degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2014
My primary concern:
The date of this tournament is right before Module 4. With Module 4 comes many, many class changes. If the tournament is not completed, it may bleed over from module to module. That could significantly impact the outcome of the tournament.
The date of this tournament is right before Module 4. With Module 4 comes many, many class changes. If the tournament is not completed, it may bleed over from module to module. That could significantly impact the outcome of the tournament.
Mind upping the date?
I think if mod 4 is going to drop early august that would be a good idea (great way to test new things and establish a new meta) but if it's not going to be out until late august I think that might be too long.
I also recommend moving this to that site, it has forums and you will not have to follow any of the guidelines the Mods have posted about in here. You can have a proper competitive league/tourney with entry fees for upper echelons, and offer whatever praises and incentives you want. The site also has forums so people can post screens and videos of matches freely.
I also think GS requirements for brackets should be included. However do not use in game GS. Assign a point system to enchants/artifacts (the actual gear doesn't matter too much).
Rank 7 = 1 point
Rank 10 = 3 point
Greater = 2 point
Perfect = 3
Level 60-80 = 2 points
99-100 = 3
(Just examples, values were randomly assigned)
And so on. Then use that score to place teams. Of course an honor system will have to do some of the policing, but if you get a SS of someone breaking the rules just have severe punishments for the person and their entire team, there will not be very much shady-ness going on, (of course there will always be some idiots) this is a small community, and we are all here still because we love the game. There is no benefit to cheating or trying to manipulate the system, just some AD and bragging rights at the risk of having your reputation destroyed, most would not find it worth it.
Glad to see so much support from the community!!! Hope this works out!
Man this guy hit the nail right on the head. All these elite players do is run all the little guys off like me, by telling me, " oh should not be pvping " or "why are you here?" . So eventually all there gonna have left left is each other to fight. 62k just to have the opportunity to get facerolled by a bunch people loaded with money and nothing better to do! Nothing but like the movie FightClub. Why not fight stripped no gear and then lets see who comes out on top, but then you guys wont have all your little advantages that you paid for, which I am not saying is wrong, its your right to spend your money any way you wish, but there is an old " your biting off your nose despite your face", neverwinter will crash and burn after mod 4 and that will be that. Good luck to ya all and anytime any wants to fight with out all your little trinkets I would be down for that. I think a more diverse pvp environment controlled by not allowing the psychos to run the asylum mite be a good idea but then all the elites will cry because they have to hide behind there gear and have no real skill. Come up with a better plan other than restricting players who mite be good but just cant afford to buy all there stuff and have to grind **** loads of glory as I am currently doin to get my gear. I don't mean to offend anyone and If I did I am sorry but it sucks when players from big guilds basicly tell you your trash when your fighting your butt off !!!
Firstly, this is a tourney/league being put together by players using their own time and resources. They are making something available for people who WISH to participate. No one is asking you for anything, why are you complaining? You don't like the idea? Then exit stage left sir.
I'm also pretty sure that a no gear ladder was suggested and the idea was well received by most so.... There you go man, join up!
And the saying is "to SPITE your face". The meaning of this saying ( which seems to be lost on you) much more accurately describes the content of your post rather than the attitude of the PvP community.
Thanks for playing!
PS your main complaint here seems to be that you are getting stomped in pug PvP by well geared players. This is the fault of the ELO system, the players don't want to roll you anymore than you want to be rolled. THIS tournament is an attempt to do EXACTLY what you seem to want, separate players by gear/skill and allow them to enjoy competition on as even of an playing field as reasonably possible.
