I have read a closed thread about removing all AD ingame. It was closed because it was regarded as a crazy idea. It was, but it made me think. And then I got it:
Make all existing AD bind to account. They can not be used to purchase anything from AH or can be traded for ZEN. They can however be used to upgrade companions and mounts. They can be used to buy thing from wonderous bazaar. If you do buy something there with these special "old" AD, things are bind to account also. But you can still use the AD to buy marks for upgrades, cats to use kn your characters etc.
Then you should add more things to the wonderous bazaar, more fashion outfits and so on. And very important: make a respec token available in this shop for these old AD.
Then indroduce a new currency, "new AD", useable like the old "old" ones.
I think that would be the solution to nearly all our current economical problems. And I say that with HUGE amounts if legit aquired AD in my bank. But we all have to pay a price to have a healthy game again.
I have read a closed thread about removing all AD ingame. It was closed because it was regarded as a crazy idea. It was, but it made me think. And then I got it:
Make all existing AD bind to account. They can not be used to purchase anything from AH or can be traded for ZEN. They can however be used to upgrade companions and mounts. They can be used to buy thing from wonderous bazaar. If you do buy something there with these special "old" AD, things are bind to account also. But you can still use the AD to buy marks for upgrades, cats to use kn your characters etc.
Then you should add more things to the wonderous bazaar, more fashion outfits and so on. And very important: make a respec token available in this shop for these old AD.
Then indroduce a new currency, "new AD", useable like the old "old" ones.
I think that would be the solution to nearly all our current economical problems. And I say that with HUGE amounts if legit aquired AD in my bank. But we all have to pay a price to have a healthy game again.
Sadly even if they did this, and I'm not sold on it being a good idea. I think it's overboard and extreme, it wouldn't even matter. Without some top down reform and an emphasis on QA I think we'd just be back here to this point 12 months from now again.
I don't see a problem with this, it would actually be a good idea. AD in our current game is very inflated and it's value has sunk tremendously. The ZAX is clogged to high hell. Exploited AD and the thieves still have dominance on AH without having to work hard like the rest of us, or spend any ZEN/cash.
The only people I can see protesting this are those at the very top and the AD exploiters who survived any ban or punishment who don't want this game's community/playerbase to grow, or let new players advance to higher gearscore easily.
Good post, good suggestion. Now if only Cryptic will do it.
hiukulimusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 117
edited August 2014
Bad Post and Suggestion.
How can PWE modify the currency of ppl suddendly?
Also it will have no effect at all becasue now the market is ruled by those ppl who exploited and still going around...and at the moment the best currency is not "AD" or "GOLD" , the new currency are Enchantments, Artifact, Mounts, Companion... all those BoE items bought with exploit ad... so again when new currency will come, rich stay rich and poor stay poor
The one thing I have been noticing on all of these Zax related threads is the fact that almost everyone one of these suggestion are suggestions that would really hurt players that have farmed and made a little bit of decent AD, and im pretty sure these suggestions are coming from players with less than 20k AD on their characters (yes they are broke), so beasically if something like this were to happen, they have nothing to lose except for that dude that been farming all day to get 600k AD.
I find it hard to believe that any player that has a decent amount of AD (1 million and up) would be going around giving solutions like this,
Do you think I spent my time running CN and managed gather 3.5 million AD to upgrade my mount or companion?
So please let all stop the hate on players with a little AD, and let try to be atleast a little creative with the suggestions.
adernathMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2014
@OP: Horrible idea... AD is a trading currency, you can not simply make this BoA. Instead, the solution is far more easier: make all ZEN items BoA. This will prevent the spiral of purchasing ZEN items at a lower price and selling them on the AH.
Suggestions to improve NW:
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
I don't see a problem with this, it would actually be a good idea. AD in our current game is very inflated and it's value has sunk tremendously. The ZAX is clogged to high hell. Exploited AD and the thieves still have dominance on AH without having to work hard like the rest of us, or spend any ZEN/cash.
The only people I can see protesting this are those at the very top and the AD exploiters who survived any ban or punishment who don't want this game's community/playerbase to grow, or let new players advance to higher gearscore easily.
