Well, I'm glad it is being addressed and definitely glad it's not my internet. Obviously I had plans to play since I got home early. I guess I'll have to spend time with real people while I wait for the problem to be fixed.
Real people. Pfah! This is why we invented television and movies!
drgermMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 10Arc User
What the heck is wrong with you guys, this should have being fixed long time ago, my whole life is this game!!!.
Take it easy guys, take your time so it's done correctly. None of you should be there fixing anything, you should be with your friends and family but seems some players forgot you guys are human beings too (I mean you are right? not machines or dwarves or elfs?) it's only one day which I'm pretty sure anyone can skip playing. I'm pretty sure lots of people are going to get mad because of this.
Umm, New Year's Eve is not a holiday. I'm at work right now, as most people are. Why does everyone keep calling today a holiday?
Anyway, I'm sure things will be fixed within an hour or so. No sweat.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Guys it seems the servers have overloaded, their not under attack. its just ALL of us being on both NW and STO have overloaded everything, this happens all over the place this time of year, and xbox, playstion, Seganet, Steam, Oragin and many many others are no exception. all we can do is wait. The guys on the other end of this WILL be trying to fix it, all any of us can do is wait, so my advice to everyone right now is, go play on other games or go enjoy the new year. Because the servers are down both in the USA and EU so all we can do is wait. Arc and Steam are BOTH telling me this message
Some games are currently experiencing outages. the issue is being investigated
so just find something else to do, the best thing us users can do right now is lessen the server load by NOT logging in for an hour or so.
veilofentropyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 13Arc User
I just find funny that this problem only happen on weekend or holidays? I wonder if they run a 24/7 business and only work from Monday till Friday? cuz that seem to be the problem, we gonna make server maintenance on monday cuz of xmas and new years evening, well there millions of ppl working on holiday and weekends specially when u run a business 24/7, when most the clients (player) use there services (game) on those days (weekend/holiday). but again who am I to teach any international company how to run there business!
I work for a transportation company. We drive vans to transport disable people. I have the first of the year off, as does the bus service. It may not be an official holiday, but almost every business here is closed.
Yea, no kiddin, with the expansions, I have 50% sharandar unlocked, 10% dread ring, 5% well of dragon, 10% pvp so on so forth.... and I need to play to get my HAMSTER done!!
I just started playing again, i quit for like a year, started playing again a couple of days ago... yayyy
So that's why it's down! You! Why?!
j/k ;P
[Playing: Star Trek Online | Swordsman | Royal Quest | Star Conflict | Prime World] [Arc Profile:gameshogun] [My Blog Network:Tomes of Knowledge][My Gaming Blog:gameshogun™ ]
Yea, no kiddin, with the expansions, I have 50% sharandar unlocked, 10% dread ring, 5% well of dragon, 10% pvp so on so forth.... and I need to play to get my HAMSTER done!!
1 toon or more? Lolz :>
drakkenfelMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 71
edited December 2014
The game has IMPROVED so much this year. It looks to only get BETTER. Hoping to see bigger servers, more processors, lots more memory, and Fiber-loads of bandwidth in the coming year.
The addition of a PALADIN class would be icing on the cake! :-)
@METH_SHADOWSTORM - Foundry author of: "The Sunnydale Campaign" - NWS-DKBEJ9OOM
Episode 1: "Missing Daughters" - NW-DCX9IZBJB
Episode 2: "A Date With Destiny" - NW-DHYEX5NKR - Featured: NW-DHFLDPWJV
STO Foundry: "Safari So Good" - ST-HPRP2WFWI
hellwinkleMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited December 2014
OH NOES! I can't play dungeons and dragons!!!!
:mad::mad: NERD RAGE!!! :mad::mad:
I work for a transportation company. We drive vans to transport disable people. I have the first of the year off, as does the bus service. It may not be an official holiday, but almost every business here is closed.
Some (specifically hospitality) service industries tend to stay open, especially hospitality. Work till midnight new years eve tonight and open 7 am tomorrow. woo hoooo
Your account needs to be at least one week old and have
a character at least level 10 in order for you to take
advantage of this feature.
Perfect World Entertainment
cant even earn zen cuz it cant find my account info... they got problems....
hellratedMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2014
**** NW makes you feel really lonely when people are not there. i was stuck in a server at Dread ring, pure silence... only the server i was on was working saying "there are no other instances for this map". That was 5 mins ago, then i got a disconn and i tried to restart the game, at loading it says "Tried connecting 4 times" and says "unable to connect to patch server"..
In-game Characters: Raba Leo - 16k GWF | Raba Dharma - 15.5k CW | Raba Chanda - 15k TR | Raba Karma - 14k HR PURE F2P, so far..
