i forgot to mention most original build that works has SCARY.
Scary's good, but frankly nothing original. He started showing up with PotB builds AFTER talks have been started in the forums about how potentially PoB builds will become the new fotm. Not before.
If anything I find morenthar's smoke-bomb oriented variation more original, although not sure if he still uses it.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Dunno about top five, but usually keltz0r is rumored to be best. Almost "legendary" amongst the TR circles.
Got trashed by Sicarius during one of the duels concerning PotB builds, was the person made me rethink the basic necessities for TRs in higher level PvP...
Have grouped with Sicarius in one of the 5v5 PUG PvP. My impression was, he is a good 1 v 1 duel and more toward self glory than teamwork. He can even criticize the team as the worst team he has grouped when the team won the 5v5 PUG.
Scary's good, but frankly nothing original. He started showing up with PotB builds AFTER talks have been started in the forums about how potentially PoB builds will become the new fotm. Not before.
If anything I find morenthar's smoke-bomb oriented variation more original, although not sure if he still uses it.
i saw him using lb pvorp and he had 50%deflect with profound gear no one has 50% deflect if they didnt plan ahead and 5,5k power
i saw him using lb pvorp and he had 50%deflect with profound gear no one has 50% deflect if they didnt plan ahead and 5,5k power
Wow, 50% deflect and still able to achieve 5.5K power! I am interested to know his Critical Strike and AP score. I am in the process of fine tuning my TR build toward deflect build. Atm, I am only able to achieve around 35% deflect with profound gear.
Scary's good, but frankly nothing original. He started showing up with PotB builds AFTER talks have been started in the forums about how potentially PoB builds will become the new fotm. Not before.
If anything I find morenthar's smoke-bomb oriented variation more original, although not sure if he still uses it.
With the new changes to PotB that now do critical, it can be very deadly for TR that spec with high Ciritcal Strike Chance, which I am one of those TR that focus on high Ciritcal Strike Chance.
As for smoke-bomb, I mostly used it to support my teammate and also defending Cap 4 in GG PvP.
With the new changes to PotB that now do critical, it can be very deadly for TR that spec with high Ciritcal Strike Chance, which I am one of those TR that focus on high Ciritcal Strike Chance.
As for smoke-bomb, I mostly used it to support my teammate and also defending Cap 4 in GG PvP.
Note: My apologies for the OOT.
he has 47%crit but uses lb not pob
i dont think high crit is important for pob i dont do math but i think its to little to gain and to much to lose,
recovery,hp,regen work better even with low crit.
pvorp is not that good with pob against pbile u are dead and i dont think scary even uses pob thats just kweassa talking nonsence again
he has 47%crit but uses lb not pob
i dont think high crit is important for pob i dont do math but i think its to little to gain and to much to lose,
recovery,hp,regen work better even with low crit.
pvorp is not that good with pob against pbile u are dead and i dont think scary even uses pob thats just kweassa talking nonsence again
Yes, totally agreed that at the current state, pbile beats pvorp easily. I have a hard time to counter Perm-Stealth TR with pbile, which I can say I will lose 90% of the time when 1 v 1.
High critical chance does help on PotB, but as you have mentioned, it is not high enough to be a game changer. For me, it is a bonus as I use PotB most of the time to try my best to un-stealth those Perm-Stealth TR, which has about 50% success chance. And against a very skilled and veteran TR, the success chance is very low.
Speaking of build, I have PotB and ItoC as my main encounter with the 3rd encounter toggle between LB, SmokeBomb and Deft Strike depend on the opponent team combination.
you are not supose to fight perma bile 1v1 with pvorp.make a daily then go fight him if hes 50% or so.
u just need high burst lb with daily if lucky u can kill him
SE nerf did screw up thib build a bit.
i saw him using lb pvorp and he had 50%deflect with profound gear no one has 50% deflect if they didnt plan ahead and 5,5k power
Then he's changed the build. Before that he used to show up as 2-man premades in PuG games, was centered on PotB. Would be interesting to see which features he's changed since then.
(ps) "talking nonsense"... :rolleyes: It's not my fault your lack of information or apparent dyslexia makes it hard for you to understand what other people are talking about, is it.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
you are not supose to fight perma bile 1v1 with pvorp.make a daily then go fight him if hes 50% or so.
u just need high burst lb with daily if lucky u can kill him
SE nerf did screw up thib build a bit.
