Hello Will! First of all, thank you for your service. My father was in the Navy, one of his ships I remember was the USS Coates DE-685, Rudderow-class destroyer escort.
Thanks for seeking out Tyrs Paladium. You'll have no worries about keeping up in Tyrs. Our "No man left behind" motto applies in all guild runs. No drama, no zerging.
hi, im very interested to join your guild. Sound like it worth to join a cool gang like you guys.
abit of my well being,
from malaysia - small country far to the corner east - i dono you guys heard it before??
love playing DnD since i was 12
im around 31 still crazy playing ^^
hope ppls in guild will accept a outsider like myself..
Of course we know where Malaysia is , some us have been all around the world.
We welcome people from all over the world and your part of the world is jus as welcome as any !
Head on over to our web site and apply, i think you will find plenty of nice people waiting to play with you !
Due to a flood of high quality recruits in the last two weeks, we are closing our wrought iron gates for a few weeks so we can get to know our fabulous new recruits.
Those interested in joining us during blackout periods, please contact me via PM as exceptional applicants will still be considered. (Dont worry Oyra, your application will be reviewed)
as u guys know im from malaysia. i did my studies at france in a local uni called vatel - a hotel school. it was a wonderous adventure to europe learning the traits of a hotellier ^^. still not married thou .... hahahahh ^^
beside that i play abit of golf to sharpen my mental focus.
im still new to neverwinter thou, i dont really know 100 % of it... the content is so huge and it is so amazing how they do it.
im so excited.... ^^
ello ^^
1/ im 31 atm ^^
2/ my forum ign orya - NW ign crossflame - guardian fighter(swordmaster)
3/ adepted on defender/guardian - my tactics on usual ground - defend+protect = counter. team driven base on pt assault.
4/ your slogan ^^ .... 1st impression . this is a cool guild ^^.
5/ yah i like it ^^ - np with me
6/ been playing mmos quite long thou. i dono why dono really - its just the adventure driven me.
7/ when you lagg out - server crash. i was pve last boss. i was very sad - gave up on getting legendary weopan.
8/ was looking in the forum.. found yours ^^.
9/ yah... will follow the rule ^^
10/ yah.. like to chat too... if you guys wanna talk beside gaming - im all welcome ^^.
Well I think it's time once again to open the floodgates! Tyrs Paladium is now hiring.
Tyrs is looking for 30 years old and older adventurers who enjoy a casual, fun, yet active and organized family of brothers and sisters. If you are less than 30, membership is not guaranteed, but we'll certainly talk and see what happens.
American and EU/international players are treated equally. We have a loyal and growing EU contingent in Tyrs Paladium.
FUN and TEAM PLAY are the focal points here!! No drama and no zerging is not only politely requested, it's enforced.
Yep...it just ate my 40 minutes worth of typing sadly. I'll have to start over but for now I'm off to kill things in Icewind.
Greetings Arliekkos! Thank you for seeking us out. That sucks that you' had a problem sending us youre info. I know for sure I go coocoo-bananas when I lose a forum post after working on it for a while.
Just saw you post on our forums, and I love what you've typed! You'll make a good fit in Tyrs Paladium. I have little doubt you'll make lots of friends here, so with out further ado.....
{I rarely do this on the official forums, but since "modern technology" jerked ya around pretty good already}
Are you guys still around on NW? I am thinking about coming back to play the warlock, and would love to find a great community to play with. I currently have a 60 DC and a 60 HR, but stopped playing a while ago due to lack of community. If so, who should I get in touch with. I didn't see a NW section on the public forums of the website. Thanks.
Howdy akraven2771,
YES !!!! we are still around!!! Point in fact we recently have had a bunch of new players join us. So many that we temporaly halted recruiting so we could all get to know each other a littel bit. BUT, we have just now started recruitment back up, so we are looking for more guildies!!! You are more than welcome to check out our Guild Rules at our web site at: Tyrs Paladium . Next all you gotta do is go to the Guild Recruitment thred, then the Nevewinter thred and read thru the questioneer. Finaly fill out the questioneer and post in the topics section and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Looking forward to hearing from you.
application sent. But couldn't find the roster someone said to fill out.
The roster is behind the big wall, through the wrought iron gates In other words, you need to check your email for confirmation Once you do that, I can add you to the private group and you'll have 100% read and write access
Well I think it's time once again to open the floodgates! Tyrs Paladium is now hiring.
