I've been getting the "2 patches remaining - 0 KB" and a frozen screen.
Lots of "server not responding when changing zones too.
My crashes are classical Crash to Desktop ones.
I can patch properly, I rarely disconnect, and is unrelated.
However, during the game, I just suddenly go to desktop with the cryptic error reporting tool doing its job. I have sent NUMEROUS such reports, probably over 100.
Things that are prone to cause a crash:
- Alt Tab
- Turning camera suddenly in PE
- Changing zones
- entering GG PvP (Armories of Moradin)
Other than these things, random crashes occur that don't seem to be related to any specific event.
adernathMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2014
There are some error log files (.txt) in your game folders. Check if they contain the dates at the incidents when you crashed.
Suggestions to improve NW:
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
Ok a couple questions for you, what is your video card, what os are you running and what version of direct X are you having the game use?
AMD HD 4850, Win 7 x64, I tried all the 3 DirectX versions 9/9ex/11 that were available and still crashed.
While the GPU is quite old, there no need to bother with another one for what I play, and it has the latest drivers.
My Windows install is also fresh and in pristine shape. I have backup images from "safe" points in my OS life, without other app clutter, that I can restore anytime just to test stuff
game crashes to desktop while loading the cryptic screen before charactor selection.
was working fine the day before the latest post mod4 update next day it now crashes at the cryptic loading screen,
windows 7 x64,intel i7 cpu,2 x radeon hd6970 crossfired,tried all DX versions,tried loading with Arc loader and with steam, tried starting game in safemode,tried turn off ondemand patching,
The game crashes to desktop BUT using windows task manager shows 'gameclient.exe' is still loaded and the error report wont send till i manually end the game client,appears the client gets stuck in a loop decopressing files during loading and dumps me to desktop.
have checked EVERYTHING HDD .. no errors,all drivers are latest version,its a fault in the new patch!
adernathMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2014
Adding more and more 'graphical' features or 'performance' features which is affecting everyone generally makes games unstable without proper testing. Happens in almost every game I can think of.
Suggestions to improve NW:
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
game crashes to desktop while loading the cryptic screen before charactor selection.
was working fine the day before the latest post mod4 update next day it now crashes at the cryptic loading screen,
windows 7 x64,intel i7 cpu,2 x radeon hd6970 crossfired,tried all DX versions,tried loading with Arc loader and with steam, tried starting game in safemode,tried turn off ondemand patching,
The game crashes to desktop BUT using windows task manager shows 'gameclient.exe' is still loaded and the error report wont send till i manually end the game client,appears the client gets stuck in a loop decopressing files during loading and dumps me to desktop.
have checked EVERYTHING HDD .. no errors,all drivers are latest version,its a fault in the new patch!
How long are you giving it? The after update time on that screen can be very long on some systems.
AMD HD 4850, Win 7 x64, I tried all the 3 DirectX versions 9/9ex/11 that were available and still crashed.
While the GPU is quite old, there no need to bother with another one for what I play, and it has the latest drivers.
My Windows install is also fresh and in pristine shape. I have backup images from "safe" points in my OS life, without other app clutter, that I can restore anytime just to test stuff
I'm thinking this has something to do with the shader updates then and the way it interacts with that video card. I'd try to get the attention of a dev and make sure they get your crash report from the crash reporter. Unfortunately I don't think there is going to be much we can do to work arround the crash.
Looks like i have the exact same crash report...
AMD A6-6400K Black Edition CPU/APU using the APU(radeon HD 8470D)
Gigabyte F2A55M-DS2 motherboard
Windows xp 32
In localdata i found 0 - 4 note pads of failed_shader_((0-4)) does this help with anything?
// Force SM2.0 flag. This allows GraphicsLib to override the shader
// model actually being compiled for, for measuring lower end shaders.
//fdef FORCE_SM20
//ndef SM2B
//ndef SM30
//ndef D3D11
//efine SM20
//fdef SM20
//fdef SM2B
//ror in defines, can't be SM2B and SM20'
//lifdef SM30
//ror in defines, can't be SM30 and SM20'
// Just SM20, no 2A or 2B or 30
//efine NO_SHADOW
//efine VERTEX_FOG
//ndef HasDiffuseWarp
//fndef SM30
// Adds a couple extra instructions to lighting we can't afford
// texlod not supported
//ndef AllowRefMIPBias
// Actually need "SM30_PLUS" for CCLIGHTING (5 lights support), so a small set of cards may be getting a few extra instructions
//ragma warning(disable:3206) // implicit truncation of vector type (e.g. float3 a = (float4)b;)
//ragma warning(disable:3571) // pow(f, e) will not work for negative f, use abs(f) or conditionally handle negative values if you expect them
//fdef D3D11
// See XPSEnums.h for documentation on updating constants
// PF = Per Frame
// PP = Per Primative
// PA = Per Action
//uffer ViewingPF : register( b0 )
// material and light parameters will go into cbuffers b2 and b3 respectively
// separated from the above perframe buffer due to how these constants are less necessary than the above ones and so are not used in shader models lower than 3.
//uffer MiscPF : register( b4 )
/// x = width (pixels), y = height (pixels), z = viewportWidth / surfaceWidth, w = viewportHeight / surfaceHeight
//niform float4 viewport_resolution : packoffset(c6);
// separated from the above perframe buffer due to how these constants are less necessary than the above ones and so are not used in shader models lower than 3.
//uffer DebugPF : register( b5 )
I really dont know what to do! Im newbie in Neverwinter and i have this bug.
I really want to play but i dont know how fix it, it doesnt have a solution? because if there isnt a solution i'll have to delete it
I have a similar problem, the game crashes to desktop with error report several times per day since mod 4. In my case, the crashes happen when trying to switch maps (teleporting) or when logging/switching toons. I don't have AMD cpu but Intel T6600 with Nvidia GeForce GT 240M graphics card. The txt file shows the same thing: "GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()".
