this was promised with mod 4 but instaed of balance they only made cws even more broken and ovrbuffed gf and hr can we even hope new update will end cws stacking and improve dc,tr?or they will just let cws being broken for even more time
Major updates to Cerics and Rogue, a la the same kind of changes that were applied to all other classes (save Warlock) - these will be "buffs/re-do" types of changes (for example: Cleric feat trees getting an overhaul, etc.). I suspect there *may* be some kind of nerfing of Warlock play as it feels (to me) just *slightly* OP and its self-heals are crazy powerful.
Other than that, there is the whole PvP perspective and THAT is a massive can of Medusa worms.
The more important question is: Will module 5 bring endgame content worth doing?
What is the point of balancing classes at the high end level when there is nothing worth your time?
The short answer to this question is no, of course not. This is a F2P game, they can't afford to sink an entire mod's budget into one big, hard (and well-polished) dungeon/raid. In sub games these things tend to work better because the company has it's money and can afford to let players get drops without creating hundreds of overnight millionaires just by having reasonable drop rates.
The short answer to this questions is no, of course not. This is a F2P game, they can't afford to sink an entire mod's budget into one big, hard (and well-polished) dungeon/raid. In sub games these things tend to work better because the company has it's money and can afford to let players get drops without creating hundreds of overnight millionaires just by having reasonable drop rates.
Problem is, the lack of an endgame has caused a mass exodus and does not keep players around. Less and less players go back when a new module is announced and even then players leave the game in shorter and shorter amounts of time after checking out the new module and only seeing dailies and what-not.
If they sunk some of their resources into a new viable endgame mode at the expense of dailies, so be it. Most players still can't get over the previous dailies anyways just because of the RNG-gating and how much tedious grinding it requires players to do.
Nevertheless, if this is the direction they are going with, I will say it is scary to see the game be put into maintenance mode when it had so much potential.
Lol how is hr and gf overbuffed ? Both classes still aren't really needed or maybe gf is wanted in a very few select dungeons. The gf did get what we should have always had though, and that's powers to give good team support so not sure why anyone would be annoyed with having a gf help them in dungeons (especially since we have been useless for a long time).
Dc, TR and hr needs a buff for pve I think but the only way to really do that is make them all get more dps since that's what this game is centered around. I think new dungeon mechanics would be the way to go, making it somehow so it's not all about dps, but skill and teamwork so all classes can contribute to the party.
this was promised with mod 4 but instaed of balance they only made cws even more broken and ovrbuffed gf and hr can we even hope new update will end cws stacking and improve dc,tr?or they will just let cws being broken for even more time
In MoD 4 they were trully trying to balance, guess what happened... they don't know how to balance...
In MoD 4 they were trully trying to balance, guess what happened... they don't know how to balance...
If it's so easy why haven't you applied for a job there so you can do it for them?
Balance is mostly subjective because there are far too many variables starting with individual players and how they play. The only "true blanace" that will satisfy everyone is to have only one race, one class, all with the exact same ability scores and feats and everything else (zero player customization) and it STILL wouldn't be balanced according to some players.
Hence, comments like the one I quote strike me as adolescent passive-aggressive at best. Had you stopped at "guess what happened" it would be an excellent, fair and accurate statement. But finishing it off with the snide remark totally kills it and only turns it into crybaby fodder. //justsaying
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited September 2014
And what class balance are you looking for? Are you looking for balance between 18-20k GS players blowing up content meant for 7-8k GS players? Or are you looking for better balance on the new content, that's designed differently.
We've seen them transition from "ADDFEST 2000" mode in the dungeons and boss fights, to small encounters with tougher enemies and boss fights that are mostly single target (Like in Lair of Lostmauth).
So it really depends on what you're asking for.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Balance is mostly subjective because there are far too many variables starting with individual players and how they play.
Well they managed to screw up spellstorm and master of flame with just a couple tiny tweaks. 3 TINY tweaks that make master of flame soooo vastly inferior. Explains much about their effort right there.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited September 2014
You can give Storm Spell a 0.5 or 1 second ICD, and you've fixed a majority of the CW problem.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
In sub games these things tend to work better because the company has it's money and can afford to let players get drops without creating hundreds of overnight millionaires just by having reasonable drop rates.
Can you tell me what sub gameS are those? I'm very curious.
epclipseingmoonMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2014
Mod 5 what I would like to see is true ballance.
First that must start with CW's and SW's dps being scaled back to the other class.
An MMORPG should not have a superior class that for instance a SW 12k Temptation spec can out dps a HR combat spec 19.1k.
I've course TR's and DC's need to be buffed to the other classes levels.
If it's so easy why haven't you applied for a job there so you can do it for them?
Balance is mostly subjective because there are far too many variables starting with individual players and how they play. The only "true blanace" that will satisfy everyone is to have only one race, one class, all with the exact same ability scores and feats and everything else (zero player customization) and it STILL wouldn't be balanced according to some players.
Hence, comments like the one I quote strike me as adolescent passive-aggressive at best. Had you stopped at "guess what happened" it would be an excellent, fair and accurate statement. But finishing it off with the snide remark totally kills it and only turns it into crybaby fodder. //justsaying
precisely the opposite. take the example in m1/gwf. the class was weak (with exception to some sentinels in pvp) and formless. if had "three strands" about what we wanted, is too much... but could be divided by different trees (or hybrid). something actually went live (a very diluted version) + the broken bleed (and iv).
With a new level of requirement, we return to ask for buffs in the preview m3, when the class passed the "rework". not only the class not passed for any "rework" - only the destroyer - as we were given a system of stacks that nobody asked.
and this has created a new standard of play that became this madness now (and which exceeds what was done to gwf).
Now what will be a buff to balance the dc with the gf for example? will double the damage of the party?
by the way, this is interesting. billy, jimmy, who cares, always ask by "x" and "y" changes. existed - not already exists - a "constant" about the "gwf future." which implies that, changed to ambition, but saw the same class.
was given something different than what we wanted ... so do not is a matter of listening to the community or not, is a matter of understanding why the community asks for "x" and not "y", and this demand experience with the class.
The only "true blanace" that will satisfy everyone is to have only one race, one class, all with the exact same ability scores and feats and everything else (zero player customization) and it STILL wouldn't be balanced according to some players.
Now you're confusing the definition of "balance" with the definition of equality.
A deifiniton of Balance (In game design) you can find is: "Balance is the concept and the practice of tuning a game's rules, usually with the goal of preventing any of its component systems from being ineffective or otherwise undesirable when compared to their peers".
So, for me this means that: all the builds and all the classes (done correctly) should be equally useful in different aspects or content of the game (and that profit should have more or less the same importance as their peers), but not necessarily equal.
Hence, comments like the one I quote strike me as adolescent passive-aggressive at best. Had you stopped at "guess what happened" it would be an excellent, fair and accurate statement. But finishing it off with the snide remark totally kills it and only turns it into crybaby fodder. //justsaying
So, for me this means that: all the builds and all the classes (done correctly) should be equally useful in different aspects or content of the game (and that profit should have more or less the same importance as their peers), but not necessarily equal.
There is only one aspect to the game - DPS.
The only content is killing monsters.
In order to even begin balancing the game they need to introduce more aspects and content that requires skills other than doing damage.
BE MAN and take the cw damage mercilessly. you do that? FINALLY have balls to do that? Take the utility of gf. reduce the tank of gwf. reduce the stealth of rogue (buff damage). Make sw / hr alternative versions of gwf/rogue, but even more fragile to compensate for the long range. dc is the new guy.
* people will cry becouse, you know, people will imagine that class A or B will be more privileged. But ok, the game now works fine.
but, you know... cw is cw... is time to sell things for the newly buffed HAMSTER class, the new class need shine... and cw is cw. I already said that?
There is only one aspect to the game - DPS.
The only content is killing monsters.
In order to even begin balancing the game they need to introduce more aspects and content that requires skills other than doing damage.
I agree, the only aspect on this game is DPS, so in order to see more balance Devs should do two things:
- First, get ride of their broken mechanics (this is Glyphs, OP passives, Cockatrice, etc...), those things are too OP and asks nothing of skill (they even remove the little skill factor from the game).
