There is a lot of talk going around about the things that everyone is upset about with ToD, and a lot of this is being fueled by the upcoming Rise of Tiamat Mod 5. There are multiple places to talk about things we don't like and DON'T want--or want to see ended, so instead, the point of this thread is to post only what we DO want. I want this to be focused on thinking positively. Like, a wish list.
I want to see an AI for Tiamat that will knock my socks off, as in something that is not easily predictable. Heck... even a event where Tiamat takes the fight to Neverwinter (controlled by a living person). Now that would be a memorable fight/event.
Make it a new PvP module. Two teams, one for the cult one against. After certain objectives are met, one person gets chosen at random to become tiamat and has the chance to fight 9 players as the dragon. Write in that Tiamat consumes chosen player and now everyone has to fight the dragon, everyone becomes anti-cult.
Main things I want:
* Challenging dungeon, it's a dragon god after all.
* BoE loot, something that can be as profiable to do as CN
* New gear sets with compelling set bonuses (not really fussed, but it's disappointing to see the rest of the sets that aren't really useful.
* No dailies . Compelling content we choose and want to play over single player simple tasks that are there only to make it longer for the sake of being longer.
Rasiing of MC, VT, CN and LOL to legendary dungeon difficulty
5 new EPIC dungeons - One for each colour of Tiamats heads
1 new Legendary dungeon for tiamat herself
1-2 new PVP maps
Increase the loot, and drop rating of those legendary dungeons applicably. The existing Epic dungeons have become pedestrian for those of us over 16k GS - regardless of being T2, 2.5, or "3". So a new level is required while maintaining existing level content for players still levelling.
When it comes down to it we need more repeatable dungeon content with relevant loot (BOE boss drops preferred for ongoing sustainability). Massive Quest paths / dailies of Sharandar, Dread Ring, IceWind and ToD are fun with the 1st and 2nd toon but after that you just stop running the toons through it due to massive repetition which = reduced interest = more players leaving the game. Limit the content to dungeons and PVP maps, and your players will stay a lot longer.
Seperate event areas/dungeons/bosses based on level.
I think you end up with complaints about difficulty and loot because you have level 10 fighting the same boss as level 60 in events. The regular content dungeons are seperated. Sure, a level 60 can run the Blackdagger Keep, but they know they're playing for content, not loot.
I want that on a mini scale.
Say 1-29 get one area/dungeon/boss
30-59 another.
Level 60 get the hardest, including taking on Tiamat herself.
If you're higher you can backtrack to the lower areas/dungeons/bosses, but then you'd know you were playing strictly for content - as rewards would be scaled for the levels. Then it would also make the story involved more epic as each area would be involved in telling part of the story of Tiamat's rise.
Main things I want:
* Challenging dungeon, it's a dragon god after all.
* BoE loot, something that can be as profiable to do as CN
* New gear sets with compelling set bonuses (not really fussed, but it's disappointing to see the rest of the sets that aren't really useful.
* No dailies . Compelling content we choose and want to play over single player simple tasks that are there only to make it longer for the sake of being longer.
All of this!
It is pretty sad that with all the content that comes out 95% of the items are not as good as items from the launch of the game. I would love to have a new set of gear to work towards that is worth using vs not as good, but different.
BoE loot would deal with most of the complaints from the random chests that have been snuffing the fun out of the new content(***black ice gloves!***). Making the artifact belts BoE was a great choice because I will never grind 1000s of dragons to get the drop, but I gladly bought the one I wanted from the AH(I would of paid zen for it too). I only wish the weapons were BoE, so please give us more great items like the belts that are not as painful to get as the ones from the past.
Then there is what people have been asking for since mod1. We want another quality dungeon like Castle Never or even Clockwork Guild Tomb... pretty please?
Tiamat is supposed to be an extremely powerful GOD. So I don't think 5 level 20 Dungeons and Dragons players can possibly hope to take down a GOD, do you? Therefore I would love to see multiple dungeons where we weaken her to the point where she can finally be defeated in an all out epic dungeon finish that is really high end. I'm talking 16K GS plus. Make the other dungeons 14K required. Also, I want to see Tier 3 sets for all classes. I think draconic is technically Tier 3 isn't it? I am honestly not sure.