Yeah, actually crashed for the first time ever today (although take into account that I mostly play STO or CO and only dabble in this game once in a while). Same kind of errors in the crash.txt.
I have HP windows 7 with Nvidia 340.52 so I envy you guys being able to enter the game. I crash prior to the character page loading. Cryptic tells me to verify the files, I verfiy the files and it crashes. I have no problems with STO, WOW, Age of Conan or Wizard 101. I can stream TV and Watch Anime that I have downloaded. Neverwinter, however, crashes the video card so I get black screen.
mercenaryiiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2014
I am actually getting this "GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()" crash consistently when I am fully loaded and in very specific areas.
Several instances are literally unplayable do to this crash, I have to pray that I can escape the area without crashing.
I'm seeing mentions of shaders, so I will be turning down my graphics all the way (including DX 11 to 9) to see if anything helps.
I am actually getting this "GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()" crash consistently when I am fully loaded and in very specific areas.
Several instances are literally unplayable do to this crash, I have to pray that I can escape the area without crashing.
I'm seeing mentions of shaders, so I will be turning down my graphics all the way (including DX 11 to 9) to see if anything helps.
I can not even play the game will not load all the way tried both my computers it crashes just before it sould load to toon selection please help would like to play the game
mercenaryiiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2014
I've managed to reproduce this on 3 different machines with wildly different hardware/software configurations (Windows 7, Windows 8.1, different AMD/Nvidia cards, desktops, laptops, fresh installs, updated installs, etc.). It happens on pretty much any class I play. At this point, I feel like it's a lingering issue with my account or something.
I dont know if my problem is a crash or not since its locking up my PC, the sound is playing but no pic on the monitors... No log files, win log shows nothing. I dont think my PC is unstable because it can run Valley benchmark on ultra settings on 3 monitors(wall auto mode) more than 45 min, prime95 shows no error. My config can be found here.
Thanks in advance for the help .
mercenaryiiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2014
I finally figured out something. Some setting (which apparently was account-synced) was causing this crash. I had heard that deleting ...\Neverwinter\localdata\GamePrefs.pref would fix the issue, but this was not enough for my situation. I went to the Options menu and used the "Reset to Defaults" button for every single option tab. Everything is now running perfectly in areas that would have otherwise crashed.
If you can't even load into the game, try the GamePrefs.pref deletion first.
Good luck, everyone.
mercenaryiiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2014
Totally kidding, this started happening again after a few days. I don't understand what is causing it at this point.
Can we get someone that knows a fix for this ASAP? My girlfriend has been experiencing these issues for the past 3 months! It's a shame that she's actually spending money on a game that constantly crashes for her but not for me. We're on the exact same network connection. Here's the kicker, her PC is more high end than mine yet I run many more services and processes on mine.
Happening also to me and my friend, nothing seems to be working.
Still no fix or ideas how to fix this?
firesoul31Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 34
edited October 2014
since update on oct. 20, i crash doing anything, even standing still in-game. very, very frustrating.
Playing, paying & Coding - My take on Neverwinter, mods be darned
Opened up comments, because I would love to hear what everyone says, even the naysayers. http://goo.gl/TiX1kO
melieeroseMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited December 2014
CrypticError: Oops! Your Cryptic application has crashed.
is the error we keep getting and we have done everything suggested please fix this.
Lots of "server not responding when changing zones too.
My crashes are classical Crash to Desktop ones.
I can patch properly, I rarely disconnect, and is unrelated.
However, during the game, I just suddenly go to desktop with the cryptic error reporting tool doing its job. I have sent NUMEROUS such reports, probably over 100.
Things that are prone to cause a crash:
- Alt Tab
- Turning camera suddenly in PE
- Changing zones
- entering GG PvP (Armories of Moradin)
Other than these things, random crashes occur that don't seem to be related to any specific event.
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
140816 20:57:01 238 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140816 22:25:56 50 Client[0 P[503010807@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140817 19:08:08 300 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 00:43:44 197 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 17:10:29 70 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 17:37:47 29 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140819 00:44:53 27 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140819 13:22:12 96 Client[0 P[503010807@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140819 18:57:46 220 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140820 01:44:14 517 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140820 17:37:52 115 Client[0 P[503010807@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140820 22:29:51 173 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140820 22:33:53 21 Client[0 P[102531468@7487252 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 01:29:37 1051 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 05:17:28 323 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 14:03:11 142 Client[0 P[504595870@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 16:10:08 14 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 16:59:39 21 Client[0 P[504595870@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 20:02:10 416 Client[0 P[503010807@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140822 04:11:52 317 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140822 11:29:44 37 Client[0 P[503010807@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140822 12:52:19 50 Client[0 P[503001423@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140822 22:24:49 51 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140823 00:13:42 105 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140823 01:31:41 230 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140823 09:45:53 131 Client[0 P[201355629@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140823 19:37:53 284 Client[0 P[503001423@8137487 s@s]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
Now for example I crashed and the launcher is stuck in a forever updating loop, so not even gonna be able to log for a while lol.
AMD HD 4850, Win 7 x64, I tried all the 3 DirectX versions 9/9ex/11 that were available and still crashed.
While the GPU is quite old, there no need to bother with another one for what I play, and it has the latest drivers.
My Windows install is also fresh and in pristine shape. I have backup images from "safe" points in my OS life, without other app clutter, that I can restore anytime just to test stuff
was working fine the day before the latest post mod4 update next day it now crashes at the cryptic loading screen,
windows 7 x64,intel i7 cpu,2 x radeon hd6970 crossfired,tried all DX versions,tried loading with Arc loader and with steam, tried starting game in safemode,tried turn off ondemand patching,
The game crashes to desktop BUT using windows task manager shows 'gameclient.exe' is still loaded and the error report wont send till i manually end the game client,appears the client gets stuck in a loop decopressing files during loading and dumps me to desktop.
have checked EVERYTHING HDD .. no errors,all drivers are latest version,its a fault in the new patch!
