- You still cannot retain your original appearance during a reroll if you had a pre-mod 3 appearance.
- Your armor and fashion gear still appear simultaneously and still lose all dyes they had in effect during reroll interface.
- TR walk animation is still missing for the third patch in a row.
- TR still stops from running with a strange jerking motion that looks like it comes from the the transition from combat run to combat idle stance. For the third patch in a row.
On the bright side, while it still doesn't work with the mouse wheel, you can now zoom in during reroll appearance change with the UI buttons for doing so.
what do you mean by top CW?
you meant the CWs crying because they nerf CWs damage output?
Normally I don't mind having discussion with players regarding the classes, but now it appears all the CWs care about is not to nerf their dps, oh don't nerf CWs dps, oh CWs dps is good where it is, infact we need buff.
I don't know about you, but when I rolled my CW I did it so I can control, that what the class was meant to do, and if you cant accept that then I suggest you stop playing the game, those who enjoy playing their classes for what it is can stay.
I see you kids going around cry saying CW are OP, When I play my CW I don't even have have to try hard and I can preety much dish out 4x more damage than any other classes except if there is another CW there.
now im going to say this, any player that says CWs aren't OP doesn't know how to play the class, when you know how to play a CW you will know that it the most OP class in the game.
I can deal 5x more damage than a GF, TR, and HR and you want to tell me that not OP?
why am I even wasting my time trying to enlightening you?
Sorry, I was unclear. I'm talking about PvP.
In PvP on live CW is one of the weakest classes and we still got nerfed in M4.
I was really hoping something for Warlocks as in for pvp... Damage is good, but it takes 1 full CC rotation (Guardians for instance) to kill us. SW deal good dmg but are way too weak. I was hoping some changes on class features to be honest. Not the most useful class feats we could have. I'd rather have 20% more deflection, DR, Hp, etc... instead of armor pen. PvP sets give armor pen as 2 pieces bonus (BTW grim set gives 400 armor pen instead of 450 as it should be)... I've been hit for 23k crit with 2k defense, 1.4k deflect + deflect chance from companions, 1.1k Tenacity + Warding Curse Class Feature(8% less dmg from cursed targets) We only have 3 CCs. Best CC is Brood of Hadar rest are way too weak atm for pvp. I know Harrowstorm needed a change, but it's duration is way too short. Wraith's shadow CC short as well and dmg not really good. Only good thing is that it procs Creeping Death. One last thing, dmg from Creeping death won't crit. That's my main if not only, source of damage. Thanks.
P.S.: From 50+ stacks of Creeping in rotation went down to 7. Fury not worth it for pvp anymore.
I'm not sure where to post this, but ever since the patch went in yesterday, I'm crashing on the preview. I've never had crashing problems, but I'm doing the cult of the dragon quest and have crashed repeatedly. Really annoying!
I'm not sure where to post this, but ever since the patch went in yesterday, I'm crashing on the preview. I've never had crashing problems, but I'm doing the cult of the dragon quest and have crashed repeatedly. Really annoying!
Likewise. And not the usual crash to desktop, either. The game just freezes and I have to kill it with Task Manager.
Judging by the HE I just did I think it's affecting everyone.
Likewise. And not the usual crash to desktop, either. The game just freezes and I have to kill it with Task Manager.
Judging by the HE I just did I think it's affecting everyone.
That's exactly what's happening to me, as well. Also...I'm doing the cult of the dragon quest with my HR and finished the neverdeath graveyard one and turned it in to the harper in PE and didn't get any leads to continue. What's next??? and where??
My one issue with the current Heroic Encounters is the way they override area quests. Its really annoying, I don't care about some random Heroic Encounter when trying to do a quest path.
The use of "leveling" enemies causes odd issues; if a level 60 goes through an triggers the spawn it seems to result in a lot higher level of adversary/difficulty than if I trigger the sapwn with a level 30-40ish character.
Finally the dragon fights are just plain boring. The dragons just stand their and have their HP knocked out, its the worst type of 4E solo fight imaginable. Seriously dull fights that might as well not happen.
