Why is the game with the most awesome combat system and movement (IMO) is the most boring out of them all?
Okay.. you finish your dailies, do a bit of PVP, couple dungeon runs, then what? That's right, there's nothing to do, literally. I cannot think of a SINGLE THING to do outside of these.
I refuse to leave NeverWinter due to the Camera/Movement/Combat (I HATE having to hold right click for my camera to move like most other MMO's).
With more fun features implemented.. this game could trash any other MMO easily, seriously.
- Guild halls and Player housing: Honestly I've never understood the want for these. The always seem to be bank space and a place to afk. I'd welcome more free bank space, but you can afk anywhere.
- Marriage: This gets into politics unfortunately. It's better off avoided. Ask Nintendo and Tomodachi Life. No matter what happens there will be protests. Keep politics out of video games please.
- 1v1 / 2v2 dueling: 1v1 duels while I don't enjoy them, really should probably be implemented in a no rewards way for those that enjoy them. 2v2 I honestly haven't seen outside of some arena games.
- More cosmetics: Don't they add some every event? Not sure what you mean.
- Option to save a character appearance: Some would probably like this. Not a bad idea to add.
- Prison / Judge system: From what I've seen this ends up being a griefing paradise, I would actively fight to keep this from being added.
I like the combat its ok but D&D is more than that, and this game is lacking in many ways.
- Skills that matter
- Open world with random encounters, exploration.
- no flying spells or other wise
- Cosmetic stuff or look no enough of them.
I could go on but you get it, over half of the stuff you can do in the book is not in the game. They shoe horn you in to a narrow class with pre made power like sets with almost no variation. Hello there is no fighter class just two power set like classes, I try and not think too much and not look at it as D&D it does help some. I just hope some day some one does D&D justice and creates it as a true Pen and paper MMO on line.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
While I am happy with the abundance of new content (most of which I haven't even seen because I'm not max level) I would like to see some other features either polished or Added providing it doesnt slow the production of quality content in which I can and will play once I get to it
MMO-prisons are indeed heaven sent. The best example would be Rappelz. There is an area called "The abyss" which is the place where all cheaters/exploiters/bots and the likes are getting thrown in, without any chance of ever getting out. (unless they have a temporary ban)
Neverwinter could need such a lovely place, in my opinion.
(Call it "Valindra's neverending nightmare - pit of idiocracy", for all i care --> loooool...)
whatever you do, making it more like D&D and less like a PWE spin off would be appreciated.
Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
whatever you do, making it more like D&D and less like a PWE spin off would be appreciated.
Kind of difficult to do when you start with a graphics and combat engine that is almost 15 years old, they all sort of blend together with different labels and costumes... City of Heroes, City of Villains, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter
whatever you do, making it more like D&D and less like a PWE spin off would be appreciated.
This is kind of unfair imo. The powers etc are close to 4e. The additional features that make it more DnD would in all likelyhood actually make it a worse mmo. Remember that this game tries to do both, be an mmo and be based on dnd. About the only thing I would say is to crank up the trap damage so that they aren't just run thru and ignore, they should one shot anyone hit by one.
After launch, this game didn't really add anything new. We waited several months and 3 modules to come up with open world PVP. The rest is just dailies and heroic encounters.
Why is the game with the most awesome combat system and movement (IMO) is the most boring out of them all?
Okay.. you finish your dailies, do a bit of PVP, couple dungeon runs, then what? That's right, there's nothing to do, literally. I cannot think of a SINGLE THING to do outside of these.
I refuse to leave NeverWinter due to the Camera/Movement/Combat (I HATE having to hold right click for my camera to move like most other MMO's).
With more fun features implemented.. this game could trash any other MMO easily, seriously.
This is no joke, I totally agree. This game has scads of potential as an action-combat mmo with some bells and whistles as described above.