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
AMD A6-6400K Black Edition CPU/APU using the APU(radeon HD 8470D)
Gigabyte F2A55M-DS2 motherboard
Windows xp 32
140726 01:46:12 819 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140726 03:36:15 342 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140726 17:16:53 511 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140726 17:53:14 93 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140726 20:09:46 177 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140726 21:13:25 132 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140726 23:01:37 159 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140727 03:56:12 290 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140727 16:01:34 146 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140727 18:39:06 272 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140727 21:32:11 143 Client[0 P[102429054@8275453 Elixer@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140728 16:23:08 243 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140728 17:46:45 23 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140728 23:32:30 89 Client[0 P[102429054@8275453 Elixer@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140729 01:03:34 153 Client[0 P[102429054@8275453 Elixer@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140729 13:07:28 102 Client[0 P[102429054@8275453 Elixer@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140729 17:01:19 360 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140729 19:06:35 149 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140729 22:28:18 326 Client[0 P[102455118@8259791 Tetley@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140729 23:47:52 79 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140730 01:36:15 185 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140730 15:07:05 134 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140730 16:58:23 50 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140730 18:52:40 90 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140730 22:25:17 70 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140731 00:01:47 145 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140731 01:06:12 71 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140731 03:50:09 296 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140731 14:02:00 27 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140731 17:44:58 132 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140731 21:55:04 99 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140731 23:07:28 105 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140801 03:52:23 25 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140801 14:56:32 52 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140801 18:50:28 89 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140801 21:38:49 182 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140802 01:16:55 112 Client[0 P[102429054@8275453 Elixer@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140802 16:05:17 159 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140803 02:35:12 75 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140803 04:43:41 65 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140803 13:36:05 81 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140803 15:21:15 27 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140803 18:24:58 128 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140803 22:24:54 112 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140803 22:58:57 29 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140804 01:01:50 64 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140804 02:24:11 35 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140804 04:46:18 67 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140804 16:17:28 110 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140804 18:39:18 80 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140805 04:08:27 116 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140805 21:19:37 74 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140806 04:22:12 182 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140806 15:17:04 64 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140806 18:17:46 71 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140807 00:06:56 49 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140807 09:22:30 47 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140807 20:08:26 38 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140807 23:38:37 63 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140808 03:44:18 86 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140808 19:15:23 85 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140808 20:05:17 16 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140808 23:35:09 34 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140809 04:23:09 120 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140809 21:01:36 63 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140809 22:01:45 27 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140809 23:52:50 22 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140810 17:11:36 58 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140810 18:31:57 25 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140810 20:48:03 43 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140810 23:00:10 67 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140811 03:31:45 48 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140811 05:35:11 28 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140811 15:35:44 53 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140811 18:29:12 70 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140811 20:47:10 52 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140811 23:44:50 37 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140812 03:30:09 16 Client[0 P[504803952@11668930 Snowninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140812 04:17:34 28 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140812 16:02:18 66 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140812 16:48:25 14 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140812 19:14:58 64 Client[0 P[504581412@11668930 Ninja@snowninjii]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140813 00:14:07 80 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140813 02:12:05 72 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140813 19:43:29 70 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140813 22:20:18 63 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140814 01:34:06 80 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140814 04:09:32 42 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140814 17:11:22 14 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140814 19:08:04 16 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140814 22:13:01 34 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140814 22:51:00 14 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140815 01:16:07 25 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140815 13:58:24 19 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140815 21:28:25 28 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140816 00:02:56 61 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140816 15:42:33 59 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140816 22:02:21 41 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140817 04:48:40 62 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140817 18:38:51 60 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 00:14:20 48 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 02:13:00 60 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 04:55:07 51 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 05:49:51 34 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 15:54:06 62 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 15:55:54 23 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 15:57:21 18 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 16:31:38 28 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 17:31:13 82 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140818 20:01:03 54 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140819 01:22:18 54 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140819 02:50:38 54 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140819 04:33:43 40 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140819 15:32:36 74 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140820 02:52:54 19 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140820 04:21:15 48 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140820 15:56:24 88 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140820 20:53:17 28 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 01:29:12 33 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 03:59:49 109 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 14:02:07 49 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 22:06:40 62 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140821 23:34:15 23 Client[0 P[505047885@8259791 Ninjadots@bacontea]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140822 01:11:27 53 Client[0 P[102429054@8275453 Elixer@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140822 22:19:44 21 Client[0 [NOENT]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140822 23:58:46 96 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140823 05:43:30 56 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140823 16:02:32 21 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140823 18:29:41 52 Client[0 P[505166795@8127779 Batman@shamninja]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140823 21:43:33 38 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
140823 23:42:38 22 Client[0 P[102651793@8275453 ninja@shhbacon]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
// Force SM2.0 flag. This allows GraphicsLib to override the shader
// model actually being compiled for, for measuring lower end shaders.