I posted something similar a long time ago, as well. I guess some people just always know where they're going, but I depend on the sparkly trail for quests a lot and it's highly annoying to have it switch to an HE or some other side track. Please make the quest trail just for quests, unless it's manually changed by the player.
Sorry, I was unclear. I'm talking about PvP.
In PvP on live CW is one of the weakest classes and we still got nerfed in M4.
PvE needed a big nerf. So I'm happy about that.
Ok before I agreed with you, but here I wont...
I just played my CW for 4 days in a row to finish her profound set...CW by far is not the weakest or one of the weakest.
CW puts out massive damage on live.
First we need to set a rule here.... CW = Control Wizard.... Keyword CONTROL
Any CW that wants DPS, roll a Warlock. You should have understood coming into the game the name implies your role.
See: Enchanter via Everquest for reference.
CW damage right now on live is very massive... I use Bile on my CW and reaching 20k Ice Knives is not hard. That needs to go.
Speaking strictly in terms of DPS..this is the current order of you " Average " high end PvP Class DPS Ranking.
1. GWF
2. HR
3. CW
4. TR
5. GF
6. DC
Now, there are exceptions to the above order, so I am speaking STRICTLY in generality.
If this game went according to Tabletop ( AS IT SHOULD )
That chart should read...with Warlock Included...on a Damage related scale only...( I am not speaking survivability here )
1. SW
2. TR
3. GWF
4. HR
5. CW
6. GF
7. DC
The problem we are having that is making this game so out of WHACK is EVERYONE wants damage and NOT what their class is intended for....
GF eats damage and should NOT be putting out alot... Keep GF damage the same and increase the damage they can receive. GF should be mob eaters / node holders...
TR's should be fragile but put out massive damage...
HR's are damage from Range..they have way too much tankiness as it is... HR should be as fragile as a TR as both wear leather armor.
CW is pure control... lock downs, chokes, freezes, dazes, stuns...
SW is your spellcaster DPS... soft as butter but massive damage.
DC is right now is in a pretty good spot.
GWF should be decent damage with average survivability...
It's ruining this game because these Developers are Actually Trying to make you all Happy...
One rule of MMO's
Nothing Is Ever good Enough..People ALWAYS want more...
It Needs To End !!!!!
Suck It Up and accept what your Classes Role is !!!
Comparing a CW damage against a GF, even a conqueror GF...please you have to be kidding me. CW damage against a TR?...it's totally not even worth to mention that, TR's are made for single target damage their aoe damage is pathetic. Now if paingiver would have a subclass where you can see single target damage like for bosses or specific kind of mobs AND if a CW use only single target abilities like a TR, THEN we can say something about it. HR....well they have decent aoe damage not super high but descent, but it's ALMOST same as tr except they can actually do damage to multiple targets (like i said earlier). You could only compare CW against other CW or maybe a GWF, but against those others that are made for something completely different...no I'm sorry but no.
Now don't take me wrong here, I agree with you they need to do this, because they are CONTROL not the exaggeration they are right now. I'm going to miss the really high damage in dungeons, but it had to be done. Now, I believe you were saying all that because of PVE, what I think is, that the guy meant about top CW's is the pvp.
I totally understood what you just said, and based on your response I have come to realized that I worded my initial post wrong, so I will now clear things up.
in my initial post I didn't compare GFs and CWs in terms of damage to see which one can deal the most damage, I wasn't trying to say that GFs should deal the same damage as CWs, instead what I was trying to do is show how out off line CWs damage is by comparing it to other classes that can dps aswell.
I do understand that GFs isn't an all out dps class, but neither are CWs, so now based on that it makes no sense for CWs damage output to be way out of line with other classes as it is right now, since Mod 3 we can now even triple GWFs damage in dungeons now.
what I was trying to say is that they need to make the CWs damage stay in line with other classes, for example if a CW deal 7 million damage in a run, and GF should be able to dish out 5 million damage, that how it should be, but the way it is right now, my CW dish out 35 million damage and the GF dish out 4 million damage, that not balance at all.
zekethesinnerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 805Arc User
edited August 2014
@Panderus, what about launcher crashing after patch, if working on wine? Does that mean all Mac/Linux player may say bye to NW? or maybe r u planning to do somthing with this bug?