I do like dailies and I want to see some new dailies added, but don't require an HE. I want to see the kinds of dailies like we saw in sharandar or dread ring. I don't have to wait for a world boss to spawn. That'd be awesome. What I'm talking about are basically 3 dailies followed by a solo dungeon that can be completed in roughly 30 to 45 mins tops.
I'd like to see an easier way to obtain higher ranking vanilla enchants in game. What I'm talking about are like rank 5 or 6 silvery, dark, and the like. Let us get those as random drops! That'd be cool.
... Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting to apply!
Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
spike0337Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited September 2014
1: I'd like to see gear that you work for not randomly dropped.Something like run these dung./Skirmishes and collect materials for said gear. materials are not random you get it every time you run said thing.
2:Random stuff is bound to account if not BOE.I only say this because whats the point of getting a epic TR dagger on a GF.Don't know why it has to be bond to that char. and yes its ad but if you already have 500k RAD then why do i need an added 3k.
3:A boss fight that needs teamwork and not spawn adds. A fight where the boss is hard not the adds.One you need a tank to hold agro,a healer keeping the tank alive,and dps doing what they do best.Not 1-2 ppl running adds around and DPS kills the boss because he can't hit them.I'm talking about a boss where if the DPS pulls agro they die fast,so if you don't have a tank and a healer your team will loss every time.
4:Puzzles in dung. and lairs.where you need to think to get through and not just run through killing mobs.More then you need to turn this statue around lol.
5:Traps that will kill you and not do little DMG.Ones that you have to avoid or it hurts ... half HP gone or 1-hit ko.
Seperate event areas/dungeons/bosses based on level.
I think you end up with complaints about difficulty and loot because you have level 10 fighting the same boss as level 60 in events. The regular content dungeons are seperated. Sure, a level 60 can run the Blackdagger Keep, but they know they're playing for content, not loot.
I want that on a mini scale.
Say 1-29 get one area/dungeon/boss
30-59 another.
Level 60 get the hardest, including taking on Tiamat herself.
If you're higher you can backtrack to the lower areas/dungeons/bosses, but then you'd know you were playing strictly for content - as rewards would be scaled for the levels. Then it would also make the story involved more epic as each area would be involved in telling part of the story of Tiamat's rise.
I don't think there is point in doing pre-60 content, as the character I have played this far haven't been able to complete even all the story track before being level 60. Why waste resources on something there is already enough.
I would like to see:
- All Character bound items changed to account bound items with very few if any exceptions.
- Few new PvP maps. The two are getting old.
- Five headed dragon boss, from whom you must kill each head separately (each having own hp).
- Flying dragon mounts (not going to happen, but still).
- New Faster mounts. IWD is a pain to travel even with rank 3 mount. Alternatively other kind of teleport.
- Leveling re-enginered to reach level 100, with 5 levels in all feats.
- Past-60 exp rewards to give you enough paragon feat points to completely fill one path tree options one at a time.
- More other worth to have past-60 exp rewards. Perhaps even some extremely rare drop good items.
- Icewind Dale instance change allowed. I think everybody worth salt already knows how to circumvent the block and there really is no point for it anymore.
- Change instance timer reduced to 1 minutes. Faster teleports and less waiting with dragons.
- Dragon offtime timers reduced to 10 minutes. Seriously, 20 minutes break after every 20 minutes or even less (less than 1 minutes at some cases) if you have done your job poorly is impossibly stupid. I would have fired such employees already, dragons or not.
- Artifacts that give certain bonus to ALL your at-wills (or encounters or dailies or...). Basically making you bound to one at-will for rest of your game-life is incredibly stupid in game that should be about multitude of options (D&D).
- Possibility to use both, crapsy items and refining stones to refine artifacts.
- Possibility to see marker on all maps where you have quests available, daily or not.
- Possibility to access Lord Nevermember from opening screen like Rhix. Perhaps the daily quest menu there should have all Rhix, Domination Battlemaster and Lord Neveremember missions.
- Less BoP, more BoE.
- More sets of two items (2 ring sets, belt and neclace set, wep+offhand set).
- New epic gemmed shirt and panties set with set bonus. PvP set was disapointment being worse than the normal Gemmed shirts and panties, so please make them atleast salvageable and preferably new panty&shirty items will be equal in power or more powerful.
- Artifact Wep + Artifact Offhand item set with set bonus.
- More item sets with overload slots.
- Overload slots added to the two items that don't have them (boots and armor) and effects of all existing glyphs and black ice overload enchantments reduced by 50%.
- Perhaps even retroactively adding overload slots to some sets or making new versions of them with OL slots (PvP sets, HV, AoW etc highly used sets).
- Armors with double armor enchantment slots, perhaps artifacts. Currently it is rare to have anyone run with anything but Soulforged armor enchantment, as it is simply too useful to pass. Nothing else can save you solo in dungeons if you fall and getting once back up and having chance of escape is priceless in pvp too. Double armor enchants means you can use it and one other armor enchant to make the others actually usable. Just remember to make their effects unstackable, so people don't start to run with double Soulforged armors.
- Second Weapon enchantment slot might be too much (people running with plaguefire vorpals), but more configuring options might be welcome. Perhaps adding some weapon parts (hilts, blades, gems etc) that would allow you to configure your all weapon bonuses? These should be (preferably unbound or BoE at worst) non-refinable items, better drops just being more rare. To not overload the supply could be made by these being only replaceable, not removable.
Nothing more comes to mind with such short notice...
Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
edited September 2014
- Meaningful end-game content for pve.
- New pvp maps and introduce 10 v 10 as an option.
- New challenging dungeon on the scale of CN when it was released. LoL is okay but far too short.
- Gear sets reverting to same stats across all four pieces (ie Royal Guard) not mixed up like Black Ice/Draconic gear.
- Less dailies
- Less timers
- Less heroic encounters
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Then there is what people have been asking for since mod1. We want another quality dungeon like Castle Never or even Clockwork Guild Tomb... pretty please?
This. So much of this.
It would make my cry tears of joy.
If you have any time left after that, this:
Make a new dungeon class 'legendary'.
First everyone gets a 20% (or more) penalty on all its stats while inside.
Second a system that encourages mixed teams of different classes.
Following things could be done as example:
* Specific class powers, for example clerics could be the only class able to revive
except if someone brings an eye of lathander.
Add permadeath wanna bet clerics are going to be more popular?
* If you have 5 different classes, 100% chance the boss drops something,
4 different classes means 80% chance
Make it possible to keep running 3CW2GWF,
put give an incentive to mix it more up.
It should make picking enchants a real choice again,
and should stimulate playing all classes.
bloodyrampage0Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited September 2014
I would love to you Housing. Maybe just like the foundry a door you can use in PE that lets you zone into your Inn room where you have a nice atleast 5 room apartment with maybe a balcony over looking PE. In the Future maybe guild zones where your guild has a fortress or town instance with 50 or so plots (A guild can get more instances if needed they will have guild named and a number).There will also be non guild instances with random names like "Knox's Retreat" so everyone can also make houses. Each instance allows a player to pick a plot set up a house they bought from an NPC for AD or nicer houses from the zen market. Also each plot will have a yard that lets the player add AD/Zen/Gold items to customize it and the door of the house leads into the house instance which is at least a 4 room house with more AD/Zen/Gold items inside to customize. Almost every game I have ever played has had housing and its not only a nice place to met guildies and players but also a place to go relax and just take a break. It not only creates revenue for the company running the game that gives them the money for upgrades and maintenance but it also gives players a way to customize their characters even more and relax and enjoy as their house turns slowly into a home where they can relax and watch a fireplace or play some music from a box they just bought.
A Smarter Companion:
I would love a companion that is smart enough to know to avoid the red or maybe could stay max melee if its a caster. My apprentice healer always loves charging and standing right in from of any monster it can find and get eaten by red areas lol.
Guild Voice Chat:
We have a party voice chat I would love if they would extend it to let the player also have a guild voice chat channel.. What if Im in a group with random people but I want to tell my guildies something. Its very hard to do a dungeon and type messages to people without dyeing sometimes.. Thats no problem with a guild voice chat just tell you party in the party voice chat brb have to talk to my guild. Click the voice chat bar and pick guild chat tell them what you need and then you can flip back to party chat. Not only that but if your working on your dailys you can have a nice conversation with your guildies without having to always use 3rd party applications that have to have subscriptions.
Dungeon Repetition:
Also if its possible I would like random generated dungeons. Since this game keeps going more and more to grinding and repetitive daily's it would be nice if we had a dungeon that would give you a possibility of 3 different paths. Kinda of like that skirmish with the table tops games you queue up and there were a few possibilities on what game you would get and each with a different area mobs and story.