//fdef FORCE_SM20
//ndef SM2B
//ndef SM30
//ndef D3D11
//efine SM20
//fdef SM20
//fdef SM2B
//ror in defines, can't be SM2B and SM20'
//lifdef SM30
//ror in defines, can't be SM30 and SM20'
// Just SM20, no 2A or 2B or 30
//efine NO_SHADOW
//efine VERTEX_FOG
//ndef HasDiffuseWarp
//fndef SM30
// Adds a couple extra instructions to lighting we can't afford
// texlod not supported
//ndef AllowRefMIPBias
// Actually need "SM30_PLUS" for CCLIGHTING (5 lights support), so a small set of cards may be getting a few extra instructions
//ragma warning(disable:3206) // implicit truncation of vector type (e.g. float3 a = (float4)b;)
//ragma warning(disable:3571) // pow(f, e) will not work for negative f, use abs(f) or conditionally handle negative values if you expect them
//fdef D3D11
// See XPSEnums.h for documentation on updating constants
// PF = Per Frame
// PP = Per Primative
// PA = Per Action
//uffer ViewingPF : register( b0 )
/// managed block
//niform float4 inv_screen_params : packoffset(c0); // to get screen texture coords: inv_screen_params.xy * position_screen.xy + inv_screen_params.zw
//niform float4 proj_mat_Z : packoffset(c1);
//niform float4 proj_mat_W : packoffset(c2);
//niform float4 depth_range : packoffset(c3); // [farz, 1/farz, near_size.x/nearz, near_size.y/nearz]
/// end managed block
//uffer SkyPA : register( b1 )
//niform float4 sky_dome_color_front : packoffset(c0);
//niform float4 sky_dome_color_back : packoffset(c1);
//niform float4 sky_dome_color_side : packoffset(c2);
//niform float4 fog_color_low : packoffset(c3);
//niform float4 fog_color_high : packoffset(c4);
//niform float4 fog_dist : packoffset(c5);
//niform float4 exposure_transform : packoffset(c6);
// material and light parameters will go into cbuffers b2 and b3 respectively
// separated from the above perframe buffer due to how these constants are less necessary than the above ones and so are not used in shader models lower than 3.
//uffer MiscPF : register( b4 )
//niform float4 ambient_light : packoffset(c0);
//ifdef _PS3
//niform float3x4 invview_mat : packoffset(c1); // c1-c3
//niform column_major float4x3 invview_mat : packoffset(c1); // c1-c3
//niform float4 screen_resolution : packoffset(c4);
/// SSAO tint color (rgb), attentuation (a)
//niform float4 ssao_params : packoffset(c5);
/// x = width (pixels), y = height (pixels), z = viewportWidth / surfaceWidth, w = viewportHeight / surfaceHeight
//niform float4 viewport_resolution : packoffset(c6);
// separated from the above perframe buffer due to how these constants are less necessary than the above ones and so are not used in shader models lower than 3.
//uffer DebugPF : register( b5 )
//niform float4 debug_parms : packoffset(c0);
//uffer MaterialPP : register ( b2 )
// See XPSEnums.h for documentation on updating constants
// managed block
uniform float4 inv_screen_params : register(c0); // to get screen texture coords: inv_screen_params.xy * position_screen.xy + inv_screen_params.zw
uniform float4 proj_mat_Z : register(c1);
uniform float4 proj_mat_W : register(c2);
uniform float4 depth_range : register(c3); // [farz, 1/farz, near_size.x/nearz, near_size.y/nearz]
// end managed block
uniform float4 sky_dome_color_front : register(c4);
uniform float4 sky_dome_color_back : register(c5);
uniform float4 sky_dome_color_side : register(c6);
uniform float4 fog_color_low : register(c7);
uniform float4 fog_color_high : register(c8);
uniform float4 fog_dist : register(c9);
uniform float4 exposure_transform : register(c10);
//fdef SM30
uniform float4 ambient_light : register(c124);
//ifdef _PS3
//niform float3x4 invview_mat : register(c125); // c125-c127
uniform column_major float4x3 invview_mat : register(c125); // c125-c127
uniform float4 screen_resolution : register(c128);
// SSAO tint color (rgb), attentuation (a)
uniform float4 ssao_params : register(c129);
// x = width (pixels), y = height (pixels), z = viewportWidth / surfaceWidth, w = viewportHeight / surfaceHeight
uniform float4 viewport_resolution : register(c130);
// New constants should be added here.
// Material and Light definitions range from:
// SM2.0: c11 to c31
// SM3.0: c11 to c123
// Light registers are defined by the assembler
End Constants
//fdef SM30
// this is effectively a transpose mult. You probably want comul. TODO - rename these? [RMARR - 8/20/12]
float4 mul_invview_mat(in float4 v) {
//fdef _PS3
// return mul(v, invview_mat);
return mul(invview_mat, v.xyz);
float3 comul_invview_mat(in float3 v) {
//fdef _PS3
// return mul(invview_mat, float4(v,0)).xyz;
return mul(float4(v,0), invview_mat).xyz;
float3 comul_invview_mat(in float4 v) {
//fdef _PS3
// return mul(invview_mat, v).xyz;
return mul(v, invview_mat).xyz;
//lseifdef ReflectionCubemap
//ror: Cubemap reflections require shader model 3.0 or higher!
