BadBotLimit is the Executive Producer of Gateway (oh, and Foundry Development).
(One?) (When no other projects?) Rumored foundry developer
-- not seen on forums since ...ever?
spirals99 Audio Master (for all of Neverwinter -- seen fairly often and a definite friend of the Foundry).
So...the foundry team is our actual friend the audio master (most of whose attention undoubtedly goes to the rest of the game) and one person who also runs the gateway.
I don't count rumors, and since we have never heard from this other possible dev, I don't believe he/she exists. And even so if it's "when no other projects"...aren't there ALWAYS other projects?
So...the foundry team is our actual friend the audio master (most of whose attention undoubtedly goes to the rest of the game) and one person who also runs the gateway.
I don't count rumors, and since we have never heard from this other possible dev, I don't believe he/she exists. And even so if it's "when no other projects"...aren't there ALWAYS other projects?
I watched a youtube video on the Neverwinter FOundry, and one of the gentlemen speaking throughought the video claimed he was in charge of the Foundry development. So I believed at that time, there was a fulltime dev assigned to the Foundry.
I find it hard to believe after all this time, and with only a few serious additions to the Foundry that anyone is actually assigned to the Foundry only. That's just my opinion though.
Thanks for the support. I'm so used to people just flat out trolling me, I forgot what it was like to find like-minded people. That link you posted to had a fraudulent image for the Neverwinter Foundry. Our Foundry looks nothing like that picture. At least mine doesn't. In fact i've seen that picture before posted elsewhere, and it is misleading. It makes it look like they spent some advertising dollars to falsify an image that is not a true representation of the actual product. (Like that's a new marketing ploy or something right?)
It's depressing when an IP as awesome as DnD gets dragged through the mud like this. The worst part is that when the founders of WotC sold out.... all of their assets began to get *****d out by Hasbro. That's life. Too bad that TSR was run into the ground by a crook. Nothing we can do about that now.
Anyways, I don't let it bother me. The smart *** troll comments, nor the stupidity brought on by the greed of low cunning businessmen.
I just wait and hope they actually wake up and smell the coffee someday. If they ever deliver a powerful game editor, it will be worth the wait. There are a multitude of good storytelling GM's around the world.... and hopefully someday... someone will harness their creativity. Just hope i'm not too old when it happens.
Right now, this is by far the best system any game has yet to create that a layman could use. Neverwinter Nights had a better engine that could do more, but you had to be a much better coder. This also grants a much larger world wide audience.
They have given us freedom, if inventive in the foundry to tell our own DnD Lore stories. Hell, I frelling hated how the 4e guys killed gods and told a terrible story. So, I used the foundry as a chance to change it a bit just for myself more then anyone else. When, I finally finished my final chapter I felt I had my chance to tell a forgotten realms story to a large audience. The foundry was the only option out their to do so for a non gaming pro just a hobbyist like most of us out here.
I think currently I have created more content in terms of Average time play then any other author (My 8 Missions total over 6 hours of play currently), I spent 2000 hours in making it all. I also had a truly great time doing it.
I know from a business model standpoint, the foundry won't get many new features in the future. They are a business in the end and every man hour they put in to the game has to yield profit to keep the servers open and the cash flow positive. So, maybe come up with an idea to help them turn some profit in the foundry?
In the end, thou if you create anything in it, enjoy the process. For me that has always been its own reward.
I know from a business model standpoint, the foundry won't get many new features in the future. They are a business in the end and every man hour they put in to the game has to yield profit to keep the servers open and the cash flow positive. So, maybe come up with an idea to help them turn some profit in the foundry?
That link you posted to had a fraudulent image for the Neverwinter Foundry. Our Foundry looks nothing like that picture. At least mine doesn't. In fact i've seen that picture before posted elsewhere, and it is misleading. It makes it look like they spent some advertising dollars to falsify an image that is not a true representation of the actual product.
That's actually an image of the Foundry way, way, way back in early beta. (Why a recent article grabbed that image is pretty odd though.)
That was before it was "dumbed-down" for the "masses."
Personally, I think it looked much better and more professional before all the pablum UI changes.
Looked like it had alot more options as well. I'm sure they use a full-featured version in-house to create everything, stop dumbing it down, or at least allow us to "enable" the advanced features.
Yeah, I have to agree with you there Eldarth. I would totally appreciate having a full fledged editor. I mean, to have a full terrain editor and access to the entire library of objects would make a huge difference in my opinions of the Foundry.
I've said this before, I want the FULL Lego set.
Nuff Said,
"I attack the darkness!"
Foundry Author of Arselu'Tel'Quess (NW-DDQ6P4IKQ)
drakkenfelMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 71
Well, I got a reply from the devs on the issue. Apparently there are a few technical issues happening with the Foundry right now. One of them affecting publishing a quest and another affecting my ability to feature them...*sigh*
I'd be pulling my hair out, but it falls out easily enough by itself (the dye).
Our guys are trying to have it all fixed in time for Thursday's patch, but nothing is certain at this time. Obviously, the 8/26 deadline no longer applies. Let's shoot for a 9/2 6AM PDT start date. If things are still broken then, I think it might be worth revisiting the idea of us doing the judging (we will have multiple judges, each with different tastes)...but the optimist in me tells me that it won't come to that (Worst case scenario: I put up a poll about who should judge and we'll go with the majority).
I can't thank you all enough for your patience and support through all this. I know these delays have caused a good deal of frustration...believe're not alone in that. Please know, however, that I'm doing all I can to make our needs known and get things fixed so we can show your art to the rest of the Neverwinter community.
We appreciate what you do. Thanks again for all of your work on our behalf. When it happens, it happens. I look forward to seeing how all of this works out. I am hoping and praying that the final vote brings players back to the Foundry in droves. Then we will all be winners!
@METH_SHADOWSTORM - Foundry author of: "The Sunnydale Campaign" - NWS-DKBEJ9OOM
Episode 1: "Missing Daughters" - NW-DCX9IZBJB
Episode 2: "A Date With Destiny" - NW-DHYEX5NKR - Featured: NW-DHFLDPWJV
STO Foundry: "Safari So Good" - ST-HPRP2WFWI
My understanding was that new entries aren't being accepted (hence the thread lock), but entries already submitted can still be modified until the 2nd.
My understanding was that new entries aren't being accepted (hence the thread lock), but entries already submitted can still be modified until the 2nd.
That's what I thought too, but maybe we could use some confirmation.
Oops, guess I mispoke -- that's my understanding as well, the "extension" was to allow people who have ALREADY submitted their quests (to the now locked entry thread) to fix any foundry bugs/issues due to Mod 4 release.
So... "enter" contest, no. Make "fixes" yes until 9/2/2014 6am.
I understood the reason for another delay but i really NEED a closure now.
I'm not complaining because the fun of creating a foundry turned in a nightmare (EVERY week new problems); we all suffered for those issues.
The worst thing for me is to not know what's going on AND to not know how the things will end.
My guild's mates partecipated to the contest but in another country (Italy): they finished to enter the foundry on 6/8/2014 and voted until 27/08/2014 as scheduled.
They ask me how things goes and i don't know how to answer.
As i told yet, i really need some kind of end, some firm point.
Please, someone make a decision for ending this contest, tell us and tha's it, no more changes.
I'm not complaining because the fun of creating a foundry turned in a nightmare (EVERY week new problems); we all suffered for those issues.
...and most of us who've used the foundry for more than the last module release KNEW there was an extremely high probability that the foundry quests would be broken by the mod -- as they have been after every single mod since release.
I'm not complaining because the fun of creating a foundry turned in a nightmare (EVERY week new problems); The worst thing for me is to not know what's going on AND to not know how the things will end.
My guild's mates partecipated to the contest but in another country (Italy): they finished to enter the foundry on 6/8/2014 and voted until 27/08/2014 as scheduled.
They ask me how things goes and i don't know how to answer.
Apparently you haven't read any of the postings/updates from Akromatic in the official thread then, huh?
Here are the key dates of the contest (we've updated them to reflect the current schedule of the contest): Begin: 7/2/2014 End: 8/6/2014
Community voting begins: 9/2/14
- Update: Contestants need to have their submissions submitted for featuring by the 9/2 at 6AM PDT, as we will feature the first batch of eligible entries starting 9/2!
So... quest submission: Closed 8/6/2014 bug fix republishing: Ends 9/2 at 6am BEGINS 9/2 on those quests that Cryptic Features in-game for that week.
All previous "voting" does not count for anything - only the voting on the featured quest during it's featuring week.
So, tell your guildies to wait until they see your quest "featured" -- and then they can all vote their 5-stars to "stuff the ballot box" for your quest.
Edit: Oh, and with over a hundred or more quests, if they only feature even 10 every week - it's going to take several months before we have any winner/results -- so hurry up and wait.
I understood the reason for another delay but i really NEED a closure now.
I'm not complaining because the fun of creating a foundry turned in a nightmare (EVERY week new problems); we all suffered for those issues.
The worst thing for me is to not know what's going on AND to not know how the things will end.
My guild's mates partecipated to the contest but in another country (Italy): they finished to enter the foundry on 6/8/2014 and voted until 27/08/2014 as scheduled.
They ask me how things goes and i don't know how to answer.
As i told yet, i really need some kind of end, some firm point.
Please, someone make a decision for ending this contest, tell us and tha's it, no more changes.
I would also like some confirmation on end date and results date too.
But because of all these technical difficulties my best advice is to wait until the voting starts (9/2) that is when a finish date/results date may be announced.
I understand what you mean though, it is very likely by the time the results are announced, many of the contest authors would have stopped playing the game (2-3 months is a long time in MMOs, and players drop in and out all the time) so having a results date would be nice for those who drop off can come back to see how well they did.
I was able to feature quests on the Neverwinter Preview Shard, so I'm assuming that it should work for the live shards as well! Get your quests in by 6AM on 9/2 and we can get this party started (hopefully).
lenchikpenchikMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1
Well, I got a reply from the devs on the issue. Apparently there are a few technical issues happening with the Foundry right now. One of them affecting publishing a quest and another affecting my ability to feature them...*sigh*
I'd be pulling my hair out, but it falls out easily enough by itself (the dye).
Our guys are trying to have it all fixed in time for Thursday's patch, but nothing is certain at this time. Obviously, the 8/26 deadline no longer applies. Let's shoot for a 9/2 6AM PDT start date. If things are still broken then, I think it might be worth revisiting the idea of us doing the judging (we will have multiple judges, each with different tastes)...but the optimist in me tells me that it won't come to that (Worst case scenario: I put up a poll about who should judge and we'll go with the majority).
I can't thank you all enough for your patience and support through all this. I know these delays have caused a good deal of frustration...believe're not alone in that. Please know, however, that I'm doing all I can to make our needs known and get things fixed so we can show your art to the rest of the Neverwinter community.
When I saw this post, I thought the deadline to publish new foundry was 9/2... So I created it 2 days ago. Also when was the contest announced? Was it ever? Is it still possible to get my foundry into the contest?
I'm also having trouble with the chest, it misplaced by itself after it was published.
When I saw this post, I thought the deadline to publish new foundry was 9/2... So I created it 2 days ago. Also when was the contest announced? Was it ever? Is it still possible to get my foundry into the contest?
Here are the key dates of the contest (we've updated them to reflect the current schedule of the contest): Begin: 7/2/2014 End: 8/6/2014 Community voting begins: 9/2/14
9/2 6am is the deadline for fixing bugs (in already submitted, and now closed thread) caused by release of Module 4.
Here are the key dates of the contest (we've updated them to reflect the current schedule of the contest): Begin: 7/2/2014 End: 8/6/2014 Community voting begins: 9/2/14
9/2 6am is the deadline for fixing bugs (in already submitted, and now closed thread) caused by release of Module 4.
Nah, I saw his exact post I quoted previously in Dev tracker xD Otherwise, I don't remember a big fuss about this contest =/
So... quest submission: Closed 8/6/2014 bug fix republishing: Ends 9/2 at 6am BEGINS 9/2 on those quests that Cryptic Features in-game for that week.
Oh, i read it but isn't the first time the date change...
And i don't meant only a deadline, also more info like: how many are the partecipant, how many foundry will featured every week, ecc.
I'm the only one who want to know?
So, tell your guildies to wait until they see your quest "featured" -- and then they can all vote their 5-stars to "stuff the ballot box" for your quest.
5 stars? A dream. Only one mate is interested in foundry and mine is in english too. Don't think to have more support from there.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
All righty, it's about six hours before the end of the contest. Looks like this is for realz!
Just wanted to say what an interesting, intense, memorable contest this was for me. I ran some entries where my jaw just dropped with the neat, original, unique things people had done. This contest really pushed the foundry envelope, so to speak. I spoke to more authors during this contest than I had for the whole previous year, and in doing so learned a lot more. And it was intense because I was super strapped for time, what with taking a week off to get married in July, so I am actually proud of myself to have put out a contest entry I'm totally content with knowing I had a lot less time to build than I normally would have. This contest pushed me to focus my foundry skills and be creative with what I was sure I knew how to do. I know my next quests will only be better. I know everyone else's will be better too, after this!! Can't wait!
It's been a long strange trip guys, but it's nearly done. Best of luck to everyone, and see you all in the foundry!
Hidden Valley Ranch - NW-DPNGENL6E D&D Adventures Part I House of 1000 Corpses - NW-DIEYVLCML D&D Adventures Part II Well of Dragons - NW-DTPJEKZCT Third Place Winner CotD Foundry Contest
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 1 - NW-DM8GHAME2 Monty Python!
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 2 - NW-DFADOS4EX Monty Python!
All righty, it's about six hours before the end of the contest. Looks like this is for realz!
Just wanted to say what an interesting, intense, memorable contest this was for me. I ran some entries where my jaw just dropped with the neat, original, unique things people had done. This contest really pushed the foundry envelope, so to speak. I spoke to more authors during this contest than I had for the whole previous year, and in doing so learned a lot more. And it was intense because I was super strapped for time, what with taking a week off to get married in July, so I am actually proud of myself to have put out a contest entry I'm totally content with knowing I had a lot less time to build than I normally would have. This contest pushed me to focus my foundry skills and be creative with what I was sure I knew how to do. I know my next quests will only be better. I know everyone else's will be better too, after this!! Can't wait!
It's been a long strange trip guys, but it's nearly done. Best of luck to everyone, and see you all in the foundry!
Even with all the complaining (including mine), I have to concur with you. This contest has drummed up a more active foundry, and I've learned a considerable amount more than i had ever expected about the Foundry. Let's hope that they continue to reward us for Foundry efforts and keep this momentum going strong!
Only a few hours left, I'm still finding very small things wrong like an elevated tree, or an invisible barrier that wasn't there before.... but i'm happy to say my quest is playable and much better than anything I had anticipated it would be.
Hopefully things will be cordial during the contest, I have a feeling there will be drama. Never know though.
I was just wondering, It is now 1PM (east coast) on 9/2. I'm not seeing any new posts in the foundry. No contest entries of any kind. I'm wondering if I got the rules mixed up or something. It does say, judging will begin on September 2nd right? Is there yet another push back?
"...projects are never finished, only abandoned....." HellsHot is a proud member of Scribes' Enclave.
1. The Haronomous Saga NWS-DJIKP5IWK a four part, story driven, campaign.
2. The Ruins of Xylon NWS-DC76ORA4I a two part, dungeon crawl.
3. Armor Odyssey NWS-DAUPTR46M a three part, story driven, odyssey.
thrymskvidaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 19Arc User
edited September 2014
Hello there.
I just received an ingame mail saying that my quest got featured. I checked, and the other featured quests for this week are also part of the contest. I guess that the contest is going as expected.
Shadow of purple wings: Help the Harpers investigate a wizard suspected to be part of the Cult of the Dragon. - NW-DEYV5SVQ9
drakkenfelMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 71
edited September 2014
I would like to make a recommendation that we ALL make a post in /ZONE reminding people that the Foundry contest is now live, whether our individual entries are this week, or not. The game is afoot, and we are all winners for getting this far. I would like to see everyone get good representation. :-)
@METH_SHADOWSTORM - Foundry author of: "The Sunnydale Campaign" - NWS-DKBEJ9OOM
Episode 1: "Missing Daughters" - NW-DCX9IZBJB
Episode 2: "A Date With Destiny" - NW-DHYEX5NKR - Featured: NW-DHFLDPWJV
STO Foundry: "Safari So Good" - ST-HPRP2WFWI
So everything works and community is voting. Good luck everyone. Will see how it'll works.
Echo of the Ancient - NW-DT2ABLPD2 - The Wizards forces are pillaging ruins of the ancient, elven kingdom of Illefarn. In order to stop them, you need to lead your party through old, abandoned mines. But beware... you are not alone there...
@Kannddalor's The Artifact NW-DDJNZTIYQ needs more plays to pull it out of the For Review tab. Not that it's mine (or even particularly good, in my opinion), but I figure it benefits all of us to try and get those unreviewed quests into the Featured tab so everyone has that visibility to give them a fair shot.
