I would like for this thread to be a place for CWs and other classes to chime in with feedback on their M4 experiences. If there is something you like or dislike about the class, give it a mention with some reasons, numbers, or other legitimate sources as to why you like or dislike it. I ask that you both ignore and do not post unsubstantiated claims for nerfs/buffs and engage each other respectfully when disputing someone else's opinion. I've seen way too many instances of arguments leading to personal attacks on these forums -- be mature and agree to disagree.
Likewise, if someone mentions a particular suggested change that you like, do not just +1 it, please support it with your own reasons to offer something constructive to the thread.
Per usual,
feedback in cyan and
bug listing in red.
M4 is no where near as fun for me, primarily due to the mechanics introduced that require no skill to reap enormous benefits from. I think I did at least a few PvP matches per day of M3, sometimes even 15+ in one sitting, purely because of how fun it was despite playing a class that could have used some love in PvP. Now, I haven't entered PvP in over two weeks and log on only to do dailies or to attempt farming the new skirmish and generally don't stay for very long. That's right, even though my class is now 'OP' in PvP -- I hate it.
Here's what would make the class fun again, imho.
Control Wizard:Shard of the Endless Avalanche (RIP
) - The original damage nerf (30% slam, 60% explosion) should probably be cut in half, third-ed, or even quarter-ed when using the power on tab, seeing as though Focused Wizardry is a must-have and tacks on another 10% damage reduction. Shard is the last encounter that the class receives and it's current state does not reflect the utility it should provide damage-wise in the slightest. Take away some prone time, change the explosion prone to a stun/daze or other lesser CC.. whatever needs to be done to justify boosting the damage of this encounter. For the high risk and high skill involvement with this encounter in PvP, the reward is not there.
Bugs: Gets stuck on uneven surfaces and walls, passes through players and mobs when other AoEs are active such as Thornward and Hallowed Ground.
Storm Spell - A passive ability that provides more damage than an encounter. The change, which doubled damage and proc chance, introduced the easy mode, overpowered, and skill-less game play that you now encounter against CWs. Literally no one asked for this change in the preview feedback and everyone knew it would be as game breaking as it was originally with 35% proc chance and ability to proc on the application of chill stacks. It's still too much. Keep the proc chance and halve the damage to where it was during M3, return the damage boost by buffing single target encounters (or shard
), and you will have the warranted damage increase placed in an area requiring skillful ability to land an encounter.
Assailing Force - Additional skill-less damage procing off of other damage with a tiny cooldown and high proc chance. Allbeit way more useful in PvP than the last Thaum capstone, it provides too much damage too frequently for the zero skill required to reap its benefit. I would rather this capstone be like a Rampaging Madness v2.0 where dealing damage to or CCing one enemy a certain number of times then buffs your damage against them by a considerable amount, making it fun to try reach your stack cap and requiring more effort. Essentially anything requiring more than what it currently does would be better.
Orb of Imposition - A 75% control boost results in CC times that almost doubled regardless of whether you are Thaum, Rene, or Oppres and compounds the skill-less play further as it is much easier to CC lock someone. The passive itself should provide at most a 35% control boost, while the Oppres tree or capstone should provide another 35% in order to reduce the CC available to damage intensive trees. Thaum should not be able to damage more effectively and CC as effectively as Oppres, which is the way it currently stands.
Eye of the Storm - An auto proc yielding 100% crit chance for 6 seconds every 20 seconds... more skill-less easy mode that allows CWs to ignore their crit stat and one rotation other players when unloading encounters. To me, this essentially gives what the Renegade once was, a bursty crit damage dealer, to everyone. This passive should be a little less active in creating burst and be returned to somewhere along the lines of its state in M3 but with a reduced proc chance or short internal cooldown. It should be looked at as a way to score a guaranteed crit on a few at-wills, one encounter or daily in your arsenal, not your entire rotation.
Teleport - It's no fun when there's a path animation behind my teleport, showing exactly where I'm going. When I think of a wizard teleporting, I picture someone blinking quickly from one point to another with no tell as to where they were heading, sometimes from point to point in rapid succession. Teleport would be way more fun this way and more so if I could chain multiple teleports so as to blink behind someone and then back to my original position very quickly. What I'm getting at here is a reduction in the time used to execute a teleport (smaller dodge window) in addition to a reduction in the time between finishing a teleport and using another teleport or power (smaller idle window). Another fun feature (maybe a heroic feat) would be to have a mirage of your character appear for a few seconds in your original position when teleporting, which restores a small amount of stamina when struck.