Good post, good suggestion. Now if only Cryptic will do it.
im not at the top, and im protesting, I worked hard for my AD, do you know how many CN runs I do everyday? if you have 500k that you really worked hard for you wouldn't be supporting ideas like this.
it not my fault you are broke and have no AD on you to loose if they do something like this.
and im pretty sure anyone around here who has worked their butt off to make a little AD wont support this idea.
im not at the top, and im protesting, I worked hard for my AD, do you know how many CN runs I do everyday? if you have 500k that you really worked hard for you wouldn't be supporting ideas like this.
it not my fault you are broke and have no AD on you to loose if they do something like this.
and im pretty sure anyone around here who has worked their butt off to make a little AD wont support this idea.
Gonna say this right here and now, in no post did I say I was broke, so don't put words into my mouth. I'm actually well off, i have millions of AD from playing legitimately and grinding. Secondly, you get to keep your AD. Any future content or future days you spend playing will just have to be earned as you normally do, by playing the game. And also, I would contend that OP's suggestion would let a time frame to let players spend their AD before the effects take place on a certain date/time. Then once the AD change occurs, as time and content advance, you will see the prices finally begin to come down because EVERYONE has been reset.
The economy and playerbase, especially for new players trying to achieve anything in this game, needs to be fixed. The OP's suggestion is a clean one, and would really clean out all the exploited mess that was not intended for this game's economy in the first place.
The value of AD has sunk tremendously. Prices on AH for items have skyrocketed, tripled, quadrupled, from what they were just a few months ago; but has Lord Neverember's Dailies AD reward increased? no. Have Rhix's AD rewards increased? no. The means to legitimately earn AD through these tasks has and will demotivate any new players from trying to advance their gear score in this game because the AD reward value is no longer significant for the time spent to achieve it.
The OP's suggestion is good because it allows those to keep their AD in their own bank account to upgrade any mounts/companions/bazaar etc and any future iterations of AD sinks, prevents exploiter's AD from polluting the system where other's have played the game legitimately, and as future content rolls in it will truly begin to level the playing field again and recover the damage that has been done to the game by the numerous AD exploits this game has suffered from.
The economy and playerbase, especially for new players trying to achieve anything in this game, needs to be fixed. The OP's suggestion is a clean one, and would really clean out all the exploited mess that was not intended for this game's economy in the first place.
The value of AD has sunk tremendously. Prices on AH for items have skyrocketed, tripled, quadrupled, from what they were just a few months ago; but has Lord Neverember's Dailies AD reward increased? no. Have Rhix's AD rewards increased? no. The means to legitimately earn AD through these tasks has and will demotivate any new players from trying to advance their gear score in this game because the AD reward value is no longer significant for the time spent to achieve it.
The OP's suggestion is good because it allows those to keep their AD in their own bank account to upgrade any mounts/companions/bazaar etc and any future iterations of AD sinks, prevents exploiter's AD from polluting the system where other's have played the game legitimately, and as future content rolls in it will truly begin to level the playing field again and recover the damage that has been done to the game by the numerous AD exploits this game has suffered from.
The op's suggestion is a suggestion of last resort because you will lose at least 50% of the legit playerbase from this. It is a we can't fix it any otherway and we know the game is going to implode and die if we don't try something option. It's the equivalent of cutting off your own limb and crawling in from the desert. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aron_Ralston
The op's suggestion is a suggestion of last resort because you will lose at least 50% of the legit playerbase from this. It is a we can't fix it any otherway and we know the game is going to implode and die if we don't try something option. It's the equivalent of cutting off your own limb and crawling in from the desert. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aron_Ralston
Where do you get the idea that it would cause 50% of the legit playerbase to quit? You keep your AD, you use it to upgrade any future items you want on your own account. You play the game like your normally do to earn AD just like everyone else when the changes take effect, everyone is on the same playing field again because prices will go down if everyone has to actually PLAY THE GAME LEGITIMATELY to earn their AD.
A reset in any form will not solve the long term problem.
The long term problem is a lot more AD is flowing into the game than leaving it. This leads to the total size of the AD pool ever increasing, which again means crazy prices on AH and on the ZAX. Basically a big inflation for AD(inflation = the amount of money increasing witout the underlying real values increasing correspondingly).
The long term solution must make enough goodies available to buy with AD so that more AD is spent and removed from game.
Once we reach the situation where total AD income is less than total AD spending the AD pool will be slowly drained and the situation will normalize. Long term AD spending should equal AD income.
Where do you get the idea that it would cause 50% of the legit playerbase to quit? You keep your AD, you use it to upgrade any future items you want on your own account. You play the game like your normally do to earn AD just like everyone else when the changes take effect, everyone is on the same playing field again because prices will go down if everyone has to actually PLAY THE GAME LEGITIMATELY to earn their AD.
I don't know about you but everyone I know uses their AD in the AH to buy things. Take that away and you will peeve a majority of players.
That would just mean Cryptic has finally lost control and it's time to bail.
Gonna say this right here and now, in no post did I say I was broke, so don't put words into my mouth. I'm actually well off, i have millions of AD from playing legitimately and grinding.
The economy and playerbase, especially for new players trying to achieve anything in this game, needs to be fixed. The OP's suggestion is a clean one, and would really clean out all the exploited mess that was not intended for this game's economy in the first place.
Sure the economy needs to be fix, but not on legit players expenses.
You just wrote an essay trying to make what OP said a good thing, meanwhile if you really looked deep into what he suggest you would notice and realize that his suggestions are messed up suggestions in disguise, it goes with the saying that "Slap a fancy name on something, and all manner of evil is excuse", and no, OP isn't trying to help the economy, he is doing this for himself and he is taking refuge behind the Zax backlog situation.
we are here bashing exploiters, but what is TC doing right now? he is exploiting the current Zax situation not ingame, but outside the game for his own gain.
A reset in any form will not solve the long term problem.
The long term problem is a lot more AD is flowing into the game than leaving it. This leads to the total size of the AD pool ever increasing, which again means crazy prices on AH and on the ZAX. Basically a big inflation for AD(inflation = the amount of money increasing witout the underlying real values increasing correspondingly).
The long term solution must make enough goodies available to buy with AD so that more AD is spent and removed from game.
Once we reach the situation where total AD income is less than total AD spending the AD pool will be slowly drained and the situation will normalize. Long term AD spending should equal AD income.
I agree with this suggestion as well. But when you say a reset in any form will not solve the problem, I disagree. It will solve the problem. Your suggestion of having more goodies available to buy with AD works also, but will take much much longer to clear out BILLIONS of exploited AD from malicious players.
I don't know about you but everyone I know uses their AD in the AH to buy things. Take that away and you will peeve a majority of players.
That would just mean Cryptic has finally lost control and it's time to bail.
Cryptic lost control months ago when they failed to investigate the sources of excessive AD generation. Not attempting to fix the problem would show that Cryptic would refuse to admit they've lost control.
Sure the economy needs to be fix, but not on legit players expenses.
You just wrote an essay trying to make what OP said a good thing, meanwhile if you really looked deep into what he suggest you would notice and realize that his suggestions are messed up suggestions in disguise, it goes with the saying that "Slap a fancy name on something, and all manner of evil is excuse", and no, OP isn't trying to help the economy, he is doing this for himself and he is taking refuge behind the Zax backlog situation.
we are here bashing exploiters, but what is TC doing right now? he is exploiting the current Zax situation not ingame, but outside the game for his own gain.
OP's suggestion is not selfish or "for himself" as much as you think it may be. Who's suggestion would help the longevity of this game more - yours, or his? Who's suggestion would contribute to the greater good of the community playerbase and stop the absurd rise of AH prices (which continue to rise as we speak)? Who's more selfish here trying to conserve their own self-interest - you for rejecting that idea, or OP for promoting it? You know it and everyone else knows it, the ZAX is BROKEN, the economy is in hell, and a fix is needed.
amonsennMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited August 2014
When game 1st start, community was normal, now its outrages, just leave AD trade for zen, or something, repair changes ad to zen, ppl who play free2play can trade, and can buy something.. this now is useless
I have read a closed thread about removing all AD ingame. It was closed because it was regarded as a crazy idea. It was, but it made me think. And then I got it:
Make all existing AD bind to account. They can not be used to purchase anything from AH or can be traded for ZEN. They can however be used to upgrade companions and mounts. They can be used to buy thing from wonderous bazaar. If you do buy something there with these special "old" AD, things are bind to account also. But you can still use the AD to buy marks for upgrades, cats to use kn your characters etc.
Then you should add more things to the wonderous bazaar, more fashion outfits and so on. And very important: make a respec token available in this shop for these old AD.
Then indroduce a new currency, "new AD", useable like the old "old" ones.
I think that would be the solution to nearly all our current economical problems. And I say that with HUGE amounts if legit aquired AD in my bank. But we all have to pay a price to have a healthy game again.
Interesting nuclear option, BUT it might work although only if all items were made BoA at the same time. If Cryptic give enough warning about this change this then I can see it (possibly) working, otherwise a lot of VERY pissed off players will simply quit.
After the reset (preferably just before a new Mod), BoE can be restored as required.
I knew I will get some critical answers on this. Its ok. Its a very contoversal suggestion.
But before you regard my idea as crazy, really, REALLY think about what it would tigger and what consequences it would had.
The Ah market would be completly refreshed. The "new AD" would be a pure(for the beginning at least) currency. People could earn this currency by playing the actual game, not by profiting from the viscious circle of backlog ZEN and seeling this stuff for diuble the exchange price. There would be no insane AH manipulating like we have it now. People would even trade their ZEN for this new currency, cryptic would also benefit from this solution as the new players.
With a fresh currency the playing field on the AH and AD ewrnig would be refreshed.
So really think about it. Maybe its a crazy idea, but do u think u have a better idea, especially right niw there are billions of exploited AD in te game.
To my own person and interest: I actually have non interest except that there is a healthy game. And btw for the accusation that I just want to hurt rich people because I am poor: I am maxed out r10, perfects, dozens if legendaries and enough AD to manipulate te sh.it out of the AH. If thats what u want?
I want a healthy game for ALL of us, because whats ur farmed AD worth right now, he?
Where do you get the idea that it would cause 50% of the legit playerbase to quit? You keep your AD, you use it to upgrade any future items you want on your own account. You play the game like your normally do to earn AD just like everyone else when the changes take effect, everyone is on the same playing field again because prices will go down if everyone has to actually PLAY THE GAME LEGITIMATELY to earn their AD.
You are indeed right that 50% is a wrong number. If the best solution for fixing things is punishing everyone, especially the honest players (that will take ages to recover, while exploiters will just find another exploit and be rich again in a week), I believe it will be more like 80-90%.
So anyone with anything to sell on the AH can basically just Shove it up their @#$ is what you are suggesting. And any money you do have you can just buy 50 @&*#*&^ Cats and send off to everyone and have a giant big @#$% fest on the steps of PE.
Also I don;t want anything from the $&^#*(% Wondrous bazar!
Jeez - Please stop all of the "LAST RESORT" bull**** forum posts.
I do not even know what the problem these people are even imaging exists in their head - what is the problem - You play a game it has ingame money get #*$&(*&@ used to it.
The american US economy is in the Rut why don't send a letter of to their congress and tell them to issue new money and old money can only be spent on fashion items and pets but can not be spent in shops, and then little by little they will eventually have enough new money to buy food again.
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I knew I will get some critical answers on this. Its ok. Its a very contoversal suggestion.
But before you regard my idea as crazy, really, REALLY think about what it would tigger and what consequences it would had.
I did but as I mentioned before they would have to make all the existing AD AND items permanently BoA at the same time. AFTER this is done, unbound AD and items can be re-introduced. Also the end of a mod would be the best time to do this.
Whatever OP's intention was, this is the dumbest idea ever. What OP is actually suggesting, is removing all trade from the game. The basic function of AD is TRADE. Like, trading with other players. The only thing in wondrous bazaar that people are actually buying are the dungeon keys, which are btw much less desirable since chests are broken.
So if they really would do that (and they won't because they are not crazy) we would have dead AH, dead Zax (you can't buy Zen because you have no AD. And even after you earn some, there is no Zen to buy because... why would anyone want AD if you cannot use AH?) and people leaving this sinking ship.
Well I presume newZen would buy the 'newAD' which would function just as AD functions now. Trading would resume as per usual, but from a levelled playing field. The 'old AD' would be limited to buying boa items from in game vendors, effectively an obscelete currency quarranteened from the AH and the zax. OldZen would similarly have to be limited to buying only boa versions of shop items unbound for newZen.
I think it's quite a good idea actually. As long as current inventory/banked items are also made boa in one fell swoop. Otherwise a whole bunch of enchants and resources will simply disappear from the AH prior to the big day .
As things are, our gaming serves the economy, when really, the economy should serve our gaming. We've recreated the grind of real working life in an enviroment that was intended to be a relief from working life, lol at us stupid monkeys.
It could become an event theme - lord Neverememberhisname could make a speech and ceremonially burn a whole bunch of 'corrupted' astral diamonds... followed by a skirmish where you have to fight off a force of thoonhulk embezzelers in the marketplace. The rng could drop an IRS inspector companion. Active bonus: you generate 1% more newAD from all sources.
Whatever OP's intention was, this is the dumbest idea ever. What OP is actually suggesting, is removing all trade from the game. The basic function of AD is TRADE. Like, trading with other players. The only thing in wondrous bazaar that people are actually buying are the dungeon keys, which are btw much less desirable since chests are broken.
So if they really would do that (and they won't because they are not crazy) we would have dead AH, dead Zax (you can't buy Zen because you have no AD. And even after you earn some, there is no Zen to buy because... why would anyone want AD if you cannot use AH?) and people leaving this sinking ship.
They don't think before making threads on topics like these, what even more pathetic is the amount of peoples backing this up, OP idea was plain dumb.
[QUOTE=The american US economy is in the Rut why don't send a letter of to their congress and tell them to issue new money and old money can only be spent on fashion items and pets but can not be spent in shops, and then little by little they will eventually have enough new money to buy food again.[/QUOTE]
Cant blame them for not knowing how the economy works, something pops of their heads and they immediately utter it rather than thinking about it first.
I agree with what others have said, this is a solution of last resort and could drive customers away. However, it could be we're at a time of last resort measures (only Cryptic would know for sure). That said, I see the merits of leveling the playing field, but I don't see anything in this system to prevent it from happening again. While I agree, the current legitimate top AD earners are not truly hard hit, because their leadership skills, the skill with CN runs, will still provide plenty of the new trading currency. What's to prevent the "new AD" becoming just as devalued six months to a year after reset?
The true long-term solution cannot be periodic resets to level the playing field. Some other actions must be taken to allow the economy to recover from this. Any reset, if necessary, would just help assist this current problem to right itself. I don't see a reset as the solution, by itself.
I agree with what others have said, this is a solution of last resort and could drive customers away. However, it could be we're at a time of last resort measures (only Cryptic would know for sure). That said, I see the merits of leveling the playing field, but I don't see anything in this system to prevent it from happening again. While I agree, the current legitimate top AD earners are not truly hard hit, because their leadership skills, the skill with CN runs, will still provide plenty of the new trading currency. What's to prevent the "new AD" becoming just as devalued six months to a year after reset?
The true long-term solution cannot be periodic resets to level the playing field. Some other actions must be taken to allow the economy to recover from this. Any reset, if necessary, would just help assist this current problem to right itself. I don't see a reset as the solution, by itself.
Does nobody see it is wrong taking all your earned with time and effort, in legit way goods from players is wrong?
Last resort? If you are desperate to get rid of your players you mean. Rich or poor, people would loose all their AD. And you want even take away Zen, that are purchsed with REAL MONEY?
It's been obvious for weeks that the ZAX mess is caused by exploits. Fix them, ban the offenders and the economy will recover. We don't need crazy over-the-top ideas.
It's been obvious for weeks that the ZAX mess is caused by exploits. Fix them, ban the offenders and the economy will recover. We don't need crazy over-the-top ideas.
The only people I can see protesting this are those at the very top and the AD exploiters who survived any ban or punishment who don't want this game's community/playerbase to grow, or let new players advance to higher gearscore easily.
Good post, good suggestion. Now if only Cryptic will do it.
How can PWE modify the currency of ppl suddendly?
Also it will have no effect at all becasue now the market is ruled by those ppl who exploited and still going around...and at the moment the best currency is not "AD" or "GOLD" , the new currency are Enchantments, Artifact, Mounts, Companion... all those BoE items bought with exploit ad... so again when new currency will come, rich stay rich and poor stay poor
The one thing I have been noticing on all of these Zax related threads is the fact that almost everyone one of these suggestion are suggestions that would really hurt players that have farmed and made a little bit of decent AD, and im pretty sure these suggestions are coming from players with less than 20k AD on their characters (yes they are broke), so beasically if something like this were to happen, they have nothing to lose except for that dude that been farming all day to get 600k AD.