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
edited August 2014
The only problem here: the performance chart, when you press X and you see most dmg done, most healing, etc, because almost everyone is interested in that kind of competition instead of doing dungeons just for fun, the chart doesn't bring an appropiate picture of the performance of every player in the dungeon, if that chart doesn't exist, there would be more players interested in group play, like support buffing others, everyone will be more cooperative. An AoE class will be always top in DPS but I can do tons of dmg to very weak mobs, what about a TR i.e doing crazy single target dps to an elite or boss which is much more important, that's how it should be. We can't say "oh, the GF did his job" just because he took the most damage according to the chart, that's something that the group must feel like: "guys, we can do a run with this GF, I don't even have to use a pot, it's amazing how he protect us" same for healing, shouldn't be like the "The DC did a lot of healing, awesome" but the he/she is lame when a GWF or CW have more healing due to the life steal + potions which is something that shouldn't be tracked by the chart. That should be either removed or improved.
First we need to set a rule here.... CW = Control Wizard.... Keyword CONTROL
Any CW that wants DPS, roll a Warlock. You should have understood coming into the game the name implies your role.
Well that is quite a stupid statement , so can you explain to us how we could have rolled a Warlock for ranged magic dps 14 months ago or even longer when many of us started playing?If the control wizard had been based around pure control for the past 14 months or longer your statement would make sense and players who are complaining would be wrong but because the control wizard has been nothing but pure dps with a bit of control for the past 14 months your statement makes no sense .
Well that is quite a stupid statement , so can you explain to us how we could have rolled a Warlock for ranged magic dps 14 months ago or even longer when many of us started playing?If the control wizard had been based around pure control for the past 14 months or longer your statement would make sense and players who are complaining would be wrong but because the control wizard has been nothing but pure dps with a bit of control for the past 14 months your statement makes no sense .
I am not going to argue semantics with you. Control Wizard = Control.
Take it or leave it.
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
I fully agree with you but unfortunately the need for DPS is something created by wrong dungeon design. Let's take the high GS dungeons and their final boss battles:
Malabog: the only challenge here is to "kill" Valindra every time she come down. The good lady is immune to control and basically burst DPS/debuff is what you need. Same for Fulminorax: almost any class can tank it so only sustained DPS/debuff counts.
In this fight if you have enough burst DPS you win (as long as you don't make big mistakes), if you don't have it you lose...
Valindra's Tower: basically as above. Sustained DPS/debuff helps as you have to face less summoning attempts if you burn her HP faster, but as long as you pay enough attention to caskets you'll get to the final stage. At that time only single target DPS/debuff matters.
Lostmauth: even here DPS is basically what you need as sustaining the situation close to the fight's end is very difficult.
In live you can basically do all dungeons faster and with more reliable results with GWFs and CWs. GWFs can tank due to Unstoppable and Lifesteal and CWs provide control. Both classes provide the highest DPS in the game, both area and single-target. One DC may be welcome for debuffing but everybody else is reducing the overall performance.
I think that the original changes on Mod4 in preview went in the right direction. Reduce CW control and damage. Give more control to GFs (drawing aggro is control in this case) and the Trapper ranger (the hunter ranger in 4e is a controller, while the standard ranger is dps). Give more damage to GF and Archer/Combat ranger (and possibly to the Rogue in future). Make the GWF decide between tankyness and damage is another good choice as it gives more importance to GF and DC (if the GWF goes for damage) or the HR/TR (if it goes for tankyness).
All these changes would give a better chance to other classes but the demand for DPS that the games has, due to the dungeon design, brought people to ask to give back dps and the initial good-design decisions have been a little bit watered-down.
Some little changes to boss fights would make it easier to pushback the demand for DPS and make the game more enjoyable:
1) Malabog: Valindra can still be interupted by killing her, but applying a control effect effect to her increases portal summoning time or decreases damage during the choce (basically it simulates the fact that controlling effects reduce her concentration). Different effects (stun, daze, roots) could have a different impact.