Kind of difficult to do when you start with a graphics and combat engine that is almost 15 years old, they all sort of blend together with different labels and costumes... City of Heroes, City of Villains, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter
Have been played co and sto, totally agree with u. But I don't understand why they not apply the co custom system into neverwinter? The current outfits are limits and some of them are really ugly:( , also the single dye colour limit too, why there are no single dye colors like white and golden?
I feel like duel option is more of an outlet to grief players as well.
If you guys really want to flesh out endgame modes, why not just lobby for Capture the Flag mode? 2 or 3 team deathmatch modes? Guild vs Guild wars? Castle Siege mode? Lots of better and more fun PVP modes out there that Cryptic seems to not give a thought about.
Oh by the way, if this is killing you inside, you know that you can already 1v1 in icewind pass.
- Marriage: It's better off avoided. No matter what happens there will be protests.
There are always people protesting against something. Does it mean we should throw away electricity because some idiots think it's a devil's invention and protest against using it?
ebonyshadowMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2015
- Guild halls - Not needed, We don't need another place to afk, resources better spent on something that actually makes a real difference.
- Player housing - The only thing this might add is more storage, otherwise it is the same as guild halls, just another place to afk
- Marriage - Go play second life! Really dude, the costumes are there, just put on your background sheet that they are.... and they are. Done deal. No dev work needed! Invite your pals to a tavern for the celebration!
- 1v1 / 2v2 dueling - Some folks would be into this. Personally I have no interest at all and am quite glad not to be being badgered by adhd ten year olds in full PvP (Paid for from Daddys checkbook) "Duel me duel me duel me". but yes, I see 'some' justification for this one.
- More cosmetics - there are quiet a lot as it is, especially for a year and a half old game and more get added as time goes on. Already happening!
- Option to save a character appearance - I seriously don't see a cloning option to be needed. Most will never need it. The rest, remember how you set it the first time. No need to spend resources on it which could be better used elsewhere.
- Prison / Judge system - BAD IDEA! open to griefing. If someone is breaking rules.... hit em with the mod stick, remove items got by illicit means, temp bans for less serious thing, permaban the repeat offenders, hackers, gold sellers, etc... job done!
While NW is missing some features found in other games, they *are* adding new mechanism stuff mod by mod, so the game is growing. Mod 5 was announced as being small so they could make some good stuff for mod 6.. we'll see
My list of wishes for new features would be:
* Flying - most games have this now and it just rocks.
* More effort into bugfixes - NW is possibly the most bugged game I have played. Big problems get fixed, but small annoying ones tends to stay. It might make sense from an economic point of view - but I still wish they would hire another programmer to squash all the small bugs.
* More cohesion for guilds. Guildhalls, things to do together for guilds. At the moment there is not much point to being in a guild beyond socializing and gg access.
* More raids, with PREFORMED teams. No more of this forced helping the 10k gs ones to kill Tiamat...
ebonyshadowMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2015
* Flying - Cool idea BUT not needed, more appropriate for open world and have you any idea the work needed to turn what we have into something suitable for flying.... all the areas that would be accessible that are not currently, that won't have been tested because no-one can get there. No reason for flying and IMO not worth the work..... maybe play with it in a module sometime, new content designed that way and only available in that one area.
* More effort into bugfixes - Whilst I do think they are trying their best, these needs to be some improvement in this area. It does detract from the game a lot in places..... But I will say that there are not as many as some on the forums make out that there are.
* More cohesion for guilds. - Most of that is down to the people who are in the guilds, cohesion comes from effort and communication. It isn't a Dev issue. Guild halls are NOT needed, it becomes just another place to AFK.
* More raids, with PREFORMED teams. - Here I would agree with you.... and might help with the guild issue. Give something meaningful to do for those who put in the work and build a cohesive guild that could tackle having larger teams.
- Arena 2v2, 3v3, 5v5
- 1v1 duels pls (players that dont want can disable it)
- Raids (not heroic tiamat lol )
- Dungeons with mecanics. (Difficulty is not about more hp and more power on mobs, its about mecanics)
- list goes on to infinity.