Renegade Tree - I wrote a fun haiku about this feat tree.
Oops I crit my pants
Big orange numbers are fun
Buff the renegade.
The Renegade feat path either needs an entirely new direction, and probably a new name, or some changes focused on bringing back its original play style. Increase the crit severity provided by Phantasmal Destruction, increase the proc chance of Nightmare Wizardry slightly, incorporate feats like 'your combat advantage damage is increased by 2/4/6/8/10%' and 'your crit chance is increased by 2/4/6/8/10%', and otherwise restore the crit damage fun to this tree.
Some questions to provide more feedback going forward: (quote and throw in your responses)
1) Do you think the Devs succeeded in their goals for CWs in M4?
Greetings Adventurers!
Control Wizards have been in a problematic place for a while, so we wanted to take a good hard look at what they could do, what they brought to the party, and make some fairly big changes to them. These changes are slated for Module 4, Tyranny of Dragons.
Control Wizards do a lot of things really well, and their strength coupled with the amount of utility they bring to a party made them just overbearing, so we are tuning them way back with a large series of changes to their base powers and feats to bring them much more in line with where we want everyone to be.
Those presumably being:
i) Fix known bugs
ii) Tone down CWs in PvE in general
iii) Reduce the effectiveness of stacking CWs in PvE groups
iv) Provide three balanced yet distinctive playstyles through the feat trees
What changes did you like and think were on track?
Which changes fell short or were unnecessary? Of these, what would you do to improve them?
2) How can the three feat paths be further improved upon?
What playstyle do you want to use or see in each?
Are there any feats you would change? How so?
3) If you could have one constructive change to CWs what would it be? (feel free to post more than one)
How would this change affect PvE and PvP?
Why is this change at the top of your list?
4) Are there any powers (at-will, encounter, passive, daily) that you would change? How?5) Do you think the Spellstorm and Master of Flame paragons are balanced?6) Do you have any other comments on CWs? (aesthetics, animations, etc.)
As always, please be constructive, respectful, and refrain from inflammatory comments in your answers.
Hate that they crippled ShardAv. It needed a tune up, but it didn't need to be made unworthy of slotting.
Oh, and I don't know diddly about a Renegade, other than the Styx tune.
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
The new Freeze effect is great, but offers too much control for players who aren't even specced for control. I know this is being looked at and I am curious as to how it will play out once the changes go live.
Storm Spell and Eye of the Storm are very powerful passives in PvE, and either the other passives needs to be buffed to this level of usefullness or the two mentioned ones needs to have less effect. Having feats in the different trees affect passive effects would be a great way to make several builds viable.
Armor sets. I do not care if you nerf High Vizier, buff other sets or a bit of both but we really need to see some progression in this department. If you want people to have a variety of builds, you need to have armor sets for different playstyles! In PvP there are several choices (Glory sets, Corrupted/Purified BI) that are all viable, but for PvE High Vizier is dominating the playing field.
Oppressor, Thaum and Renegade have all changed and for the better! I would like to see more synergies with powers, dailies, passives and these trees. Make these synergies strong and we will see more people testing different builds and playstyles, and with some balance people wont get shouted at for playing differently.
All in all I feel M4 is a step in the right direction, but somehow I feel more overpowered now than I did in M3. Being able to solo T2s with ease is not something I want my CW to be able to do, even if his GS is way too high to be doing T2s. Having both damage and control as well as being able to fill my HP by using a single power is not entertaining, and I would love to give tactics and rainbow teams a second coming in this game.
I think Shard is OK where it is at the moment, especially when we consider that Artifact weapons boost our weapon damage significantly higher compared to before.
Storm Spell needs to be brought back to where it was OR only proc on initial casts (and not DoT/Channel)
Assailant I'd personally like to work more along the lines of the more you hit a target (Think Terrifying Insight from the DC), the more damage you deal to it rather than be a random proc that makes up a significant portion of effortless damage.