I find it hard to believe that any player that has a decent amount of AD (1 million and up) would be going around giving solutions like this,
Do you think I spent my time running CN and managed gather 3.5 million AD to upgrade my mount or companion?
So please let all stop the hate on players with a little AD, and let try to be atleast a little creative with the suggestions.
- Dualspec
- Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
- Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
- Armory
- make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
im not at the top, and im protesting, I worked hard for my AD, do you know how many CN runs I do everyday? if you have 500k that you really worked hard for you wouldn't be supporting ideas like this.
it not my fault you are broke and have no AD on you to loose if they do something like this.
and im pretty sure anyone around here who has worked their butt off to make a little AD wont support this idea.
Gonna say this right here and now, in no post did I say I was broke, so don't put words into my mouth. I'm actually well off, i have millions of AD from playing legitimately and grinding. Secondly, you get to keep your AD. Any future content or future days you spend playing will just have to be earned as you normally do, by playing the game. And also, I would contend that OP's suggestion would let a time frame to let players spend their AD before the effects take place on a certain date/time. Then once the AD change occurs, as time and content advance, you will see the prices finally begin to come down because EVERYONE has been reset.
The economy and playerbase, especially for new players trying to achieve anything in this game, needs to be fixed. The OP's suggestion is a clean one, and would really clean out all the exploited mess that was not intended for this game's economy in the first place.
The value of AD has sunk tremendously. Prices on AH for items have skyrocketed, tripled, quadrupled, from what they were just a few months ago; but has Lord Neverember's Dailies AD reward increased? no. Have Rhix's AD rewards increased? no. The means to legitimately earn AD through these tasks has and will demotivate any new players from trying to advance their gear score in this game because the AD reward value is no longer significant for the time spent to achieve it.
The OP's suggestion is good because it allows those to keep their AD in their own bank account to upgrade any mounts/companions/bazaar etc and any future iterations of AD sinks, prevents exploiter's AD from polluting the system where other's have played the game legitimately, and as future content rolls in it will truly begin to level the playing field again and recover the damage that has been done to the game by the numerous AD exploits this game has suffered from.
Where do you get the idea that it would cause 50% of the legit playerbase to quit? You keep your AD, you use it to upgrade any future items you want on your own account. You play the game like your normally do to earn AD just like everyone else when the changes take effect, everyone is on the same playing field again because prices will go down if everyone has to actually PLAY THE GAME LEGITIMATELY to earn their AD.
The long term problem is a lot more AD is flowing into the game than leaving it. This leads to the total size of the AD pool ever increasing, which again means crazy prices on AH and on the ZAX. Basically a big inflation for AD(inflation = the amount of money increasing witout the underlying real values increasing correspondingly).
The long term solution must make enough goodies available to buy with AD so that more AD is spent and removed from game.
Once we reach the situation where total AD income is less than total AD spending the AD pool will be slowly drained and the situation will normalize. Long term AD spending should equal AD income.
I don't know about you but everyone I know uses their AD in the AH to buy things. Take that away and you will peeve a majority of players.
That would just mean Cryptic has finally lost control and it's time to bail.
Sure the economy needs to be fix, but not on legit players expenses.
You just wrote an essay trying to make what OP said a good thing, meanwhile if you really looked deep into what he suggest you would notice and realize that his suggestions are messed up suggestions in disguise, it goes with the saying that "Slap a fancy name on something, and all manner of evil is excuse", and no, OP isn't trying to help the economy, he is doing this for himself and he is taking refuge behind the Zax backlog situation.
we are here bashing exploiters, but what is TC doing right now? he is exploiting the current Zax situation not ingame, but outside the game for his own gain.
I agree with this suggestion as well. But when you say a reset in any form will not solve the problem, I disagree. It will solve the problem. Your suggestion of having more goodies available to buy with AD works also, but will take much much longer to clear out BILLIONS of exploited AD from malicious players.
Cryptic lost control months ago when they failed to investigate the sources of excessive AD generation. Not attempting to fix the problem would show that Cryptic would refuse to admit they've lost control.