It looks like they just were lucky with this awesome combat system and just built something arround it so the whole game is pretty much carried by the combat system. Most players are hoping for better days tho but.
zekethesinnerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 805Arc User
edited January 2015
Well i just want karma system, not any usual one, but connected with allignment, so by ur choices u will be set as one of nine character types (chaotic neutral or good \o/) each alignment should give some bonus and disadvantages (small ones ofc)
And ofc finnaly getting 1 vs 1 would be **** nice.
Well i just want karma system, not any usual one, but connected with allignment, so by ur choices u will be set as one of nine character types (chaotic neutral or good \o/) each alignment should give some bonus and disadvantages (small ones ofc)
And ofc finnaly getting 1 vs 1 would be **** nice.
It's an mmo not a single player game. How would you even have choices?
katbozejziemiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 856Arc User
Okay bro, name 10 MMOs that have at least 5 of these "most basic features" each.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited January 2015
Really. I would hardly consider these "basic" MMO features.
And marriage? Really? You need an official "click this button to be married" system? They have wedding attire. They have some nice gardens...I think everything is there...unless you're looking for some sort of boost from being married.
Player housing/guild halls are coming.
I agree more cosmetics would be nice.
A prison system? Judge system? Name one mainstream MMO that does that...sounds like features from some obscure, pos "mmo".
Sounds nice, and yes other games have it. But they don't have stuffs like bar which we have.. So if you need gather all guild in one place. Invite to bar.. I am sure all will be more happy stay in bar instead guild hall.
- Player housing
No point and benefits. I rather give like event/fights for guild halls/forts. And only top 5/10 guild get license to own halls. With some special items, potions, cosmetic items.. And owner can be decided via guild war.. Which is lack in this game. And plus via hall/fort could get in guild map/dungeon. .
Game dungeons are for 1 party. And only tiamat raid is for zerg(mass). Game lack features, like raids for guilds, sure we have dragons on map. But random players come and you don't have to stay in guild in order to fight them..
I mean, need content special for guilds. Current guild system give you access to GG. Or like i should call nation war. But as guild activities NW have like 0. I actually most of time spent without guild.. I don't need GG, which for warlock is just place to die. And all other dungeons I run with random party..
- Marriage
And what kinda benefits it would give?? Nothing. Its just cosmetic stuffs. so neither agree, neither against it.
- 1v1 / 2v2 dueling
Oh yes, this thing is kinda lost.
Actually in city you can find area to test skills on training dummies. I suggest add hall where players could chalange each other in duels.
Also add mechanics to call guilds in to fights. Like Guild vs guild.. Any of current maps could be ussed as battle ground, but loaded in guild war channel. that option worked in many games.
- More cosmetics
Neverwinter offer a lot of cosmetics, so I don't know what kinda stuffs you would like to see in shop.
- Option to save a character appearance
I don't get at all.. Click B button, then take screenshot and you have it..
AS in game, he didn't change, unless you use some apperance change stufs.
- Prison / Judge system
And for what kinda stuffs you should be put on trial and putted in jail? Idea sounds nice, but simply neverwinter is not archeage. We don't have such mechanics as that game does. What we can do now is ban cheaters/bot/bug exploiters. But that does GM's
I could go on for days, but you get my point...
Everyone could write suggestions. But one thing need to be clear. Suggestion should be possible for game without need to rebuild from scratch..
I have seen many interesting features in other games, and which I would like to see here. But simply game is different and simply it would broke game..
Why is the game with the most awesome combat system and movement (IMO) is the most boring out of them all?
Okay.. you finish your dailies, do a bit of PVP, couple dungeon runs, then what? That's right, there's nothing to do, literally. I cannot think of a SINGLE THING to do outside of these.
First thing understand.. Action mmorpg is diferent from old classic mmorpg.
The old ones can get more features, one large map. Action mmorpg can't do it now..
First generation action mmorpg raiderz had far smaller maps, less content. but it where first generation.
