Hi, I'm new to the game but have already tried both the CW and SW. I leveled both to level 16 and I like both but I'm having trouble deciding between the two. The wizard is elegant and poised with some cool AOE and control powers. The warlok is feral and powerful with killer DPS. I'm usually more of the DPS type but I've done control in other MMO's and did well.
Which would you recommend? which class would you say is more enjoyable both as a solo and in parties?
for pvp control is your best friend, for pve its more about dps then control (but you still need a bit of control in alot of situations)
cw is a little better for pvp in my opinion and in pve its kinda a tie, havent really played warlock since the preview so i cant really say if its better or worse
I never tried Warlock but I see tons of them at level 60 and they are kicking butt in PvE and PvP. CW's are simply amazing at both. I think you should not worry about it, roll a dice, flip a coin, just choose one and you'll have lots of fun either way.
I personally probably like my CW more. CW is more likely to be able to carry a bad team (pve), while my sw is a bit more reliant on having a good team otherwise the aggro can be a bit overwhelming. That effect might be less if I went tempt instead of fury though due to more lifesteal which supposedly beats DCs.
Warlocks out DPS people only if they stay alive. You have to micro manage your curses and as well as your damage output.
My SW is a mighty aggro magnet. It is insane, so much so that I am thinking of getting me an owl companion.
However I like both classes, and IMO both are fun for different reasons, having both a SW and CW in a group just rocks...the snergy between both being well played just brings everything but bosses to their knees.
As for some other players mentioned that SW's dps >= CW in pve, I didn't know that. But isn't that pretty weird? I have no problem seeing striker's single target dps being far better than controller's, but when that happens in a dungeon with tons of mobs, something is wrong. Either the controller's AOE is too poorly weak or the striker is too incorrectly AOE-ish.
This game does not take all that long to play through the basic Campaign.
At that point it is all about Daily Quests in the various Module Areas.
This means that it is a very reasonable, even recommended, solution to play BOTH at the same time and see what works for you. Because at LvL 16, you still have no idea what your characters will be at the End Game.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
I know what you mean. I did the orc skirmish and most of the mobs just kept chasing me. I felt more like a tank then DPS... I attracted the mobs and my companion killed them. Kind of strange a way to play a DPS class. I think they should nerf the aggro output on the SW. It's to squishy to survive for long with all those mobs following it around.
I worked the problem of surviving out with an insane amount of LS (3kish), pots, and warlock's bargain. Yes single target damage is bar none. Sometimes I will trail CWs through the clearings however on the end boss is where I will just outshine all. And out aggro all! ;-0
SW FTW, hard to die on one unless you stand in red circles even pulling aggro everywhere, awesome shift ability, Beastly DPS, oh and the ability to pop TT and watch Everything Die.
I've never understood the whole "SW are so squishy" thing.
I've hit LvL 60 and am doing Whispering Cavern and the Dragons Campaign and my Warlock has nearly the Defence of a GWF and almost the Deflection of a HR at equivalent Gear and Level (AKA not that great yet, but improving fast). The toughest Mobs. can put a dent in my hide (the Green Archers in ToD, specifically) but not much else. I usually spend my time in Melee Range doing Giant, Rotting, Green Claw to Hand Combat. With better gear, I could seriously see the SW becoming a fairly decent Lifesteal Tank. Maybe not quite as Tanky as a GF or GWF, but with better damage or lifesteal than either.
Heck, in PvP, even without ANY Tenacity gear I've Melee'ed down a couple of HRs, CWs, and TRs, even when they have a bit better gear than me. And I'm just not that good at PvP, especially with a toon that has a grand total of about 6 matches under his belt.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
...I usually spend my time in Melee Range doing Giant, Rotting, Green Claw to Hand Combat. ....
Are you talking about "The ***** Slap From Hell?" I do love that move for the mobs that manage to get close enough to me, but are you really using that most of the time? I'm doing a lot more fireballs and death rays than anything else. But, almost however you play it, warlock is an easy sweep through the solo PvE content you mention.
Are you talking about "The ***** Slap From Hell?" I do love that move for the mobs that manage to get close enough to me, but are you really using that most of the time? I'm doing a lot more fireballs and death rays than anything else. But, almost however you play it, warlock is an easy sweep through the solo PvE content you mention.
I use the first of your At-Wills (forget the name, but basically Fireball Jr.) for my ranged At-Will and Satans' Pimp-Slap as my Melee At-Will. Mostly I just can't be bothered with the strategy and planing necessary to keep everything at long range all the time when it just looks SOOOO COOL to Claw away with my hulking Dragonborn SW.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
I have only gotten my SW to 40 but I am kinda bored with him already... I thought they would be exciting and full of great choices. I was expecting Plagues and Diseases not Necrotic damage?
But the SW is kinda lackluster in my opinion, it lacks decent control albeit 1 good one and the Soul Puppet is weak and just creates bugs and lag. Having to Curse / Mark the targets all the time like a GF is weird. The SW is like the GWF of the ranged classes more of a attack and move class. Kind of a Necromancer instead of Warlock!
Whereas the CW has awesome control, dots, utility, Aoe, and is fun to play very exciting.
I will level my SW fully soon hopefully my opinion changes but as of now! CW wins...
Shieldbash60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard19.0k Overpowered60 CW~ Thaumaturge14.5k ==========================================
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
cynogenicMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited September 2014
I played both classes and I would say if you want nothing but power, go SW. This class doesn't have much CC and they are a threat magnet but that lack of makes up for their crazy Dps. Now if you went temp spec on a lock, now you got the most heals done out of any classes along with your dps. CW can rivial some SW dps but in my opinion SW do more dmg. CW's CC abilities is where this class shines and will definitely save a party from being overwhelmed.
If you want stupid amounts of survivability and damage and are a selfish player, go wizard. If you want team utility, go temptation warlock. Just depends on what you want. While people will say Warlocks are the kings of damage, that's so far from the truth because a geared wizard versus a geared warlock and both skilled players, the wizard will still pull out ahead on the damage meter.
Ok:D thanks a lot people for the answers and help. I'm probably gonna stick with my CW for now. Just need to find the right companion now. Anyway thanks a lot.:cool:
Theres a misconception about SW dps because they have an ability that uses other players damage and turns it into their own, its like a group buff but the SW gets all the credit for it. But they are still handy to have.
control is a core role, which makes CW always welcome to a party and their aoe damage is still the highest (unless the SW leeches from him), it is still a "support" role but core to a party. having a CW in the party is like drinking water from a cup. without one its like trying to drink it from a bag.
Both are good classes and play a role, but a SW is more replaceable than a CW. But there are tons of CWs so i wouldnt worry about not having one in a group.
CW annihiliates SW in PVP, no contest at all, pure free style demolition.
CW also is superior in PVE, sure the SW damage is comparable, but a CW clutches and carries if the team is terrible, whereas the SW just dies with the rest of the party.
Also infinite teleports > Sprinting where you can be hit no matter what
Theres a misconception about SW dps because they have an ability that uses other players damage and turns it into their own, its like a group buff but the SW gets all the credit for it. But they are still handy to have.
control is a core role, which makes CW always welcome to a party and their aoe damage is still the highest (unless the SW leeches from him), it is still a "support" role but core to a party. having a CW in the party is like drinking water from a cup. without one its like trying to drink it from a bag.
Both are good classes and play a role, but a SW is more replaceable than a CW. But there are tons of CWs so i wouldnt worry about not having one in a group.
There isn't any misconception bout SW DPS. Even without using others TT will push warlocks far up on the charts. And even without TT, warlocks have some big numbers they hit, since they are a striker class.
There isn't any misconception bout SW DPS. Even without using others TT will push warlocks far up on the charts. And even without TT, warlocks have some big numbers they hit, since they are a striker class.
nah..try make any run without using a single TT - you'll be surprised about your damage. just one power and i outdps cw's who are 4-5k above me in gs? cmon that should be fix but not very soon. remember insane dps from archers with just one left-button clicking. fury sw's now have their time under the sun.
@OP so you've realized all that stuff being just at lvl 16, huh? you're some kind of genius. all my toons i've leveled up i got their synergy closer to lvl 60 or actually after doing some high-end dungeons in a mid-aprty..
tho ppl are saying enough to decide for now: cw - more control, sw - dps king. things are highly unstable and change every module. so just stick to your playstyle.
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
From what I've seen in dungeons so far...
Warlocks out-DPS everyone. The "good" ones at least. A good thaumaturge CW can get close though. CW for PVP
If anyone can correct me if i'm wrong but I think a guildie ran a parcer on this and the Warlocks draw insane DPS because tyrannical curse actually includes other peoples damage in with your own which kinda makes the "most damage dealt" a bit biased. There is no doubt they do HIGH dps but I think if the damage tracker in game didn't include everyone elses damage during tyranical curse you would see less massive damage totals.