End Constants
//fdef D3D11
//fdef D3D11
//acro SEM_COLOR(num)
//fdef D3D11
//fdef D3D11
//acro SEM_DEPTH(num)
//fdef D3D11
//fdef D3D11
//fdef D3D11
//fdef D3D11
//fdef D3D11
//fdef D3D11
//acro SAMPLER_DECL(name, num)
//xture2D name : register(t##num);
//mplerState sam##name : register(s##num)
//fdef D3D11
//acro SAMPLER_DECL_CUBE(name, num)
//xtureCube name : register(t##num);
//mplerState sam##name : register(s##num)
float4 sampleTex2DLodInternal(in sampler2D t,
in float samp,
float2 uvs,
float miplevel)
//ifdef D3D11
//return t.SampleLevel(samp, uvs, miplevel);
//elseifdef SM30
return tex2Dlod(t, float4(uvs, 0, miplevel));
//return tex2D(t, uvs);
float3 toTangentSpace(in float3 tangent, in float3 binormal, in float3 normal, in float3 invec)
float3 outvec;
outvec.x = dot(tangent, invec);
outvec.y = dot(binormal, invec);
outvec.z = dot(normal, invec);
return outvec;
float3 fromTangentSpace(in float3 tangent, in float3 binormal, in float3 normal, in float3 invec)
return (invec.x * tangent) + (invec.y * binormal) + (invec.z * normal);
static float3x3 XYZtoRGB = { {3.2406, -1.5372, -0.4986}, {-0.9689, 1.8758, 0.0415}, {0.0557, -0.2040, 1.0570} };
static float3x3 RGBtoXYZ = { {0.4123956, 0.3575834, 0.1804926}, {0.2125862, 0.7151703, 0.0722005}, {0.0192972, 0.1191839, 0.9504971} };
// Transform RGB space to CIE XYZ
float3 rgbToCIEXYZ(float3 rgb)
float3 xyz = mul(RGBtoXYZ, rgb);
return xyz;
// Transform CIE XYZ space to RGB
float3 CIEXYZtoRGB(float3 xyz)
float3 rgb = mul(XYZtoRGB, xyz);
return rgb;
// Calculate the luminance (Y) component of the CIE XYZ space equivalent of the input RGB value.
float getLuminance(float3 color)
return dot(color, float3(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f));
//return dot(color, float3(0.3575834, 0.7151703, 0.1191839));
//return dot(color, RGBtoXYZ[1]);
float getIntensity(in float3 color)
return max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b);
float getIntensityQuick(in float3 color)
return 0.8*dot(color, float3(0.5, 0.6, 0.5));
float interp(in float minval, in float maxval, in float val)
float bottom = maxval - minval;
return (bottom < 0) ? (1 - saturate((val - maxval) / (-bottom))) : saturate((val - minval) / bottom);
float interp_safe(in float minval, in float maxval, in float val)
return saturate((val - minval) / (maxval - minval));
float3 rangeCompress(in float3 v)
return v * 0.5f + float3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
float rangeCompress1(in float v)
return v * 0.5 + 0.5;
float3 rangeExpand(in float3 v)
return v * 2.0 - float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
float rangeExpand1(in float v)
return v * 2.0 - 1.0;
float2 rangeExpand2(in float2 v)
return v * 2.0 - float2(1.0, 1.0);
float3 dxt5nmExpand(in float4 v)
float3 dxt5nm;
dxt5nm.xy = rangeExpand2(v.wy);
dxt5nm.z = sqrt(saturate(1 - dot(dxt5nm.xy, dxt5nm.xy)));
return dxt5nm;
float mad_sat1(in float m1, in float m2, in float a)
return saturate(m1 * m2 + a);
float3 mad_sat3(in float3 m1, in float3 m2, in float3 a)
return saturate(m1 * m2 + a);
float4 mad_sat4(in float4 m1, in float4 m2, in float4 a)
return saturate(m1 * m2 + a);
float4 calcHemisphereLighting(in float3 N_vs, in float3 hemisphere_dir_vs)
float sky_val = dot(N_vs, hemisphere_dir_vs);
//loat3 hemisphere_lighting = 0; // side/rim light is additive elsewhere
float2 tangent = float2(sky_dome_color_front.w, sky_dome_color_back.w);
float side_mod = dot(N_vs.xy, tangent);
float3 hemisphere_lighting = sky_dome_color_side.xyz * (1 - abs(sky_val)) * (0.7 + side_mod * side_mod * 0.3f); // omni-directional side lighting
float groundlight_param=0;
//emisphere_lighting += sky_dome_color_front.xyz * saturate(sky_val);
//emisphere_lighting += sky_dome_color_back.xyz * saturate(-sky_val);
//roundlight_param = -sky_val;
hemisphere_lighting += lerp(sky_dome_color_back.xyz, sky_dome_color_front.xyz, rangeCompress1(sky_val)); // front and back lighting
return float4(hemisphere_lighting, groundlight_param);
float2 calcUVProjection(in float3 tangent, in float3 binormal, in float3 invec)
float horizDotP = -dot(tangent,invec);
float vertDotP = -dot(binormal,invec);
return float2(horizDotP, vertDotP);
//ifdef SM30
float4 position_screen : SV_Position;
float4 texcoords : TEXCOORD0; // ST0 and ST1 packed
float4 position_vs : TEXCOORD1; // view space position, world space fog height interpolater fog_value if VERTEX_FOG
float4 color0 : TEXCOORD2;
float4 instanceParam : TEXCOORD3;
//ifndef DEPTH_ONLY
// vpos.xyw are used in place of position_screen when SM30 is not available
float4 hemisphere_dir_vs_and_unused : TEXCOORD4; // xyz: hemisphere lighting direction
// w: unsued screen space position.x
float4 vpos_xyw_and_unused: TEXCOORD5; // xyz: screen space position.xyw (for terrain_heightmap, detail fade alpha)
// w: unused
float4 normal_vs_and_unused : TEXCOORD6; // xyz: view space normal
// w: unused
float4 vertex_lighting : TEXCOORD7; // alpha is vertex ambient occlusion value, rgb is vertex lighting values, (plus ambient on <SM30)
//#ifndef NO_NORMALMAP
float3 tangent_vs : COLOR0; // view space tangent, range compressed
float3 binormal_vs : COLOR1; // view space binormal, range compressed
// #ifdef SM30
// float4 sdl_values : COLOR0; // N*L, L*R
// #else
// float4 diffuse_value : COLOR0; // alpha is specular_value
// #endif
// float4 diffuse_value : COLOR0; // alpha is specular_value
// #endif
// float4 backlight_params : COLOR1; // xy - backlight, zw - unused
//ifndef DEPTH_ONLY
//#ifdef SM30
// Use fragmentIsFrontFacingSign or fragmentIsFrontFacingBool to access these members with a
// particular interpretation. The DX9 value in particular only has a sign bit, not a numerical
// value, and the DX11 value is a bool. Use the existing accessors or add a new one, if
// appropriate, rather than directly touching these members.