I know The main reason I stay to fight them is to prevent them from capping, and hope I am able to survive long enough for my teammate to join in to help.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2014
1. Keltz0r
2. Dinter
3. ET's TR line up is extremely solid, so are the TR's in CS. I remember Brollax being particularly difficult to deal with in mod 2 once he figured out an excellent build, don't think we've fought in mod 3.
this thread was abouth pvp tr .99% pve ones died out with nerfs no point mentioning them to much
Not true, I know a lot of PVE rogues and I'm one myself and pleased to be one. Yes we're less useful than in beta and module 1 but we can still hold our own. Despite the focus on PVP in module 3 I'm still tweaking my rogue towards dungeon DPS and will continue to do so and enjoy any DPS races with other rogues I come across.
Not true, I know a lot of PVE rogues and I'm one myself and pleased to be one. Yes we're less useful than in beta and module 1 but we can still hold our own. Despite the focus on PVP in module 3 I'm still tweaking my rogue towards dungeon DPS and will continue to do so and enjoy any DPS races with other rogues I come across.
-=Warning=- Anyone who has read my forum posts in the pasts will probably know that I'm an extremist and will cut right to the point and fact of things. I speak in respects to best possible gear and skill-level. I don't care about facilitating whose the best at PuG PvP.
Well, Having Premaded against all these people and have done countless amounts of 1v1's with all the parties mentioned in this thread. I can without a doubt (and without including myself in this lineup) that the best TR's In My Opinion scale like this
but before I start, let me say this. "TR skill" is a sham, there's no skill involved in TR 1v1 anymore based on the fact that PoB is undodgeable and skill-less, therefore the only "skill" a TR can posses is how well they preform in a premade scenario. Based on this assessment, all future assessments are based off of what I recall with Impact shot/ DF technique and 1v2-3 survivability
1v1 Scenario
1.Keltz0r@keltz0r- is top hands down, his play-style is near spotless and I have great respect for him as a friend and fellow guildee
last time he and I fought, it was the best competition I've had and he proved to be the 1 TR I personally couldn't at-least tie (MOD 2). Can't remark on his premade skills because I've never had the pleasure of facing him in a premade where situations completely change. But I'm confident his skills in a 1v1 carry over to his Premade capabilities on top of the fact that he's a solid player overall because he can use whatever class he touches adequately.
2. BizzareOldMan@Youlost (A.k.a Azazel) - Another guildee and dear friend (lol starting to sound biased towards my guild) but none-the-less another amazing TR, and undoubtedly a monster in a 1v1 and one of the most irritating people to kill. You can't get lazy with this guy, if he has 1% hp, you better finish him off because he will come back and kill you if you don't. A true Soldier to the end.
3. Blacksheep@donblacksheep - Although he is not in his prime anymore, he earns this third place spot strictly on the fact he understands PvP rotation better then any of the following candidates and is reportedly very good at killing people on other classes (aside from TR) which I personally value more then TR 1v1 itself
4. Jerkface@lifelinepctech - Very aggressive play=style, which can be over-bearing at times, but he'll sacrifice his safety to try to kill someone faster which will come back and haunt him and needs to learn better map awareness and situational awareness in a premade
5 (*).Sobequete@Sobek10 - Sobek's a boss, doesn't matter if he never plays his TR, he's still amazing
6. I honestly cannot comment anymore, after these top 4 "note-ables" everyone seems to blend together (which doesn't mean they're bad) Just means they don't do anything special that up-turns a premade (and speaking on behalf of Chocolate Shoppe) causes My team to have to make special accommodations to account for in our rotation plan
7. Honorable Mentions
KromizTheGod - if he were active i'd rate him somewhere Below 1, between 1-2, =2, or between 2-3.
Stox@stoxbox2 - Essence of Aggression's Best TR ever, and even though he dosent play, still their best TR, =3 or between 3-4
Now I understand that my comments will be viewed has Egotistic and self absorbed and what have you. But, these are the way things scale In my eye's and I speak as the main Premade TR for Chocolate Shoppe and can further vent the feelings felt by me and my Team members alike.
I must say though, I kinda giggled when someone mentioned that this Naissur fellow was the first person to start using PoB since MoD 2
Path of Blades was at first, the must have in a TR arsenal Due to Teneborus being the monster it was, and any form of dots had huge synrgy with it.
Following the first teneborus Nerf, Impact shot became the new meta because
A) It had Burst Damage It had a small form of CC
C) It was fun to use and required a decent amount of skill to not get stomped by another TR
Path of blades has been around forever, no one pioneered its arrival into Mod 3 or more accurately, the tenacity patch.