Mentoring System:
I have all level 60s but a friend of mine I recommended the game to just started playing. The first question he asks is can I play with him on any of my characters well the answer is no I have to make a new character if I have the slots for it and start all over including daily's,gear,companions, and then I have to try to keep his level so I cant play unless he is thats allot of hassle just so I can play with him. If they can have event skirmishes where players from all levels can play together then why cant they make some sort of mentoring system.
Content (realms, foes, mechanics, dungeons)
Preview server community feedback being taken into account
A Paladin class, also an offensive fighter class
One RNG which generates as many 99s as zeroes
Adherence to DnD
Balanced DPS in Blizzard's sense, aka no more than 5% difference between best and weakest
Chinese farmer bots in Blacklake District being eradicated
Chinese farmer goldspammers in Protector Enclave being eradicated
ToD = ..........
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited September 2014
Just Dungeons.. I think they have dragons covered .. LOL.
oh.. let me put it better, DDs that actually work. HA.
1-TR and DC overhaul
2-more pvp maps and modes (grab the flag for instance)
3-guild halls
4-epic dungeon with harder difficulty with good drops that don't have a 0.00001% drop chance.
5-many foundry improvements:
a)more than 5 people can enter the same quest.
b)additional treasure chests and skill nodes.
c)real bosses
d)side quests appear on quest tab
e)bigger maps with higher asset limit
I'd like to see new purple equipment (Tier 3) that gives set bonuses like usual, but allows stat points to be modified based upon the wearer's needs. For example, when first equipped, a screen would pop-up to allow the wearer to distribute stats in the areas he/she wants, with some limitations so you couldn't have an item with +2,000 power only and nothing else. This would allow people to place points where they need them the most, such as Life Steal, Deflect, etc.
Again, there would need to be some sort of max/min settings for each, probably a cap of 600 for any given stat and a minimum of something like 80-100. The points could be added in increments of 10 units until the total points are used up.
Just a thought - would be something unique and would probably drive people to go after the gear!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Dungeons that take longer than skirmishes, and are mildly challenging- make epic mode a real beast. Some signs of progress in boss design were apparent in LoL, but take it further. Make boss fights possible to fail for lack of skill rather than just lack of gear. Add some new PvP maps and/or gametypes. Make massive burn-to-the-ground fixes to those wretched glyphs and KV that basically rendered PvP pointless in mod 4.
Make the balance center around a main course of content with a side order of dailies- rather than than constantly wading through dailies, with no time for anything fun except possibly at weekends when you can waste a little more time.
I want a feature that lets you turn off zone currency auto loot like dwarven relics and also turns off the auto loot of lock boxes. I'm tired of cleaning out my bags...
1. Fixes in general
2. DC & TR (I know they will be in M5, but I hope their changes are nice)
3. PVP maps like:
- capture the flag
- KOTH (King of the Hill, hold 1 point, though with some changes)
- 1v1 2v2 etc any of those
- expand the GG, maybe
4. PVE: longer (maybe I don t want to spend 24h in a single dungeon) and more complicated like:
- team splitting
- the team set up influences the way you take (or the way you can chose)
- traps, nice ones like fake doors or teleporting doors
- better use of terrain advantage and cover (maybe)
- huuuuge foundry update including new costumes and other assets, boss fights, features like race checks or optional quest paths, bug fixes
- Content that is not painfuly repetitiv
- playable cleric class
-huuuge foundry update...
More challenging content, just like MC when it was released. With ok BoE drops. I miss the 45 mins format with lots of adds inside. I want a living dungeon which isn't a ghost town with super mario jumps to fill the blanks and with a lot of enemies inside! And a boss that may be feared, not karrundax 2.0 ala flap wings, breathe fire, whip tail and aoe around the central piece of meat.
mnemosiusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2014
I would like to see a rework of weapon and armor enchants. Weapon enchants other than vorpal could actually be based on total damage, and not weapon damage, and maybe some of the lesser-used armor enchants could have their cooldown times reduced?
- AH usability overhaul
- Mail usability overhaul
- Companion utility overhaul
- Currencies overhaul
- Incremental options for gear & stuff - keep the "lucky" drops, but add a system to get the most desired items by working towards them
I don't really feel like I need "more content" at this point, i'll rather have existing stuff overhauled and improved, and made usable.
I personally am less interested in new content (especially new currencies...). I want GUILD HOUSES in an similar fashion to STO's Fleet Starbases. Besides, there's all sorts of possibilities for time/AD sinks and new content around guild houses anyway. Heck, make it a quest thing - STO didn't really do that, but has added *some* content/instance type things to the bases since they implemented them. Neverwinter has, generally speaking, done a better job of everything relative to STO that is in both games, but there are a few very major things STO still has that NW desperately needs: Guild Houses and 1 on 1 PvP challenges.
I don't think there is point in doing pre-60 content, as the character I have played this far haven't been able to complete even all the story track before being level 60. Why waste resources on something there is already enough.
Event areas, not permanent areas. As I'm guessing Tiamat is going to be an event, not a permanent. And there's very good reasons for wanting it. If an event area is meant for everyone, then of course the drops aren't going to be the high end drops the level 60s want, because you aren't going to hand it out in an area where a level 10 is playing. You aren't even going to hand it out where a level 30 is playing, really. And if it's an event, all level of players are going to want to play.
I understand those playing awhile want content meant specifically for them, and I'm all for a new permanent dungeon for the stronger players. Event-wise, though you can't just ignore the new players, or say - sorry this event is only for level 60, better luck next time. So if you make seperate areas for the lower level players then you can give the level 60s the better drops they want in their event area. You could also make sure it was extremely difficult, as a level 15 wouldn't wander in and get splatted in 2 seconds. Also there wouldn't be quite so many players trying to be in the same area, either, as you'd be playing the event in your level's area.
And I think it would be really amazing if they made them seperate stories, not just the same thing with less difficulty based on level. Actually unique areas and fights depending on what area you play. Maybe the lower levels could face a Cult Boss, the mids take on several seperate dragons, and the level 60s take on Tiamat.
I want to see a class that punches things added to the game. Because we're getting the mother of all dragons (pun intended) in the game with five faces all just begging to be punched in.
- AH usability overhaul
- Mail usability overhaul
- Companion utility overhaul
- Currencies overhaul
- Incremental options for gear & stuff - keep the "lucky" drops, but add a system to get the most desired items by working towards them
I don't really feel like I need "more content" at this point, i'll rather have existing stuff overhauled and improved, and made usable.
I am for all those ideas.
I think the weakest ones are Ah usability, mail usability and currencies overhaul in that order from meh to the weakest.
I'd like to see Bahamut and His children finally join the fight against Tiamat. I think it would be cool if when we fight Her, Bahamut enters the fray to hold Her attention while we dodge bad, kill Her minions, then deliver the coup de grace.
Where have the good dragons been hiding throughout all this anyways? Are their eggs being held hostage again?
Make it a new PvP module. Two teams, one for the cult one against. After certain objectives are met, one person gets chosen at random to become tiamat and has the chance to fight 9 players as the dragon. Write in that Tiamat consumes chosen player and now everyone has to fight the dragon, everyone becomes anti-cult.
* Challenging dungeon, it's a dragon god after all.
* BoE loot, something that can be as profiable to do as CN
* New gear sets with compelling set bonuses (not really fussed, but it's disappointing to see the rest of the sets that aren't really useful.
* No dailies
Increase the loot, and drop rating of those legendary dungeons applicably. The existing Epic dungeons have become pedestrian for those of us over 16k GS - regardless of being T2, 2.5, or "3". So a new level is required while maintaining existing level content for players still levelling.
When it comes down to it we need more repeatable dungeon content with relevant loot (BOE boss drops preferred for ongoing sustainability). Massive Quest paths / dailies of Sharandar, Dread Ring, IceWind and ToD are fun with the 1st and 2nd toon but after that you just stop running the toons through it due to massive repetition which = reduced interest = more players leaving the game. Limit the content to dungeons and PVP maps, and your players will stay a lot longer.
I think you end up with complaints about difficulty and loot because you have level 10 fighting the same boss as level 60 in events. The regular content dungeons are seperated. Sure, a level 60 can run the Blackdagger Keep, but they know they're playing for content, not loot.
I want that on a mini scale.
Say 1-29 get one area/dungeon/boss
30-59 another.
Level 60 get the hardest, including taking on Tiamat herself.
If you're higher you can backtrack to the lower areas/dungeons/bosses, but then you'd know you were playing strictly for content - as rewards would be scaled for the levels. Then it would also make the story involved more epic as each area would be involved in telling part of the story of Tiamat's rise.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
All of this!
