Yeah that's a vid from when the mod 4 class changes first went up on preview , I don't think it will be like that when it is finally released on live , there have already been some changes with yesterdays patch.
Oh also cool name btw but you know Khorne is the only true way don't you xD
that video is using a broken feat from the preview server, that was already fixed, if I recall corectly.
SO don't wory about that.
slaaneshihorrorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
edited July 2014
I would be inclined to agree with both of you, however if you actually PvP with them, it's not entirely different from that.
It takes two to three 17k+ GWFs to take down one Pathfinder simply because of it's ability to regen from near death to full in seconds.
Not the mention, if it's actually fighting, it has the ability to CC, deflect tank, DPS, escape from multiple people at once.
It's a PvP class that can do literally everything.
If you have done some pvp on the preview forum and think they are truly overpowered then you need to go to the HR changes feedback thread and explain why and what needs changing , there is still a few patches due before any of this hits live.
I would be inclined to agree with both of you, however if you actually PvP with them, it's not entirely different from that.
It takes two to three 17k+ GWFs to take down one Pathfinder simply because of it's ability to regen from near death to full in seconds.
Not the mention, if it's actually fighting, it has the ability to CC, deflect tank, DPS, escape from multiple people at once.
It's a PvP class that can do literally everything.
pathfinder here pathfinder there...because stormwarden are different in what ? same dailies same encounters same healing
reshomiiiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 25
Not even close. Stormwardens are squishy as hell compared to pathfinders.
That's just your imagination, because all high-end players play a PF now, while only the out of the loop people are left playing SW. So basically each SW you meet is a bad PvP player.
The class overall is OP, but it's not more OP than a perma or a GWF. It's just that each class has different strengths, abilities and weaknesses.
Those CWs weren't trying to kill him, they were just testing out perma-stun. Spamming a low damage, fast attack (ray of frost) is the worst thing you can do against a class that heals on deflects (gives them lots of deflect chances for low damage intake).
Pretty much a BS video, but I guess it served it's purpose since they put a cap on the healing trait.
CWs are going to have a much easier time with HRs come mod4 because constricting arrow won't stun.
Btw, I agree HRs are great in PVP, especially 1v1. But you never see a video of anyone actually playing competently against them when people post these complaining videos.
P.S. Pathfinder has nothing to do with the healing either in live or on preview.
That's just your imagination, because all high-end players play a PF now, while only the out of the loop people are left playing SW. So basically each SW you meet is a bad PvP player.
The class overall is OP, but it's not more OP than a perma or a GWF. It's just that each class has different strengths, abilities and weaknesses.
again with this garbage.. PvE pathfinders are one the easiest prey in game for a FOTM full archery specs
They are a easy build to play for the uber build-in features (nob friend), but have zero flexibilty and very low ranged dmg.
Its true that all p2w PvP high end HRs go for PvE pathfinders.. good for cryptic wallet and for other HR builds
When I see a half-elfing pathfinder (direct from the LOL guide) I smile with all 32 teeth (also for one the ugly and comic stuff in game... but they have the advantage that is hard to know if the are proned or on the feets with they cubic form).
HR Syncro - The Equalizer - PvP stats: 10000/4800 (kills/deaths)
again with this garbage.. PvE pathfinders are one the easiest prey in game for a FOTM full archery specs
They are a easy build to play for the uber build-in features (nob friend), but have zero flexibilty and very low ranged dmg.
Its true that all p2w PvP high end HRs go for PvE pathfinders.. good for cryptic wallet and for other HR builds
When I see a half-elfing pathfinder (direct from the LOL guide) I smile with all 32 teeth (also for one the ugly and comic stuff in game... but they have the advantage that is hard to know if the are proned or on the feets with they cubic form).
Haha! Ur one of the worst HRs i have seen ingame…
Ur little p2w arguments polluting these forums and are irrelevant.
Ur a bad HR player giving bad advices all the time.
Good thing: everybody knows about u already.
Don't know if it was a pathfinder, but yesterday in a match i met a HR who could tank my whole team of 15k+ players. He just stopped, sit on the node and could heal back to full HP. On top of the base tankyness and dodging ability.
Perma TRs are still able to troll points forever in pug matches thanks to the fact that they can get off the point, disengage whenever they want and get back on the point.