2) Valindra's tower: applying a control effect to Valindra causes her to lose control on the Wights. They are still resentful for being raised and attack her or freeze where they are. A little bit of tuning would make this fight more interesting.
3) Lostmauth: the fight is on a platform sorrounded by lava. Let's assume this lava is actually summoned by the dragon. Applying a control effect to Lostmauth cause a section of the lava pit to become normal terrain again for a certain time. Groups with lower DPS can use control effects to "create" some areas where the can flee and prolong the fight.
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
I am not going to argue semantics with you. Control Wizard = Control.
Take it or leave it.
You need to read the 4e definition of control:
A character with the controller role primarily handles crowds by creating hazardous terrain and repositioning enemies, or spreading conditions and damage over multiple enemies. The wizard is the classic controller class.
matiagronxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 251Arc User
edited August 2014
Yep, whoever thinks the word control in front of the wizard means no dps probably doesnt justify his presence in this game.
A control wizard is a WIZARD , dont play with words. Why dont u see the big picture all of you that complain like little kids, EVERY CLASS except the dc i guess, has been mishandled within the past year. Every class had a "reign" and a "fall" period, both in pvp and pve. Now with M4 all this mess is supposed to be fixed with good enough balance for all dps classes, because ALL CLASSES except DC/GF are DPS classes. So stop whining for CWs or w/e class u luv to hate and WAIT for the new module. Till then go at a beach or smthing...
A character with the controller role primarily handles crowds by creating hazardous terrain and repositioning enemies, or spreading conditions and damage over multiple enemies. The wizard is the classic controller class.
Does this say 20k Ice Knife or 15k Icy Rays to single targets?
, because ALL CLASSES except DC/GF are DPS classes.
Seeing how I actually know who Larloch The Last, The Simbul, Aumvor the Undying, etc..etc... is as 95 % of this game does not
( very little of the player base here has ever picked up a PHB or DMG )
I have a inkling of knowing what I am talking about and with that sentence I quoted from you above. You do not.
Im not going to flame you, troll you or argue with you.
Because you have never obviously played a Moon Elf Hunter Ranger Harper or a Night Mask Drow Rogue...or ever had an interaction with the Zhentarim, The Black Hand of Bane or ventured through the shadow canopies of the Netherese....
Valindra is bugged (online and also in preview)
We have done 20 times Valindra and each one (10 persons and not always the same team) of us has dropped in the chest 20 times the same thing, to be more precisely, the item we dropped the first time was dropped also the other 19 times.
in 4th Edition Classes were designated Roles...Striker, Leader Controller, Defender
Guess what version this game uses ?
Think I mentioned 4e in my first post. Maybe you missed it.
Role guides spell choice. Controllers need some single target abilities because occasionally they need to control single targets. This is why the definition of controller says primarily AOE. Both spells you complain about have CC and therefore belong in a Control Wizard's toolbox.
Think I mentioned 4e in my first post. Maybe you missed it.
Role guides spell choice. Controllers need some single target abilities because occasionally they need to control single targets. This is why the definition of controller says primarily AOE. Both spells you complain about have CC and therefore belong in a Control Wizard's toolbox.
Maybe you missed the part where I said they do too much damage.
You cannot have your cake and eat it too, but deny that same right to other classes.
CW's came out the heaviest against TR's for having stealth And damage.... now they only have stealth...
Well, CW's cannot expect to have Control And Damage.
Somethings got to go...
My point and the 4E Point remains the same...
CW needs damage scaled back for mod 4 release by at least 30 %
HR damage is fine but survivability is WAY to high. Leather Class should have equal survivability when taking damage as other Leather classes. This currently is not the case. HR Survivability needs scaled back by 75 %
GF damage in these patch notes and on test is way too high. GF is a Tank Class...a Defender... not DPS...Increase GF Survivability by 75 %, Keep damage the same as it is on live.
GWF damage is way too high with high survivability still...We been saying this for a year and Dev's still cannot seem to get it right. GWF Damage brought down 15 % and survivability brought down 25 %
DC is fine as is.
TR Damage needs increased by 40 % or more. Rework stealth. we dont care. But we are a Striker class and should be competing with SW for DPS... Wherever you put SW, TR needs to be right there.
CW needs damage scaled back for mod 4 release by at least 30 %
HR damage is fine but survivability is WAY to high. Leather Class should have equal survivability when taking damage as other Leather classes. This currently is not the case. HR Survivability needs scaled back by 75 %
GF damage in these patch notes and on test is way too high. GF is a Tank Class...a Defender... not DPS...Increase GF Survivability by 75 %, Keep damage the same as it is on live.
GWF damage is way too high with high survivability still...We been saying this for a year and Dev's still cannot seem to get it right. GWF Damage brought down 15 % and survivability brought down 25 %
DC is fine as is.
TR Damage needs increased by 40 % or more. Rework stealth. we dont care. But we are a Striker class and should be competing with SW for DPS... Wherever you put SW, TR needs to be right there.
And now you're just trolling, so I'm done with you.
ahn ... in pve, cw dont need lose damage (quantitatively speaking), just that absurd aoe explosion that killed enemies in "3 sec" (blue gear). seems to me that with the new patch (next week) the changes in the class feature will guarantee a "healthy" sustained damage.
hr in pve is not so tough (archer).
gf NEED this damage buff. maybe received too much, but it is preferable that a strong class of an absent class.
about gwf I do not even know how to start and finally agree on the rogue.
but I came here to say that ...
1 - lags returned
2 -gwf animation (sprint /female walk ) still messy.
[*]GF damage in these patch notes and on test is way too high. GF is a Tank Class...a Defender... not DPS...Increase GF Survivability by 75 %, Keep damage the same as it is on live.
[*]GWF damage is way too high with high survivability still...We been saying this for a year and Dev's still cannot seem to
GF is not a tank class.This is not WoW.GF is leader/controller/defender hybrid.Actually Chris "Gentleman crush" one of the devs of the game described GF as a controller.Get your facts straight.
And GF has three paths.The one that got buffs is this.I ll copy its description
"The Conqueror wields weapons with skill and mastery, dealing heavy damage to foes with enhanced damage dealing powers, Criticals, and Combat Advantage."
Now i ll highlight some key words for you and others to see.
The Conqueror wields weapons with skill and mastery, dealing HEAVY DAMAGE to foes with ENHANCED DAMAGE dealing powers, CRITICALS, and Combat Advantage.
I have not been very active at keeping up with all the updates, and reviewing preview server, so apologies for repeating any other comments that might have been made up until now. I would just like to (reiterate) that the GF should have a far more potent Mark than the GWF - after all, that is what the GF is supposed to be for. Granted, there are improvements in other GF skills that I can agree will make the class more enjoyable to play, but I still feel the Mark system should be (almost) exclusive to the GF... or at least more effective.
what do you mean by top CW?
you meant the CWs crying because they nerf CWs damage output?
Normally I don't mind having discussion with players regarding the classes, but now it appears all the CWs care about is not to nerf their dps, oh don't nerf CWs dps, oh CWs dps is good where it is, infact we need buff.
I don't know about you, but when I rolled my CW I did it so I can control, that what the class was meant to do, and if you cant accept that then I suggest you stop playing the game, those who enjoy playing their classes for what it is can stay.
I see you kids going around cry saying CW are OP, When I play my CW I don't even have have to try hard and I can preety much dish out 4x more damage than any other classes except if there is another CW there.
now im going to say this, any player that says CWs aren't OP doesn't know how to play the class, when you know how to play a CW you will know that it the most OP class in the game.
I can deal 5x more damage than a GF, TR, and HR and you want to tell me that not OP?
why am I even wasting my time trying to enlightening you?