Steal Time needs to stop proccing everything and its neighbor with every tick on every target. That is the main problem that makes people think CWs are OP in PvE. If it only procs stuff when it deals its damage, then its higher damage in Mod4 would be reasonable.
Eye of the Storm was fine in Module 3 in my opinion. Especially if Steal Time is fixed, this by association is brought into line
Shield - I'd say reduce DR by 10%, its a bit too high right now.
Orb of Imposition - needs to be halved in power and additional Control Bonus conferred by Wisdom attribute instead
High Vizier - Defense reduction on enemies should be 200 per stack down from 450. That would still make it useful but not the be all and end all for Control Wizards. Right now, its BiS for PvE and I would argue for PvP as well as long as you get your tenacity from elsewhere (Campaign Reward Rings, PvP neck + Belt, Black Ice Offhand)
Powers that noone uses and could use some love:
Storm Pillar: Takes long to charge and sticks around for a very short time, dealing very little damage
Ice Storm: Make it knock stuff upwards rather than outwards,and maybe up the target cap to 10
Maelstrom of Chaos: Needs longer stun duration and higher target cap. Also much higher damage.
Evocation: Make it actually work on all AoE powers
In terms of Renegade, if Nightmare Wizardry increased CA bonus damage instead of grant CA, it would be much more useful and make Renegades useful too. Just about every class (and just simple tactical positioning) grants CA already, so this is a useless feat.
Energy Recovery is also a useless feat that would need a complete rework. Maybe make kills by the Control Wizard heal allies for a random amount.
In terms of Chaos Magic, Chaotic Growth and Chaotic Fury seem a bit too powerful and could be slightly reduced if the other feats in the tree are addressed
Nearly 55% of the damage in this PvP focused encounter rotation comes from Passive, undodgeable, skilless class features and feats
19% (and the top Damage dealer) Storm Spell
18% (another skilless and undodgeable feat) Assailant
9% (Another unavoidable Feat) Creeping frost
6% Rimefire Smolder
So 55% of a CW's damage (which is a HAMSTER ton) Is un-dodgeable and skilless when using the thamuturge spec
To make things more laughable, if your facing a class (such as dc) that has no CC they can put on you, you can land all 100% of that damage without fail with the never missing root known as icy rays
or just hold down your 10k At-will spam known as Ray of frost and grab them with those unavoidable Icy stacks
whatever your method is, it really dosent matter, with this much skill-less damage flying around, everything dies and everyones suffering
Skilled players are dying to more "Oops damage"
Skilled players that actually know how to play can better guide this damage to achieve better results which ultimate ends in something that looks like 5 PuGs sitting in spawn wondering why all their HP disappears the minute that guy with the weird floating rock shows up
Eye of the storm (all though you cant see it here, its a bit cropped out) brings my CW's normal crit rate of around 20% up to 28% which in terms of PvE, is not substantial
However, when you can guide that 6 seconds of pure crit time and force a proc with an at-will then effectively 1 rotation the other person, the results get pretty funny
I'd make my personal suggestions on the best way to clean this class up, but I have a lot of theories and thoughts I have to test with my own class, simply here to throw in some math
but one easy fix is Revert back to Mod 3 cw, add a bit more tankiness, and everyones life will improve a lot more then this m4 nonesense
Shard is useless with this nerf. Give us back the damage or get rid of it altogether.
Make Arcane Mastery as useful as Chill. I never was a chill player. You've nerfed our Arcane spells to the point that they're not worth using: Magic Missile, RoE, Singularity, and Shard. OF is the only Arcane power I can think of that ever gets cast.
Eye of the Storm- the cooldown makes it not worth it. If encounters/dailies are down when it procs, it's wasting a place in my bar. There was nothing wrong with it in mod3. Ironically, taking the random element out of it and putting it on an automatic timer makes it even more random, somehow. If you won't change that, then boost Evocation, or something else, into usefulness.
Renegade: WTH did we do to the devs to deserve our recent treatment? We went from the top to the bottom. Even DCs can smack me around in PvP now, and only DCs and GFs do less damage than me in dungeons. I've had 9K Warlocks out damage my 16K renegade.