Path of Blades is only a "thing" because Impact shot was Nerfed into the dirt (now un-useable)
Thats why everyone is using POB Now.
I still long for the days when someone clearly under my skill level wouldnt drag me down to 40% HP based solely on the fact that he has an undodgeable DoT that I couldn't overcome if I want to stay on the node. Doesn't sound like an issue? Well, at the end of the day, It's my job to stay alive as long as possible on the enemys point, and with the regen nerf, I can maybe survive 3 encounters with a tr before I'm ripped down -not from DF- but from undodgeable dots.
Here's some #'s for you guys if you were wondering about the recent change to PoB -30% less damage, but the ability to crit-
It's actually a buff, not a nerf, lol.
-This will be my only post to this thread, if anyone quotes me expecting a response your not going to get one.-
-=Warning=- Anyone who has read my forum posts in the pasts will probably know that I'm an extremist and will cut right to the point and fact of things. I speak in respects to best possible gear and skill-level. I don't care about facilitating whose the best at PuG PvP.
Well, Having Premaded against all these people and have done countless amounts of 1v1's with all the parties mentioned in this thread. I can without a doubt (and without including myself in this lineup) that the best TR's In My Opinion scale like this
but before I start, let me say this. "TR skill" is a sham, there's no skill involved in TR 1v1 anymore based on the fact that PoB is undodgeable and skill-less, therefore the only "skill" a TR can posses is how well they preform in a premade scenario. Based on this assessment, all future assessments are based off of what I recall with Impact shot/ DF technique and 1v2-3 survivability
1v1 Scenario
1.Keltz0r@keltz0r- is top hands down, his play-style is near spotless and I have great respect for him as a friend and fellow guildee
last time he and I fought, it was the best competition I've had and he proved to be the 1 TR I personally couldn't at-least tie (MOD 2). Can't remark on his premade skills because I've never had the pleasure of facing him in a premade where situations completely change. But I'm confident his skills in a 1v1 carry over to his Premade capabilities on top of the fact that he's a solid player overall because he can use whatever class he touches adequately.
2. BizzareOldMan@Youlost (A.k.a Azazel) - Another guildee and dear friend (lol starting to sound biased towards my guild) but none-the-less another amazing TR, and undoubtedly a monster in a 1v1 and one of the most irritating people to kill. You can't get lazy with this guy, if he has 1% hp, you better finish him off because he will come back and kill you if you don't. A true Soldier to the end.
3. Blacksheep@donblacksheep - Although he is not in his prime anymore, he earns this third place spot strictly on the fact he understands PvP rotation better then any of the following candidates and is reportedly very good at killing people on other classes (aside from TR) which I personally value more then TR 1v1 itself
4. Jerkface@lifelinepctech - Very aggressive play=style, which can be over-bearing at times, but he'll sacrifice his safety to try to kill someone faster which will come back and haunt him and needs to learn better map awareness and situational awareness in a premade
5 (*).Sobequete@Sobek10 - Sobek's a boss, doesn't matter if he never plays his TR, he's still amazing
6. I honestly cannot comment anymore, after these top 4 "note-ables" everyone seems to blend together (which doesn't mean they're bad) Just means they don't do anything special that up-turns a premade (and speaking on behalf of Chocolate Shoppe) causes My team to have to make special accommodations to account for in our rotation plan
7. Honorable Mentions
KromizTheGod - if he were active i'd rate him somewhere Below 1, between 1-2, =2, or between 2-3.
Stox@stoxbox2 - Essence of Aggression's Best TR ever, and even though he dosent play, still their best TR, =3 or between 3-4
Now I understand that my comments will be viewed has Egotistic and self absorbed and what have you. But, these are the way things scale In my eye's and I speak as the main Premade TR for Chocolate Shoppe and can further vent the feelings felt by me and my Team members alike.
I must say though, I kinda giggled when someone mentioned that this Naissur fellow was the first person to start using PoB since MoD 2
Path of Blades was at first, the must have in a TR arsenal Due to Teneborus being the monster it was, and any form of dots had huge synrgy with it.
Following the first teneborus Nerf, Impact shot became the new meta because
A) It had Burst Damage It had a small form of CC
C) It was fun to use and required a decent amount of skill to not get stomped by another TR
Path of blades has been around forever, no one pioneered its arrival into Mod 3 or more accurately, the tenacity patch.