I just noticed that too, seems like if you didn't get 5 plays your feature will be buried under "for review" im guessing alot of people who made it and didn't bother going back to it will miss out on the contest, unless they take note of when their one comes about.
So...the foundry team is our actual friend the audio master (most of whose attention undoubtedly goes to the rest of the game) and one person who also runs the gateway.
I don't count rumors, and since we have never heard from this other possible dev, I don't believe he/she exists. And even so if it's "when no other projects"...aren't there ALWAYS other projects?
I watched a youtube video on the Neverwinter FOundry, and one of the gentlemen speaking throughought the video claimed he was in charge of the Foundry development. So I believed at that time, there was a fulltime dev assigned to the Foundry.
I find it hard to believe after all this time, and with only a few serious additions to the Foundry that anyone is actually assigned to the Foundry only. That's just my opinion though.
Right now, this is by far the best system any game has yet to create that a layman could use. Neverwinter Nights had a better engine that could do more, but you had to be a much better coder. This also grants a much larger world wide audience.
They have given us freedom, if inventive in the foundry to tell our own DnD Lore stories. Hell, I frelling hated how the 4e guys killed gods and told a terrible story. So, I used the foundry as a chance to change it a bit just for myself more then anyone else. When, I finally finished my final chapter I felt I had my chance to tell a forgotten realms story to a large audience. The foundry was the only option out their to do so for a non gaming pro just a hobbyist like most of us out here.
I think currently I have created more content in terms of Average time play then any other author (My 8 Missions total over 6 hours of play currently), I spent 2000 hours in making it all. I also had a truly great time doing it.
I know from a business model standpoint, the foundry won't get many new features in the future. They are a business in the end and every man hour they put in to the game has to yield profit to keep the servers open and the cash flow positive. So, maybe come up with an idea to help them turn some profit in the foundry?
In the end, thou if you create anything in it, enjoy the process. For me that has always been its own reward.
"Product placement" is big business in the entertainment industry, so why not Zen product placement in Foundry?
12-11-2013 Request: Zen Store assets for Foundry "Product Placement"
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
That's actually an image of the Foundry way, way, way back in early beta. (Why a recent article grabbed that image is pretty odd though.)
That was before it was "dumbed-down" for the "masses."
Personally, I think it looked much better and more professional before all the pablum UI changes.
Looked like it had alot more options as well. I'm sure they use a full-featured version in-house to create everything, stop dumbing it down, or at least allow us to "enable" the advanced features.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I've said this before, I want the FULL Lego set.
Nuff Said,
We appreciate what you do. Thanks again for all of your work on our behalf. When it happens, it happens. I look forward to seeing how all of this works out. I am hoping and praying that the final vote brings players back to the Foundry in droves. Then we will all be winners!
"The Sunnydale Campaign" - NWS-DKBEJ9OOM
Episode 1: "Missing Daughters" - NW-DCX9IZBJB
Episode 2: "A Date With Destiny" - NW-DHYEX5NKR - Featured: NW-DHFLDPWJV
STO Foundry: "Safari So Good" - ST-HPRP2WFWI
So... "enter" contest, no. Make "fixes" yes until 9/2/2014 6am.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Check out my Foundry questline, The Brightstone Explorers' Guild, now archived on Youtube!
So... "enter" contest, no. Make "fixes" yes until 9/2/2014 6am.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I'm not complaining because the fun of creating a foundry turned in a nightmare (EVERY week new problems); we all suffered for those issues.
The worst thing for me is to not know what's going on AND to not know how the things will end.
My guild's mates partecipated to the contest but in another country (Italy): they finished to enter the foundry on 6/8/2014 and voted until 27/08/2014 as scheduled.
They ask me how things goes and i don't know how to answer.
As i told yet, i really need some kind of end, some firm point.
Please, someone make a decision for ending this contest, tell us and tha's it, no more changes.
...and most of us who've used the foundry for more than the last module release KNEW there was an extremely high probability that the foundry quests would be broken by the mod -- as they have been after every single mod since release.
Apparently you haven't read any of the postings/updates from Akromatic in the official thread then, huh?
From the Official Contest Thread:
So... quest submission: Closed 8/6/2014 bug fix republishing: Ends 9/2 at 6am BEGINS 9/2 on those quests that Cryptic Features in-game for that week.
All previous "voting" does not count for anything - only the voting on the featured quest during it's featuring week.