Put something useful in the T2 slot. We effectively have 5 fewer feats than other Wizards now, since we have to waste them buffing either CC or MoC. Maybe get rid of Unrestrained Chaos altogether, since nobody in the history of this game has ever used that power twice (I know that's an exaggeration), and replace it with Chilling Advantage (that should go to Oppressors anyway), and replace that with something useful: maybe losing the EotS cooldown, buffing Shard back to mod3, extra crit....etc.
Chaos Magic, Growth: Once we hit lvl 60, we don't really need the heal. We have lifesteal, Warlocks, Rangers, and I think Clerics can even heal a little bit.
Nexus: Again, most of us have armor pen maxed for PvE. The debuff was better, and I never heard any complaints about it being OP.
Fury: It's OK. Didn't see a reason to change it, but I won't complain about it.
Renegades need something to again make them competitive to not only other CWs, but GWFs Walocks, rangers and even TRs again. After all the time and money we've spent on this game, we deserve better than to be prayer bots.
Interesting data. Just a question... Rimefire smolder as a Thaum Spell Storm CW? Is that your damage from converting another CWs smolder? Never really ran an ACT next to a MOF CW, so i have never seen that before.
I'm want Renegade back the way it was (ie Crit/Combat Advantage/dps/buffs build), with useful feats. As is Tier 2 is garbage for PVE. My only other viable PVE feat choice is Reapers Touch, which is a 10% buff to my At-will's (works out to less than 1% dps buff overall). The buff's to Steal Time now makes it (even without Storm Spell) my single most damaging spell. That's absurd, a point-blank AOE control spell is my damage dealer. I would like another useful ranged AOE spell (non-tab based) since Shard is now pathetic as a damage dealer.
a) revert storm spell to mod3.
b) revert Steal Time to mod3 damage (it's excessive for a primarily control spell).
c) buff shard a little (it was excessive in mod3).
d) fix Tier 2 of Renegade to have a worthwhile skill to buy in PVE.
e) redesign Assailing force to be a buff to damage, not a passive skill.
f) Replace Chaos Magic with something worthwhile (my parties have enough life steal, armor penetration, and self healing to make 2/3 of it's benefits pointless). I could drop it and no one would ever notice.
g) Leave Nightmare Wizardry alone, but buff Psychic Destruction trigger chance.
h) reduce orb of opposition: it's absurd when I as a renegade can exceed a +100% control bonus (wisp + mage + orb). Have a feat that buff's it back to current for Oppressor.
i) fix singularity to not slingshot add's when control bonus is too high.
j) redesign Maelstrom of Chaos and it's feat so I might actually use it in PVE (I tried it, it is better, but still sucks).
k) Look at Eye of the Storm, and return it to a % trigger change (ie not auto), with no cool down. The auto trigger encourages bad play (ie can't cast to avoid triggering or guaranteed crit on a Daily in PVP).
I am mostly a PvE, Thaumaturge Cw with a GS of 16,8,HV,GPF,R7/8 enchants and all Campaign boons ,except for the last three of ToD.I really don't understand how can people still consider EotS OP. I don't even use it since it doesn't last long,has long cooldown and is hard to time right.I prefer to have Powers without ICD,that work constantly, slotted and I'm opposed to any form of ICD. What i find odd is that most feedback comes from PvP players,but the thing is that Cryptic is Separating more and more PvE from PvP making them to be two completely different experiences. This means that Feedback aiming at one is not valid for the other and vice versa. I also don't understand the skill less argument,why should a class be hard and time consuming to play.Not all players look for the thrill of Hard,Time consuming and Skillful PvP play that PvP players ask for constantly. I also think that adding Chill immunity to targets affected by shatter is a bad idea.What could be done is for freeze to break on damage but make unbreakable freeze part of the Oppressor Capstone Feat " Shattered Strike". Also move "Chilling Cold" feat from Tier 2 to Tier 3, so that other paragon paths can't choose to take it, and problems solved.
I'm still clinging to my Renegade regardless the nerfs so that I know how it declines since Open Beta. Hopefully, when arcane spells get some love, this tree will shine again. What I'd like to see:
Arcane Enhancement feat up from 1/2/3% to 3/6/9%. Reasons: support arcane spells play style, support Shard damage, support Magic Missile, support Renegade tree.
