on the client side, and we can add those strings ourselves!
Thank you for your time and consideration. We truly appreciate the work that you do. It keeps the game fun and worth coming back to for years!
ps. There are MANY more details which I purposely left out. I would be more than happy to discuss this with anyone in Development.
Nice idea however counter measurements are really easy for botters:
Add a random string generator - every message a bit different therefore the filter would not detect it. therefore moderator woulnt be able to keep up with them as you didn't with the ignoring.
And filtering by parts of the string is a dangerous subject - botters will find new ways to express themselves - 1337 and uncommon chars in advertising strings, Caps - no caps sequences, obviously meaningless numbers interrupted in strings, different spacing, sequences of messages - cant filter them all. And the filter can not be used on frequently used words therefore the moderators job would be kinda pointless unless some superior spam detecting software were introduced.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This has got me most excited!
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Oh, oh, oh. My friend's going to be REALLY happy about this. He normally lags like hell and crashes in cities and crowded areas. I hope this will give him a better Neverwinter experience.
I want to report one buff on DC... Its named "Break the Spirit". In the description on the right side in lvl 2 and 3 it says "(null) +10%".. I play this game in German... May be it doesn't work like it should because of wrong address.
Tyvm for attention
Mainchar: Mr. Shu
Let's hope all goes well.
people can still get tiamat's orb in teir 0 and Draconic templar gear? Whats the point in upping reclamation besides buffs if all the gear drops
Honestly I can't believe how cheesy it was. Treasure of Tarmin for the Inty was far better IMHO.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
THANK YOU! I hope in future maintenances there will be more room for performance and compatibility improvments!
What does /reduce_mip do?
~ Adam | Trickster Rogue | Master Infiltrator Saboteur
~ Essence | Hunter Ranger | Pathfinder Trapper
~ Veyl | Scourge Warlock | Soulbinder Fury
~ Abel | Trickster Rogue | Master Infiltrator Executioner
Waiting for DRUID and MONK!
You can, apparently, consider this an attempt at an intelligent, automatic approach to doing that. Fingers crossed.
Reduces the resolution of textures to only use the reduced (mip-map) textures.
from here:
It's true! She has been crying like forever!! THANK YOU!!!
Thank you! Very useful!
~ Adam | Trickster Rogue | Master Infiltrator Saboteur
~ Essence | Hunter Ranger | Pathfinder Trapper
~ Veyl | Scourge Warlock | Soulbinder Fury
~ Abel | Trickster Rogue | Master Infiltrator Executioner
Waiting for DRUID and MONK!
As long as it takes
EDIT: BOOM there it is, the long awaited for and expected 1 hour delay.
"We will be performing shard maintenance on January 15th from 6-10:00 AM Pacific (14:00-18:00 UTC). Please check the forums."
Update 4 8:55 AM PST - Looks like we will need more time for this maintenance. New estimated time is 10 AM PST.
Hear Hear!!!
Dont forget to mention that they wsp lower level toons. I consider this a form of harassment.
I dont even go to PE anymore if I can help it. mailboxes, DD and dailys are really the only reason to go there, but I can get my mail in IWD tyvm.
This could be stemmed by ADDING MORE MAILBOXES!!!
the 1 day I get off this week ._. oh well, take the time you need.
I'm new to the game so please excuse the question but
600+mb does seem a bit harsh though for a this the usual size of patches or a sepcial case due to the event? Is there no way to "patch as needed" or "background patch" as you play.
The game is incredibly straight forward at low levels, so if you have say level 30 and under restricted to PE, there should still be enough people there to help out newbies. Once you go beyond level 30, perhaps Knox sends you to his brother, Major Knox, to continue questing from a new central city hub. At 60, perhaps you go to another new hub with Commander Knox!
Spammers are not going to waste the time it takes to level to 30. Yes, they could do it just praying and leadership, but it would take a LOT longer to get to 30 than it does to get to 15. Ability to hash out characters over and over would be significantly limited.
Just another idea to throw on the pile.
This essentially happens every Thursday...I can't see why anyone is surprised at this point.
Nice idea however counter measurements are really easy for botters:
Add a random string generator - every message a bit different therefore the filter would not detect it. therefore moderator woulnt be able to keep up with them as you didn't with the ignoring.
And filtering by parts of the string is a dangerous subject - botters will find new ways to express themselves - 1337 and uncommon chars in advertising strings, Caps - no caps sequences, obviously meaningless numbers interrupted in strings, different spacing, sequences of messages - cant filter them all. And the filter can not be used on frequently used words therefore the moderators job would be kinda pointless unless some superior spam detecting software were introduced.