NEverwinter, GW2 some other ones have larger map, more content, wait for next gen, and you will get even more stuffs.
Even you put a lot of features, remember about technical problems and game mechanics. Personally I haven't seen in any current action mmorpg mass pvp like in old mmorpg. Like in one game ~300 vs ~300 in one battle ground(zerg fight). In action based games you can't get... At least now..
I refuse to leave NeverWinter due to the Camera/Movement/Combat (I HATE having to hold right click for my camera to move like most other MMO's).
if you would play raiderz, you would understand what does mean, lack of content.. There you have nothing to do at all. 2/3 epic dungeons which I actually could clear solo.. Map bosses I took down solo. Its become just boring time killing.
Neverwinter have things to do.. And one of best things, foundary . Create one, make it realy good one. Which other game give you chance to do it.. None.
With more fun features implemented.. this game could trash any other MMO easily, seriously.
write idea more in details..
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
Neverwinter should be like Conan Unchained world ,with the mecanics of combat that neverwinter have and the world of Conan Unchained
Neverwinter would be unbeatable
i just dont like the idea about player housing cause all you going to do is make people whine and cry over it where none of us players are going to hear the end of it cause when gold sellers ruined that they would do it here so just think about it cause all i want to see them do is get ride the appearance change token and let us do as many appearances we wanted to are toon when you could do on this one MMO when the skin in the option wasn't available or how it would work in this game since i have no idea
Player housing could bring money btw. Let's say you start with basic one room house, then you can buy different designs, putting there vendors, stash, mailbox etc. All for zen or ad.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
orangefireeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,148Arc User
edited January 2015
- Guild halls: Would be nice for roleplay, but not really as much of a priority for me due to the foundry. I think they could add it in a way just by increasing the max players in a foundry and letting people leave/reenter without everyone else having to leave the map.
- Player housing: Same thought as guild halls.
- Marriage: Not really sure they need an official way to recognize it. Maybe wedding ring transmute, but that's the most I'd go with it.
- 1v1 / 2v2 dueling: Not a priority for me, but can't hurt.
- More cosmetics: Agreed, but we're getting these already. I'd like to see them remove the limit on transmuting items from other classes though? So what if my fighter wants to wear wizard robes? They could be enchanted and provide more protection than plate theoretically.
- Option to save a character appearance: Definitely a few times I would have liked to see this. My main character Vlathis has a twin sister and a shadow clone, just to give an example.
- Prison / Judge system: Um, I have no idea what this would even do.
Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
Would love to see the dueling implemented along with a better set of cosmetic options (such as saving transmutes).
- Guild halls and Player housing: Honestly I've never understood the want for these. The always seem to be bank space and a place to afk. I'd welcome more free bank space, but you can afk anywhere.
- Marriage: This gets into politics unfortunately. It's better off avoided. Ask Nintendo and Tomodachi Life. No matter what happens there will be protests. Keep politics out of video games please.
- 1v1 / 2v2 dueling: 1v1 duels while I don't enjoy them, really should probably be implemented in a no rewards way for those that enjoy them. 2v2 I honestly haven't seen outside of some arena games.
- More cosmetics: Don't they add some every event? Not sure what you mean.
- Option to save a character appearance: Some would probably like this. Not a bad idea to add.
- Prison / Judge system: From what I've seen this ends up being a griefing paradise, I would actively fight to keep this from being added.
- Skills that matter
- Open world with random encounters, exploration.
- no flying spells or other wise
- Cosmetic stuff or look no enough of them.
I could go on but you get it, over half of the stuff you can do in the book is not in the game. They shoe horn you in to a narrow class with pre made power like sets with almost no variation. Hello there is no fighter class just two power set like classes, I try and not think too much and not look at it as D&D it does help some. I just hope some day some one does D&D justice and creates it as a true Pen and paper MMO on line.
Lock up all the bots lol.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Neverwinter could need such a lovely place, in my opinion.
(Call it "Valindra's neverending nightmare - pit of idiocracy", for all i care --> loooool...)