Steal Time: back to where it was before M4.
Blighting Power feat down from 2/4/6% to 1/2/3%. Reasons: there are already too many feats, buffs and debuffs chill grants for Thauma and Oppressor tree (and one in Renegade tree). You can even upgrade your Chilling Cloud with 3 feats (2 from Thauma, 1 from Rene tree) if you liked to. Chill is now predominant so that it overshadows arcane spells. Does not need more buffs.
Maelstrom of Chaos: this daily is pretty nice now, but it is still the only one in CW arsenal that suffers 50% AP loss while cancelled by dodge. It also gets interrupted by dragons in which case you also loose action points and the daily. The ability to cancel casting to be able to re-cast was supposed to be great advantage. It is not with MoC unless 50% AP loss will be get rid off.
Renegade capstone to grant a chance of reducing for some time CD, ICD and casting time on encounters, dailies and feats rather then apply random buffs nobody has control over.
And I'd like to see that Crit, combat advantage and Cha stacking actually worked for Renegades noticeably better then other trees.
I suggest to rework renegade capstone to give something usefull in all options, now 2/3 options are useless. And rework the feats so you dont need to waste 5 more points than other trees.
Tune down passives and tune up spells. Make feats in al the trees that improve spells and passives according with the tree (control, dmg, team or burst)
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Just dropped an enlightened truth bomb on this forum!
100% Agree! Nice work!
so that is why the class was named CONTROL wizard, good to know
Imho both passives should be nerfed, maybe with "next attack" with an ICD, you get free proc/crit and then they go on cd for x sec, or every x encounter/daily gets the bonus. cw oppressor should keep the control, thaum should either get some control and some damage or high damage and bad control(though we have enough dps classes as it is)
I'd just like to mention it since no one else seem's to have done so yet, but boy it sure would be nice if Evocation was ever a worthwhile class passive to put on your bar. Sadly, there is absolutely no situation left to ever use Evocation again.
This is sad, since it means CW must always, always, always rely on those proc's from Assailant and Storm Spell to do any damage. As it stands, an extra 15% to AoE skills, if that is even working, is so much less than proc'ed Storm Spell they could delete the skill entirely and no one at all would miss it. There is absolutely no reason to slot it. Ever.
It's going to be interesting when they add chill immunity windows now that absolutely everyone must use CoI to generate any kind of damage, but oh well right? What could possibly go wrong with that plan?
Also, Renegade is now absolutely useless and does nothing. It is seriously, and I mean this, a useless feat tree. None of the feats between T1 and the cap do anything close to noticeable let alone useful. Nightmare Wizardry going down to a 5% chance is absolutely ridiculous.
Also, fix the tooltips to reflect those massive nerfs because they were still wrong a few days ago unless Cryptic lied in their patch notes about proc chances.
^+1 to all of this. Especially storm spell at this point. It does more damage than encounters. No other class has a passive feature that is this OP. Also shard was an amazingly fun encounter to put into your rotation, please bring it back.
Tnks for the post jayrad8 well written man.
Definitely shard,
please fix storm spell procs this mod,
thank you for your time.
Shield - I'm grateful for the survivability this encounter now provides, in terms of the DR and CC resistance, but dislike that this was the only survivability boost given to CWs in M4. In addition, it's another passive buff given to defenses -- you slot it and it does all the work for you. I'd like to see other passive options, such as more AC from gear or receiving more DR from the little AC we may attain and another heroic feat offering a boost to defense/deflect/etc. so that we may choose to use smaller boosts, a large boost at the expense of an encounter, or both.
In terms of providing a survivability boost rewarding active, skillfull gameplay and movement it would be cool to add a mirage effect to Teleport. This effect could apply only when in combat, and would generate a mirage image of your player in your original pre-teleport position for a few seconds, which when struck will return a small amount of stamina. A heroic feat could be introduced for the effect itself and/or to increase the mirage duration or stamina return. In PvE, this will reward players for actively dodging out of red areas and other attacks with timing such that their mirage will still be present at the time of the hit. In PvP, this would reward similarly for dodging AoEs such as frontline, smoke bomb, thornward, sunburst, etc. but more so in creating a brief moment of confusion for your enemy.