Path of Blades is only a "thing" because Impact shot was Nerfed into the dirt (now un-useable)
Thats why everyone is using POB Now.
I still long for the days when someone clearly under my skill level wouldnt drag me down to 40% HP based solely on the fact that he has an undodgeable DoT that I couldn't overcome if I want to stay on the node. Doesn't sound like an issue? Well, at the end of the day, It's my job to stay alive as long as possible on the enemys point, and with the regen nerf, I can maybe survive 3 encounters with a tr before I'm ripped down -not from DF- but from undodgeable dots.
Here's some #'s for you guys if you were wondering about the recent change to PoB -30% less damage, but the ability to crit-
It's actually a buff, not a nerf, lol.
-This will be my only post to this thread, if anyone quotes me expecting a response your not going to get one.-
well u didnt put yourself thats why i put u spot 2 after keltz0r
Loving the drama , anyways I'll list some very good and geared (At least Pbile, epic artifacts and rank 7s/8s+) TRs that I've played with or against in a premade environment in the last 5 months (or just 1v1d, on my GWF or my TR) in no particular order, just what comes to mind:
Sicarius, Blacksheep, Snow, Jerkface, Brollax, Keelei, Scary Shörtweb, BizzareOldMan, Swish, Immune, Dinter, Stox, can't think of anymore, but I would probably put Naissur in there but since last time I played with him was like 6 months ago so can't really say much. I probably missed someone who I would've mentioned but just didn't remember now. There are also some TRs who quit long long ago like Kromiz and many others who were also great.
Anyways, PoB is almost skilless and I wish they would bring impact shot back so it would be easier to distinguish who is really good and who is not that great.
best rogues on server are the unsung ones, sure keltzor is good, I have came up against him 2 times since I started playing and yeah he skunked me. but I believe i could have taken him if i had the equal GS, and Greater plaguefire. My point is there's allot of us out there who are good but we dont have the Gear to support the skill involved, So if you want to say best because of GS, ok. but skill its a whole other ball game.
heres who I always thought were very good rogues
personally this is like naing favorites and is a politics/religion type argument. and possibly a good ground for a big ego enraged flame war. I say lock this thread because of that.
but i will say this....
if you spam your path of the blade, or smoke bomb and depend on your big damage numbers to do the rest then honestly I have no respect for a rogue who cops out like that.
so i will never count them under top rogue lists...
and BTw Impact shot was not nerfed that bad just noone understands to time the first shot out everytime, space it out you still get big damage from it.
best rogues on server are the unsung ones, sure keltzor is good, I have came up against him 2 times since I started playing and yeah he skunked me. but I believe i could have taken him if i had the equal GS, and Greater plaguefire. My point is there's allot of us out there who are good but we dont have the Gear to support the skill involved, So if you want to say best because of GS, ok. but skill its a whole other ball game.
heres who I always thought were very good rogues
personally this is like naing favorites and is a politics/religion type argument. and possibly a good ground for a big ego enraged flame war. I say lock this thread because of that.
but i will say this....
if you spam your path of the blade, or smoke bomb and depend on your big damage numbers to do the rest then honestly I have no respect for a rogue who cops out like that.
so i will never count them under top rogue lists...
and BTw Impact shot was not nerfed that bad just noone understands to time the first shot out everytime, space it out you still get big damage from it.
all the good ones left the game 1 month ago.
there are so few left that i would start to seriously think to put my self on the top tr list but still...i would say Crollax
it's hard to answer to this because they have many things on the Game who can be discuss .
Best TR it's the TR who can win a Domination ?
Best TR it's the TR who can hold a point against many opponent alone ?
Best TR it's the TR who can kill many people alone ?
Best TR it's the TR who can be very usefull in team fight ?
By the way the only good answer to all this questions is : Saigneur@heavenclaimYou , Yes i'm best TR World ! Unfortunatly i'm the only one to think this
Scary's good, but frankly nothing original. He started showing up with PotB builds AFTER talks have been started in the forums about how potentially PoB builds will become the new fotm. Not before.
If anything I find morenthar's smoke-bomb oriented variation more original, although not sure if he still uses it.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Have grouped with Sicarius in one of the 5v5 PUG PvP. My impression was, he is a good 1 v 1 duel and more toward self glory than teamwork. He can even criticize the team as the worst team he has grouped when the team won the 5v5 PUG.
Ebony (Whisperknife)
i saw him using lb pvorp and he had 50%deflect with profound gear no one has 50% deflect if they didnt plan ahead and 5,5k power
Wow, 50% deflect and still able to achieve 5.5K power! I am interested to know his Critical Strike and AP score.