Players who have abused the stat roll increase bug should not be allowed to participate in the event. So every players should take a screenshot of their stats (without any buffs ofc) to see if they qualify.
or else im not joining at least
They have fixed this bug and all the players who took part in it are now back in the game
Man this guy hit the nail right on the head. All these elite players do is run all the little guys off like me, by telling me, " oh should not be pvping " or "why are you here?" . So eventually all there gonna have left left is each other to fight. 62k just to have the opportunity to get facerolled by a bunch people loaded with money and nothing better to do! Nothing but like the movie FightClub. Why not fight stripped no gear and then lets see who comes out on top, but then you guys wont have all your little advantages that you paid for, which I am not saying is wrong, its your right to spend your money any way you wish, but there is an old " your biting off your nose despite your face", neverwinter will crash and burn after mod 4 and that will be that. Good luck to ya all and anytime any wants to fight with out all your little trinkets I would be down for that. I think a more diverse pvp environment controlled by not allowing the psychos to run the asylum mite be a good idea but then all the elites will cry because they have to hide behind there gear and have no real skill. Come up with a better plan other than restricting players who mite be good but just cant afford to buy all there stuff and have to grind **** loads of glory as I am currently doin to get my gear. I don't mean to offend anyone and If I did I am sorry but it sucks when players from big guilds basicly tell you your trash when your fighting your butt off !!!
While I agree with a lot of the sentiments you just stated, I do not see how it is relevant to this tournament and this thread. As I strongly suggested, the tournament does not have an entree fee anymore. You don't have to join, you can just watch the fights on twitch or youtube. Plus a lot of MMORPGs are gear-based anyway. You either spend money or nolife yourself to get them.
Man this guy hit the nail right on the head. All these elite players do is run all the little guys off like me, by telling me, " oh should not be pvping " or "why are you here?" . So eventually all there gonna have left left is each other to fight. 62k just to have the opportunity to get facerolled by a bunch people loaded with money and nothing better to do! Nothing but like the movie FightClub. Why not fight stripped no gear and then lets see who comes out on top, but then you guys wont have all your little advantages that you paid for, which I am not saying is wrong, its your right to spend your money any way you wish, but there is an old " your biting off your nose despite your face", neverwinter will crash and burn after mod 4 and that will be that. Good luck to ya all and anytime any wants to fight with out all your little trinkets I would be down for that. I think a more diverse pvp environment controlled by not allowing the psychos to run the asylum mite be a good idea but then all the elites will cry because they have to hide behind there gear and have no real skill. Come up with a better plan other than restricting players who mite be good but just cant afford to buy all there stuff and have to grind **** loads of glory as I am currently doin to get my gear. I don't mean to offend anyone and If I did I am sorry but it sucks when players from big guilds basicly tell you your trash when your fighting your butt off !!!
The issue with gear, as has already been mentioned, is that if (for example) only blue gear or rank 7 enchantments are allowed, that is extremely difficult to control. Not to mention many may have to re-design/test new gear builds to compensate for the loss in stats and so on just for one tournament.
The issue with gear, as has already been mentioned, is that if (for example) only blue gear or rank 7 enchantments are allowed, that is extremely difficult to control. Not to mention many may have to re-design/test new gear builds to compensate for the loss in stats and so on just for one tournament.
Wait....what? Only blue gear and rank 7's lmao, dont waste my time, Im not participating in this LoL-Fest. rather solo Q lol
Reading is just fine, Id rather Solo Q then participate in this Troll tourney lol, I mean either way Chocolate is probably gna win so its really comes down to 2nd and 3rd place.,..... gg
While I agree with a lot of the sentiments you just stated, I do not see how it is relevant to this tournament and this thread. As I strongly suggested, the tournament does not have an entree fee anymore. You don't have to join, you can just watch the fights on twitch or youtube. Plus a lot of MMORPGs are gear-based anyway. You either spend money or nolife yourself to get them.
Just upset with the state of the game, my apologies, hard to swallow some of the things that are happening, probably was the wrong place to vent my frustration. I wish you the best with the turney but for me its irrelevant because im gimp. If I was in a better guild it mite be different but other pvp guilds require 17k gear scores, 10's, perfects, etc. I don't make very much money so that's really not possible. Ill just be the fodder for the elite pug stompers and hopefully I get a profound set some day. I used to play ultima online pvp, anarchy online pvp, they where way harder then this game, so I understand about the gear based statement you made, but this is not real pvp in the sense everyone fights on an equal basis last man standing wins pretty simple, here its how big your wallet is what i am saying, how does that relate to skill?
ill fight anyone barefisted if they are willing to give it a go and lets see what happens then! and I have a tr,gf,and an hr. cheers
Reading is just fine, Id rather Solo Q then participate in this Troll tourney lol, I mean either way Chocolate is probably gna win so its really comes down to 2nd and 3rd place.,..... gg
Don't really see why you have to bring the complaints to this thread, especially if you are not gonna participate. What would be cool is if you just let it be and let the ones who are interested do their thing here.
Reading is just fine, Id rather Solo Q then participate in this Troll tourney lol, I mean either way Chocolate is probably gna win so its really comes down to 2nd and 3rd place.,..... gg
Just upset with the state of the game, my apologies, hard to swallow some of the things that are happening, probably was the wrong place to vent my frustration. I wish you the best with the turney but for me its irrelevant because im gimp. If I was in a better guild it mite be different but other pvp guilds require 17k gear scores, 10's, perfects, etc. I don't make very much money so that's really not possible. Ill just be the fodder for the elite pug stompers and hopefully I get a profound set some day. I used to play ultima online pvp, anarchy online pvp, they where way harder then this game, so I understand about the gear based statement you made, but this is not real pvp in the sense everyone fights on an equal basis last man standing wins pretty simple, here its how big your wallet is what i am saying, how does that relate to skill?
ill fight anyone barefisted if they are willing to give it a go and lets see what happens then! and I have a tr,gf,and an hr. cheers
Because if gear didn't matter, then what would be the point of dungeons in the first place?
Might as well just play League of Legends or Call of Duty or any of the games kids are playing nowadays
Hello everybody
and please excuse my very late reply. At first I want to thank everybody for the great support and feedback. Sad to say there've been some changes in my personal life and due to the lack of time I'm not able to host this tournament anymore.
Long story short: I can't host this event for you.
But that doesn't mean it has to die. Everybody feel free to pick up the idea and keep it going.
So... yes. I'm sorry to disappoint you but things change sometimes :P.
Goodluck & lots of funs!
The Zisters' Magazine - Subscribe now and you'll never run out of style.
LOL I love how everyone is talking about prizes, teams, and Brackets lolll
This is never going to happen. The only succesfull NW Tourney was when Fistful of Zen Ran this back in the early days when NW was still FUN haha, But ya good luck to you guys, Its true though, only 3-4 teams at BESt are going to consider participating in this. Good luck guys.
. . . Just to clear up the confusion here too (I already responded to those who PMed me):
. . . For player run events, it must be free to participate and open to the public. We cannot allow events to be posted that have any type of cover or admission charge. As for in-game prizes, that is not against the rules to do. You can freely give away in-game prizes and such for events or giveaways. As I said though, there just cannot be any fee for participation and it cannot be exclusive - meaning it has to be able to be participated in by anyone in game. E.G. it cannot be only for guilds, specific class, etc. Real world (physical) prized are not allowed however.
. . . The only issue I see here at the moment is the part about Fees. We cannot allow that unfortunately. However, you can put in a line saying that you are accepting donations, you just cannot specify what that donation has to be or that the donation is mandatory.
. . . As this is a work in progress, I'll leave the threads open for now but if this isn't remedied soon, I'll need to shut this down.
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl PWE Community Moderator
How can you not allow Fee's for entry into a tournament?
If its that big of an issue you can Host this Tourney through a third party Forum page lol.....
There has to be a Entry Fee. or else thats useless and players wont participate to make their own money back lol
Please implement a better PVP system since mod 3 was garbage. and this wont be happening.
How can you not allow Fee's for entry into a tournament?
If its that big of an issue you can Host this Tourney through a third party Forum page lol.....