Of course, there's always the argument that CWs already have the best dodge in the game, already have feats providing stamina, the reward for dodging is that you don't take damage so why add more, etc. and I would respond to that by saying that currently passive rewards are all you need to be successful with this class at the moment. I hope to see more feedback on incorporating more active elements into the CW class.
Renegade Tree - Here is my rework of this feat path, feel free to adapt it to what you would like to see in your Renegade or post your own. I did my best to consider both PvE and PvP.
Tier 1
Energy Recovery - When dealing combat advantage damage, you have a chance to reduce the time left on all encounters on cooldown by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Tier 2
Unrestrained Chaos - Storm Fury will now trigger when you are at 56/62/68/74/80% health.
Tier 3
Nightmare Wizardry - No change
Tier 4
Chilling Advantage - When you have chilling presence slotted your cold spells have 2/4/6/8/10% more chance to crit.
Chaotic Nexus - You gain 10% additional combat advantage damage and critical chance for 10 seconds.
Chaotic Fury - You gain 10% additional damage and critical severity for 10 seconds.
twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
-Cw vs GF- GFs are crying perma freze perma freeze...but sorry their dmg is crazy! Now unbroken shield, bull charge 5-10k, 3x griffon 4-8k and the worst...anvil even 30k critical hit. Daily non stop, gf is class which has got the fastes daily loading, and SOS is CW killer. when GF catch me- one skills rotation and i am dead
-CW vs GWF- sentinels are weak now, but Destro...please hold me...take down still 10k, frontline 10k, IBS even 25k! and daily 20k + non stop immune sprint + unstopable, thats really hurt
-CW vs perma tr- in mod 3 there was no chance to win against perma tr now it is possible, waiting for TR changes in mod 5
-CW vs DC- DC need buff, we all know it, same as tr i am waiting for DC changes in mod 5
-CW vs CW- thats crazy fight, who catch first is winner, no matter how skilled player you are, CW vs CW is all about 5/6 second fight- sick, i hate it
-CW vs SW- cant say yet, we must wait when they will finished their characters, for now SW is weak
-and my favorite fight- CW vs HR....yes, you all know what is happenning
to sum it all, i dont think that the CW is op class, but pvp is still broken since mod 2,5 to mod 3 and now big changes from mod 4 are missed. Thats all from me
Greetings for all,
These Renegade changes are great, and would be a welcome start to reworking that tree.
That's better.
No. That would be broken. You want to reduce the Cooldown on Eye of the storm with this feat as well?
That would trivialise crit strike for renegades even more so than it already is trivial for Control wizards as a whole.
Reducing the cooldown on Eye of the Storm via this would be a bad idea. It would refresh ridiculously quickly, which would only create more of an imbalance in PvP
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Screw PvP. I want to be able to contribute in PvE groups again.
You do realise that Eye of the Storm is currently in its best incarnation? In Open Beta it funtioned exactly as it does right now, but had a 30 second ICD. (And everyone Slotted it). The changes between then and now have been in an interest to tone it down.
If anything Eots should get changed to not be a must slot.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
I think having the encounter and passive cooldown reduction grouped in the same Tier 1 feat would be too strong, since builds using the Opp or Thaum capstone could take advantage of it. It would also be blatantly targeted at EotS, since no other passives have cooldowns listed in their description. A feat involving a cooldown reduction for EotS would be a great defining characteristic for the Renegade tree, but would be appropriate only at the Tier 4 level from my view.
Regardless, I'm not happy with the current state of EotS, which is why I didn't include any synergy with it in my Renegade rework, and would prefer a toned down version of its M3 state.
twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
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Here are the ACT parses: http://imgur.com/VFr3Rw6,kq1i0IT#0
My observations and conclusions:
-Thaum doubles the damage of Renegade, or at the very least, vastly outperforms it. Why would anyone use the Renegade tree anymore?
-In each case, 50% or more of the outgoing damage occurred from holding down an at-will button and passive procs. CW gameplay has become rather effortless and is no longer engaging, active, skillful, or fun.
-Red glyphs, whether lesser or greater, create massive damage and proc off of pretty much anything. These glyphs should also be given an ICD similar to the blue glyphs.
Feel free to comment on or draw your own conclusions from the comparison.
twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay