Among all the events so far, I would give it the lowest rating. Prizes seemed neat but they are either too hard to obtain or they aren't permanent - why on earth was the purely fun item like toy apparatus or gond made ONE TIME USE ONLY? why is expendable doohickey hitting for 1/6th of the permanent one's damage? It's like telling the players "Don't bother with low rewards because we invented them as trash, pay for the highest end ones or get lost".
Having finally achieved rank 7 due to saying eff it and buying blueprints, I was rewarded with... a special profession pack and a rank 5. (Rank 5 to 7 is like what 3/4ths of the points?)
Yeah that was worth it. Expensive and/or boring as hell event with expensive but lousy rewards.
I can't think of a Neverwinter event that I would rank lower than this. A lot of them were actually fun, this one is FAIL.
My participation in this event. Bought blueprint from store and made a Doohickey. Kept it.
1100 ZEN is pretty worth it. It costs more to buy a companion to add a small passive benefit to your gameplay, Doohickey does more and you can actively use it while playing.
The TR is the only class I would ever use the Doohickey on though, which is what I did. Doohickey + Blitz = easy mob clearing.
I just plain got bored. It was just too time consuming for the perceived reward. I'm f2p, have real world budget to keep. I probably should've just kept my zippity-doodle, or whatever, instead of auctioning it, in case this comes around next year. But it would've taken up an inventory slot. Too tedious for me, I cut my losses and my frustrations.
"I don't know, I'm making it up as I go..." Featured Foundry Quest:Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
My participation in this event. Bought blueprint from store and made a Doohickey. Kept it.
1100 ZEN is pretty worth it. It costs more to buy a companion to add a small passive benefit to your gameplay, Doohickey does more and you can actively use it while playing.
The TR is the only class I would ever use the Doohickey on though, which is what I did. Doohickey + Blitz = easy mob clearing.
I'm making a killing selling HAMSTER on the AH.
This doesn't surprise me. I sold my leftover materials I made for the event at the current going rate and I made about half a million in a couple of minutes.
This doesn't surprise me. I sold my leftover materials I made for the event at the current going rate and I made about half a million in a couple of minutes.
geez!?!?! how many alts u got? what/ how much stuff did you sell?!?!?
geez!?!?! how many alts u got? what/ how much stuff did you sell?!?!?
You see the price of Pine Wood?
I had a few stacks of 999 just sitting there from Leveling up Artificing on a couple of Toons.
Made about 200000 each stack.
Made almost as much on the Iron Ore I sold that I had sitting around after Leveling up Platesmithing and Mailsmithing.
Leveling up Alchemy gave me a bit of both.
I'm just a bit of a Completionist.
I like to see all 9 Profession Slots open on every Character, but I'm just not in that much of a hurry to get there.
So I Level them up with Deep Wilderness Gathering and sell of those Materials every so often.
The sad part is that I just dumped a monster load of the stuff on the AH just about two months ago, or I would have made about ten times as much.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
The concept of this event was fun, I guess, but the highest level gizmo I managed to get was rank 5 and that was with two characters doing their dailies, couldn't really be bothered to grind for it. Not really impressed with this event.
Logged on this morning to do my professions and other stuff. Saw the event was still on, totally forgot about this event after the 1st day. This event was so hindering and pain stating that it was just not worth doing at all. Don't actually care about this event, there is a lot of people that feel the same way. This event is like back ground noise, uninteresting.
Lamest NON-Event by far, sold all the stuff I could be arsed to grind over the weekend. I for one wasn't going to pay for any of it, and the time grind was just a huge fail.
Respen's Marvelous Game was everything good about an Event, this just stank the place out...
I thought the idea of the event was a good one, just didn't think the execution of it was that well delivered. If you are intent on people playing to grind for items at least make it possible to get parts from profession kits, end of lair/skirmish/dungeon chests or from elite mobs/dungeon bosses. I'd have also put a blueprint on the AD store to reduce the amount of AD in the market and made the lower end reward items more permament. Hopefully some of the ideas that folks have had will be implemented for the next time this rolls around or for the next Event.
The event could of been much better. I think the biggest thing missing was higher level crafting options. Being able to use tier 3 crafting mats to make rank 4 or 5 items. Would of reduced the grind, and rewarded those players who invested in higher level crafting.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited August 2014
This event could have been great, but it had the major flaw that it was next-to impossible for players to get the top reward by just grinding.
I would have liked them to do one (or both) of the following:
1) Change the mob drops so there was, say a 50% chance of a rank 1 (Grommet), 45% chance of a rank 2 and 5% chance of rank 3.
2) Add higher-level crafting tasks (corresponding to the higher-level materials), with a chance of creating a rank 4 or even rank 5.
This would have cut the grinding time down to, say 10-15 hours for the Doohickey - quite reasonable. People would still have bought blueprints -, and would have been happy with the event, instead of being generally frustrated and annoyed - well, except for those that profited nicely by selling pelts, wool scraps and so on.
I'm not complaining - I sold that junk for half a million AD - enough to pay for blueprints to make a Doohickey - but that's not really how I want to play.
Cryptic needs to think a bit more about events like this....
On a bit of a side note, what were Blueprints and the Doohickey under on the AH. I heard about their pricing but I never saw a single one?
Miscellaneous Tab.
But it is much cheaper to buy Blueprints from the ZEN market if you can (it is still available at present). Consequently it is also much cheaper to make Doohickeys using Blueprints than Grommits.
Spent time and real money making a doohickey, got nothing out of it, complete waste. Bloody effing sapphire, really?! You should at least be able to break even. Didn't even try the gamble with my second doohickey just holding onto it for now. Terrible event
Spent time and real money making a doohickey, got nothing out of it, complete waste. Bloody effing sapphire, really?! You should at least be able to break even. Didn't even try the gamble with my second doohickey just holding onto it for now. Terrible event
Gambling is gambling. The people that got the top prizes were stoked.
Personally I kept my Doohickey as an extra "encounter-lite" power for PvP, and because it looks cool following me around.
dragoness10Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 780Arc User
edited August 2014
My guild got together and helped each other out. Several of us got Doohicky, and a mount. Leftover crafting supplies got handed around. I've kept crafting to make more supplies since I have Rank 20 all crafts, and nine crafting slots. Working together makes events work better.
" I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
My guild got together and helped each other out. Several of us got Doohicky, and a mount. Leftover crafting supplies got handed around. I've kept crafting to make more supplies since I have Rank 20 all crafts, and nine crafting slots. Working together makes events work better.
There's a lesson here... great works of Engineering are not created by a single individual, but by team effort.
I got *A* "Forgehammer of Gond" as an epic reward from the event but it was NOT an Artifact. No, instead it was a Profession Asset. While it could come in useful, I was not going for an asset as much as I was for the Artifact....
The Asset is Bind on Pickup (Character Bound) and Epic (40%) to every profession. I can't seem to find any other information about this... anyone?
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Yeah that was worth it. Expensive and/or boring as hell event with expensive but lousy rewards.
I can't think of a Neverwinter event that I would rank lower than this. A lot of them were actually fun, this one is FAIL.
1100 ZEN is pretty worth it. It costs more to buy a companion to add a small passive benefit to your gameplay, Doohickey does more and you can actively use it while playing.
The TR is the only class I would ever use the Doohickey on though, which is what I did. Doohickey + Blitz = easy mob clearing.
The people who are smart enough to know the ins and outs of this event are indeed making a killing
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
You talk like people don't have tens of millions of exploited AD.
495k - 550k exploited AD sounds more pleasing and reasonable to a lot of the older players here.
Moonshadow Dye = Solid Snake
This doesn't surprise me. I sold my leftover materials I made for the event at the current going rate and I made about half a million in a couple of minutes.
geez!?!?! how many alts u got? what/ how much stuff did you sell?!?!?
6 total characters (one from each class).
"just so i understand; i can buy 10 blueprints off zenstore for $500k and get doohickey but they sell for 1.3million?"
10 Blueprints are 1100 Zen on the Zen store (110 each * 10) 550,000 diamonds. If you are willing to buy Zen with real money that is the way to go.
You see the price of Pine Wood?
I had a few stacks of 999 just sitting there from Leveling up Artificing on a couple of Toons.
Made about 200000 each stack.
Made almost as much on the Iron Ore I sold that I had sitting around after Leveling up Platesmithing and Mailsmithing.
Leveling up Alchemy gave me a bit of both.
I'm just a bit of a Completionist.
I like to see all 9 Profession Slots open on every Character, but I'm just not in that much of a hurry to get there.
So I Level them up with Deep Wilderness Gathering and sell of those Materials every so often.
The sad part is that I just dumped a monster load of the stuff on the AH just about two months ago, or I would have made about ten times as much.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Respen's Marvelous Game was everything good about an Event, this just stank the place out...
I would have liked them to do one (or both) of the following:
1) Change the mob drops so there was, say a 50% chance of a rank 1 (Grommet), 45% chance of a rank 2 and 5% chance of rank 3.
2) Add higher-level crafting tasks (corresponding to the higher-level materials), with a chance of creating a rank 4 or even rank 5.
This would have cut the grinding time down to, say 10-15 hours for the Doohickey - quite reasonable. People would still have bought blueprints -, and would have been happy with the event, instead of being generally frustrated and annoyed - well, except for those that profited nicely by selling pelts, wool scraps and so on.
I'm not complaining - I sold that junk for half a million AD - enough to pay for blueprints to make a Doohickey - but that's not really how I want to play.
Cryptic needs to think a bit more about events like this....
Miscellaneous Tab.
But it is much cheaper to buy Blueprints from the ZEN market if you can (it is still available at present). Consequently it is also much cheaper to make Doohickeys using Blueprints than Grommits.
Trickster Rogue
The Doohickey on the AH says "You deal 2,410 damage to your targeted foe and nearby enemies."
The Doohickey that was originally promoted on the internet says "You deal 3,007 damage to your targeted foe and nearby enemies."
Are there actually 3 different variations, or are 2 of them typos, and if so which one is the real number?
The damage changes depending on your stats xD probably broken , wouldn't be a first
It's not broken. I was looking at the Doohickey on my Rogue, and checking the AH with my Guardian. Thanks for the heads up.
Gambling is gambling. The people that got the top prizes were stoked.
Personally I kept my Doohickey as an extra "encounter-lite" power for PvP, and because it looks cool following me around.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
There's a lesson here... great works of Engineering are not created by a single individual, but by team effort.
Unless you are Gond.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
I got *A* "Forgehammer of Gond" as an epic reward from the event but it was NOT an Artifact. No, instead it was a Profession Asset. While it could come in useful, I was not going for an asset as much as I was for the Artifact....
The Asset is Bind on Pickup (Character Bound) and Epic (40%) to every profession. I can't seem to find any other information about this... anyone?
Creator and maintainer of TR's Epic Gear Comparison Spreadsheet
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/bind 9 channel_setcurrent NW_Legit_Community
And press 9 in game (not in ALT mode) to easily access the channel!