Tyrs is looking for 30 years old and older adventurers who enjoy a casual, fun, yet active and organized family of brothers and sisters. If you are less than 30, membership is not guaranteed, but we'll certainly talk and see what happens.
American and EU/international players are treated equally. We have a loyal and growing EU contingent in Tyrs Paladium.
FUN and TEAM PLAY are the focal points here!! No drama and no zerging is not only politely requested, it's enforced.
Greetings Mr. TheGiant,
I am Oglind, and am interested in joining Tyrs Paladium guild. I am a newly minted 50 yr old retired veteran, (army). I am American, I live in the Midwest, CST time zone. I have a few questions of you if I may ask.
Do y'all allow for an alt toon in your guild? I ask because I have my own guild, but it's virtually dead. I don't want to give it up entirely, I'm just interested in maybe joining with a couple of my better 60's.
Are you guys mostly pvp based, or do you run pve and pvp about equal? I'm not much for pvp, haven't done it much at all, Although my toons are pretty solidly equipped so I could have a run at it and see what's the fuss.
That's all I have at the moment, I can be contacted in-game at @oglind. Send me an in game mail, or if you see me online, send a tell. Also, my primary toon is a lvl 60 CW, gs without black ice gear - 15.8, her name is Krystal Apathy.
Thank you for any consideration on this, and I hope to hear from you soon.
"The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done." — George Carlin
"Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck." — George Carlin
I am Oglind, and am interested in joining Tyrs Paladium guild. I am a newly minted 50 yr old retired veteran, (army). I am American, I live in the Midwest, CST time zone. I have a few questions of you if I may ask.
Do y'all allow for an alt toon in your guild? I ask because I have my own guild, but it's virtually dead. I don't want to give it up entirely, I'm just interested in maybe joining with a couple of my better 60's.
Are you guys mostly pvp based, or do you run pve and pvp about equal? I'm not much for pvp, haven't done it much at all, Although my toons are pretty solidly equipped so I could have a run at it and see what's the fuss.
That's all I have at the moment, I can be contacted in-game at @oglind. Send me an in game mail, or if you see me online, send a tell. Also, my primary toon is a lvl 60 CW, gs without black ice gear - 15.8, her name is Krystal Apathy.
Thank you for any consideration on this, and I hope to hear from you soon.
My name is Chris, I am a 54 year old male and live in the US CTZ, I am a vetern of the the Army
where I played many hours of table top on weekend. My buddies always teased me because I loved
the Lawful Good Paladin lol. I have been with Neverwinter since beta and ran solo except for PUG
teams. I had to play solo cuz I had a crappy computer lol, and now have a much better one.
I have been waiting in a guild like this one that is laid back casual and "OLDER" lol.
Thanks and Merry Questing!!
Howdy Oglind,
sounds like you will fit right in with Tyrs, have also read your application in our forums and hopefully Aandre or Mendicant will be contacting you soon.Now as to alts, we have a bunch of alta-holics in our guild, my self included, so that won't be a problem. And just for reference, besides the in game guild chat, we use RaidCall as an external voice chat service for delves and just social chat. Hope to see you soon in game.
Howdy anguis3,
Like what you posted and seems like you might make a good Tyrs guildy. So head over to our web site, Tyrs Paladium , and go to the Guild Rules thread and read through them. If you like them and are still interested, go back to the Guild Recruitment thread. Then go to the Neverwinter thread and read the questioner. Next fill out the questioner and post in the topics section and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
I am Mallyce and I posted an application to your website. I hope that it is a good fit, as I am looking to end the long journey of finding a good guild 'home'.
chrisoldwizMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited August 2014
Anguis3, Oglind, Mallycious
If you haven't found an officer yet, I am usually on during the day / evening european time, and will happily make the invite. Look for @chrisoldwiz and give me a shout
Glad to see you are interested in Tyrs, and with you being Polish you could help swell our growing ranks of EU based players. First thing we need you to do is go to our web site : Tyrs Paladium . Go to the Guild Rules thread and read through our guild rules. If you are still interested then go to the Guild Recruitment thread, then the Neverwinter thread and read the questionnaire. Next fill out a copy of the questionnaire and post in the topics section and on of the guild Officers will get back to you as soon as they can. Looking forward to seeing your answers to the questionnaire.
The gates of Tyrs Paladium will now close for the time being. This means recruiting will cease for now, as we focus on building bonds amongst the fine new personalities we've recently welcomed into our guild in the past few months.