Before you enlighten us oh Great one,let me tell you a few things about Cws : They are the MASTERS of CONTROL so give them 50 to 70% CC resistance penetration, 50 to 70% Tenacity Bypass(From none which they now have), Reduce the Duration of Control powers of all other classes by 50% ( So that they cannot out-compete CWs on the control department) and finally give them 50% Control Resistance (From zero which they now have). When you do all these things, then and only then is it justifiable to nerf their damage.But until you do Cws need their damage to survive,which is not so great to begin with , but it is Aoe so multiplies itself. That's why cws suck in pvp,they have bad single damage and almost no control due to tenacity and other reasons too.
I have not been very active at keeping up with all the updates, and reviewing preview server, so apologies for repeating any other comments that might have been made up until now. I would just like to (reiterate) that the GF should have a far more potent Mark than the GWF - after all, that is what the GF is supposed to be for. Granted, there are improvements in other GF skills that I can agree will make the class more enjoyable to play, but I still feel the Mark system should be (almost) exclusive to the GF... or at least more effective.
if it is to receive a buff like a gf - hit more hard than gwf/ MUCH more utility/"more tank" - you guys can have unstoppable in Atwill.
gwf always had mark by encounters. after the gf buffs (and gwf nerfs) put this ability in line again is not the end of the world...
- You still cannot retain your original appearance during a reroll if you had a pre-mod 3 appearance.
- Your armor and fashion gear still appear simultaneously and still lose all dyes they had in effect during reroll interface.
- TR walk animation is still missing for the third patch in a row.
- TR still stops from running with a strange jerking motion that looks like it comes from the the transition from combat run to combat idle stance. For the third patch in a row.
On the bright side, while it still doesn't work with the mouse wheel, you can now zoom in during reroll appearance change with the UI buttons for doing so.
Sorry, I was unclear. I'm talking about PvP.
In PvP on live CW is one of the weakest classes and we still got nerfed in M4.
PvE needed a big nerf. So I'm happy about that.
P.S.: From 50+ stacks of Creeping in rotation went down to 7. Fury not worth it for pvp anymore.
Judging by the HE I just did I think it's affecting everyone.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
That's exactly what's happening to me, as well. Also...I'm doing the cult of the dragon quest with my HR and finished the neverdeath graveyard one and turned it in to the harper in PE and didn't get any leads to continue. What's next??? and where??
I posted something similar a long time ago, as well. I guess some people just always know where they're going, but I depend on the sparkly trail for quests a lot and it's highly annoying to have it switch to an HE or some other side track. Please make the quest trail just for quests, unless it's manually changed by the player.
Ok before I agreed with you, but here I wont...
I just played my CW for 4 days in a row to finish her profound set...CW by far is not the weakest or one of the weakest.
CW puts out massive damage on live.
First we need to set a rule here.... CW = Control Wizard.... Keyword CONTROL
Any CW that wants DPS, roll a Warlock. You should have understood coming into the game the name implies your role.
See: Enchanter via Everquest for reference.
CW damage right now on live is very massive... I use Bile on my CW and reaching 20k Ice Knives is not hard. That needs to go.
Speaking strictly in terms of DPS..this is the current order of you " Average " high end PvP Class DPS Ranking.
1. GWF
2. HR
3. CW
4. TR
5. GF
6. DC
Now, there are exceptions to the above order, so I am speaking STRICTLY in generality.
If this game went according to Tabletop ( AS IT SHOULD )
That chart should read...with Warlock Included...on a Damage related scale only...( I am not speaking survivability here )
1. SW
2. TR
3. GWF
4. HR
5. CW
6. GF
7. DC
The problem we are having that is making this game so out of WHACK is EVERYONE wants damage and NOT what their class is intended for....
GF eats damage and should NOT be putting out alot... Keep GF damage the same and increase the damage they can receive. GF should be mob eaters / node holders...
TR's should be fragile but put out massive damage...
HR's are damage from Range..they have way too much tankiness as it is... HR should be as fragile as a TR as both wear leather armor.
CW is pure control... lock downs, chokes, freezes, dazes, stuns...
SW is your spellcaster DPS... soft as butter but massive damage.
DC is right now is in a pretty good spot.
GWF should be decent damage with average survivability...
It's ruining this game because these Developers are Actually Trying to make you all Happy...
One rule of MMO's
Nothing Is Ever good Enough..People ALWAYS want more...
It Needs To End !!!!!
Suck It Up and accept what your Classes Role is !!!
I totally understood what you just said, and based on your response I have come to realized that I worded my initial post wrong, so I will now clear things up.
in my initial post I didn't compare GFs and CWs in terms of damage to see which one can deal the most damage, I wasn't trying to say that GFs should deal the same damage as CWs, instead what I was trying to do is show how out off line CWs damage is by comparing it to other classes that can dps aswell.
I do understand that GFs isn't an all out dps class, but neither are CWs, so now based on that it makes no sense for CWs damage output to be way out of line with other classes as it is right now, since Mod 3 we can now even triple GWFs damage in dungeons now.
what I was trying to say is that they need to make the CWs damage stay in line with other classes, for example if a CW deal 7 million damage in a run, and GF should be able to dish out 5 million damage, that how it should be, but the way it is right now, my CW dish out 35 million damage and the GF dish out 4 million damage, that not balance at all.
Well that is quite a stupid statement , so can you explain to us how we could have rolled a Warlock for ranged magic dps 14 months ago or even longer when many of us started playing?If the control wizard had been based around pure control for the past 14 months or longer your statement would make sense and players who are complaining would be wrong but because the control wizard has been nothing but pure dps with a bit of control for the past 14 months your statement makes no sense .
I am not going to argue semantics with you. Control Wizard = Control.
Take it or leave it.
I fully agree with you but unfortunately the need for DPS is something created by wrong dungeon design. Let's take the high GS dungeons and their final boss battles:
Malabog: the only challenge here is to "kill" Valindra every time she come down. The good lady is immune to control and basically burst DPS/debuff is what you need. Same for Fulminorax: almost any class can tank it so only sustained DPS/debuff counts.
In this fight if you have enough burst DPS you win (as long as you don't make big mistakes), if you don't have it you lose...
Valindra's Tower: basically as above. Sustained DPS/debuff helps as you have to face less summoning attempts if you burn her HP faster, but as long as you pay enough attention to caskets you'll get to the final stage. At that time only single target DPS/debuff matters.
Lostmauth: even here DPS is basically what you need as sustaining the situation close to the fight's end is very difficult.
In live you can basically do all dungeons faster and with more reliable results with GWFs and CWs. GWFs can tank due to Unstoppable and Lifesteal and CWs provide control. Both classes provide the highest DPS in the game, both area and single-target. One DC may be welcome for debuffing but everybody else is reducing the overall performance.
I think that the original changes on Mod4 in preview went in the right direction. Reduce CW control and damage. Give more control to GFs (drawing aggro is control in this case) and the Trapper ranger (the hunter ranger in 4e is a controller, while the standard ranger is dps). Give more damage to GF and Archer/Combat ranger (and possibly to the Rogue in future). Make the GWF decide between tankyness and damage is another good choice as it gives more importance to GF and DC (if the GWF goes for damage) or the HR/TR (if it goes for tankyness).
All these changes would give a better chance to other classes but the demand for DPS that the games has, due to the dungeon design, brought people to ask to give back dps and the initial good-design decisions have been a little bit watered-down.
Some little changes to boss fights would make it easier to pushback the demand for DPS and make the game more enjoyable:
1) Malabog: Valindra can still be interupted by killing her, but applying a control effect effect to her increases portal summoning time or decreases damage during the choce (basically it simulates the fact that controlling effects reduce her concentration). Different effects (stun, daze, roots) could have a different impact.
2) Valindra's tower: applying a control effect to Valindra causes her to lose control on the Wights. They are still resentful for being raised and attack her or freeze where they are. A little bit of tuning would make this fight more interesting.