WTB Class Reroll please
Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
Kind of difficult to do when you start with a graphics and combat engine that is almost 15 years old, they all sort of blend together with different labels and costumes... City of Heroes, City of Villains, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
This is kind of unfair imo. The powers etc are close to 4e. The additional features that make it more DnD would in all likelyhood actually make it a worse mmo. Remember that this game tries to do both, be an mmo and be based on dnd. About the only thing I would say is to crank up the trap damage so that they aren't just run thru and ignore, they should one shot anyone hit by one.
This is no joke, I totally agree. This game has scads of potential as an action-combat mmo with some bells and whistles as described above.
Have been played co and sto, totally agree with u. But I don't understand why they not apply the co custom system into neverwinter? The current outfits are limits and some of them are really ugly:( , also the single dye colour limit too, why there are no single dye colors like white and golden?
If you guys really want to flesh out endgame modes, why not just lobby for Capture the Flag mode? 2 or 3 team deathmatch modes? Guild vs Guild wars? Castle Siege mode? Lots of better and more fun PVP modes out there that Cryptic seems to not give a thought about.
Oh by the way, if this is killing you inside, you know that you can already 1v1 in icewind pass.
Which of those features would generate additional income for the publisher?
None of them.
It's better for them to focus on new mods (new items people would spend money on) rather than on features useless from the financial point of view.
There are always people protesting against something. Does it mean we should throw away electricity because some idiots think it's a devil's invention and protest against using it?
- Player housing - The only thing this might add is more storage, otherwise it is the same as guild halls, just another place to afk
- Marriage - Go play second life! Really dude, the costumes are there, just put on your background sheet that they are.... and they are. Done deal. No dev work needed! Invite your pals to a tavern for the celebration!
- 1v1 / 2v2 dueling - Some folks would be into this. Personally I have no interest at all and am quite glad not to be being badgered by adhd ten year olds in full PvP (Paid for from Daddys checkbook) "Duel me duel me duel me". but yes, I see 'some' justification for this one.
- More cosmetics - there are quiet a lot as it is, especially for a year and a half old game and more get added as time goes on. Already happening!
- Option to save a character appearance - I seriously don't see a cloning option to be needed. Most will never need it. The rest, remember how you set it the first time. No need to spend resources on it which could be better used elsewhere.
- Prison / Judge system - BAD IDEA! open to griefing. If someone is breaking rules.... hit em with the mod stick, remove items got by illicit means, temp bans for less serious thing, permaban the repeat offenders, hackers, gold sellers, etc... job done!
My list of wishes for new features would be:
* Flying - most games have this now and it just rocks.
* More effort into bugfixes - NW is possibly the most bugged game I have played. Big problems get fixed, but small annoying ones tends to stay. It might make sense from an economic point of view - but I still wish they would hire another programmer to squash all the small bugs.
* More cohesion for guilds. Guildhalls, things to do together for guilds. At the moment there is not much point to being in a guild beyond socializing and gg access.
* More raids, with PREFORMED teams. No more of this forced helping the 10k gs ones to kill Tiamat...
* More effort into bugfixes - Whilst I do think they are trying their best, these needs to be some improvement in this area. It does detract from the game a lot in places..... But I will say that there are not as many as some on the forums make out that there are.
* More cohesion for guilds. - Most of that is down to the people who are in the guilds, cohesion comes from effort and communication. It isn't a Dev issue. Guild halls are NOT needed, it becomes just another place to AFK.
* More raids, with PREFORMED teams. - Here I would agree with you.... and might help with the guild issue. Give something meaningful to do for those who put in the work and build a cohesive guild that could tackle having larger teams.
- 1v1 duels pls (players that dont want can disable it)
- Raids (not heroic tiamat lol )
- Dungeons with mecanics. (Difficulty is not about more hp and more power on mobs, its about mecanics)
- list goes on to infinity.
It looks like they just were lucky with this awesome combat system and just built something arround it so the whole game is pretty much carried by the combat system. Most players are hoping for better days tho but.