On the other hand, GWFs are a lot less able to troll multiple enemies, you just need to debuff and prone-cc them when they are out of unstoppable. In all the pug matches i fight, what i see is, right now, HR>Perma TR>GWF when it comes to troll the home base. HRs and TRs right now have the same trolling ability as pre-tenacity sentinels. Expecially said self-healing HR monsters.
Would like to read how things are in high-end premades.
Haha! Ur one of the worst HRs i have seen ingame… Ur little p2w arguments polluting these forums and are irrelevant.
Ur a bad HR player giving bad advices all the time.
Good thing: everybody knows about u already.
is a waste of time... those kinds of post are personal attacks and are pruned fast, but...
there is a italian saying: "la lingua batte dove il dente duole", a rough traslate is "the tongue beats where the tooth aches"... are u a P2W PvE pathfinder?
PS: and if u see me in game and u are a 16-17K PvE pathfinder is almost impossible that i dont have ur scalp with my 14K SW.
HR Syncro - The Equalizer - PvP stats: 10000/4800 (kills/deaths)
again with this garbage.. PvE pathfinders are one the easiest prey in game for a FOTM full archery specs
They are a easy build to play for the uber build-in features (nob friend), but have zero flexibilty and very low ranged dmg.
Its true that all p2w PvP high end HRs go for PvE pathfinders.. good for cryptic wallet and for other HR builds
When I see a half-elfing pathfinder (direct from the LOL guide) I smile with all 32 teeth (also for one the ugly and comic stuff in game... but they have the advantage that is hard to know if the are proned or on the feets with they cubic form).
is a waste of time... those kinds of post are personal attacks and are pruned fast, but...
there is a italian saying: "la lingua batte dove il dente duole", a rough traslate is "the tongue beats where the tooth aches"... are u a P2W PvE pathfinder?
PS: and if u see me in game and u are a 16-17K PvE pathfinder is almost impossible that i dont have ur scalp with my 14K SW.
lol here we go. Worst HR EU with the most losses on the leaderboard talking big again. It never gets old lmaooooooooo
Well TR is nowhere near broken or strong. I see best PvP TRs using Bait and Switch and completly give up on going for kills in 1v1s.
They just hide and thats all what they can do. Its not strong and if you can't find them you failed yourself. GWFs are not true tanks anymore that time is long gone. Yes they may have highest reliable burst dmg in PvP, however with the changes comming up they are nothing more than what a TR is supposed to be - Single Target DPS. CW is more of a support class, but he is devasting if he uses Ray of Enfeeblement if for example a GWF is arround even the tankiest DCs and HRs get 2-3 shotted.
Broken, GWF is not the strongest PvP class. In a 1v1 he "could" clear fastest. But if you can play HR well. You win 1v1s. You can hold crazy long in 1v2s and 1v3s. They have less dodgable and consistent DPS along with dodges, immunity, healing and stealth (argueable). The natural armorpenetration from sets as well as STR. The free deflect and the bonus on deflecting and their overall utility makes them the biggest imbalance in PvP.
Roar... guys if you get proned by Surge your disabled the same way like Roar does. Roar just lasts 2 sec and has 1/2 of the cd.
Its a great skill. But it will be fixed and then ppl will use surge and well the same things will happen.
Well TR is nowhere near broken or strong. I see best PvP TRs using Bait and Switch and completly give up on going for kills in 1v1s.
They just hide and thats all what they can do. Its not strong and if you can't find them you failed yourself..
Not really. If we talk about fighting on a point, it's has you say. But semi- permas can be a though fight with the ITC-Dodge-stealth rotation and usually gear/enchants. Talking about holding nodes, instead,it's a different matter. Expecially against pugs, they can troll base points a lot. In rivenscar, a perma can get off point and recover, and good luck finding a perma who's not on a node. You move away...he's back on your point. You stay there, he throws daggers from outside the point. You catch him and damage him, he can still roll away, hide somewhere in the large area around the point and wait for you to move away. Against pugs it can make a difference, when you see 2/3 of your pug mates wasting time at your base while you fight 4v2 in the middle. A gwf can still be trolled cause tge tr usually is able to disengage if losing and recover while throwing daggers from outside the node in rivenscar. As node-contesters to troll the enemy base it's right now HR>TR>GWF
Just came back to the game and experiencing module 3...all i can say is that the more HRs i meet, the stronger they are, and they really are like a mix of a DPS TR and a pre-tenacity tank DC.