Warlocks have a fair amount of diversity so can be fun to play with styles. I like puppet master except the stupid puppet doesn't follow you into boss fights, it gets stuck outside. Also it seems in many speed runs puppets do little to no damage due to the party pretty much killing everything before it decides to hit something.
Also puppet master tends to get you dismounted as your puppet takes damage when you ride past stuff ... really annoying.
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
I've never understood the whole "SW are so squishy" thing.
I've hit LvL 60 and am doing Whispering Cavern and the Dragons Campaign and my Warlock has nearly the Defence of a GWF and almost the Deflection of a HR at equivalent Gear and Level (AKA not that great yet, but improving fast). The toughest Mobs. can put a dent in my hide (the Green Archers in ToD, specifically) but not much else. I usually spend my time in Melee Range doing Giant, Rotting, Green Claw to Hand Combat. With better gear, I could seriously see the SW becoming a fairly decent Lifesteal Tank. Maybe not quite as Tanky as a GF or GWF, but with better damage or lifesteal than either.
Heck, in PvP, even without ANY Tenacity gear I've Melee'ed down a couple of HRs, CWs, and TRs, even when they have a bit better gear than me. And I'm just not that good at PvP, especially with a toon that has a grand total of about 6 matches under his belt.
The tanky build doesn't get used much by most dps people who play. My gear is the gear set that buffs defense and deflect and yeah I trade blows with 1 big target as good as a GF sometimes ... however its when a bunch of stuff hits me I have isssue and you have NO ability to really keep threat of a single target kinda making things a bit of a pain if you are 1v1 a boss or elite mob.
While doing the dragon dailies I have to say I tank the dragon better than 99% of the people out there on my SW, I have blue gear with defense deflect and I use vampiric embrace and i'm pretty much set to tank the boss.
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
Hi, I'm new to the game but have already tried both the CW and SW. I leveled both to level 16 and I like both but I'm having trouble deciding between the two. The wizard is elegant and poised with some cool AOE and control powers. The warlok is feral and powerful with killer DPS. I'm usually more of the DPS type but I've done control in other MMO's and did well.
Which would you recommend? which class would you say is more enjoyable both as a solo and in parties?
Thanks in advance:o
I personally like the CW better, high dps and high control. I thought about specing oppressor but all you need is the second level power that gives sudden storm 5 stacks of chill and you have all the control you need, put everything else in thaumaturge and you will control and deal damage. In PVE its really nice to have mobs stand still, IT and sudden storm or CoI on tab pretty much keeps everything locked down til they are dead.
Probably with SW is they can't keep things neat and tidy on the battle field, mobs are all over and its best to do damage when things are grouped up. Or at least lockdown some deadly mobs while focusing on others ... helps keep the peppering of the party down.
Not really sure where anyone is getting that TT is using other party members damage as well. No where on preview did it do that, and we parsed everything. And parses on live do not show it either. I have not seen any proof other then it does x so it is OP and it needs to get nerfed.
I hate to say it but show the proof of this. Just don't pass on rumors of what you have heard.
Not really sure where anyone is getting that TT is using other party members damage as well. No where on preview did it do that, and we parsed everything. And parses on live do not show it either. I have not seen any proof other then it does x so it is OP and it needs to get nerfed.
I hate to say it but show the proof of this. Just don't pass on rumors of what you have heard.
omg, really? the whole 13-pages thread with parcing, diagrams, proofs etc and still you consider it as a rumor? lol ok
seventhpillarMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 216Arc User
If you want stupid amounts of survivability and damage and are a selfish player, go wizard.
I love this comment, implies you are a selfish player if want to be a DPS CW. In reality, those "selfish" CW players often times keep the team alive by controlling and killing mobs at the same time, but that is your opinion, you are entitled to have one, not trying to sway your opinion. In my book, when you are controlling and providing DPS, that provides utility, whereas a fury warlock is pure DPS. So in that sense, I guess they are not selfish because they are not CWs but SWs. No one is selfish as long as you fulfill your role within the team and carry your weight.
As far as which one, I have both, both do pretty well enough I think but I like the mechanics on the CW more. I like having a shift jump capability. Don't get me wrong, the speed on the warlock is cool but I feel I can dodge more with the CW. Also having the ability to have 4 encounters vs 3 is an extra bonus. The CW is fun to play but no where near mod 3, because back then, I was spec'd Renegade and you have to apply a lot of timing and synergy with your encounters to hit amazing high damage. Back in mod 3, the CW was OP on the thaum side because of the buffs and debuffs it provided in a single tree and required not much skill to hit high damage hence the so called "nerfs" came about and created the no skill required CW relying on feats to proc in the current mod. I'd say if they make changes back to mod 3 and correcting what was really wrong at the thaum side and bring renegade the way it was, you would like it more because it's a high risk, high reward tree and feels you are applying skill to play and gain high dps. If you want high DPS and not really care on how to get there, SW is the way to go with the fury tree. Pop TT a few times and you are good. I love my SW as well, don't get me wrong but having the tank like mechanic to mark targets seem too tiring and sometimes marks mobs further down and full massive mobs accidentally. Without the politics of other people crying and whining about both, if you really want utility + dps, I'd go CW. Second choice would be Temp SW. If you really want pure DPS, fury SW, hands down as long as TT stay the way it is.
