Lenoretta Your language skills are at least of Voldo level
So how about reward.. hmm.. if You don't mind a nice shiny Ring of Xvim then I already sent U one
I do wonder whether one U're working on is Chartilifax XD ? On my side I wanna try something not actually existent in up to date Neverwinter ... a Copper Dragon and Shadow Dragon. Though maybe our known NWO dragons might appear in my style, yet it's sure. Well on happy note: 1 exam less! Not top score but I got in 1st half (so in fact: those who've passed).
Dragons are fun~they just have soooooo much details into their (even facial) anatomy which make them awesome. Yet same reson: they're time consuming XD.
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
Feeling awful... still fighting with last overly-crazy interpretative exam. Out of 10 passed this one took more time than half of the others >_>.
I have seen things... some terrible things.
I hope to make some update with actual art soon enough. For now though my 'no commissions during exams' policy failed as I good new one... it's worth a figurine at convention so: yeh it got tops of my to do.
"Fret not my good people, though." ~Yoda(!?)
I DID continue the artbook works.. although right now I'm not even aware where one colored piece might be ooor where 2 Seti linearts went (my room is chaos filled with pencils, sheets of paper and stockpile of books treating bout economy, mathematics and usage of shady'' programs such a as gretl or Statistica. So yeah... before anything I need tidy it up
Perplexed and unable to even run efficiently ongoing event, yet still Yours sincerely ~Angry Neko Elf
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
and ummm who is Jubilee ? isn't it event in game ? XD how I'm supposed to say Hi to that xD
So how about reward.. hmm.. if You don't mind a nice shiny Ring of Xvim then I already sent U one
I do wonder whether one U're working on is Chartilifax XD ? On my side I wanna try something not actually existent in up to date Neverwinter ... a Copper Dragon and Shadow Dragon. Though maybe our known NWO dragons might appear in my style, yet it's sure. Well on happy note: 1 exam less! Not top score but I got in 1st half (so in fact: those who've passed).
Dragons are fun~they just have soooooo much details into their (even facial) anatomy which make them awesome. Yet same reson: they're time consuming XD.
Sincerely Impressed~ Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
Guess who's back from holiday
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
I have seen things... some terrible things.
I hope to make some update with actual art soon enough. For now though my 'no commissions during exams' policy failed as I good new one... it's worth a figurine at convention so: yeh it got tops of my to do.
"Fret not my good people, though." ~Yoda(!?)
I DID continue the artbook works.. although right now I'm not even aware where one colored piece might be ooor where 2 Seti linearts went (my room is chaos filled with pencils, sheets of paper and stockpile of books treating bout economy, mathematics and usage of shady'' programs such a as gretl or Statistica. So yeah... before anything I need tidy it up
Perplexed and unable to even run efficiently ongoing event, yet still Yours sincerely ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
MAH PRAYERS! Were answered XD. Sorry for late reply and welcome back Jymaru
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
Unfortunately I go away again on Monday
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times