I just find funny that this problem only happen on weekend or holidays? I wonder if they run a 24/7 business and only work from Monday till Friday? cuz that seem to be the problem, we gonna make server maintenance on monday cuz of xmas and new years evening, well there millions of ppl working on holiday and weekends specially when u run a business 24/7, when most the clients (player) use there services (game) on those days (weekend/holiday). but again who am I to teach any international company how to run there business!
funy that. it seems to be about the same time that all the schools and collages are out.. hmmmm <sarcasum> has nothing to do with people being at home and playing it more, so thus more people are on and thus more load on the servers. <end sarcasum>
I used to work for Sega when they first lurnched Seganet for the Dreamcast (Yes I'm sadly THAT old) I can tell you that server overloads happen, and there truthfully is jack squot anyone can do about it. you Ether guess the load right (by guessing over) or more commonly you get it Massively wrong by sevral thusands of people and the whole thing crashes, There is no way to be sure, most people think you'd be playing a new game else where, so they just plan for the useal weekend load, and theats when problems begin. because these are free to play games they can only budget for so much at a time and so at peek times like Holidays and Weekends we have to except connection problems. sad fact of gaming.
No updates after an hour? No good or bad news at all? I'm not like ''cmon cmon fix it right away'' but it would be nice to know about stuff like how long we need to wait. Personally I prefer to wait for a much longer time knowing how long than a much shorter one without any information...
Real people. Pfah! This is why we invented television and movies!
LOL, I know, like maybe I'll go play D&D now?..
LoL I was totally confused by it
They are not..i live in EU and can't log in
Thank you just for posting that.
Actually it was just a ruse I'm actually gonna take a nap.
Same for me.
Anyway, im drunk so
Happy New Year Everyone!
Umm, New Year's Eve is not a holiday. I'm at work right now, as most people are. Why does everyone keep calling today a holiday?
Anyway, I'm sure things will be fixed within an hour or so. No sweat.
Happy New Year!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
so just find something else to do, the best thing us users can do right now is lessen the server load by NOT logging in for an hour or so.
Possibly because not everyone shares your time zone?
New Year's has already passed for me and it's now well into New Year's Day here.
Yea, no kiddin, with the expansions, I have 50% sharandar unlocked, 10% dread ring, 5% well of dragon, 10% pvp so on so forth.... and I need to play to get my HAMSTER done!!
Is this a DDoS attack, or is it a software/hardware problem?
So that's why it's down! You! Why?!
j/k ;P
[ Arc Profile: gameshogun ]
[ My Blog Network: Tomes of Knowledge ] [ My Gaming Blog: gameshogun™ ]
"Someone should do a story where a Horta meets a Vorta. And then they find a portal to Vorta-Vor and become immortal. Sorta." ~Christopher L. Bennett
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
No one outside of Cryptic is going to know that without speculating...
1 toon or more? Lolz :>
The addition of a PALADIN class would be icing on the cake! :-)
"The Sunnydale Campaign" - NWS-DKBEJ9OOM
Episode 1: "Missing Daughters" - NW-DCX9IZBJB
Episode 2: "A Date With Destiny" - NW-DHYEX5NKR - Featured: NW-DHFLDPWJV
STO Foundry: "Safari So Good" - ST-HPRP2WFWI
:mad::mad: NERD RAGE!!! :mad::mad:
Some (specifically hospitality) service industries tend to stay open, especially hospitality. Work till midnight new years eve tonight and open 7 am tomorrow. woo hoooo
Your account needs to be at least one week old and have
a character at least level 10 in order for you to take
advantage of this feature.
Perfect World Entertainment
cant even earn zen cuz it cant find my account info... they got problems....
Raba Leo - 16k GWF | Raba Dharma - 15.5k CW | Raba Chanda - 15k TR | Raba Karma - 14k HR
PURE F2P, so far..
funy that. it seems to be about the same time that all the schools and collages are out.. hmmmm <sarcasum> has nothing to do with people being at home and playing it more, so thus more people are on and thus more load on the servers. <end sarcasum>
I used to work for Sega when they first lurnched Seganet for the Dreamcast (Yes I'm sadly THAT old) I can tell you that server overloads happen, and there truthfully is jack squot anyone can do about it. you Ether guess the load right (by guessing over) or more commonly you get it Massively wrong by sevral thusands of people and the whole thing crashes, There is no way to be sure, most people think you'd be playing a new game else where, so they just plan for the useal weekend load, and theats when problems begin. because these are free to play games they can only budget for so much at a time and so at peek times like Holidays and Weekends we have to except connection problems.