Permas are the usual pain in the *** trolling bases, but HRs are really on a whole different level
They tank a lot, they can dish out some damage and they can sit quietly in the middle of the enemy team healing themselves back to full HP. Funny thing it's a lot easier to target and kill a GWF or a GF than taking down these guys XD. Any strategy to 1v1 them?
Three things:
Item 1: the deflect/ heal mechanic is not PF the set is available to both and the new Mod4 feat is available on both.
Item 2: The CWs in the video are being extremely foolish. On successful delflect the Hr heals a % of his total max HP so the heal is in no way dependant on the size of the hit taken only his deflect % and his max HP. So constantly spamming RoF with it's low dammage is keeping that HR alive. If you watch closely you will see his HP spike down when one guy ice-knifes him then the other morons heal him back up with RoF.
Item 3: For a variety of reasons after it's release HRs were shunned in PVE. The outcome of this situation is that many re-specced for PVP and only do PVP. I don't feel bad when I lose to one of these guys for the same reason I do not feel bad about losing to a competitive chess player. When someone is that focussed on a single aspect they are going to be better than you.
Not really. If we talk about fighting on a point, it's has you say. But semi- permas can be a though fight with the ITC-Dodge-stealth rotation and usually gear/enchants. Talking about holding nodes, instead,it's a different matter. Expecially against pugs, they can troll base points a lot. In rivenscar, a perma can get off point and recover, and good luck finding a perma who's not on a node. You move away...he's back on your point. You stay there, he throws daggers from outside the point. You catch him and damage him, he can still roll away, hide somewhere in the large area around the point and wait for you to move away. Against pugs it can make a difference, when you see 2/3 of your pug mates wasting time at your base while you fight 4v2 in the middle. A gwf can still be trolled cause tge tr usually is able to disengage if losing and recover while throwing daggers from outside the node in rivenscar. As node-contesters to troll the enemy base it's right now HR>TR>GWF
Agree 100% but would like to point out - GWF much better in a brawl especially in a 2v2 or 5v5 situation. Multiple GWFs can roll over anyone in seconds. With the current state of TRs these days the best we can hope for is to blindside someone with a flurry and then daily. The rest of the time we stalk and kill - slowly. The current state of the game makes TRs good in node contesting and winning 1v1. However actually participating in teamplay or protecting your teammates as a TR is alot harder than with a GWF. Really though, as little as I like being forced down the permastealth route, who should be best at sneaking behind enemy lines and threatening the enemy base, the beserker or the rogue/assassin........... nuff said. Oh and HR is completely broken
Just came back to the game and experiencing module 3...all i can say is that the more HRs i meet, the stronger they are, and they really are like a mix of a DPS TR and a pre-tenacity tank DC.
Permas are the usual pain in the *** trolling bases, but HRs are really on a whole different level
They tank a lot, they can dish out some damage and they can sit quietly in the middle of the enemy team healing themselves back to full HP. Funny thing it's a lot easier to target and kill a GWF or a GF than taking down these guys XD. Any strategy to 1v1 them?
Are they really getting buffed? O.o
We'll see if the devs take this hint now.
Otherwise, be prepared for tons of HR complaint threads and a whole debacle before the devs deciding they should be nerfed in PVP for module 5
Oh dont worrie you dont have to wait until module 5 so far they manage to;
Nerf/correct the armor heal proc so that it has a 2 sec timer dont proc on dots etc cutting the healing effect with aboutish 75%
Romoved 10 % defection feat from meele (nerfing the proc rate of armor further)
Removed the 3 stun effect from constricted arrow and replaced it with a 1 sec snare in pvp(you dont even notice it)
Reduced the overall dam in meele path and added a healing proc that am sure when done wont make any differance(already nerfed twice)
Removed the pathfinder feats and the 20% extra on heals from it (nerfing healing even further) and replaced it with a trapper path that have no anti cc 2-3 secs snare, pittyful dam and no cc escape.
All in all I wouldent be so conserned with HRs in future as not many going to play them, instead you will find the gwf class and cw class get some more players ...............
In my opinion if they were healing that well in PP and PvE they need a nerf, they are strikers not hybrid healers just like the nerf for CW was needed, since they are controllers not strikers. It has always bothered me that this game as a DnD would follow the paths of WOW and SWTOR (fail *** games in my opinion) with their classes.
All these changes are a step in the right direction and true to DnD.