Ebony (Whisperknife)
With the new changes to PotB that now do critical, it can be very deadly for TR that spec with high Ciritcal Strike Chance, which I am one of those TR that focus on high Ciritcal Strike Chance.
As for smoke-bomb, I mostly used it to support my teammate and also defending Cap 4 in GG PvP.
Note: My apologies for the OOT.
Ebony (Whisperknife)
he has 47%crit but uses lb not pob
i dont think high crit is important for pob i dont do math but i think its to little to gain and to much to lose,
recovery,hp,regen work better even with low crit.
pvorp is not that good with pob against pbile u are dead and i dont think scary even uses pob thats just kweassa talking nonsence again
Yes, totally agreed that at the current state, pbile beats pvorp easily. I have a hard time to counter Perm-Stealth TR with pbile, which I can say I will lose 90% of the time when 1 v 1.
High critical chance does help on PotB, but as you have mentioned, it is not high enough to be a game changer. For me, it is a bonus as I use PotB most of the time to try my best to un-stealth those Perm-Stealth TR, which has about 50% success chance. And against a very skilled and veteran TR, the success chance is very low.
Speaking of build, I have PotB and ItoC as my main encounter with the 3rd encounter toggle between LB, SmokeBomb and Deft Strike depend on the opponent team combination.
Ebony (Whisperknife)
u just need high burst lb with daily if lucky u can kill him
SE nerf did screw up thib build a bit.
Then he's changed the build. Before that he used to show up as 2-man premades in PuG games, was centered on PotB. Would be interesting to see which features he's changed since then.
(ps) "talking nonsense"... :rolleyes: It's not my fault your lack of information or apparent dyslexia makes it hard for you to understand what other people are talking about, is it.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I know
Ebony (Whisperknife)
its your lack of info dude keep up
2. Dinter
3. ET's TR line up is extremely solid, so are the TR's in CS. I remember Brollax being particularly difficult to deal with in mod 2 once he figured out an excellent build, don't think we've fought in mod 3.
I won't disagree. You made a freaking great looking TR dude.
Snow used to be an excellent TR, but he's quit.
still page 1 lol solo q every match
I don't know how others could claim to be better than Julia. Fashion is the ultimate OP in all things MMO. :P
Not true, I know a lot of PVE rogues and I'm one myself and pleased to be one. Yes we're less useful than in beta and module 1 but we can still hold our own. Despite the focus on PVP in module 3 I'm still tweaking my rogue towards dungeon DPS and will continue to do so and enjoy any DPS races with other rogues I come across.
i never saw 2tr in a party lol
Not done enough dungeons then ;-) Done multiple VT runs with 2 TRs with no problems.
Well, Having Premaded against all these people and have done countless amounts of 1v1's with all the parties mentioned in this thread. I can without a doubt (and without including myself in this lineup) that the best TR's In My Opinion scale like this
but before I start, let me say this. "TR skill" is a sham, there's no skill involved in TR 1v1 anymore based on the fact that PoB is undodgeable and skill-less, therefore the only "skill" a TR can posses is how well they preform in a premade scenario. Based on this assessment, all future assessments are based off of what I recall with Impact shot/ DF technique and 1v2-3 survivability
1v1 Scenario
1.Keltz0r@keltz0r- is top hands down, his play-style is near spotless and I have great respect for him as a friend and fellow guildee
last time he and I fought, it was the best competition I've had and he proved to be the 1 TR I personally couldn't at-least tie (MOD 2). Can't remark on his premade skills because I've never had the pleasure of facing him in a premade where situations completely change. But I'm confident his skills in a 1v1 carry over to his Premade capabilities on top of the fact that he's a solid player overall because he can use whatever class he touches adequately.
2. BizzareOldMan@Youlost (A.k.a Azazel) - Another guildee and dear friend (lol starting to sound biased towards my guild) but none-the-less another amazing TR, and undoubtedly a monster in a 1v1 and one of the most irritating people to kill. You can't get lazy with this guy, if he has 1% hp, you better finish him off because he will come back and kill you if you don't. A true Soldier to the end.