3) Lostmauth: the fight is on a platform sorrounded by lava. Let's assume this lava is actually summoned by the dragon. Applying a control effect to Lostmauth cause a section of the lava pit to become normal terrain again for a certain time. Groups with lower DPS can use control effects to "create" some areas where the can flee and prolong the fight.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Dead enemies are controlled enemies.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
A control wizard is a WIZARD , dont play with words. Why dont u see the big picture all of you that complain like little kids, EVERY CLASS except the dc i guess, has been mishandled within the past year. Every class had a "reign" and a "fall" period, both in pvp and pve. Now with M4 all this mess is supposed to be fixed with good enough balance for all dps classes, because ALL CLASSES except DC/GF are DPS classes. So stop whining for CWs or w/e class u luv to hate and WAIT for the new module. Till then go at a beach or smthing...
Does this say 20k Ice Knife or 15k Icy Rays to single targets?
Seeing how I actually know who Larloch The Last, The Simbul, Aumvor the Undying, etc..etc... is as 95 % of this game does not
( very little of the player base here has ever picked up a PHB or DMG )
I have a inkling of knowing what I am talking about and with that sentence I quoted from you above. You do not.
Im not going to flame you, troll you or argue with you.
Because you have never obviously played a Moon Elf Hunter Ranger Harper or a Night Mask Drow Rogue...or ever had an interaction with the Zhentarim, The Black Hand of Bane or ventured through the shadow canopies of the Netherese....
That one sentence above ascertains that much.
The important word in that definition is primarily. And the Control Wizard in NW primarily uses AOE.
And lastly...
Wizard is a class. Control Wizard is a role. In PnP there are no spells that a Control Wizard cannot learn or use.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Valindra is bugged (online and also in preview)
We have done 20 times Valindra and each one (10 persons and not always the same team) of us has dropped in the chest 20 times the same thing, to be more precisely, the item we dropped the first time was dropped also the other 19 times.
in 4th Edition Classes were designated Roles...Striker, Leader Controller, Defender
Guess what version this game uses ?
Role guides spell choice. Controllers need some single target abilities because occasionally they need to control single targets. This is why the definition of controller says primarily AOE. Both spells you complain about have CC and therefore belong in a Control Wizard's toolbox.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Maybe you missed the part where I said they do too much damage.
You cannot have your cake and eat it too, but deny that same right to other classes.
CW's came out the heaviest against TR's for having stealth And damage.... now they only have stealth...
Well, CW's cannot expect to have Control And Damage.
Somethings got to go...
My point and the 4E Point remains the same...
And now you're just trolling, so I'm done with you.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
hr in pve is not so tough (archer).
gf NEED this damage buff. maybe received too much, but it is preferable that a strong class of an absent class.
about gwf I do not even know how to start and finally agree on the rogue.
but I came here to say that ...
1 - lags returned
2 -gwf animation (sprint /female walk ) still messy.
GF is not a tank class.This is not WoW.GF is leader/controller/defender hybrid.Actually Chris "Gentleman crush" one of the devs of the game described GF as a controller.Get your facts straight.
And GF has three paths.The one that got buffs is this.I ll copy its description
"The Conqueror wields weapons with skill and mastery, dealing heavy damage to foes with enhanced damage dealing powers, Criticals, and Combat Advantage."
Now i ll highlight some key words for you
The Conqueror wields weapons with skill and mastery, dealing HEAVY DAMAGE to foes with ENHANCED DAMAGE dealing powers, CRITICALS, and Combat Advantage.
Before you enlighten us oh Great one,let me tell you a few things about Cws : They are the MASTERS of CONTROL so give them 50 to 70% CC resistance penetration, 50 to 70% Tenacity Bypass(From none which they now have), Reduce the Duration of Control powers of all other classes by 50% ( So that they cannot out-compete CWs on the control department) and finally give them 50% Control Resistance (From zero which they now have). When you do all these things, then and only then is it justifiable to nerf their damage.But until you do Cws need their damage to survive,which is not so great to begin with , but it is Aoe so multiplies itself. That's why cws suck in pvp,they have bad single damage and almost no control due to tenacity and other reasons too.
if it is to receive a buff like a gf - hit more hard than gwf/ MUCH more utility/"more tank" - you guys can have unstoppable in Atwill.
gwf always had mark by encounters. after the gf buffs (and gwf nerfs) put this ability in line again is not the end of the world...