As a Control Wizard player, I have always wanted more Control" over my targets in PvP so my team could do their jobs and burn them down as dps classes, not saying I would not want dps, but I prefer "CONTROLLING" my target to the point that they feel like I am a waste of time. If every class is a STRIKER/HEALER what is the point in having class descriptions or limitations?
I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.
In my opinion if they were healing that well in PP and PvE they need a nerf, they are strikers not hybrid healers just like the nerf for CW was needed, since they are controllers not strikers. It has always bothered me that this game as a DnD would follow the paths of WOW and SWTOR (fail *** games in my opinion) with their classes.
All these changes are a step in the right direction and true to DnD.
As a Control Wizard player, I have always wanted more Control" over my targets in PvP so my team could do their jobs and burn them down as dps classes, not saying I would not want dps, but I prefer "CONTROLLING" my target to the point that they feel like I am a waste of time. If every class is a STRIKER/HEALER what is the point in having class descriptions or limitations?
Healing has been part of the Ranger skill set since 2nd Edition D&D at least.
Except that Wilds Medicine is even stronger than the current Profound Armor set.
And that the Archery tree has insane damage buffs.
You brought up archery's damage as if archers could reach Wilds Medicine. Nature's Blessing is amazing because any hunter can reach it, and it is useful in both PvE and PvP. Why buff Oak Skin and then take away the only feat that made that buff noticeable? I don't even like this game sometimes...
Oh also cool name btw but you know Khorne is the only true way don't you xD
SO don't wory about that.
It takes two to three 17k+ GWFs to take down one Pathfinder simply because of it's ability to regen from near death to full in seconds.
Not the mention, if it's actually fighting, it has the ability to CC, deflect tank, DPS, escape from multiple people at once.
It's a PvP class that can do literally everything.
Not even close. Stormwardens are squishy as hell compared to pathfinders.
got 2 hrs an I can contend the node forever with my PF
whilst my SW cannot but I can spam my enc NP
BlackberryCheesecake CW
CheeseCake House
That's just your imagination, because all high-end players play a PF now, while only the out of the loop people are left playing SW. So basically each SW you meet is a bad PvP player.
The class overall is OP, but it's not more OP than a perma or a GWF. It's just that each class has different strengths, abilities and weaknesses.
Those CWs weren't trying to kill him, they were just testing out perma-stun. Spamming a low damage, fast attack (ray of frost) is the worst thing you can do against a class that heals on deflects (gives them lots of deflect chances for low damage intake).
Pretty much a BS video, but I guess it served it's purpose since they put a cap on the healing trait.
CWs are going to have a much easier time with HRs come mod4 because constricting arrow won't stun.
Btw, I agree HRs are great in PVP, especially 1v1. But you never see a video of anyone actually playing competently against them when people post these complaining videos.
P.S. Pathfinder has nothing to do with the healing either in live or on preview.
Fighting a HR PF on a node was, is and will be like a smashing a pillow against the wall.
WTB Class Reroll please
again with this garbage.. PvE pathfinders are one the easiest prey in game for a FOTM full archery specs
They are a easy build to play for the uber build-in features (nob friend), but have zero flexibilty and very low ranged dmg.
Its true that all p2w PvP high end HRs go for PvE pathfinders.. good for cryptic wallet and for other HR builds
When I see a half-elfing pathfinder (direct from the LOL guide) I smile with all 32 teeth (also for one the ugly and comic stuff in game... but they have the advantage that is hard to know if the are proned or on the feets with they cubic form).
Haha! Ur one of the worst HRs i have seen ingame…
Ur little p2w arguments polluting these forums and are irrelevant.
Ur a bad HR player giving bad advices all the time.
Good thing: everybody knows about u already.
Perma TRs are still able to troll points forever in pug matches thanks to the fact that they can get off the point, disengage whenever they want and get back on the point.
On the other hand, GWFs are a lot less able to troll multiple enemies, you just need to debuff and prone-cc them when they are out of unstoppable. In all the pug matches i fight, what i see is, right now, HR>Perma TR>GWF when it comes to troll the home base. HRs and TRs right now have the same trolling ability as pre-tenacity sentinels. Expecially said self-healing HR monsters.
Would like to read how things are in high-end premades.
is a waste of time... those kinds of post are personal attacks and are pruned fast, but...
there is a italian saying: "la lingua batte dove il dente duole", a rough traslate is "the tongue beats where the tooth aches"... are u a P2W PvE pathfinder?