3. Blacksheep@donblacksheep - Although he is not in his prime anymore, he earns this third place spot strictly on the fact he understands PvP rotation better then any of the following candidates and is reportedly very good at killing people on other classes (aside from TR) which I personally value more then TR 1v1 itself
4. Jerkface@lifelinepctech - Very aggressive play=style, which can be over-bearing at times, but he'll sacrifice his safety to try to kill someone faster which will come back and haunt him and needs to learn better map awareness and situational awareness in a premade
5 (*).Sobequete@Sobek10 - Sobek's a boss, doesn't matter if he never plays his TR, he's still amazing
6. I honestly cannot comment anymore, after these top 4 "note-ables" everyone seems to blend together (which doesn't mean they're bad) Just means they don't do anything special that up-turns a premade (and speaking on behalf of Chocolate Shoppe) causes My team to have to make special accommodations to account for in our rotation plan
7. Honorable Mentions
KromizTheGod - if he were active i'd rate him somewhere Below 1, between 1-2, =2, or between 2-3.
Stox@stoxbox2 - Essence of Aggression's Best TR ever, and even though he dosent play, still their best TR, =3 or between 3-4
Now I understand that my comments will be viewed has Egotistic and self absorbed and what have you. But, these are the way things scale In my eye's and I speak as the main Premade TR for Chocolate Shoppe and can further vent the feelings felt by me and my Team members alike.
I must say though, I kinda giggled when someone mentioned that this Naissur fellow was the first person to start using PoB since MoD 2
Path of Blades was at first, the must have in a TR arsenal Due to Teneborus being the monster it was, and any form of dots had huge synrgy with it.
Following the first teneborus Nerf, Impact shot became the new meta because
A) It had Burst Damage
C) It was fun to use and required a decent amount of skill to not get stomped by another TR
Path of blades has been around forever, no one pioneered its arrival into Mod 3 or more accurately, the tenacity patch.
Path of Blades is only a "thing" because Impact shot was Nerfed into the dirt (now un-useable)
Thats why everyone is using POB Now.
I still long for the days when someone clearly under my skill level wouldnt drag me down to 40% HP based solely on the fact that he has an undodgeable DoT that I couldn't overcome if I want to stay on the node. Doesn't sound like an issue? Well, at the end of the day, It's my job to stay alive as long as possible on the enemys point, and with the regen nerf, I can maybe survive 3 encounters with a tr before I'm ripped down -not from DF- but from undodgeable dots.
Here's some #'s for you guys if you were wondering about the recent change to PoB -30% less damage, but the ability to crit-
It's actually a buff, not a nerf, lol.
-This will be my only post to this thread, if anyone quotes me expecting a response your not going to get one.-
well u didnt put yourself thats why i put u spot 2 after keltz0r
Sicarius, Blacksheep, Snow, Jerkface, Brollax, Keelei, Scary Shörtweb, BizzareOldMan, Swish, Immune, Dinter, Stox, can't think of anymore, but I would probably put Naissur in there but since last time I played with him was like 6 months ago so can't really say much. I probably missed someone who I would've mentioned but just didn't remember now. There are also some TRs who quit long long ago like Kromiz and many others who were also great.
Anyways, PoB is almost skilless and I wish they would bring impact shot back so it would be easier to distinguish who is really good and who is not that great.
After I saw him I tried to play with smoke bomb and that build was pretty sexy to learn how to manage Duelist's flurry.
I rarely see players using correctly Duelist's flurry, 100% respect for Dinter.
Youtube: Trickster Rogue - Pug Match @ 1 vs 1
Screenshot zone:
Click: I Bet 99% of people CAN'T screenshot this
heres who I always thought were very good rogues
personally this is like naing favorites and is a politics/religion type argument. and possibly a good ground for a big ego enraged flame war. I say lock this thread because of that.
but i will say this....
if you spam your path of the blade, or smoke bomb and depend on your big damage numbers to do the rest then honestly I have no respect for a rogue who cops out like that.
so i will never count them under top rogue lists...
and BTw Impact shot was not nerfed that bad just noone understands to time the first shot out everytime, space it out you still get big damage from it.
~Vladimar Zul - Fury build SW ~
~Takadump onzcrapper - Iron vangaurd GF~
all the good ones left the game 1 month ago.
there are so few left that i would start to seriously think to put my self on the top tr list but still...i would say Crollax
Best TR it's the TR who can win a Domination ?
Best TR it's the TR who can hold a point against many opponent alone ?
Best TR it's the TR who can kill many people alone ?
Best TR it's the TR who can be very usefull in team fight ?
By the way the only good answer to all this questions is : Saigneur@heavenclaimYou , Yes i'm best TR World ! Unfortunatly i'm the only one to think this