You can feel the difference. My HR has the Fallen Dragon weapons, almost 7K power and 1600 lifesteal, so I'm lifestealing quite some HPs, but still I would not go back to Stormwarden. Cruel Recover makes my life much less stressful. And I have Endless consumption as well, by the way.
im sorry but i don't get how usefull 1% hp from lets 30k hp , it doesn't even stack !
Instead of slotting Cruel Recovery, you'd be better off slotting Aspect of Lone Wolf, and Aspect of the Pack. Or if you don't care about giving your party member combat advantage all the time, then Aspect of the Serpent, or Blade Storm for SWs to increase your own personal dps.
The question as to how PF have more survivability is 2 things that SW's don't have. Slasher's Mark daily, you can use this is sticky situations to leap out of aoe's, and helps the team as well as everyone will be getting close to unlimited stamina for a few seconds. Then there's careful attack, which is a dot that ticks when your party members hits that target. It should account for around 20% of a PF's overall dps, and helps with your LS at the times that you can't attack to regain hp. It's much less dps for groups clearing, and more useful for single targets.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
They do damage but their damage is subpar to CWs and SWs, both of whom can provide buffs for the group and controls for the mobs. So what's the point of ever bringing around an HR when they're subpar in the DPS department?
Back to the OP, there's is no point in ever bringing around an HR, just like there's no point in bringing anyone specifically. It just depends what's your objective is. Are you planning on speed runs to clear the dungeon asap? Or are you planning to have fun?
I have both a CW and HR that's close to BiS (full legendaries but mostly rank 9s). They're both spec'd to PvP, but I haven't met any PvE content since mod 2 that doesn't welcome PvP spec characters. I've recently been helping my missus's SW to gear up, so we've been doing most dungeons where we're practically 2-manning things (we contributed to around 80% of overall damage on average). The only dungeon where I feel like my CW is needed would be VT, as I generally like to pull as many mobs as I can. For all the other dungeons, I actually prefer playing my HR more, as it's more fun and I don't have to keep dodging to avoid dying.
In terms of damage. I was not used to my CW not being top of painsgiver chart once my missus's SW obtain her full PvE set and running fury spec. However, SW's damage relies on how the mobs are pulled. If the party has 3 CW's that's melting mobs too fast, then the SW seems to do less. Then there's my HR that can't really compete in these situations for dps, as I'm using GPF and running PF combat spec, I'll still do more damage than a lot CWs and most other classes, so it's not useless.
So what's the role of Hunter Rangers? To have fun. If you want to do everything with a party of 4 CWs + 1 SW, then there's no need to invite anyone else. HRs can debuff mobs, and use fox cunning to save the party from being 1 shotted, but it's not needed.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
IMO the role of HR depends on your playstyle. As for my playstyle, instead of going full DPS, i usualy prefer to snipe those mob posing threat to less tanky party member while assist to melt down mob caught in CW ice field with my RoA combo and bail out. As a PF, i use as much hunter teamwork as possible on my target to provide heals in the middle of the fight..some time it save ppl life..As an archer i m usualy shooting stuff far behind so i m able to see who is in danger and rezz those who is fallen if he is not too far away or nobody notice him.. Unless some dungeon that require me to go full DPS, the classic aimed shot, spiltshot, RoA, Fox, Thorn will kick in. Else its single target focus skill like aimed, hunters, eagle, fox, and RoA.
Sometimes it isnt all about dps. Teamwork, covering fire and party survival is important too. Whats sad in this game is ppl tend to focus too much on dps that they dun even rezz his teammate fallen beside him. Some even wants teammate to die so he can have lead in scoreboard..which is very very sad..
IMO the role of HR depends on your playstyle. As for my playstyle, instead of going full DPS, i usualy prefer to snipe those mob posing threat to less tanky party member while assist to melt down mob caught in CW ice field with my RoA combo and bail out. As a PF, i use as much hunter teamwork as possible on my target to provide heals in the middle of the fight..some time it save ppl life..As an archer i m usualy shooting stuff far behind so i m able to see who is in danger and rezz those who is fallen if he is not too far away or nobody notice him.. Unless some dungeon that require me to go full DPS, the classic aimed shot, spiltshot, RoA, Fox, Thorn will kick in. Else its single target focus skill like aimed, hunters, eagle, fox, and RoA.
that is basically the role of the tr, snipe the toughies..... but hr does it so much better doing it, ranged more single target and more aoe in the meanwhile.
So what's the role of Hunter Rangers? To have fun. If you want to do everything with a party of 4 CWs + 1 SW, then there's no need to invite anyone else. HRs can debuff mobs, and use fox cunning to save the party from being 1 shotted, but it's not needed.
well yeah its the most fun for me and why i play it, but i still hold on my though that the cw dominance is not that so in a few instances. Ill take multiple hr for lol over multiple cws, not htat much to control and more single target ad more fox cunning when it counts.
lorjukMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited October 2014
Hunter Rangers blow in PVE.
All the comments in here praising awesome HRs and HAMSTER are all talking about PVP. Everyone is aware of how broken the Combat tree is atm, and it will stay that way for a while. You don't need to be good at HR to tear people up in PVP.
Just like you don't need to be good at SW to ezmode a dungeon.
HRs bring nothing to the table in dungeons. Right now, they do out DPS CWs but not by that much - and they are 1000% out dps'd by SWs. An SW with 2-3K less GS than you and inferior enchants if played right will completely dominate you in damage no matter what. SWs are simply broken in PVE atm.
HRs bring nothing to PVE. They have no purpose. Cryptic wants them to be glass cannon DPSers.. but they are failing hard at that because they are 1000% not even close to being top DPS.
HRs dominate PVP only because combat tree is so broken. Enjoy the salt when the nerfs come.
-someone very annoyed and sick of this game playing his HR.
also - I know how to play my class. I was just about never out dps'd before the 'buff' to HRs that also brought SWs into the game and gave CWs some pve buffs. There was a reason for me to be in a party. Once an actual difficult dungeon comes out unless there's a change to HRs there will be zero reason to bring them to the party. Just like how it was for TRs and GFs before. (TRs getting buffed now so maybe itll change for em, and GFs already seeing a lot of action now)
lordfuzunMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 54
All the comments in here praising awesome HRs and HAMSTER are all talking about PVP. Everyone is aware of how broken the Combat tree is atm, and it will stay that way for a while. You don't need to be good at HR to tear people up in PVP.
Just like you don't need to be good at SW to ezmode a dungeon.
HRs bring nothing to the table in dungeons. Right now, they do out DPS CWs but not by that much - and they are 1000% out dps'd by SWs. An SW with 2-3K less GS than you and inferior enchants if played right will completely dominate you in damage no matter what. SWs are simply broken in PVE atm.
HRs bring nothing to PVE. They have no purpose. Cryptic wants them to be glass cannon DPSers.. but they are failing hard at that because they are 1000% not even close to being top DPS.
HRs dominate PVP only because combat tree is so broken. Enjoy the salt when the nerfs come.
-someone very annoyed and sick of this game playing his HR.
also - I know how to play my class. I was just about never out dps'd before the 'buff' to HRs that also brought SWs into the game and gave CWs some pve buffs. There was a reason for me to be in a party. Once an actual difficult dungeon comes out unless there's a change to HRs there will be zero reason to bring them to the party. Just like how it was for TRs and GFs before. (TRs getting buffed now so maybe itll change for em, and GFs already seeing a lot of action now)
By the gods, man. If you don't think HR's are worth playing, why do you play one? There isn't really any Class that is needed in this game. You have variety so you can find something that is FUN to play. That's the whole point. When you begin obsessing with being top Pain Giver or most kills or highest gear score or being tripped in Legendary everything with R10s slotted in everything, it stops being a game.
All the comments in here praising awesome HRs and HAMSTER are all talking about PVP. Everyone is aware of how broken the Combat tree is atm, and it will stay that way for a while. You don't need to be good at HR to tear people up in PVP.
Just like you don't need to be good at SW to ezmode a dungeon.
HRs bring nothing to the table in dungeons. Right now, they do out DPS CWs but not by that much - and they are 1000% out dps'd by SWs. An SW with 2-3K less GS than you and inferior enchants if played right will completely dominate you in damage no matter what. SWs are simply broken in PVE atm.
HRs bring nothing to PVE. They have no purpose. Cryptic wants them to be glass cannon DPSers.. but they are failing hard at that because they are 1000% not even close to being top DPS.
HRs dominate PVP only because combat tree is so broken. Enjoy the salt when the nerfs come.
-someone very annoyed and sick of this game playing his HR.
also - I know how to play my class. I was just about never out dps'd before the 'buff' to HRs that also brought SWs into the game and gave CWs some pve buffs. There was a reason for me to be in a party. Once an actual difficult dungeon comes out unless there's a change to HRs there will be zero reason to bring them to the party. Just like how it was for TRs and GFs before. (TRs getting buffed now so maybe itll change for em, and GFs already seeing a lot of action now)
I disagree, HR doesnt blow, while theyre obv not the top class but id say its in the top classes. Ur right that cw are still better because of the control and sw has highest dps, but If u already have a a couple cw and a sw bringing a hr is a very good addition as the dps is there, it can tanksingle targets (without making it run around evrywhere like the other 2), give extra debuffs and give a great buff in almost permanent combat advantage wich is a huge dmg buff depending on how ur built. (easily 30% for a cw, for me with a an epic blink dog is like 25%.)
Yeah Sw is broken and has highest dps because of TT, but a Hr has more single target than a SW (those true singe target moments where a sw cant ffed his TT), it is the highest single target dpser right now. Easy to see when ur catching up to the TT burst after its gone and ur dpsing a boss. And no, a lesser geared geared sw wont outdps me, equally geared yes, but i tend to even out with sw with around 1k-1.5k gs lower with perfect weapon enchant and sometimes even legendary mainhands. Im not saying sw doesnt outdps a hr, buts its not as exagerated as seem to point out.... and they will eventually nerf TT even more.
By the gods, man. If you don't think HR's are worth playing, why do you play one? There isn't really any Class that is needed in this game..
in any dungeon cw is the maestro of the party ecxept maybe Lol , he's the one who group adds and decide wich way to pull them , he stun them prone them etc ... so if any class is the most needed in a dungeon , its the cw , the rest are just optional , secondaries , a little plus acording to the class !
just my 2 cents , i play/love both hr and cw
Peace !
I am propably one of those who is bad at playin HR - mine is still only gs 11 k though. Still I love playing it as it offers a lot of variety. I have a stormwarden Archer and tried pf archer before - for me too it seemed that cruel recovery helped me stay alive better. Still the stormwarden also has some lovely mechanics.
I am lousy at dodging with my HR ( seems so much easier with GWF and SW) and get often cornered by mobs but it is fun if I manage to get out of there . And still when things go wrong I am usuallyt the last one standing ( running)I love the variety that the HR offers. I often play as a pure long distance archer. And when in the mood I can play more of a archer/combat type as some powers work really well in both stances and it isnt too hard to shoot your arrows - burst into combat and then go back to shooting arrows.
I tend to overuse splitshot against mobs but it is so bloody fun - like a shotgun. For me HR is all about the fun .
They do damage but their damage is subpar to CWs and SWs, both of whom can provide buffs for the group and controls for the mobs. So what's the point of ever bringing around an HR when they're subpar in the DPS department?
A good hybrid hunter ranger played skillfully in PvP is amazing and darn fun to watch to.
PvE dps is not always about the numbers although HRs played skillfully can still easily take the 1 or 2 slot. How many times have you been in a group that looked like a wipe and then that HR with his ability not just to DPS but also survive and escape and still finish the boss off saved the group from another 15 minute battle on the same boss.
PvE dps is not always about the numbers although HRs played skillfully can still easily take the 1 or 2 slot. How many times have you been in a group that looked like a wipe and then that HR with his ability not just to DPS but also survive and escape and still finish the boss off saved the group from another 15 minute battle on the same boss.
True. Having been the HR who's done that <cough> DV <cough>, it comes amazingly handy to have that potential hardiness/slipperiness.
A good hybrid hunter ranger played skillfully in PvP is amazing and darn fun to watch to.
PvE dps is not always about the numbers although HRs played skillfully can still easily take the 1 or 2 slot. How many times have you been in a group that looked like a wipe and then that HR with his ability not just to DPS but also survive and escape and still finish the boss off saved the group from another 15 minute battle on the same boss.
Totaly agreed..its not all about work, gameplay & survivability are more the old saying a dead dps is not a dps..numbers are just numbers..finishing the dungeon is another thing..i stop looking at paingiver chart for sometime i can focus on playing the game rather that trying to plan how to boost my ranking in paingiver chart.. quite frankly it end up being more enjoyable.. as i m able to play the playstyle i like rather than restrict myself to focus on pulling out more damage
Still messing abt w/my Stormwarden, have to say that combat Stormwarden won't be your sharpest tool in PvE unless you happen to go range spec. My own experience in playing Hr thus far lies in a constant need to maneuver and dodge (the fact that my WE HR got an absurdly good roll helped a lot).
CC-wise, Split the Sky is your best bet.
Aspect of the Lone Wolf is a must if we're talking abt rank 3.
Disruptive Shot is also a must if you happen to play Stormwarden. I have fun pulling this off before executing Aimed Strike.
Cold Steel Hurricane, however, can be really dodgy since it's only arguably useful in hitting the dungeons.
Aimed Strike and Rain of Swords are now my current fave one-two link-up in terms of PvE due to the Bleed factor. Done correctly, you can kill off a boss in 1 vs 1.
Fox Shift is useful as a follow up to Split the Sky. If you happen to have a Striker or a Defender kitted w/offensive gear, it can be extremely fun. Just make sure you don't run out of your StS AoE.
Class skills wise, I used to go Blade Storm. Twin Blade Storm is also equally good. At the end of the day, it's down to whether you prefer that default 4% damage bonus against more than 2 foes or 25% chance to cause +5% damage AoE style.
If you're going to hit the PvP deck, better max out Marauder's Rush (i.e. to close down space against whoever unlucky enough to be engaged) as you'll nvr know when you'll get CC'd+ganked (apart from combat HRs, TRs are also terribly insane in Domination).
Skirmish-wise, I suggest a more buff-friendly skill set (most notably Oak Armor and that max HP buff thingy) albeit you'll need to have StS as CC support.
In running dungeons, best if you go StS as CC support w/1 buff and 1 hitter (altho chances are that you'll get a range spec HR for both dungeons and skirmish).
The thing abt HR is that you'll most def get a skill set with an equal mix of AoE and dueling excellence. Very suitable for solo PvE and PvP (combat spec) and very team friendly (for dungeons and skirmishes if we're talking abt range/trap spec. That plus range spec tend to come out tops in group PvE due to applying the Prey status). The trickiest part lies in switching stance. If you can't get this right, forget abt playing HR. You'll need Swift Hunter to bail yourself out, no matter what and how (which is the main reason why my HR can get himself out of whatever dangerous circumstances at hand).