We're always looking for those who are completely drama free and looking to be an active participant to our community and share in it's camaraderie. Thank you to those who've checked us out and looking forward to opening these gates once more!!
QUALITY over QUANTITY, we don't just preach it, we deliver it!
(PS: If you really wish to be a part of our guild, contact me via PM here and I'll see what I can do.. no promises!)
Seriously? I just found a decent guild to join and you stopped recruiting Anyways, I'm #1 in the line then -
I am living in Sweden, female and 39 years old. I played AD&D for a long while between 1993-2000 and it was the best time of my life Nowadays I'm not able to find a nice group/DM to play together. I've always loved Black Isle games (and played all). My most favorite one is Planescape: Torment ^^
I am actually sort of new to this game but trying to improve myself in order to be able to travel to Icewind Dale. I'm a lvl 60 Hunter Ranger and name is Bow Jovi :P I am an easy going person, though, a little bit strict with rules. I would really appreciate it if you accept me in. I wouldn't mind being in a nice guild.
Hello Will! First of all, thank you for your service. My father was in the Navy, one of his ships I remember was the USS Coates DE-685, Rudderow-class destroyer escort.
Thanks for seeking out Tyrs Paladium. You'll have no worries about keeping up in Tyrs. Our "No man left behind" motto applies in all guild runs. No drama, no zerging.
Please check your PMs!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
abit of my well being,
from malaysia - small country far to the corner east - i dono you guys heard it before??
love playing DnD since i was 12
im around 31 still crazy playing ^^
hope ppls in guild will accept a outsider like myself..
ign : crossflame lvl 60 guardian fighter
Of course we know where Malaysia is , some us have been all around the world.
We welcome people from all over the world and your part of the world is jus as welcome as any !
Head on over to our web site and apply, i think you will find plenty of nice people waiting to play with you !
Those interested in joining us during blackout periods, please contact me via PM as exceptional applicants will still be considered. (Dont worry Oyra, your application will be reviewed)
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
tq for the letting me in... im so happy! ^^ yahoo
small intro about myself,
as u guys know im from malaysia. i did my studies at france in a local uni called vatel - a hotel school. it was a wonderous adventure to europe learning the traits of a hotellier ^^. still not married thou .... hahahahh ^^
beside that i play abit of golf to sharpen my mental focus.
im still new to neverwinter thou, i dont really know 100 % of it... the content is so huge and it is so amazing how they do it.
im so excited.... ^^
ello ^^
1/ im 31 atm ^^
2/ my forum ign orya - NW ign crossflame - guardian fighter(swordmaster)
3/ adepted on defender/guardian - my tactics on usual ground - defend+protect = counter. team driven base on pt assault.
4/ your slogan ^^ .... 1st impression . this is a cool guild ^^.
5/ yah i like it ^^ - np with me
6/ been playing mmos quite long thou. i dono why dono really - its just the adventure driven me.
7/ when you lagg out - server crash. i was pve last boss. i was very sad - gave up on getting legendary weopan.
8/ was looking in the forum.. found yours ^^.
9/ yah... will follow the rule ^^
10/ yah.. like to chat too... if you guys wanna talk beside gaming - im all welcome ^^.
GAHHHHHHH, the answers to the Super Secret Tyrs Recruitment Questionaire!!! You gave away the answers!!!!
I now have to delete the interwebs! "Hello, Mr Cogent?"
Welcome to Tyrs Oyra, you'll have fun with us for sure!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
No worries at all! Just havin some fun before work... ermmm I mean before the wife and kids wake up
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Tyrs is looking for 30 years old and older adventurers who enjoy a casual, fun, yet active and organized family of brothers and sisters. If you are less than 30, membership is not guaranteed, but we'll certainly talk and see what happens.
American and EU/international players are treated equally. We have a loyal and growing EU contingent in Tyrs Paladium.
FUN and TEAM PLAY are the focal points here!! No drama and no zerging is not only politely requested, it's enforced.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
We would of course love to see you, so I've pm'd you
Don't forget to apply at the guild website!
Greetings Arliekkos! Thank you for seeking us out. That sucks that you' had a problem sending us youre info. I know for sure I go coocoo-bananas when I lose a forum post after working on it for a while.
Just saw you post on our forums, and I love what you've typed! You'll make a good fit in Tyrs Paladium. I have little doubt you'll make lots of friends here, so with out further ado.....