// #ifdef D3D11
// bool facing : SV_IsFrontFace;
// #else
float facing : VFACE;
// #endif
float fragmentIsFrontFacingSign(const PS_INPUT_NORMAL fragment)
//ifndef DEPTH_ONLY
//#ifdef SM30
return (fragment.facing > 0) * 2 - 1;
// return 1.0;
//return 1.0;
bool fragmentIsFrontFacingBool(const PS_INPUT_NORMAL fragment)
//ifndef DEPTH_ONLY
//#ifdef SM30
return fragment.facing > 0;
// return true;
//return true;
//ifdef SM30
float4 position_screen : SV_Position;
float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
//ifdef SM30
float4 position_screen : SV_Position;
//float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 position_vs : TEXCOORD1; // view space position, world space fog height interpolater fog_value if VERTEX_FOG
//float4 color : TEXCOORD2; // matches VS_OUTPUT_NORMAL to allow mixing normal VS and sprite PS for particles
float4 color : TEXCOORD2; // matches VS_OUTPUT_NORMAL to allow mixing normal VS and sprite PS for particles
// DX11TODO: Can we remove this block?
//ifndef SM30
//// alternatives to VPOS for SM20:
//// matches VS_OUTPUT_NORMAL to allow mixing normal VS and sprite PS for particles
//float4 hemisphere_dir_vs_and_unsued : TEXCOORD4;
//float4 vpos_xyw_and_unused : TEXCOORD5;
//float4 normal_vs_and_unused : TEXCOORD6;
//ifdef SM30
float4 position_screen : SV_Position;
//ifndef SM30
//// matches VS_OUTPUT_NORMAL to allow mixing normal VS and sprite PS for particles
//float4 hemisphere_dir_vs_and_unused : TEXCOORD4;
float4 vpos_xyw_and_unused: TEXCOORD5;
//ifndef SM30
//float4 normal_vs_and_unused : TEXCOORD6;
float4 position_vs : TEXCOORD1; // view space position, world space fog height interpolater fog_value if VERTEX_FOG
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : TEXCOORD2; // matches VS_OUTPUT_NORMAL to allow mixing normal VS and sprite PS for particles
float4 fogvalues : TEXCOORD3;
//ifdef SM30
float4 position_screen : SV_Position;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 position_vs : TEXCOORD1; // view space position, world space fog height interpolater fog_value if VERTEX_FOG
float4 color : TEXCOORD2;
//float3 center_vs : TEXCOORD3;
//float radius_vs : TEXCOORD4;
// These don't seem valid anymore, fog_dist.z/w are used for high fog values
// #ifdef VOLUME_FOG
// fog_dist.z
// #endmacro
// fog_dist.w
// #endmacro
// #endif
//MPLER_DECL(stereoscopic_sampler, 13);
samplerCUBE cubemap_lookup_texture : register(s14);
static const float samcubemap_lookup_texture = 0;
//AMPLER_DECL(depth_buffer_sampler, 15);
//AMPLER_DECL(shadow_buffer_texture, 15);
// tex2Dlod and texCUBElod do not get pulled outside dynamic branches,
// but they also are not supported on SM2, so use these wrappers instead.
float4 sampleTex2DNoMipsInternal(in sampler2D t,
in float samp,
float2 uvs)
//ifdef D3D11
//return t.SampleLevel(samp, uvs, 0);
//elseifdef SM30
return tex2Dlod(t, float4(uvs, 0, 1));
//return tex2D(t, uvs);
float4 sampleTexCubeLodInternal(in samplerCUBE t,
in float samp,
float3 uvs,
float miplevel)
//ifdef D3D11
//return t.SampleLevel(samp, uvs, miplevel);
//elseifdef SM30
return texCUBElod(t, float4(uvs, miplevel));
//return texCUBE(t, uvs);
float4 sampleTexCubeNoMipsInternal(in samplerCUBE s,
in float samp,
in float3 t)
//fdef D3D11
//eturn s.SampleLevel(samp, t, 0);
//lseifdef SM30
return texCUBElod(s, float4(t, 0));
//eturn texCUBE(s, t);
float4 sampleTex2DInternal(in sampler2D s,
in float t,
in float2 uvs)
//ifdef D3D11
//eturn s.Sample(t, uvs);
return tex2D(s, uvs);
float4 sampleTex2DProjInternal(in sampler2D s,
in float t,
in float4 uvs)
//ifdef D3D11
//eturn s.Sample(t, uvs.xy/uvs.w); // DX11TODO: if this is used anywhere, ensure this is this right
return tex2Dproj(s, uvs);
float4 sampleTex3DInternal(in sampler3D s,
in float t,
in float3 uvs)
//ifdef D3D11
//eturn s.Sample(t, uvs);
return tex3D(s, uvs);
float4 sampleTexCubeInternal(in samplerCUBE s,
in float t,
in float3 uvs)
//ifdef D3D11
//eturn s.Sample(t, uvs);
return texCUBE(s, uvs);
float4 GetIntersectionWithEllipsoid(
//fdef _PS3
// float3x4 matEllipsoidInv,
column_major float4x3 matEllipsoidInv,
float3 ray_vs, out float4 normal, int bCullPixels )
float ray_length = length( ray_vs );
//fdef _PS3
//loat3 org_vs = float3( matEllipsoidInv[0][3], matEllipsoidInv[1][3], matEllipsoidInv[2][3] );
//ay_vs = mul( matEllipsoidInv, float4( ray_vs, 0 ) );
float3 org_vs = matEllipsoidInv[3];
ray_vs = mul( float4( ray_vs, 0 ), matEllipsoidInv );
float4 t;
t = 0.0f;
float a = dot( ray_vs, ray_vs );
float b = 2 * dot( ray_vs, org_vs );
float c = dot( org_vs, org_vs ) - 1;
normal = 0.0f;
float discriminant = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;
if ( bCullPixels )
clip( discriminant );
if ( discriminant >= 0.0f )
discriminant = sqrt( discriminant );
t.y = ( -b - discriminant ) / ( 2 * a );
t.z = ( -b + discriminant ) / ( 2 * a );
// sort intersection order to give a properly ordered interval
t.yz = float2( min( t.y, t.z ), max( t.y, t.z ) );
// intersect the interval with [0,1].
t.yz = min( max( t.yz, 0.0f ), 1.0f );
float3 hitPoint = org_vs + ray_vs * t.y;
// integral of simple density function - distance to z-axis is density
float3 exitDelta = ray_vs * ( t.z - t.y );
t.w = 1 - dot( hitPoint, hitPoint ) -
dot( hitPoint, exitDelta ) -
0.3333333 * dot( exitDelta, exitDelta );
// length of ray-ellipsoid intersection
t.x = ( t.z - t.y ) * ray_length;
normal.xyz = hitPoint;
//normal.w = dot( normal.xyz, normalize( ray_vs ) );
return t;
float3 ToneMapLDR(float3 color)
//eturn color;
return color * exposure_transform.x;
float3 InvToneMapLDR(float3 color)
//eturn color;
return color * exposure_transform.y;
float InvToneMapLDRIntensityToIntensity(float lum)
//eturn lum;
return lum * exposure_transform.y;
float InvToneMapLDRToLuminance(float3 color)
return InvToneMapLDRIntensityToIntensity(getIntensity(color));
float3 ToneMapHDR(float3 color)
return color * exposure_transform.z;
float3 InvToneMapHDR(float3 color)
return color * exposure_transform.w;
float3 getViewVec(in float3 pos)
//eturn float3(0,0,1);
return normalize(-pos); // view vector
//// Fogging
/// Volume fog interface:
//oat3 fogAttenLight(float3 lightColor, float3 fogColor, float distance, float fogDensity)
//eturn lerp(fogColor, lightColor, exp(fogDensity * distance));
//oat3 fogApplyVolumeFog(float3 color,
//fdef _PS3
// float3x4 fog_matrix,
// column_major float4x3 fog_matrix,
// float3 position_vs)
//loat4 normal = float4( 0.7071, 0.0, 0.7071, 0.0 );
//loat4 t = GetIntersectionWithEllipsoid( fog_matrix, position_vs, normal, 0 );
//eturn fogAttenLight(color, fog.color.rgb, max(0.0, t.x * t.w));
/// Vertex fog interface:
float3 fogApplyVertexFog(float3 color, float fogvalue)
return float3(lerp(color, fog_color_low.xyz, fogvalue));
/// Default fog interface:
float3 fogApplyDefault(float3 color, float distance_to_camera, float fog_height_coord)
float fog_coord_low = saturate((distance_to_camera - fog_dist.x) * fog_dist.y) * fog_color_low.a;
float fog_coord_high = saturate((distance_to_camera - fog_dist.z) * fog_dist.w) * fog_color_high.a;
fog_height_coord = saturate(fog_height_coord);
// fog_height_coord = sqrt(fog_height_coord);
// this is equal to lerp(lerp(color, fog_color_low.rgb, fog_coord_low), lerp(color, fog_color_high.rgb, fog_coord_high), fog_height_coord)
return color + lerp(fog_coord_low * (fog_color_low.rgb - color),
fog_coord_high * (fog_color_high.rgb - color),
//fdef SM30
float calculateDepthOfField(in float zdepth, in float scale, in float4 params1, in float3 params2, in float eff_border_blur, out float is_sky)
float focusRate = zdepth < params1.x ? params1.z : params1.w;
float blur_delta = min(1.0, (zdepth - params1.x) * focusRate);
is_sky = saturate(zdepth * params2.y + params2.x);
float ret = lerp(saturate((blur_delta + params1.y) * scale), params2.z, is_sky);
return saturate(max(ret, eff_border_blur));
float3 applyLocalContrast(in float3 orig_color, in float3 blur_color, in float local_contrast_scale, in float unsharp_amount, in float unsharp_threshold)
float3 diff = orig_color - blur_color.rgb;
float local_contrast_amount = saturate(local_contrast_scale * (getIntensity(-diff)));
orig_color = lerp(float3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), orig_color, local_contrast_amount + 1);;
float3 unsharp_masked = orig_color + unsharp_amount*(diff);
float amount = saturate( (getIntensity(abs(diff)) - unsharp_threshold) * 8); // quickly ramp up to applying the unsharp mask after the threshold
orig_color = lerp(orig_color, unsharp_masked, amount);
return orig_color;
float4 nw_mapsnap_sampleTexcolorInternal(in sampler2D s,
in float t)
float4 avg_color;
float2 uv = float2(0.23,0.23);
avg_color = sampleTex2DInternal(s, t, uv);
uv[0] += 0.1;
avg_color += sampleTex2DInternal(s, t, uv);
uv[0] -= 0.2;
avg_color += sampleTex2DInternal(s, t, uv);
uv[1] += 0.2;
avg_color += sampleTex2DInternal(s, t, uv);
uv[0] += 0.2;
avg_color += sampleTex2DInternal(s, t, uv);
avg_color /= 5;
return avg_color;
float3 nw_mapsnap_colorize(in float3 color)
//return color;
float3 parchment_color = float3(0.6,0.6,0.55);
float intensity = (color.x+color.y+color.z)/3;
float3 factors;
float minval = min(min(color.r,color.g),color.b)+0.001;
float3 diff;
diff.r = color.r-minval;
diff.g = color.g-minval;
diff.b = color.b-minval;
factors.x = diff.r*diff.r-diff.g*diff.b;
factors.y = diff.g*diff.g-diff.r*diff.b;
factors.z = diff.b*diff.b-diff.r*diff.g;
float fGreenFactor = color.g/(min(color.b,color.r)+0.001);
//color.r = color.g = color.b = fGreenFactor;
//color.g += color.g*fGreenFactor;
//color.b += color.b*fGreenFactor;
if (fGreenFactor > 1.2)
color.g += min(0.3*(fGreenFactor-1.2),0.15);
