The GWF was slaughtered because GWFs are kinda weak and everyone knows that. I don't see anything wrong with the result regarding the 1v1 against the GF; he was guarding all... the... time. The only thing that I agree is that Bloodbath is just too good right now.
intimidation gwf aren't weak but everyone is kinda weak against a tr. Dps DC's are also super strong but i haven't exp them enough to really comment on it.
At 5:50 of this video he 1v1's a faithful dps. And i know mantra, she is no pug. Tell me what you think. And i really need to hear responses from tr's.
i think most class can 1 rotate cw's if the cw doesn't have shield on tab. But i can also get one rotated and have gotten one rotated multiply times. So i don't really understand your problem. Any yes the tr's are ridiculous and now at least there are some videos showcasing a good tr against other people. Every looks like a **** when facing a tr because were they have to stand around or just run around while the tr is ****ing them up. The gf had 100% shield up time and still got burned down pretty fast. They are known bugs of a gf shield not blocking any dmg but it looked like he was blocking most of the dmg and still got rolled. Most classes can hit really hard and get get one rotated if they don't deflect. Believe or not every class is in a good position except hr's, dc, and tr's. So i guess not every class.
edit1- when i was looking at TYRION in 22:15, he was looking like pug with 5k gs who increase lvl 60 yesterday vs someone with 25k gs, but he is one of best GWFs in this game.
Here i try to catch PTR with CW single target powers- mission impossible VII
PS. when i was looking at TYRION in 22:15, he was looking like pug with 5k gs who increase lvl 60 yesterday vs someone with 25k gs, but he is one of best GWFs in this game.
There i try to catch PTR with CW single target powers- mission impossible VII
PS2. for GODMODE :P i want to quote one person yet but fail ;p And later understand that was about selfhealing but this does not change anything
Ezra can attest to him beating me 3 times before i decided to record our fight because he was really good. But this isn't about me, i have lost a lot of times to cw's when i make a mistake and get cc'ed. For the most part i played a perfect game then. He got outplayed that round.
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
edited December 2014
TR have new feats that do new and amazing things.
I personally have fought a BIS GF in icewindale, and there was nothing I could do to kill him.
The GF told me once the fight was done, that if I used executioners tree I could shred his armor like paper.
We did testing, and yes it is true. Several feats in executioner tree combined will let you do massive damage regardless of enemy AC/DEF.
You want to know what I see wrong in this video?
DC sigil is being exploited. THAT is the only problem.
You want to nerf something?
Nerf the DC sigil and take away its power to refill AP 100% at legendary status.
Problem solved.....
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
exploited? How is uses it an exploit? Anyway did you guys take off pets? Because that can be a huge difference.
The crazy thing is that you want to artifact to get nerfed, because of tr's?
At 13:54, of the second twitch video i linked, he dazes the gf and then uses shocking Execution. That is a smart technique off course. But again very very limited opportunity for counter play.
exploited? How is uses it an exploit? Anyway did you guys take off pets? Because that can be a huge difference.
The crazy thing is that you want to artifact to get nerfed, because of tr's?
dailies should be disabled in pvp if you are really asking me an opinion. sigils, cloaks, pots combined with higher damage/utility dailies is way too much.
it turned the ***** pvp in a oneshot or being one shotted.
i would sign now to return back to mod 3 with HR bonus set, roar and distrupting shot fixed.
dailies should be disabled in pvp if you are really asking me an opinion. sigils, cloaks, pots combined with higher damage/utility dailies is way too much.
Daily should be some special and now people can use it 3x in 1 minute
dailies should be disabled in pvp if you are really asking me an opinion. sigils, cloaks, pots combined with higher damage/utility dailies is way too much.
it turned the ***** pvp in a oneshot or being one shotted.
i would sign now to return back to mod 3 with HR bonus set, roar and distrupting shot fixed.
i understand. If they did that then they would have to make a legendary artifact/equipment give enough refinement points to get a any other item to legendary.
lol you tr's really really need to see how overpowered they are. at 22.45 of the new video lothor get's one shotted by the tr. AT 24:19 he gets instant killed again.
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
edited December 2014
It is obvious to me the person who made this thread has issues with TR.
We stated what the real problem was "DC sigil artifact" and people tried to defend the artifact saying "NO DONT NERF IT WE LOVE IT".
You can try to make people fast foward to certain instances where the TR has 100% ap and deals nice damage to one target because of a daily attack, or we can sit and watch the whole clip (like I did), and see that DC sigil is the problem here.
I have seen enough...
Nothing else to see here folks.... move along..
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
It is obvious to me the person who made this thread has issues with TR.
We stated what the real problem was "DC sigil artifact" and people tried to defend the artifact saying "NO DONT NERF IT WE LOVE IT".