And ofc finnaly getting 1 vs 1 would be **** nice.
It's an mmo not a single player game. How would you even have choices?
Okay bro, name 10 MMOs that have at least 5 of these "most basic features" each.
And marriage? Really? You need an official "click this button to be married" system? They have wedding attire. They have some nice gardens...I think everything is there...unless you're looking for some sort of boost from being married.
Player housing/guild halls are coming.
I agree more cosmetics would be nice.
A prison system? Judge system? Name one mainstream MMO that does that...sounds like features from some obscure, pos "mmo".
No point and benefits. I rather give like event/fights for guild halls/forts. And only top 5/10 guild get license to own halls. With some special items, potions, cosmetic items.. And owner can be decided via guild war.. Which is lack in this game. And plus via hall/fort could get in guild map/dungeon. .
Game dungeons are for 1 party. And only tiamat raid is for zerg(mass). Game lack features, like raids for guilds, sure we have dragons on map. But random players come and you don't have to stay in guild in order to fight them..
I mean, need content special for guilds. Current guild system give you access to GG. Or like i should call nation war. But as guild activities NW have like 0. I actually most of time spent without guild.. I don't need GG, which for warlock is just place to die. And all other dungeons I run with random party..
And what kinda benefits it would give?? Nothing. Its just cosmetic stuffs. so neither agree, neither against it.
Oh yes, this thing is kinda lost.
Actually in city you can find area to test skills on training dummies. I suggest add hall where players could chalange each other in duels.
Also add mechanics to call guilds in to fights. Like Guild vs guild.. Any of current maps could be ussed as battle ground, but loaded in guild war channel. that option worked in many games.
Neverwinter offer a lot of cosmetics, so I don't know what kinda stuffs you would like to see in shop.
I don't get at all.. Click B button, then take screenshot and you have it..
AS in game, he didn't change, unless you use some apperance change stufs.
And for what kinda stuffs you should be put on trial and putted in jail? Idea sounds nice, but simply neverwinter is not archeage. We don't have such mechanics as that game does. What we can do now is ban cheaters/bot/bug exploiters. But that does GM's
Everyone could write suggestions. But one thing need to be clear. Suggestion should be possible for game without need to rebuild from scratch..
I have seen many interesting features in other games, and which I would like to see here. But simply game is different and simply it would broke game..
First thing understand.. Action mmorpg is diferent from old classic mmorpg.
The old ones can get more features, one large map. Action mmorpg can't do it now..
First generation action mmorpg raiderz had far smaller maps, less content. but it where first generation.
NEverwinter, GW2 some other ones have larger map, more content, wait for next gen, and you will get even more stuffs.
Even you put a lot of features, remember about technical problems and game mechanics. Personally I haven't seen in any current action mmorpg mass pvp like in old mmorpg. Like in one game ~300 vs ~300 in one battle ground(zerg fight). In action based games you can't get... At least now..
if you would play raiderz, you would understand what does mean, lack of content.. There you have nothing to do at all. 2/3 epic dungeons which I actually could clear solo.. Map bosses I took down solo. Its become just boring time killing.
Neverwinter have things to do.. And one of best things, foundary . Create one, make it realy good one.
write idea more in details..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
Neverwinter would be unbeatable
- Player housing: Same thought as guild halls.
- Marriage: Not really sure they need an official way to recognize it. Maybe wedding ring transmute, but that's the most I'd go with it.
- 1v1 / 2v2 dueling: Not a priority for me, but can't hurt.
- More cosmetics: Agreed, but we're getting these already. I'd like to see them remove the limit on transmuting items from other classes though? So what if my fighter wants to wear wizard robes? They could be enchanted and provide more protection than plate theoretically.
- Option to save a character appearance: Definitely a few times I would have liked to see this. My main character Vlathis has a twin sister and a shadow clone, just to give an example.
- Prison / Judge system: Um, I have no idea what this would even do.