Cant really believe there is still no faith on HR for dungeons yet, specially since IMO its one of the most versatile classes out there, if not the most, going from DPS to tanking with a few power changes
at 16GS pathfinder,,going on the most important archery feats 4/5, why? because that also reaches 4/5 deft strikes and ignore completely the combat tree, we got 6 encounters, its time to use them, some aspectOfTheSerpent + agile combatant feat and you will be leaping in, out and around combat, taking little damage while your screen looks something like this:
still havent gotten anywhere below 2nd in paingiver in months save for a few times when having 18-19GS involved: you got hard hitting powers that make you immune to damage in foxShift ,passive buffs on both damage and survival, DoT on Aimstrike and rainOfSwords, healing in OakSkin and Hunter'sTeamwork, constant dmg Aoe in thornWard and focused dmg Aoe on RainofArrows, free dodges for the whole party on foxCunning, great party mitigation on BoarHide and lets not forget the monstruisity that SeismicShot is, an Aimshot to anything in front of you, not to mention speed buffs here and there
Maybe not as scary as those omg combat hunters in pvp? well it does more damage than them at the cost of some survival, but nothing marauder's cant get you out across half the map in a cricket leap away and into a newer unwary target, add the extra AP from marauder's to hide with forestGhost and a nice spot and aimShot your Prey'd target away while still gaining stillness of the forest extra crit chance
Did you stack armorPen and lack deflect? add a green glyph and loneWolf, going in a dungeon to mow down mobs? white glyph + aspectOfThePack, does your team need to survive more? Free dodges and mitigation for everyone with your buffs
Or you could purple up your blacksmith, and your evoker, stack defence, regen and deflect, stand completely still in dungeons and let things hit you till they die.
im sorry but i don't get how usefull 1% hp from lets 30k hp , it doesn't even stack !
The question as to how PF have more survivability is 2 things that SW's don't have. Slasher's Mark daily, you can use this is sticky situations to leap out of aoe's, and helps the team as well as everyone will be getting close to unlimited stamina for a few seconds. Then there's careful attack, which is a dot that ticks when your party members hits that target. It should account for around 20% of a PF's overall dps, and helps with your LS at the times that you can't attack to regain hp. It's much less dps for groups clearing, and more useful for single targets.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
Back to the OP, there's is no point in ever bringing around an HR, just like there's no point in bringing anyone specifically. It just depends what's your objective is. Are you planning on speed runs to clear the dungeon asap? Or are you planning to have fun?
I have both a CW and HR that's close to BiS (full legendaries but mostly rank 9s). They're both spec'd to PvP, but I haven't met any PvE content since mod 2 that doesn't welcome PvP spec characters. I've recently been helping my missus's SW to gear up, so we've been doing most dungeons where we're practically 2-manning things (we contributed to around 80% of overall damage on average). The only dungeon where I feel like my CW is needed would be VT, as I generally like to pull as many mobs as I can. For all the other dungeons, I actually prefer playing my HR more, as it's more fun and I don't have to keep dodging to avoid dying.
In terms of damage. I was not used to my CW not being top of painsgiver chart once my missus's SW obtain her full PvE set and running fury spec. However, SW's damage relies on how the mobs are pulled. If the party has 3 CW's that's melting mobs too fast, then the SW seems to do less. Then there's my HR that can't really compete in these situations for dps, as I'm using GPF and running PF combat spec, I'll still do more damage than a lot CWs and most other classes, so it's not useless.
So what's the role of Hunter Rangers? To have fun. If you want to do everything with a party of 4 CWs + 1 SW, then there's no need to invite anyone else. HRs can debuff mobs, and use fox cunning to save the party from being 1 shotted, but it's not needed.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
Sometimes it isnt all about dps. Teamwork, covering fire and party survival is important too. Whats sad in this game is ppl tend to focus too much on dps that they dun even rezz his teammate fallen beside him. Some even wants teammate to die so he can have lead in scoreboard..which is very very sad..
that is basically the role of the tr, snipe the toughies..... but hr does it so much better doing it, ranged more single target and more aoe in the meanwhile.
well yeah its the most fun for me and why i play it, but i still hold on my though that the cw dominance is not that so in a few instances. Ill take multiple hr for lol over multiple cws, not htat much to control and more single target ad more fox cunning when it counts.