So, tell your guildies to wait until they see your quest "featured" -- and then they can all vote their 5-stars to "stuff the ballot box" for your quest.
Edit: Oh, and with over a hundred or more quests, if they only feature even 10 every week - it's going to take several months before we have any winner/results -- so hurry up and wait.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I would also like some confirmation on end date and results date too.
But because of all these technical difficulties my best advice is to wait until the voting starts (9/2) that is when a finish date/results date may be announced.
I understand what you mean though, it is very likely by the time the results are announced, many of the contest authors would have stopped playing the game (2-3 months is a long time in MMOs, and players drop in and out all the time) so having a results date would be nice for those who drop off can come back to see how well they did.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
I was able to feature quests on the Neverwinter Preview Shard, so I'm assuming that it should work for the live shards as well! Get your quests in by 6AM on 9/2 and we can get this party started (hopefully).
When I saw this post, I thought the deadline to publish new foundry was 9/2... So I created it 2 days ago. Also when was the contest announced?
I'm also having trouble with the chest, it misplaced by itself after it was published.
No. From the (now closed) Official Contest Thread:
Here are the key dates of the contest (we've updated them to reflect the current schedule of the contest):
Begin: 7/2/2014
End: 8/6/2014
Community voting begins: 9/2/14
9/2 6am is the deadline for fixing bugs (in already submitted, and now closed thread) caused by release of Module 4.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Nah, I saw his exact post I quoted previously in Dev tracker xD Otherwise, I don't remember a big fuss about this contest =/
Oh, i read it but isn't the first time the date change...
And i don't meant only a deadline, also more info like: how many are the partecipant, how many foundry will featured every week, ecc.
I'm the only one who want to know?
5 stars? A dream. Only one mate is interested in foundry and mine is in english too. Don't think to have more support from there.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Just wanted to say what an interesting, intense, memorable contest this was for me. I ran some entries where my jaw just dropped with the neat, original, unique things people had done. This contest really pushed the foundry envelope, so to speak. I spoke to more authors during this contest than I had for the whole previous year, and in doing so learned a lot more. And it was intense because I was super strapped for time, what with taking a week off to get married in July, so I am actually proud of myself to have put out a contest entry I'm totally content with knowing I had a lot less time to build than I normally would have.
It's been a long strange trip guys, but it's nearly done. Best of luck to everyone, and see you all in the foundry!
House of 1000 Corpses - NW-DIEYVLCML D&D Adventures Part II
Well of Dragons - NW-DTPJEKZCT Third Place Winner CotD Foundry Contest
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 1 - NW-DM8GHAME2 Monty Python!
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 2 - NW-DFADOS4EX Monty Python!
Even with all the complaining (including mine), I have to concur with you. This contest has drummed up a more active foundry, and I've learned a considerable amount more than i had ever expected about the Foundry. Let's hope that they continue to reward us for Foundry efforts and keep this momentum going strong!
Only a few hours left, I'm still finding very small things wrong like an elevated tree, or an invisible barrier that wasn't there before.... but i'm happy to say my quest is playable and much better than anything I had anticipated it would be.
Hopefully things will be cordial during the contest, I have a feeling there will be drama. Never know though.
I was just wondering, It is now 1PM (east coast) on 9/2. I'm not seeing any new posts in the foundry. No contest entries of any kind. I'm wondering if I got the rules mixed up or something. It does say, judging will begin on September 2nd right? Is there yet another push back?
"...projects are never finished, only abandoned....."
HellsHot is a proud member of Scribes' Enclave.
1. The Haronomous Saga NWS-DJIKP5IWK a four part, story driven, campaign.
2. The Ruins of Xylon NWS-DC76ORA4I a two part, dungeon crawl.
3. Armor Odyssey NWS-DAUPTR46M a three part, story driven, odyssey.
I just received an ingame mail saying that my quest got featured. I checked, and the other featured quests for this week are also part of the contest. I guess that the contest is going as expected.
"The Sunnydale Campaign" - NWS-DKBEJ9OOM
Episode 1: "Missing Daughters" - NW-DCX9IZBJB
Episode 2: "A Date With Destiny" - NW-DHYEX5NKR - Featured: NW-DHFLDPWJV
STO Foundry: "Safari So Good" - ST-HPRP2WFWI
Check out my Foundry questline, The Brightstone Explorers' Guild, now archived on Youtube!
How did you even find that one?
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".