You can try to make people fast foward to certain instances where the TR has 100% ap and deals nice damage to one target because of a daily attack, or we can sit and watch the whole clip (like I did), and see that DC sigil is the problem here.
I have seen enough...
Nothing else to see here folks.... move along..
not a personal vendetta and yes people should watch it all. But every class has access to a dc artifact and it isn't that big of a problem when other classes use it. Yes i have a problem with tr's because they are overpowered. most of if not all of those guys were using dc artifacts and prior to mod5 most tr's used dc artifacts. Do you understand what i am saying? You want to nerf dc artifact because of tr's. When it is only of the charts when tr's use it because of everything else they can do that are so effective.
All I can say about the class artifacts is that they were created around what the respective classes can do more effectively. But as I said, ignore the numbers of the idea.
Sorry, just joking. But now, coming into the "real issue", DEVs should make the same nerf/fix on all other classes that the one "received" (i call it "impossed") by the GWF-class: halve the bonus granted by power (do not remenber who suggested this, i think it was Zacazu). This way, we will have, again, a "playable" (notice quotes here) game.
hmmm... The only suggestion I gave for pvp is:dps classes (gwf / hr / tr) should had the damage based on the total amount of hp of the enemy. this in m2/m3. now is just madness.
not a personal vendetta and yes people should watch it all. But every class has access to a dc artifact and it isn't that big of a problem when other classes use it. Yes i have a problem with tr's because they are overpowered. most of if not all of those guys were using dc artifacts and prior to mod5 most tr's used dc artifacts. Do you understand what i am saying? You want to nerf dc artifact because of tr's. When it is only of the charts when tr's use it because of everything else they can do that are so effective.
Daily's should not be use just like encounters and the DC artifacts really ruining the game.
It is obvious to me the person who made this thread has issues with TR.
We stated what the real problem was "DC sigil artifact" and people tried to defend the artifact saying "NO DONT NERF IT WE LOVE IT".
You can try to make people fast foward to certain instances where the TR has 100% ap and deals nice damage to one target because of a daily attack, or we can sit and watch the whole clip (like I did), and see that DC sigil is the problem here.
I have seen enough...
Nothing else to see here folks.... move along..
and its obvious that you only play a TR and dont give a heck about other classes and balance.
how can a DC Artifact can be a problem.
when TR is using the +4 AP cloak and you blame on those 2 min CD from devoted ?
all the changes TR got were rushely made.
a TR should not out damage a GWF with 12k power in PVE , while the TR has 5k power. that is stupid.
TR shocking execution isn't that shocking.
cause in previous mod TR couldn't keep in line in matter of DPS, but they had/have biggest chance of surviability against HRs, and CW could've killed them.
now with all those dodges/permastealth/and itc and adding DPS on dailies and encoutners/atwills
makes the TR the most OP class.
even the combat HR atm is more balanced than TR.
cause when a HR it's facing 1vs2 he 100% dies.
that needs to happen with each class
when they are facing 2 enemies they should not have big chances of surviability.
because having skill is not about how your class offers you ****ty buffs, its about how you move on the map, how you rotate, how you take the oportunity to kill your enemy.
as i can see TR right now, it's playin by himself. it's not competitive at all.
take 2 BIS trs in your team, place 1 at the back cap and 1 at home cap and VOILA you win a match. an undeserved match.
this is ridiculous
first a striking role such as Trickster/Hunters/GWFs/SWs
should have oportunities to drain eachother lifes and who crits and deals more damage wins in the end.
right now
TR against all classes is unscratched
HR against GWFs/SWs is unscratched.
i`ll give my thoughts even without watching, it says bad player all over the title already ;p
and then we need to watch and agree certain tr`s are overpowered , not going to happen ;p
only by people who don`t know anything.
including op, it`s all in the blablabla spec,gear playstyle. boring to type.
if you still don`t know this just stay out of games and stop making topics when you lose.
or even if you win, same story.
all timewaste.
i`ll give my thoughts even without watching, it says bad player all over the title already ;p
and then we need to watch and agree a tr is overpowered , not going to happen ;p
only by people who don`t know anything.
yes watched a bit, changed text a bit and what`s not true about it ?
timewaste people.
the truth is said.
if we need to have discussions about obvious things it`s no use anyway, because it will just be some obsessed people with getting their right and their socalled proof.
while the problem of the loser lays in the factors said.
delete what?
Please stop
Well...nothing else to say here...
edit1- when i was looking at TYRION in 22:15, he was looking like pug with 5k gs who increase lvl 60 yesterday vs someone with 25k gs, but he is one of best GWFs in this game.