{I rarely do this on the official forums, but since "modern technology" jerked ya around pretty good already}
Welcome to Tyrs Paladium Arliekkos!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
YES !!!! we are still around!!! Point in fact we recently have had a bunch of new players join us. So many that we temporaly halted recruiting so we could all get to know each other a littel bit. BUT, we have just now started recruitment back up, so we are looking for more guildies!!! You are more than welcome to check out our Guild Rules at our web site at: Tyrs Paladium . Next all you gotta do is go to the Guild Recruitment thred, then the Nevewinter thred and read thru the questioneer. Finaly fill out the questioneer and post in the topics section and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Looking forward to hearing from you.
The roster is behind the big wall, through the wrought iron gates
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Greetings Mr. TheGiant,
I am Oglind, and am interested in joining Tyrs Paladium guild. I am a newly minted 50 yr old retired veteran, (army). I am American, I live in the Midwest, CST time zone. I have a few questions of you if I may ask.
Do y'all allow for an alt toon in your guild? I ask because I have my own guild, but it's virtually dead. I don't want to give it up entirely, I'm just interested in maybe joining with a couple of my better 60's.
Are you guys mostly pvp based, or do you run pve and pvp about equal? I'm not much for pvp, haven't done it much at all, Although my toons are pretty solidly equipped so I could have a run at it and see what's the fuss.
That's all I have at the moment, I can be contacted in-game at @oglind. Send me an in game mail, or if you see me online, send a tell. Also, my primary toon is a lvl 60 CW, gs without black ice gear - 15.8, her name is Krystal Apathy.
Thank you for any consideration on this, and I hope to hear from you soon.
"Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck." — George Carlin
My name is Chris, I am a 54 year old male and live in the US CTZ, I am a vetern of the the Army
where I played many hours of table top on weekend. My buddies always teased me because I loved
the Lawful Good Paladin lol. I have been with Neverwinter since beta and ran solo except for PUG
teams. I had to play solo cuz I had a crappy computer lol, and now have a much better one.
I have been waiting in a guild like this one that is laid back casual and "OLDER" lol.
Thanks and Merry Questing!!
sounds like you will fit right in with Tyrs, have also read your application in our forums and hopefully Aandre or Mendicant will be contacting you soon.Now as to alts, we have a bunch of alta-holics in our guild, my self included, so that won't be a problem. And just for reference, besides the in game guild chat, we use RaidCall as an external voice chat service for delves and just social chat. Hope to see you soon in game.
Like what you posted and seems like you might make a good Tyrs guildy. So head over to our web site, Tyrs Paladium , and go to the Guild Rules thread and read through them. If you like them and are still interested, go back to the Guild Recruitment thread. Then go to the Neverwinter thread and read the questioner. Next fill out the questioner and post in the topics section and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
I am Mallyce and I posted an application to your website. I hope that it is a good fit, as I am looking to end the long journey of finding a good guild 'home'.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
If you haven't found an officer yet, I am usually on during the day / evening european time, and will happily make the invite. Look for @chrisoldwiz and give me a shout
Glad to see you are interested in Tyrs, and with you being Polish you could help swell our growing ranks of EU based players. First thing we need you to do is go to our web site : Tyrs Paladium . Go to the Guild Rules thread and read through our guild rules. If you are still interested then go to the Guild Recruitment thread, then the Neverwinter thread and read the questionnaire. Next fill out a copy of the questionnaire and post in the topics section and on of the guild Officers will get back to you as soon as they can. Looking forward to seeing your answers to the questionnaire.
We're always looking for those who are completely drama free and looking to be an active participant to our community and share in it's camaraderie. Thank you to those who've checked us out and looking forward to opening these gates once more!!
QUALITY over QUANTITY, we don't just preach it, we deliver it!
(PS: If you really wish to be a part of our guild, contact me via PM here and I'll see what I can do.. no promises!)
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
I am living in Sweden, female and 39 years old. I played AD&D for a long while between 1993-2000 and it was the best time of my life
I am actually sort of new to this game but trying to improve myself in order to be able to travel to Icewind Dale. I'm a lvl 60 Hunter Ranger and name is Bow Jovi :P I am an easy going person, though, a little bit strict with rules. I would really appreciate it if you accept me in. I wouldn't mind being in a nice guild.
Hoping to hear from you,
Thank you very much!