There has to be a Entry Fee. or else thats useless and players wont participate to make their own money back lol
Please implement a better PVP system since mod 3 was garbage. and this wont be happening.
Thanks Zeb.
The not allowing fees for player-created tournaments is just a policy of a company that doesn't want any trouble, any possible scamming/drama to come out of it. It is what it is, this is their IP, their real estate and their game.
What I disagree though is the fact that you think an entree fee would've made this tournament better. You realize that only 2-3 teams would enter right? People who know they do not have a chance will not enter.
This tournament didn't have an entree fee and you already saw everyone who aren't in the top pvp guilds stay away because they know they will just get crushed
Hello everybody
and please excuse my very late reply. At first I want to thank everybody for the great support and feedback. Sad to say there've been some changes in my personal life and due to the lack of time I'm not able to host this tournament anymore.
Long story short: I can't host this event for you.
But that doesn't mean it has to die. Everybody feel free to pick up the idea and keep it going.
So... yes. I'm sorry to disappoint you but things change sometimes :P.
Goodluck & lots of funs!
LOL I KNEW IT!. I knew this wasnt going to happen, Even if hosts were around.
The not allowing fees for player-created tournaments is just a policy of a company that doesn't want any trouble, any possible scamming/drama to come out of it. It is what it is, this is their IP, their real estate and their game.
What I disagree though is the fact that you think an entree fee would've made this tournament better. You realize that only 2-3 teams would enter right? People who know they do not have a chance will not enter.
This tournament didn't have an entree fee and you already saw everyone who aren't in the top pvp guilds stay away because they know they will just get crushed
Lol EIther way only 2-3 teams were going to enter no matter what.... lol it doesnt matter anything we say, Either way this wasnt happening from the start.
The date of this tournament is right before Module 4. With Module 4 comes many, many class changes. If the tournament is not completed, it may bleed over from module to module. That could significantly impact the outcome of the tournament.
Mind upping the date?
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
I think if mod 4 is going to drop early august that would be a good idea (great way to test new things and establish a new meta) but if it's not going to be out until late august I think that might be too long.
I also recommend moving this to that site, it has forums and you will not have to follow any of the guidelines the Mods have posted about in here. You can have a proper competitive league/tourney with entry fees for upper echelons, and offer whatever praises and incentives you want. The site also has forums so people can post screens and videos of matches freely.
I also think GS requirements for brackets should be included. However do not use in game GS. Assign a point system to enchants/artifacts (the actual gear doesn't matter too much).
Rank 7 = 1 point
Rank 10 = 3 point
Greater = 2 point
Perfect = 3
Level 60-80 = 2 points
99-100 = 3
(Just examples, values were randomly assigned)
And so on. Then use that score to place teams. Of course an honor system will have to do some of the policing, but if you get a SS of someone breaking the rules just have severe punishments for the person and their entire team, there will not be very much shady-ness going on, (of course there will always be some idiots) this is a small community, and we are all here still because we love the game. There is no benefit to cheating or trying to manipulate the system, just some AD and bragging rights at the risk of having your reputation destroyed, most would not find it worth it.
Glad to see so much support from the community!!! Hope this works out!
Firstly, this is a tourney/league being put together by players using their own time and resources. They are making something available for people who WISH to participate. No one is asking you for anything, why are you complaining? You don't like the idea? Then exit stage left sir.
I'm also pretty sure that a no gear ladder was suggested and the idea was well received by most so.... There you go man, join up!
And the saying is "to SPITE your face". The meaning of this saying ( which seems to be lost on you) much more accurately describes the content of your post rather than the attitude of the PvP community.
Thanks for playing!
PS your main complaint here seems to be that you are getting stomped in pug PvP by well geared players. This is the fault of the ELO system, the players don't want to roll you anymore than you want to be rolled. THIS tournament is an attempt to do EXACTLY what you seem to want, separate players by gear/skill and allow them to enjoy competition on as even of an playing field as reasonably possible.
They have fixed this bug and all the players who took part in it are now back in the game
While I agree with a lot of the sentiments you just stated, I do not see how it is relevant to this tournament and this thread. As I strongly suggested, the tournament does not have an entree fee anymore. You don't have to join, you can just watch the fights on twitch or youtube. Plus a lot of MMORPGs are gear-based anyway. You either spend money or nolife yourself to get them.
The issue with gear, as has already been mentioned, is that if (for example) only blue gear or rank 7 enchantments are allowed, that is extremely difficult to control. Not to mention many may have to re-design/test new gear builds to compensate for the loss in stats and so on just for one tournament.
Wait....what? Only blue gear and rank 7's lmao, dont waste my time, Im not participating in this LoL-Fest. rather solo Q lol
rather read closely....
Reading is just fine, Id rather Solo Q then participate in this Troll tourney lol, I mean either way Chocolate is probably gna win so its really comes down to 2nd and 3rd place.,..... gg
Just upset with the state of the game, my apologies, hard to swallow some of the things that are happening, probably was the wrong place to vent my frustration. I wish you the best with the turney but for me its irrelevant because im gimp. If I was in a better guild it mite be different but other pvp guilds require 17k gear scores, 10's, perfects, etc. I don't make very much money so that's really not possible. Ill just be the fodder for the elite pug stompers and hopefully I get a profound set some day. I used to play ultima online pvp, anarchy online pvp, they where way harder then this game, so I understand about the gear based statement you made, but this is not real pvp in the sense everyone fights on an equal basis last man standing wins pretty simple, here its how big your wallet is what i am saying, how does that relate to skill?
ill fight anyone barefisted if they are willing to give it a go and lets see what happens then! and I have a tr,gf,and an hr. cheers
Don't really see why you have to bring the complaints to this thread, especially if you are not gonna participate. What would be cool is if you just let it be and let the ones who are interested do their thing here.
You hear that other PVP guilds?
Because if gear didn't matter, then what would be the point of dungeons in the first place?
Might as well just play League of Legends or Call of Duty or any of the games kids are playing nowadays
and please excuse my very late reply. At first I want to thank everybody for the great support and feedback. Sad to say there've been some changes in my personal life and due to the lack of time I'm not able to host this tournament anymore.
Long story short: I can't host this event for you.
But that doesn't mean it has to die. Everybody feel free to pick up the idea and keep it going.
So... yes. I'm sorry to disappoint you but things change sometimes :P.
Goodluck & lots of funs!
We are always looking for new models --- Borderline Fashiondolls ---
This is never going to happen. The only succesfull NW Tourney was when Fistful of Zen Ran this back in the early days when NW was still FUN haha, But ya good luck to you guys, Its true though, only 3-4 teams at BESt are going to consider participating in this. Good luck guys.
- Dinto
(Essence Of Aggresion PvP Squad)
How can you not allow Fee's for entry into a tournament?
If its that big of an issue you can Host this Tourney through a third party Forum page lol.....
There has to be a Entry Fee. or else thats useless and players wont participate to make their own money back lol
Please implement a better PVP system since mod 3 was garbage. and this wont be happening.
Thanks Zeb.
The not allowing fees for player-created tournaments is just a policy of a company that doesn't want any trouble, any possible scamming/drama to come out of it. It is what it is, this is their IP, their real estate and their game.
What I disagree though is the fact that you think an entree fee would've made this tournament better. You realize that only 2-3 teams would enter right? People who know they do not have a chance will not enter.
This tournament didn't have an entree fee and you already saw everyone who aren't in the top pvp guilds stay away because they know they will just get crushed
LOL I KNEW IT!. I knew this wasnt going to happen, Even if hosts were around.
Lol EIther way only 2-3 teams were going to enter no matter what.... lol it doesnt matter anything we say, Either way this wasnt happening from the start.
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl
PWE Community Moderator
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