Here i try to catch PTR with CW single target powers- mission impossible VII
edit2- for GODMODE :P i want to quote one person yet but fail ;p And later understand that was about selfhealing but this does not change anything
And from me, personally- someone should be responsible fot that kind of stupid changes becouse it is bungling as hell.
I personally have fought a BIS GF in icewindale, and there was nothing I could do to kill him.
The GF told me once the fight was done, that if I used executioners tree I could shred his armor like paper.
We did testing, and yes it is true. Several feats in executioner tree combined will let you do massive damage regardless of enemy AC/DEF.
You want to know what I see wrong in this video?
DC sigil is being exploited. THAT is the only problem.
You want to nerf something?
Nerf the DC sigil and take away its power to refill AP 100% at legendary status.
Problem solved.....
The crazy thing is that you want to artifact to get nerfed, because of tr's?
dailies should be disabled in pvp if you are really asking me an opinion. sigils, cloaks, pots combined with higher damage/utility dailies is way too much.
it turned the ***** pvp in a oneshot or being one shotted.
i would sign now to return back to mod 3 with HR bonus set, roar and distrupting shot fixed.
For instance: 100% for DC, 80% for GWF and GF, 50% for CW... etc. Dailies are more important for some classes than for others.
Daily should be some special and now people can use it 3x in 1 minute
The class you play: DC
Not biased at all son.
You know the artifact was designed for DCs, right?
And you should ignore the numbers, just get the idea. Btw, my main is a CW.
We stated what the real problem was "DC sigil artifact" and people tried to defend the artifact saying "NO DONT NERF IT WE LOVE IT".
You can try to make people fast foward to certain instances where the TR has 100% ap and deals nice damage to one target because of a daily attack, or we can sit and watch the whole clip (like I did), and see that DC sigil is the problem here.
I have seen enough...
Nothing else to see here folks.... move along..
Saw you in-game, you also play DC.
It wasn't "Designed for DC" if every class can use it..
A little more "please" and "thank you", and then less "You ______ ! Take tower! Go there! Do this! Do that! NERF IT since I died!"
I'm going to be amused if one day I appear in somebody's video though.
I speak as a TR.
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
Exactly. I also play as a DC.
All I can say about the class artifacts is that they were created around what the respective classes can do more effectively. But as I said, ignore the numbers of the idea.
hmmm... The only suggestion I gave for pvp is:dps classes (gwf / hr / tr) should had the damage based on the total amount of hp of the enemy. this in m2/m3. now is just madness.
Daily's should not be use just like encounters and the DC artifacts really ruining the game.
and its obvious that you only play a TR and dont give a heck about other classes and balance.
how can a DC Artifact can be a problem.
when TR is using the +4 AP cloak and you blame on those 2 min CD from devoted ?
all the changes TR got were rushely made.
a TR should not out damage a GWF with 12k power in PVE , while the TR has 5k power. that is stupid.
TR shocking execution isn't that shocking.
cause in previous mod TR couldn't keep in line in matter of DPS, but they had/have biggest chance of surviability against HRs, and CW could've killed them.
now with all those dodges/permastealth/and itc and adding DPS on dailies and encoutners/atwills
makes the TR the most OP class.
even the combat HR atm is more balanced than TR.
cause when a HR it's facing 1vs2 he 100% dies.
that needs to happen with each class
when they are facing 2 enemies they should not have big chances of surviability.
because having skill is not about how your class offers you ****ty buffs, its about how you move on the map, how you rotate, how you take the oportunity to kill your enemy.
as i can see TR right now, it's playin by himself. it's not competitive at all.
take 2 BIS trs in your team, place 1 at the back cap and 1 at home cap and VOILA you win a match. an undeserved match.
this is ridiculous
first a striking role such as Trickster/Hunters/GWFs/SWs
should have oportunities to drain eachother lifes and who crits and deals more damage wins in the end.
right now
TR against all classes is unscratched
HR against GWFs/SWs is unscratched.
Edit: Saboteurs
HR Stormwarden Trapper / Stormwarden Combat
GWF Swordmaster Destroyer
CW Master of Flame Thaumaturge / Spellstorm Oppressor
TR Master Infiltrator Executioner
SW Soulbinder Fury
i`ll give my thoughts even without watching, it says bad player all over the title already ;p
and then we need to watch and agree certain tr`s are overpowered , not going to happen ;p
only by people who don`t know anything.
including op, it`s all in the blablabla spec,gear playstyle. boring to type.
if you still don`t know this just stay out of games and stop making topics when you lose.
or even if you win, same story.
all timewaste.
timewaste people.
the truth is said.
if we need to have discussions about obvious things it`s no use anyway, because it will just be some obsessed people with getting their right and their socalled proof.
while the problem of the loser lays in the factors said.