- Change the actual content and/or make more, and be creative on it, to make "DPS" (and speacially AOE DPS) not the only goal, in addition to reward players for completing their content correctly.
This can be done aplying different ways/mechanics, what I would like to see is a new Dungeon similar to CN, but in order to make the other classes more needed they could:
- Set traps randomly on the floor, not only the type of the one you step on and hurt you, maybe some others that push you down the cliff, or another that activate an encounter, etc...
- Bonus damage for DC on undead/cursed enemies.
- Less adds on Boss and a lot tougher ones, with better AI and abilities, that could make survability and single DPS more desirable.
- New PvP modes like CTF or LMS.
- etc...
soullesslordsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 54Arc User
edited September 2014
Why do people always complain about CW'S from what I am reading its either people who have maxed out gear bragging they can walk through any dungeon or PVP people complaining that they are getting bullied.
They really need to separate PVP from PVE they are two totally different games and use totally different gear.
When I do pvp and a trickster stays in permanent stealth is that fair for me I say no or when a GWF wont even let me jump down from the fire pit because he almost 1 shot kills me is that fair or when you have 1 guild that all they do is pvp and they wont let you down from the fire pit either is that fair no but its not my world so I accept it I'm there for the artifact and I know I'm going to get my butt kicked from one end of the map to the other, but when they come into pve I'm constantly picking their butt off the ground in dungeons and again not their world so all this crying needs to stop just because most of you posters here are the top of the class and have mastered all the little tricks of the game and are getting board think about this we are starting to get epic gear with epic stats so lets not do anymore nerfing.
I have spent many hours/months and allot of money on this game just to get my CW where I can finally start getting through good dungeons with out going through tons of potions and injury kits and yes I know how to play my CW but unlike most of the people that I see complaining and posting their stats I'm not maxed out with all rank 10's and epic gear on everything so quit crying about how bad you got it and adapt like all of us regular people and enjoy the game or better yet help the new people get through dungeons like I do and pick people up when they fall and stop kicking people out of dungeons because they have a low gears score they need to do these dungeons to get better gear so start HELPING them and lets make this a better place for everyone and quit screaming for nerfs.
I have spent many hours/months and allot of money on this game just to get my CW where I can finally start getting through good dungeons with out going through tons of potions and injury kits and yes I know how to play my CW but unlike most of the people that I see complaining and posting their stats I'm not maxed out with all rank 10's and epic gear on everything so quit crying about how bad you got it and adapt like all of us regular people and enjoy the game or better yet help the new people get through dungeons like I do and pick people up when they fall and stop kicking people out of dungeons because they have a low gears score they need to do these dungeons to get better gear so start HELPING them and lets make this a better place for everyone and quit screaming for nerfs.
I used to be in guilds that do this. That was when this game had endgame content (castle never and any tier 2 dungeon during DD). That was over a year ago.
Nowadays, those casual players will stay as casual players and go to another game. Why? Because that's all this game attracts nowadays. People do not see the light at the end of the tunnel because there is no light. Where are the 10-man, 25-man raids? Where is the new Castle Never? Where are guild vs guild? Where are the new pvp modes? Where are 10vs10 game modes?
Most people stop bothering trying to help newbies who are just going to quit and we never hear from them again. Sure this game still gets tons of new players, but those new players rarely develop into active members or hardcore players anymore.
1 - your community is the champion of asking (and getting) nerfs to other classes. one of its most respected top cw, creator of miraculous builds - ??? -. Admitted that not rest until the gwf had 20% of cw damage in PVE.
Your community is only now on the defensive after getting what he always wanted ... module after module
I just stopped to being "political"
2 - just to ilustrate my point
"his Dev Blog was written by Chris “Gentleman Crush” Meyer, Systems Designer
Control Wizards filled too many roles in groups and were more often than not the “right” choice for a group over other class, and this was very frustrating for people who played other classes. Given this we took a long look at how powerful their AoE was and how their various powers compared to each other. We decided to rebalance most of their powers to be more competitive with each other and much more in line with other classes.
Overall the changes will leave Control Wizards with more direct competition in group content and will let them more strongly fill the position of controlling all the foes on the battle field or doing heavy damage, but not both at once."
cw was always a mandatory class in pve filling all specialties (mandatory? Cw is the paradgma). the most eventually happens is one or two "joker" classes temporarily occupy a space of "equality". But in this ROTATION, cw is always the constant.
but what happens with the class "joker"? the "j"class gets a nerf becouse of pvp, which leads us to certain hypocrisy: pvp with all its imbalances has never been dominated like pve.
this guys always said "i will give a double check" or any bull**** like that on the balance between classes. is not surprising so many failures, the king (or queen) is ALWAYS the same class?
in the last module, gwf feets give a extra 13% damage bonus. This has been adjusted. the cw feets were giving 3x / 4x more damage bonus. why the devs not only adjust it and then some specific buffs to balance the class in pvp?
the problems TODAY is not just cw. tomorrow, the problems will change but cw problems stay. why? since beta, why? a real nerf to this class is the FIRST necessity to balance this game. until this module i NEVER said "nerf class A or B".
soullesslordsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 54Arc User
edited September 2014
I really like this game and I have some great players from another guild between mine and theirs we finally got 5 people to run dungeons without having to worry about getting kicked and we have grown very well helping each other but it don't come easy and when I see people scream nerf after we work so hard to get to the level where we can hold our own it gets frustrating because most of those people are the ones that have all the gear maxed out so why not scream hey buff this character or buff this one stop with the nerf just bring the others up don't bring certain ones down an example of those types of people that walk through everything is the guild Hmmmm don't think i can say their name but the are named after a popular TV show with bikers in it anyway every one of them you run into all have rank 10's and all epic gear and when new content comes out BAM they have all the news stuff and maxed out instantly and you are like how in the heck do they do that do they cheat or just got so much stuff in their guild bank that they can level any character and max them out over night unreal I'm not complaining that's great for them but lets stop nerfing things and start buffing the ones you think need it because the game is evolving to harder and harder stuff with these new legendary weapons and gear coming out.
this was promised with mod 4 but instaed of balance they only made cws even more broken and ovrbuffed gf and hr can we even hope new update will end cws stacking and improve dc,tr?or they will just let cws being broken for even more time
Are you STILL complaining about CWs in PvE? REALLY?
A CW is good, for sure, and it should be, but days of stacking them are GONE.
SW and HR both have the capability to beat CWs in DPS, and it's all fine.
I really like this game and I have some great players from another guild between mine and theirs we finally got 5 people to run dungeons without having to worry about getting kicked and we have grown very well helping each other but it don't come easy and when I see people scream nerf after we work so hard to get to the level where we can hold our own it gets frustrating because most of those people are the ones that have all the gear maxed out so why not scream hey buff this character or buff this one stop with the nerf just bring the others up don't bring certain ones down an example of those types of people that walk through everything is the guild Hmmmm don't think i can say their name but the are named after a popular TV show with bikers in it anyway every one of them you run into all have rank 10's and all epic gear and when new content comes out BAM they have all the news stuff and maxed out instantly and you are like how in the heck do they do that do they cheat or just got so much stuff in their guild bank that they can level any character and max them out over night unreal I'm not complaining that's great for them but lets stop nerfing things and start buffing the ones you think need it because the game is evolving to harder and harder stuff with these new legendary weapons and gear coming out.
his speech is precisely that of other classes, after a casual buff in pve, trying to justify youserlf to have finally a good place in game (cw players and other pvp cretins say "takedown hitme by 3457398475 k, roar have 5 sec cooldown, etc, and after the nerf, laugh here (because this is just trolling, of course). what does not change anything because people participating in this forum are an extract of the devs.
or you're totally reversing the order of hierarchy between classes, or is being deliberately dishonest.
I will not even comment about " cw is fine" because a class like sw can beat cw in damage.
katbozejziemiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 856Arc User
Are you STILL complaining about CWs in PvE? REALLY?
A CW is good, for sure, and it should be, but days of stacking them are GONE.
SW and HR both have the capability to beat CWs in DPS, and it's all fine.
You are correct in one way but not in the way you were intending...
Now with the good CWs I run with... going into Mod 4 they were worried what was to come.. Once mod 4 came and they had a little time to adjust they were absolutely delighted.. A good CW can be FAR more OP than in Mod 3.. the CWs had about the same dps as Mod 3 with the right build.. but in Mod 4 they got ABSURD control as well... I have a very good CW friend. in mod 3 we always built a party for CN with 2-3 CWs, DC and me.. Always was the party makeup.. Cn was easy but whatever... Once mod 4 started. the party makeup was him, me and 3 other party members (it didn't even matter what GS or class they were).. we would just be LF3M for CN.. whoever pmed us first got in the party.. it just didn't matter.. Why you ask? Because he could just perm CC all adds anyways while melting them faster than ever before... I would just single target draco... what everyone else did didn't even matter. He would completely control the fight and melt everything. So you right CW stacking isn't needed as much... but that's because 1 CW is capable of doing the job of CWs in mod 3...
Other than that, there is the whole PvP perspective and THAT is a massive can of Medusa worms.
What is the point of balancing classes at the high end level when there is nothing worth your time?
The short answer to this question is no, of course not. This is a F2P game, they can't afford to sink an entire mod's budget into one big, hard (and well-polished) dungeon/raid. In sub games these things tend to work better because the company has it's money and can afford to let players get drops without creating hundreds of overnight millionaires just by having reasonable drop rates.
Problem is, the lack of an endgame has caused a mass exodus and does not keep players around. Less and less players go back when a new module is announced and even then players leave the game in shorter and shorter amounts of time after checking out the new module and only seeing dailies and what-not.
If they sunk some of their resources into a new viable endgame mode at the expense of dailies, so be it. Most players still can't get over the previous dailies anyways just because of the RNG-gating and how much tedious grinding it requires players to do.
Nevertheless, if this is the direction they are going with, I will say it is scary to see the game be put into maintenance mode when it had so much potential.
Dc, TR and hr needs a buff for pve I think but the only way to really do that is make them all get more dps since that's what this game is centered around. I think new dungeon mechanics would be the way to go, making it somehow so it's not all about dps, but skill and teamwork so all classes can contribute to the party.
one years seeing stupid "nerfs / buffs",hypocrites projections, pretentious"reworks" , and all that cw fanaticism...
In MoD 4 they were trully trying to balance, guess what happened... they don't know how to balance...
If it's so easy why haven't you applied for a job there so you can do it for them?
Balance is mostly subjective because there are far too many variables starting with individual players and how they play. The only "true blanace" that will satisfy everyone is to have only one race, one class, all with the exact same ability scores and feats and everything else (zero player customization) and it STILL wouldn't be balanced according to some players.
Hence, comments like the one I quote strike me as adolescent passive-aggressive at best. Had you stopped at "guess what happened" it would be an excellent, fair and accurate statement. But finishing it off with the snide remark totally kills it and only turns it into crybaby fodder. //justsaying
We've seen them transition from "ADDFEST 2000" mode in the dungeons and boss fights, to small encounters with tougher enemies and boss fights that are mostly single target (Like in Lair of Lostmauth).
So it really depends on what you're asking for.
Well they managed to screw up spellstorm and master of flame with just a couple tiny tweaks. 3 TINY tweaks that make master of flame soooo vastly inferior. Explains much about their effort right there.
Making them useless in the DPS department in the process. It'll just force switches to MoF.
CW stands for Control Wizard, emphasis on Control, and not Commando Wizard as it is now.
Can you tell me what sub gameS are those? I'm very curious.
First that must start with CW's and SW's dps being scaled back to the other class.
An MMORPG should not have a superior class that for instance a SW 12k Temptation spec can out dps a HR combat spec 19.1k.
I've course TR's and DC's need to be buffed to the other classes levels.
We need ballance
Princess Amber - DC
Shieldmaiden Amber - GF
Valkyrie Amber - GWF
Huntress Amber - HR
precisely the opposite. take the example in m1/gwf. the class was weak (with exception to some sentinels in pvp) and formless. if had "three strands" about what we wanted, is too much... but could be divided by different trees (or hybrid). something actually went live (a very diluted version) + the broken bleed (and iv).
With a new level of requirement, we return to ask for buffs in the preview m3, when the class passed the "rework". not only the class not passed for any "rework" - only the destroyer - as we were given a system of stacks that nobody asked.
and this has created a new standard of play that became this madness now (and which exceeds what was done to gwf).
Now what will be a buff to balance the dc with the gf for example? will double the damage of the party?
by the way, this is interesting. billy, jimmy, who cares, always ask by "x" and "y" changes. existed - not already exists - a "constant" about the "gwf future." which implies that, changed to ambition, but saw the same class.
was given something different than what we wanted ... so do not is a matter of listening to the community or not, is a matter of understanding why the community asks for "x" and not "y", and this demand experience with the class.
Well, I'm not going to leave my studies to move to USA, learn to speak english and try to get hired on Cryptic to balance their game.
If you want to apply the "'x' is subjective" argument, well... everything is subjective, and from that beginning, we couldn't go anywhere.
That's the definition of complex.
Now you're confusing the definition of "balance" with the definition of equality.
A deifiniton of Balance (In game design) you can find is: "Balance is the concept and the practice of tuning a game's rules, usually with the goal of preventing any of its component systems from being ineffective or otherwise undesirable when compared to their peers".
So, for me this means that: all the builds and all the classes (done correctly) should be equally useful in different aspects or content of the game (and that profit should have more or less the same importance as their peers), but not necessarily equal.
That's subjective
The only content is killing monsters.
In order to even begin balancing the game they need to introduce more aspects and content that requires skills other than doing damage.
BE MAN and take the cw damage mercilessly. you do that? FINALLY have balls to do that? Take the utility of gf. reduce the tank of gwf. reduce the stealth of rogue (buff damage). Make sw / hr alternative versions of gwf/rogue, but even more fragile to compensate for the long range. dc is the new guy.
* people will cry becouse, you know, people will imagine that class A or B will be more privileged. But ok, the game now works fine.
but, you know... cw is cw... is time to sell things for the newly buffed HAMSTER class, the new class need shine... and cw is cw. I already said that?
I agree, the only aspect on this game is DPS, so in order to see more balance Devs should do two things:
- First, get ride of their broken mechanics (this is Glyphs, OP passives, Cockatrice, etc...), those things are too OP and asks nothing of skill (they even remove the little skill factor from the game).
- Change the actual content and/or make more, and be creative on it, to make "DPS" (and speacially AOE DPS) not the only goal, in addition to reward players for completing their content correctly.
This can be done aplying different ways/mechanics, what I would like to see is a new Dungeon similar to CN, but in order to make the other classes more needed they could:
- Set traps randomly on the floor, not only the type of the one you step on and hurt you, maybe some others that push you down the cliff, or another that activate an encounter, etc...
- Bonus damage for DC on undead/cursed enemies.
- Less adds on Boss and a lot tougher ones, with better AI and abilities, that could make survability and single DPS more desirable.
- New PvP modes like CTF or LMS.
- etc...
I don't know, that's what comes to my head now.
They really need to separate PVP from PVE they are two totally different games and use totally different gear.
When I do pvp and a trickster stays in permanent stealth is that fair for me I say no or when a GWF wont even let me jump down from the fire pit because he almost 1 shot kills me is that fair or when you have 1 guild that all they do is pvp and they wont let you down from the fire pit either is that fair no but its not my world so I accept it I'm there for the artifact and I know I'm going to get my butt kicked from one end of the map to the other, but when they come into pve I'm constantly picking their butt off the ground in dungeons and again not their world so all this crying needs to stop just because most of you posters here are the top of the class and have mastered all the little tricks of the game and are getting board think about this we are starting to get epic gear with epic stats so lets not do anymore nerfing.
I have spent many hours/months and allot of money on this game just to get my CW where I can finally start getting through good dungeons with out going through tons of potions and injury kits and yes I know how to play my CW but unlike most of the people that I see complaining and posting their stats I'm not maxed out with all rank 10's and epic gear on everything so quit crying about how bad you got it and adapt like all of us regular people and enjoy the game or better yet help the new people get through dungeons like I do and pick people up when they fall and stop kicking people out of dungeons because they have a low gears score they need to do these dungeons to get better gear so start HELPING them and lets make this a better place for everyone and quit screaming for nerfs.
I used to be in guilds that do this. That was when this game had endgame content (castle never and any tier 2 dungeon during DD). That was over a year ago.
Nowadays, those casual players will stay as casual players and go to another game. Why? Because that's all this game attracts nowadays. People do not see the light at the end of the tunnel because there is no light. Where are the 10-man, 25-man raids? Where is the new Castle Never? Where are guild vs guild? Where are the new pvp modes? Where are 10vs10 game modes?
Most people stop bothering trying to help newbies who are just going to quit and we never hear from them again. Sure this game still gets tons of new players, but those new players rarely develop into active members or hardcore players anymore.
1 - your community is the champion of asking (and getting) nerfs to other classes. one of its most respected top cw, creator of miraculous builds - ??? -. Admitted that not rest until the gwf had 20% of cw damage in PVE.
Your community is only now on the defensive after getting what he always wanted ... module after module
I just stopped to being "political"
2 - just to ilustrate my point
"his Dev Blog was written by Chris “Gentleman Crush” Meyer, Systems Designer
Control Wizards filled too many roles in groups and were more often than not the “right” choice for a group over other class, and this was very frustrating for people who played other classes. Given this we took a long look at how powerful their AoE was and how their various powers compared to each other. We decided to rebalance most of their powers to be more competitive with each other and much more in line with other classes.
Overall the changes will leave Control Wizards with more direct competition in group content and will let them more strongly fill the position of controlling all the foes on the battle field or doing heavy damage, but not both at once."
cw was always a mandatory class in pve filling all specialties (mandatory? Cw is the paradgma). the most eventually happens is one or two "joker" classes temporarily occupy a space of "equality". But in this ROTATION, cw is always the constant.
but what happens with the class "joker"? the "j"class gets a nerf becouse of pvp, which leads us to certain hypocrisy: pvp with all its imbalances has never been dominated like pve.
this guys always said "i will give a double check" or any bull**** like that on the balance between classes. is not surprising so many failures, the king (or queen) is ALWAYS the same class?
in the last module, gwf feets give a extra 13% damage bonus. This has been adjusted. the cw feets were giving 3x / 4x more damage bonus. why the devs not only adjust it and then some specific buffs to balance the class in pvp?
the problems TODAY is not just cw. tomorrow, the problems will change but cw problems stay. why? since beta, why? a real nerf to this class is the FIRST necessity to balance this game. until this module i NEVER said "nerf class A or B".
Are you STILL complaining about CWs in PvE? REALLY?
A CW is good, for sure, and it should be, but days of stacking them are GONE.
SW and HR both have the capability to beat CWs in DPS, and it's all fine.
his speech is precisely that of other classes, after a casual buff in pve, trying to justify youserlf to have finally a good place in game (cw players and other pvp cretins say "takedown hitme by 3457398475 k, roar have 5 sec cooldown, etc, and after the nerf, laugh here (because this is just trolling, of course). what does not change anything because people participating in this forum are an extract of the devs.
or you're totally reversing the order of hierarchy between classes, or is being deliberately dishonest.
I will not even comment about " cw is fine" because a class like sw can beat cw in damage.
Get out CW apologist.
Now with the good CWs I run with... going into Mod 4 they were worried what was to come.. Once mod 4 came and they had a little time to adjust they were absolutely delighted.. A good CW can be FAR more OP than in Mod 3.. the CWs had about the same dps as Mod 3 with the right build.. but in Mod 4 they got ABSURD control as well... I have a very good CW friend. in mod 3 we always built a party for CN with 2-3 CWs, DC and me.. Always was the party makeup.. Cn was easy but whatever... Once mod 4 started. the party makeup was him, me and 3 other party members (it didn't even matter what GS or class they were).. we would just be LF3M for CN.. whoever pmed us first got in the party.. it just didn't matter.. Why you ask? Because he could just perm CC all adds anyways while melting them faster than ever before... I would just single target draco... what everyone else did didn't even matter. He would completely control the fight and melt everything. So you right CW stacking isn't needed as much... but that's because 1 CW is capable of doing the job of CWs in mod 3...
out of control wizard lives more than ever