I have been stacking as much hit points as I can on my SW almost to the point of sacrificing dps output because I am finding a lot of the tanks can't hold aggro. CW can freeze, knock away if the tank doesn't mind and all out "control" the fight and still do respectable damage usually coming in third even after managing adds on the group.
I can say this, dungeons that have various mobs, in my opinion the CW makes it a cake walk in comparison to my SW as I am usually doing something similar to this guy (or at least this is how I feel) http://youtu.be/VUOe_hLg7Bo
I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.
cw is a little better for pvp in my opinion and in pve its kinda a tie, havent really played warlock since the preview so i cant really say if its better or worse
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
Warlocks out-DPS everyone. The "good" ones at least. A good thaumaturge CW can get close though. CW for PVP
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My SW is a mighty aggro magnet. It is insane, so much so that I am thinking of getting me an owl companion.
However I like both classes, and IMO both are fun for different reasons, having both a SW and CW in a group just rocks...the snergy between both being well played just brings everything but bosses to their knees.
At that point it is all about Daily Quests in the various Module Areas.
This means that it is a very reasonable, even recommended, solution to play BOTH at the same time and see what works for you. Because at LvL 16, you still have no idea what your characters will be at the End Game.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
I've hit LvL 60 and am doing Whispering Cavern and the Dragons Campaign and my Warlock has nearly the Defence of a GWF and almost the Deflection of a HR at equivalent Gear and Level (AKA not that great yet, but improving fast). The toughest Mobs. can put a dent in my hide (the Green Archers in ToD, specifically) but not much else. I usually spend my time in Melee Range doing Giant, Rotting, Green Claw to Hand Combat. With better gear, I could seriously see the SW becoming a fairly decent Lifesteal Tank. Maybe not quite as Tanky as a GF or GWF, but with better damage or lifesteal than either.
Heck, in PvP, even without ANY Tenacity gear I've Melee'ed down a couple of HRs, CWs, and TRs, even when they have a bit better gear than me. And I'm just not that good at PvP, especially with a toon that has a grand total of about 6 matches under his belt.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Are you talking about "The ***** Slap From Hell?" I do love that move for the mobs that manage to get close enough to me, but are you really using that most of the time? I'm doing a lot more fireballs and death rays than anything else. But, almost however you play it, warlock is an easy sweep through the solo PvE content you mention.
I use the first of your At-Wills (forget the name, but basically Fireball Jr.) for my ranged At-Will and Satans' Pimp-Slap as my Melee At-Will. Mostly I just can't be bothered with the strategy and planing necessary to keep everything at long range all the time when it just looks SOOOO COOL to Claw away with my hulking Dragonborn SW.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
But the SW is kinda lackluster in my opinion, it lacks decent control albeit 1 good one and the Soul Puppet is weak and just creates bugs and lag. Having to Curse / Mark the targets all the time like a GF is weird. The SW is like the GWF of the ranged classes more of a attack and move class. Kind of a Necromancer instead of Warlock!
Whereas the CW has awesome control, dots, utility, Aoe, and is fun to play very exciting.
I will level my SW fully soon hopefully my opinion changes but as of now! CW wins...
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
Theres a misconception about SW dps because they have an ability that uses other players damage and turns it into their own, its like a group buff but the SW gets all the credit for it. But they are still handy to have.
control is a core role, which makes CW always welcome to a party and their aoe damage is still the highest (unless the SW leeches from him), it is still a "support" role but core to a party. having a CW in the party is like drinking water from a cup. without one its like trying to drink it from a bag.
Both are good classes and play a role, but a SW is more replaceable than a CW. But there are tons of CWs so i wouldnt worry about not having one in a group.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
CW also is superior in PVE, sure the SW damage is comparable, but a CW clutches and carries if the team is terrible, whereas the SW just dies with the rest of the party.