// brown out the low end
float adjust_factor = 0.4;//max(0.0,0.7-not_badness);
color += parchment_color*adjust_factor;
return saturate(color/(1+adjust_factor));
//return float3(abs(factors.x),abs(factors.y),abs(factors.z));
//return float3(0,0,0);
float3 calcIsoBar( float3 baseColor, float value, float scale )
float3 outColor = baseColor * scale;
float2 gradOfValue = float2(ddx(value), ddy(value));
float spreadOfValue = (abs(gradOfValue.x) + abs(gradOfValue.y)) * 2.5;
float integerLevel = floor(value + 0.5);
float barWeight = saturate(abs(value - integerLevel) / length(gradOfValue));
if (value >= integerLevel - spreadOfValue && value <= integerLevel + spreadOfValue)
float3 barColor = float3(1, 1, 1);
// highlight the contours near integer levels
if (integerLevel == 1)
barColor = float3(.25,0,0);
if (integerLevel == 2)
barColor = float3(0,.25,0);
if (integerLevel == 3)
barColor = float3(0,0,.25);
if (integerLevel == 4)
barColor = float3(1,0,0);
if (integerLevel == 5)
barColor = float3(0,1,0);
if (integerLevel == 6)
barColor = float3(0,0,1);
if (integerLevel == 7)
barColor = float3(1,1,0);
if (integerLevel == 8)
barColor = float3(0,1,1);
outColor = lerp(barColor, outColor, barWeight);
return outColor;
// Functions used for retrieving a sample of the sky's reflection map
//fdef ReflectionCubemap
//oat4 GetSkyReflectionCubeSample(in float3 view_vs,
//n float3 norm,
//n SAMPLER_PARAM1_TYPE_CUBE() reflection_map,
//n SAMPLER_PARAM2_TYPE() ref_sam
//fdef AllowRefMIPBias
// in float mip_bias
//loat3 ref_vec = -reflect(view_vs, norm);
/// Once fed the object's normal
//ef_vec = normalize(comul_invview_mat(ref_vec));
//fdef AllowRefMIPBias
//eturn sampleTexCubeLodInternal(reflection_map, ref_sam, ref_vec, mip_bias);
//eturn sampleTexCubeInternal(reflection_map, ref_sam, ref_vec);
//lifdef ReflectionSimple
//oat4 GetSkyReflectionSimpleSample(in float3 view_vs, in float3 norm,
//n SAMPLER_PARAM1_TYPE() reflection_map,
//n SAMPLER_PARAM2_TYPE() ref_sam
//fdef AllowRefMIPBias
// in float mip_bias
//loat3 ref_vec = -reflect(view_vs, norm);
//loat2 texcoord = ref_vec.xy * float2(0.5, -0.5) + float2(0.5, -0.5);
//fdef AllowRefMIPBias
//eturn sampleTex2DLodInternal(reflection_map, ref_sam, texcoord.xy, mip_bias);
//eturn sampleTex2DInternal(reflection_map, ref_sam, texcoord.xy);
float4 position_screen : SV_POSITION;
float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 position_vs : TEXCOORD1; // view space position, world space fog height interpolator fog_value if VERTEX_FOG
Texture2DMS<float,2> depth_texture : register(t0);
struct PS_OUTPUT
float4 color0 : COLOR;
//loat depth : SEMDEPTH ;
uniform float3 color_depth_range : register(c11) ;
PS_OUTPUT output;
int2 sample_pos = int2( fragment.position_screen.xy );
float depth0 = depth_texture.Load( sample_pos, 0 ).x;
float depth1 = depth_texture.Load( sample_pos, 1 ).x;
depth0 = min(depth0, depth1);
float digitized = saturate( (depth0 - color_depth_range[0]) / (color_depth_range[1] - color_depth_range[0]) );
digitized = pow(digitized, color_depth_range[2]);
output.color0 = float4( digitized.HAMSTER, 1.0 );
//utput.depth = depth0;
return output;
I really want to play but i dont know how fix it, it doesnt have a solution? because if there isnt a solution i'll have to delete it
Have yet to see anything on a fix or even a response in wanting to fix it.
The crashes mostly occur during map transitions.
A classical crash is when I exit Trial of the Blades in PE, or when I zone in to Armories of Moradin PvP event.
Several instances are literally unplayable do to this crash, I have to pray that I can escape the area without crashing.
I'm seeing mentions of shaders, so I will be turning down my graphics all the way (including DX 11 to 9) to see if anything helps.
I can not even play the game will not load all the way tried both my computers it crashes just before it sould load to toon selection please help would like to play the game
I dont know if my problem is a crash or not since its locking up my PC, the sound is playing but no pic on the monitors... No log files, win log shows nothing. I dont think my PC is unstable because it can run Valley benchmark on ultra settings on 3 monitors(wall auto mode) more than 45 min, prime95 shows no error. My config can be found here.
Thanks in advance for the help
If you can't even load into the game, try the GamePrefs.pref deletion first.
Good luck, everyone.
Still no fix or ideas how to fix this?
Opened up comments, because I would love to hear what everyone says, even the naysayers.
is the error we keep getting and we have done everything suggested please fix this.