OP's suggestion is not selfish or "for himself" as much as you think it may be. Who's suggestion would help the longevity of this game more - yours, or his? Who's suggestion would contribute to the greater good of the community playerbase and stop the absurd rise of AH prices (which continue to rise as we speak)? Who's more selfish here trying to conserve their own self-interest - you for rejecting that idea, or OP for promoting it? You know it and everyone else knows it, the ZAX is BROKEN, the economy is in hell, and a fix is needed.
Interesting nuclear option, BUT it might work although only if all items were made BoA at the same time. If Cryptic give enough warning about this change this then I can see it (possibly) working, otherwise a lot of VERY pissed off players will simply quit.
After the reset (preferably just before a new Mod), BoE can be restored as required.
But before you regard my idea as crazy, really, REALLY think about what it would tigger and what consequences it would had.
The Ah market would be completly refreshed. The "new AD" would be a pure(for the beginning at least) currency. People could earn this currency by playing the actual game, not by profiting from the viscious circle of backlog ZEN and seeling this stuff for diuble the exchange price. There would be no insane AH manipulating like we have it now. People would even trade their ZEN for this new currency, cryptic would also benefit from this solution as the new players.
With a fresh currency the playing field on the AH and AD ewrnig would be refreshed.
So really think about it. Maybe its a crazy idea, but do u think u have a better idea, especially right niw there are billions of exploited AD in te game.
To my own person and interest: I actually have non interest except that there is a healthy game. And btw for the accusation that I just want to hurt rich people because I am poor: I am maxed out r10, perfects, dozens if legendaries and enough AD to manipulate te sh.it out of the AH. If thats what u want?
I want a healthy game for ALL of us, because whats ur farmed AD worth right now, he?
You are indeed right that 50% is a wrong number. If the best solution for fixing things is punishing everyone, especially the honest players (that will take ages to recover, while exploiters will just find another exploit and be rich again in a week), I believe it will be more like 80-90%.
Also I don;t want anything from the $&^#*(% Wondrous bazar!
Jeez - Please stop all of the "LAST RESORT" bull**** forum posts.
I do not even know what the problem these people are even imaging exists in their head - what is the problem - You play a game it has ingame money get #*$&(*&@ used to it.
The american US economy is in the Rut why don't send a letter of to their congress and tell them to issue new money and old money can only be spent on fashion items and pets but can not be spent in shops, and then little by little they will eventually have enough new money to buy food again.
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
I did but as I mentioned before they would have to make all the existing AD AND items permanently BoA at the same time. AFTER this is done, unbound AD and items can be re-introduced. Also the end of a mod would be the best time to do this.
So if they really would do that (and they won't because they are not crazy) we would have dead AH, dead Zax (you can't buy Zen because you have no AD. And even after you earn some, there is no Zen to buy because... why would anyone want AD if you cannot use AH?) and people leaving this sinking ship.
I think it's quite a good idea actually. As long as current inventory/banked items are also made boa in one fell swoop. Otherwise a whole bunch of enchants and resources will simply disappear from the AH prior to the big day
As things are, our gaming serves the economy, when really, the economy should serve our gaming. We've recreated the grind of real working life in an enviroment that was intended to be a relief from working life, lol at us stupid monkeys.
It could become an event theme - lord Neverememberhisname could make a speech and ceremonially burn a whole bunch of 'corrupted' astral diamonds... followed by a skirmish where you have to fight off a force of thoonhulk embezzelers in the marketplace. The rng could drop an IRS inspector companion. Active bonus: you generate 1% more newAD from all sources.
I can see it now...
They don't think before making threads on topics like these, what even more pathetic is the amount of peoples backing this up, OP idea was plain dumb.
Cant blame them for not knowing how the economy works, something pops of their heads and they immediately utter it rather than thinking about it first.
The true long-term solution cannot be periodic resets to level the playing field. Some other actions must be taken to allow the economy to recover from this. Any reset, if necessary, would just help assist this current problem to right itself. I don't see a reset as the solution, by itself.
Does nobody see it is wrong taking all your earned with time and effort, in legit way goods from players is wrong?
Last resort? If you are desperate to get rid of your players you mean. Rich or poor, people would loose all their AD. And you want even take away Zen, that are purchsed with REAL MONEY?
And @geeq5, you are 100% right.
Thank you!