Also infinite teleports > Sprinting where you can be hit no matter what
There isn't any misconception bout SW DPS. Even without using others TT will push warlocks far up on the charts. And even without TT, warlocks have some big numbers they hit, since they are a striker class.
nah..try make any run without using a single TT - you'll be surprised about your damage. just one power and i outdps cw's who are 4-5k above me in gs? cmon
@OP so you've realized all that stuff being just at lvl 16, huh? you're some kind of genius. all my toons i've leveled up i got their synergy closer to lvl 60 or actually after doing some high-end dungeons in a mid-aprty..
tho ppl are saying enough to decide for now: cw - more control, sw - dps king. things are highly unstable and change every module. so just stick to your playstyle.
If anyone can correct me if i'm wrong but I think a guildie ran a parcer on this and the Warlocks draw insane DPS because tyrannical curse actually includes other peoples damage in with your own which kinda makes the "most damage dealt" a bit biased. There is no doubt they do HIGH dps but I think if the damage tracker in game didn't include everyone elses damage during tyranical curse you would see less massive damage totals.
Warlocks have a fair amount of diversity so can be fun to play with styles. I like puppet master except the stupid puppet doesn't follow you into boss fights, it gets stuck outside. Also it seems in many speed runs puppets do little to no damage due to the party pretty much killing everything before it decides to hit something.
Also puppet master tends to get you dismounted as your puppet takes damage when you ride past stuff ... really annoying.
The tanky build doesn't get used much by most dps people who play. My gear is the gear set that buffs defense and deflect and yeah I trade blows with 1 big target as good as a GF sometimes ... however its when a bunch of stuff hits me I have isssue and you have NO ability to really keep threat of a single target kinda making things a bit of a pain if you are 1v1 a boss or elite mob.
While doing the dragon dailies I have to say I tank the dragon better than 99% of the people out there on my SW, I have blue gear with defense deflect and I use vampiric embrace and i'm pretty much set to tank the boss.
I personally like the CW better, high dps and high control. I thought about specing oppressor but all you need is the second level power that gives sudden storm 5 stacks of chill and you have all the control you need, put everything else in thaumaturge and you will control and deal damage. In PVE its really nice to have mobs stand still, IT and sudden storm or CoI on tab pretty much keeps everything locked down til they are dead.
Probably with SW is they can't keep things neat and tidy on the battle field, mobs are all over and its best to do damage when things are grouped up. Or at least lockdown some deadly mobs while focusing on others ... helps keep the peppering of the party down.
I hate to say it but show the proof of this. Just don't pass on rumors of what you have heard.
omg, really? the whole 13-pages thread with parcing, diagrams, proofs etc and still you consider it as a rumor? lol ok
I love this comment, implies you are a selfish player if want to be a DPS CW. In reality, those "selfish" CW players often times keep the team alive by controlling and killing mobs at the same time, but that is your opinion, you are entitled to have one, not trying to sway your opinion. In my book, when you are controlling and providing DPS, that provides utility, whereas a fury warlock is pure DPS. So in that sense, I guess they are not selfish because they are not CWs but SWs. No one is selfish as long as you fulfill your role within the team and carry your weight.
As far as which one, I have both, both do pretty well enough I think but I like the mechanics on the CW more. I like having a shift jump capability. Don't get me wrong, the speed on the warlock is cool but I feel I can dodge more with the CW. Also having the ability to have 4 encounters vs 3 is an extra bonus. The CW is fun to play but no where near mod 3, because back then, I was spec'd Renegade and you have to apply a lot of timing and synergy with your encounters to hit amazing high damage. Back in mod 3, the CW was OP on the thaum side because of the buffs and debuffs it provided in a single tree and required not much skill to hit high damage hence the so called "nerfs" came about and created the no skill required CW relying on feats to proc in the current mod. I'd say if they make changes back to mod 3 and correcting what was really wrong at the thaum side and bring renegade the way it was, you would like it more because it's a high risk, high reward tree and feels you are applying skill to play and gain high dps. If you want high DPS and not really care on how to get there, SW is the way to go with the fury tree. Pop TT a few times and you are good. I love my SW as well, don't get me wrong but having the tank like mechanic to mark targets seem too tiring and sometimes marks mobs further down and full massive mobs accidentally. Without the politics of other people crying and whining about both, if you really want utility + dps, I'd go CW. Second choice would be Temp SW. If you really want pure DPS, fury SW, hands down as long as TT stay the way it is.
I can say this, dungeons that have various mobs, in my opinion the CW makes it a cake walk in comparison to my SW as I am usually doing something similar to this guy (or at least this is how I feel) http://youtu.be/VUOe_hLg7Bo