All the comments in here praising awesome HRs and HAMSTER are all talking about PVP. Everyone is aware of how broken the Combat tree is atm, and it will stay that way for a while. You don't need to be good at HR to tear people up in PVP.
Just like you don't need to be good at SW to ezmode a dungeon.
HRs bring nothing to the table in dungeons. Right now, they do out DPS CWs but not by that much - and they are 1000% out dps'd by SWs. An SW with 2-3K less GS than you and inferior enchants if played right will completely dominate you in damage no matter what. SWs are simply broken in PVE atm.
HRs bring nothing to PVE. They have no purpose. Cryptic wants them to be glass cannon DPSers.. but they are failing hard at that because they are 1000% not even close to being top DPS.
HRs dominate PVP only because combat tree is so broken. Enjoy the salt when the nerfs come.
-someone very annoyed and sick of this game playing his HR.
also - I know how to play my class. I was just about never out dps'd before the 'buff' to HRs that also brought SWs into the game and gave CWs some pve buffs. There was a reason for me to be in a party. Once an actual difficult dungeon comes out unless there's a change to HRs there will be zero reason to bring them to the party. Just like how it was for TRs and GFs before. (TRs getting buffed now so maybe itll change for em, and GFs already seeing a lot of action now)
By the gods, man. If you don't think HR's are worth playing, why do you play one? There isn't really any Class that is needed in this game. You have variety so you can find something that is FUN to play. That's the whole point. When you begin obsessing with being top Pain Giver or most kills or highest gear score or being tripped in Legendary everything with R10s slotted in everything, it stops being a game.
I disagree, HR doesnt blow, while theyre obv not the top class but id say its in the top classes. Ur right that cw are still better because of the control and sw has highest dps, but If u already have a a couple cw and a sw bringing a hr is a very good addition as the dps is there, it can tanksingle targets (without making it run around evrywhere like the other 2), give extra debuffs and give a great buff in almost permanent combat advantage wich is a huge dmg buff depending on how ur built. (easily 30% for a cw, for me with a an epic blink dog is like 25%.)
Yeah Sw is broken and has highest dps because of TT, but a Hr has more single target than a SW (those true singe target moments where a sw cant ffed his TT), it is the highest single target dpser right now. Easy to see when ur catching up to the TT burst after its gone and ur dpsing a boss. And no, a lesser geared geared sw wont outdps me, equally geared yes, but i tend to even out with sw with around 1k-1.5k gs lower with perfect weapon enchant and sometimes even legendary mainhands. Im not saying sw doesnt outdps a hr, buts its not as exagerated as seem to point out.... and they will eventually nerf TT even more.
in any dungeon cw is the maestro of the party ecxept maybe Lol , he's the one who group adds and decide wich way to pull them , he stun them prone them etc ... so if any class is the most needed in a dungeon , its the cw , the rest are just optional , secondaries , a little plus acording to the class !
just my 2 cents , i play/love both hr and cw
Peace !
I am lousy at dodging with my HR ( seems so much easier with GWF and SW) and get often cornered by mobs but it is fun if I manage to get out of there
I tend to overuse splitshot against mobs but it is so bloody fun - like a shotgun. For me HR is all about the fun
PS - I dont do PVP much.
A good hybrid hunter ranger played skillfully in PvP is amazing and darn fun to watch to.
PvE dps is not always about the numbers although HRs played skillfully can still easily take the 1 or 2 slot. How many times have you been in a group that looked like a wipe and then that HR with his ability not just to DPS but also survive and escape and still finish the boss off saved the group from another 15 minute battle on the same boss.
True. Having been the HR who's done that <cough> DV <cough>, it comes amazingly handy to have that potential hardiness/slipperiness.
Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
Totaly agreed..its not all about work, gameplay & survivability are more the old saying a dead dps is not a dps..numbers are just numbers..finishing the dungeon is another thing..i stop looking at paingiver chart for sometime i can focus on playing the game rather that trying to plan how to boost my ranking in paingiver chart.. quite frankly it end up being more enjoyable.. as i m able to play the playstyle i like rather than restrict myself to focus on pulling out more damage
CC-wise, Split the Sky is your best bet.
Aspect of the Lone Wolf is a must if we're talking abt rank 3.
Disruptive Shot is also a must if you happen to play Stormwarden. I have fun pulling this off before executing Aimed Strike.
Cold Steel Hurricane, however, can be really dodgy since it's only arguably useful in hitting the dungeons.
Aimed Strike and Rain of Swords are now my current fave one-two link-up in terms of PvE due to the Bleed factor. Done correctly, you can kill off a boss in 1 vs 1.
Fox Shift is useful as a follow up to Split the Sky. If you happen to have a Striker or a Defender kitted w/offensive gear, it can be extremely fun. Just make sure you don't run out of your StS AoE.
Class skills wise, I used to go Blade Storm. Twin Blade Storm is also equally good. At the end of the day, it's down to whether you prefer that default 4% damage bonus against more than 2 foes or 25% chance to cause +5% damage AoE style.
If you're going to hit the PvP deck, better max out Marauder's Rush (i.e. to close down space against whoever unlucky enough to be engaged) as you'll nvr know when you'll get CC'd+ganked (apart from combat HRs, TRs are also terribly insane in Domination).
Skirmish-wise, I suggest a more buff-friendly skill set (most notably Oak Armor and that max HP buff thingy) albeit you'll need to have StS as CC support.
In running dungeons, best if you go StS as CC support w/1 buff and 1 hitter (altho chances are that you'll get a range spec HR for both dungeons and skirmish).
The thing abt HR is that you'll most def get a skill set with an equal mix of AoE and dueling excellence. Very suitable for solo PvE and PvP (combat spec) and very team friendly (for dungeons and skirmishes if we're talking abt range/trap spec. That plus range spec tend to come out tops in group PvE due to applying the Prey status). The trickiest part lies in switching stance. If you can't get this right, forget abt playing HR. You'll need Swift Hunter to bail yourself out, no matter what and how (which is the main reason why my HR can get himself out of whatever dangerous circumstances at hand).
at 16GS pathfinder,,going on the most important archery feats 4/5, why? because that also reaches 4/5 deft strikes and ignore completely the combat tree, we got 6 encounters, its time to use them, some aspectOfTheSerpent + agile combatant feat and you will be leaping in, out and around combat, taking little damage while your screen looks something like this:
still havent gotten anywhere below 2nd in paingiver in months save for a few times when having 18-19GS involved: you got hard hitting powers that make you immune to damage in foxShift ,passive buffs on both damage and survival, DoT on Aimstrike and rainOfSwords, healing in OakSkin and Hunter'sTeamwork, constant dmg Aoe in thornWard and focused dmg Aoe on RainofArrows, free dodges for the whole party on foxCunning, great party mitigation on BoarHide and lets not forget the monstruisity that SeismicShot is, an Aimshot to anything in front of you, not to mention speed buffs here and there
Maybe not as scary as those omg combat hunters in pvp? well it does more damage than them at the cost of some survival, but nothing marauder's cant get you out across half the map in a cricket leap away and into a newer unwary target, add the extra AP from marauder's to hide with forestGhost and a nice spot and aimShot your Prey'd target away while still gaining stillness of the forest extra crit chance
Did you stack armorPen and lack deflect? add a green glyph and loneWolf, going in a dungeon to mow down mobs? white glyph + aspectOfThePack, does your team need to survive more? Free dodges and mitigation for everyone with your buffs
Sry. No, HRs are fun everywhere.