It is pretty sad that with all the content that comes out 95% of the items are not as good as items from the launch of the game. I would love to have a new set of gear to work towards that is worth using vs not as good, but different.
BoE loot would deal with most of the complaints from the random chests that have been snuffing the fun out of the new content(***black ice gloves!***). Making the artifact belts BoE was a great choice because I will never grind 1000s of dragons to get the drop, but I gladly bought the one I wanted from the AH(I would of paid zen for it too). I only wish the weapons were BoE, so please give us more great items like the belts that are not as painful to get as the ones from the past.
Then there is what people have been asking for since mod1. We want another quality dungeon like Castle Never or even Clockwork Guild Tomb... pretty please?
I do like dailies and I want to see some new dailies added, but don't require an HE. I want to see the kinds of dailies like we saw in sharandar or dread ring. I don't have to wait for a world boss to spawn. That'd be awesome. What I'm talking about are basically 3 dailies followed by a solo dungeon that can be completed in roughly 30 to 45 mins tops.
I'd like to see an easier way to obtain higher ranking vanilla enchants in game. What I'm talking about are like rank 5 or 6 silvery, dark, and the like. Let us get those as random drops! That'd be cool.
Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting to apply!
Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
2:Random stuff is bound to account if not BOE.I only say this because whats the point of getting a epic TR dagger on a GF.Don't know why it has to be bond to that char. and yes its ad but if you already have 500k RAD then why do i need an added 3k.
3:A boss fight that needs teamwork and not spawn adds. A fight where the boss is hard not the adds.One you need a tank to hold agro,a healer keeping the tank alive,and dps doing what they do best.Not 1-2 ppl running adds around and DPS kills the boss because he can't hit them.I'm talking about a boss where if the DPS pulls agro they die fast,so if you don't have a tank and a healer your team will loss every time.
4:Puzzles in dung. and lairs.where you need to think to get through and not just run through killing mobs.More then you need to turn this statue around lol.
5:Traps that will kill you and not do little DMG.Ones that you have to avoid or it hurts ... half HP gone or 1-hit ko.
6:Real boss fights added to foundry.
I don't think there is point in doing pre-60 content, as the character I have played this far haven't been able to complete even all the story track before being level 60. Why waste resources on something there is already enough.
I would like to see:
- All Character bound items changed to account bound items with very few if any exceptions.
- Few new PvP maps. The two are getting old.
- Five headed dragon boss, from whom you must kill each head separately (each having own hp).
- Flying dragon mounts (not going to happen, but still).
- New Faster mounts. IWD is a pain to travel even with rank 3 mount. Alternatively other kind of teleport.
- Leveling re-enginered to reach level 100, with 5 levels in all feats.
- Past-60 exp rewards to give you enough paragon feat points to completely fill one path tree options one at a time.
- More other worth to have past-60 exp rewards. Perhaps even some extremely rare drop good items.
- Icewind Dale instance change allowed. I think everybody worth salt already knows how to circumvent the block and there really is no point for it anymore.
- Change instance timer reduced to 1 minutes. Faster teleports and less waiting with dragons.
- Dragon offtime timers reduced to 10 minutes. Seriously, 20 minutes break after every 20 minutes or even less (less than 1 minutes at some cases) if you have done your job poorly is impossibly stupid. I would have fired such employees already, dragons or not.
- Artifacts that give certain bonus to ALL your at-wills (or encounters or dailies or...). Basically making you bound to one at-will for rest of your game-life is incredibly stupid in game that should be about multitude of options (D&D).
- Possibility to use both, crapsy items and refining stones to refine artifacts.
- Possibility to see marker on all maps where you have quests available, daily or not.
- Possibility to access Lord Nevermember from opening screen like Rhix. Perhaps the daily quest menu there should have all Rhix, Domination Battlemaster and Lord Neveremember missions.
- Less BoP, more BoE.
- More sets of two items (2 ring sets, belt and neclace set, wep+offhand set).
- New epic gemmed shirt and panties set with set bonus. PvP set was disapointment being worse than the normal Gemmed shirts and panties, so please make them atleast salvageable and preferably new panty&shirty items will be equal in power or more powerful.
- Artifact Wep + Artifact Offhand item set with set bonus.
- More item sets with overload slots.
- Overload slots added to the two items that don't have them (boots and armor) and effects of all existing glyphs and black ice overload enchantments reduced by 50%.
- Perhaps even retroactively adding overload slots to some sets or making new versions of them with OL slots (PvP sets, HV, AoW etc highly used sets).
- Armors with double armor enchantment slots, perhaps artifacts. Currently it is rare to have anyone run with anything but Soulforged armor enchantment, as it is simply too useful to pass. Nothing else can save you solo in dungeons if you fall and getting once back up and having chance of escape is priceless in pvp too. Double armor enchants means you can use it and one other armor enchant to make the others actually usable. Just remember to make their effects unstackable, so people don't start to run with double Soulforged armors.
- Second Weapon enchantment slot might be too much (people running with plaguefire vorpals), but more configuring options might be welcome. Perhaps adding some weapon parts (hilts, blades, gems etc) that would allow you to configure your all weapon bonuses? These should be (preferably unbound or BoE at worst) non-refinable items, better drops just being more rare. To not overload the supply could be made by these being only replaceable, not removable.
Nothing more comes to mind with such short notice...
- New pvp maps and introduce 10 v 10 as an option.
- New challenging dungeon on the scale of CN when it was released. LoL is okay but far too short.
- Gear sets reverting to same stats across all four pieces (ie Royal Guard) not mixed up like Black Ice/Draconic gear.
- Less dailies
- Less timers
- Less heroic encounters
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
This. So much of this.
It would make my cry tears of joy.
If you have any time left after that, this:
Make a new dungeon class 'legendary'.
First everyone gets a 20% (or more) penalty on all its stats while inside.
Second a system that encourages mixed teams of different classes.
Following things could be done as example:
* Specific class powers, for example clerics could be the only class able to revive
except if someone brings an eye of lathander.
Add permadeath wanna bet clerics are going to be more popular?
* If you have 5 different classes, 100% chance the boss drops something,
4 different classes means 80% chance
Make it possible to keep running 3CW2GWF,
put give an incentive to mix it more up.
It should make picking enchants a real choice again,
and should stimulate playing all classes.
I would love to you Housing. Maybe just like the foundry a door you can use in PE that lets you zone into your Inn room where you have a nice atleast 5 room apartment with maybe a balcony over looking PE. In the Future maybe guild zones where your guild has a fortress or town instance with 50 or so plots (A guild can get more instances if needed they will have guild named and a number).There will also be non guild instances with random names like "Knox's Retreat" so everyone can also make houses. Each instance allows a player to pick a plot set up a house they bought from an NPC for AD or nicer houses from the zen market. Also each plot will have a yard that lets the player add AD/Zen/Gold items to customize it and the door of the house leads into the house instance which is at least a 4 room house with more AD/Zen/Gold items inside to customize. Almost every game I have ever played has had housing and its not only a nice place to met guildies and players but also a place to go relax and just take a break. It not only creates revenue for the company running the game that gives them the money for upgrades and maintenance but it also gives players a way to customize their characters even more and relax and enjoy as their house turns slowly into a home where they can relax and watch a fireplace or play some music from a box they just bought.
A Smarter Companion:
I would love a companion that is smart enough to know to avoid the red or maybe could stay max melee if its a caster. My apprentice healer always loves charging and standing right in from of any monster it can find and get eaten by red areas lol.
Guild Voice Chat:
We have a party voice chat I would love if they would extend it to let the player also have a guild voice chat channel.. What if Im in a group with random people but I want to tell my guildies something. Its very hard to do a dungeon and type messages to people without dyeing sometimes.. Thats no problem with a guild voice chat just tell you party in the party voice chat brb have to talk to my guild. Click the voice chat bar and pick guild chat tell them what you need and then you can flip back to party chat. Not only that but if your working on your dailys you can have a nice conversation with your guildies without having to always use 3rd party applications that have to have subscriptions.
Dungeon Repetition:
Also if its possible I would like random generated dungeons. Since this game keeps going more and more to grinding and repetitive daily's it would be nice if we had a dungeon that would give you a possibility of 3 different paths. Kinda of like that skirmish with the table tops games you queue up and there were a few possibilities on what game you would get and each with a different area mobs and story.
Mentoring System:
I have all level 60s but a friend of mine I recommended the game to just started playing. The first question he asks is can I play with him on any of my characters well the answer is no I have to make a new character if I have the slots for it and start all over including daily's,gear,companions, and then I have to try to keep his level so I cant play unless he is thats allot of hassle just so I can play with him. If they can have event skirmishes where players from all levels can play together then why cant they make some sort of mentoring system.
Content (realms, foes, mechanics, dungeons)
Preview server community feedback being taken into account
A Paladin class, also an offensive fighter class
One RNG which generates as many 99s as zeroes
Adherence to DnD
Balanced DPS in Blizzard's sense, aka no more than 5% difference between best and weakest
Chinese farmer bots in Blacklake District being eradicated
Chinese farmer goldspammers in Protector Enclave being eradicated
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
oh.. let me put it better, DDs that actually work. HA.
2-more pvp maps and modes (grab the flag for instance)
3-guild halls
4-epic dungeon with harder difficulty with good drops that don't have a 0.00001% drop chance.
5-many foundry improvements:
a)more than 5 people can enter the same quest.
b)additional treasure chests and skill nodes.
c)real bosses
d)side quests appear on quest tab
e)bigger maps with higher asset limit
Again, there would need to be some sort of max/min settings for each, probably a cap of 600 for any given stat and a minimum of something like 80-100. The points could be added in increments of 10 units until the total points are used up.
Just a thought - would be something unique and would probably drive people to go after the gear!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Dungeons that take longer than skirmishes, and are mildly challenging- make epic mode a real beast. Some signs of progress in boss design were apparent in LoL, but take it further. Make boss fights possible to fail for lack of skill rather than just lack of gear. Add some new PvP maps and/or gametypes. Make massive burn-to-the-ground fixes to those wretched glyphs and KV that basically rendered PvP pointless in mod 4.
Make the balance center around a main course of content with a side order of dailies- rather than than constantly wading through dailies, with no time for anything fun except possibly at weekends when you can waste a little more time.
2. DC & TR (I know they will be in M5, but I hope their changes are nice)
3. PVP maps like:
- capture the flag
- KOTH (King of the Hill, hold 1 point, though with some changes)
- 1v1 2v2 etc any of those
- expand the GG, maybe
4. PVE: longer (maybe I don t want to spend 24h in a single dungeon) and more complicated like:
- team splitting
- the team set up influences the way you take (or the way you can chose)
- traps, nice ones like fake doors or teleporting doors
- better use of terrain advantage and cover (maybe)
- Content that is not painfuly repetitiv
- playable cleric class
-huuuge foundry update...
- Mail usability overhaul
- Companion utility overhaul
- Currencies overhaul
- Incremental options for gear & stuff - keep the "lucky" drops, but add a system to get the most desired items by working towards them
I don't really feel like I need "more content" at this point, i'll rather have existing stuff overhauled and improved, and made usable.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Oh yeah, and this of course!!
Event areas, not permanent areas. As I'm guessing Tiamat is going to be an event, not a permanent. And there's very good reasons for wanting it. If an event area is meant for everyone, then of course the drops aren't going to be the high end drops the level 60s want, because you aren't going to hand it out in an area where a level 10 is playing. You aren't even going to hand it out where a level 30 is playing, really. And if it's an event, all level of players are going to want to play.
I understand those playing awhile want content meant specifically for them, and I'm all for a new permanent dungeon for the stronger players. Event-wise, though you can't just ignore the new players, or say - sorry this event is only for level 60, better luck next time. So if you make seperate areas for the lower level players then you can give the level 60s the better drops they want in their event area. You could also make sure it was extremely difficult, as a level 15 wouldn't wander in and get splatted in 2 seconds. Also there wouldn't be quite so many players trying to be in the same area, either, as you'd be playing the event in your level's area.
And I think it would be really amazing if they made them seperate stories, not just the same thing with less difficulty based on level. Actually unique areas and fights depending on what area you play. Maybe the lower levels could face a Cult Boss, the mids take on several seperate dragons, and the level 60s take on Tiamat.
I am for all those ideas.
I think the weakest ones are Ah usability, mail usability and currencies overhaul in that order from meh to the weakest.
I'd like to see Bahamut and His children finally join the fight against Tiamat. I think it would be cool if when we fight Her, Bahamut enters the fray to hold Her attention while we dodge bad, kill Her minions, then deliver the coup de grace.
Where have the good dragons been hiding throughout all this anyways? Are their eggs being held hostage again?