PS: and if u see me in game and u are a 16-17K PvE pathfinder is almost impossible that i dont have ur scalp with my 14K SW.
lol here we go. Worst HR EU with the most losses on the leaderboard talking big again. It never gets old lmaooooooooo
(uff... In before of lock and move in the depths as usual... but the duo Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy is so excited
They just hide and thats all what they can do. Its not strong and if you can't find them you failed yourself. GWFs are not true tanks anymore that time is long gone. Yes they may have highest reliable burst dmg in PvP, however with the changes comming up they are nothing more than what a TR is supposed to be - Single Target DPS. CW is more of a support class, but he is devasting if he uses Ray of Enfeeblement if for example a GWF is arround even the tankiest DCs and HRs get 2-3 shotted.
Broken, GWF is not the strongest PvP class. In a 1v1 he "could" clear fastest. But if you can play HR well. You win 1v1s. You can hold crazy long in 1v2s and 1v3s. They have less dodgable and consistent DPS along with dodges, immunity, healing and stealth (argueable). The natural armorpenetration from sets as well as STR. The free deflect and the bonus on deflecting and their overall utility makes them the biggest imbalance in PvP.
Roar... guys if you get proned by Surge your disabled the same way like Roar does. Roar just lasts 2 sec and has 1/2 of the cd.
Its a great skill. But it will be fixed and then ppl will use surge and well the same things will happen.
Not really. If we talk about fighting on a point, it's has you say. But semi- permas can be a though fight with the ITC-Dodge-stealth rotation and usually gear/enchants. Talking about holding nodes, instead,it's a different matter. Expecially against pugs, they can troll base points a lot. In rivenscar, a perma can get off point and recover, and good luck finding a perma who's not on a node. You move away...he's back on your point. You stay there, he throws daggers from outside the point. You catch him and damage him, he can still roll away, hide somewhere in the large area around the point and wait for you to move away. Against pugs it can make a difference, when you see 2/3 of your pug mates wasting time at your base while you fight 4v2 in the middle. A gwf can still be trolled cause tge tr usually is able to disengage if losing and recover while throwing daggers from outside the node in rivenscar. As node-contesters to troll the enemy base it's right now HR>TR>GWF
Then that means.....uh oh
Permas are the usual pain in the *** trolling bases, but HRs are really on a whole different level
They tank a lot, they can dish out some damage and they can sit quietly in the middle of the enemy team healing themselves back to full HP. Funny thing it's a lot easier to target and kill a GWF or a GF than taking down these guys XD. Any strategy to 1v1 them?
Are they really getting buffed? O.o
Item 1: the deflect/ heal mechanic is not PF the set is available to both and the new Mod4 feat is available on both.
Item 2: The CWs in the video are being extremely foolish. On successful delflect the Hr heals a % of his total max HP so the heal is in no way dependant on the size of the hit taken only his deflect % and his max HP. So constantly spamming RoF with it's low dammage is keeping that HR alive. If you watch closely you will see his HP spike down when one guy ice-knifes him then the other morons heal him back up with RoF.
Item 3: For a variety of reasons after it's release HRs were shunned in PVE. The outcome of this situation is that many re-specced for PVP and only do PVP. I don't feel bad when I lose to one of these guys for the same reason I do not feel bad about losing to a competitive chess player. When someone is that focussed on a single aspect they are going to be better than you.
Agree 100% but would like to point out - GWF much better in a brawl especially in a 2v2 or 5v5 situation. Multiple GWFs can roll over anyone in seconds. With the current state of TRs these days the best we can hope for is to blindside someone with a flurry and then daily. The rest of the time we stalk and kill - slowly. The current state of the game makes TRs good in node contesting and winning 1v1. However actually participating in teamplay or protecting your teammates as a TR is alot harder than with a GWF. Really though, as little as I like being forced down the permastealth route, who should be best at sneaking behind enemy lines and threatening the enemy base, the beserker or the rogue/assassin........... nuff said. Oh and HR is completely broken
We'll see if the devs take this hint now.
Otherwise, be prepared for tons of HR complaint threads and a whole debacle before the devs deciding they should be nerfed in PVP for module 5
Nerf/correct the armor heal proc so that it has a 2 sec timer dont proc on dots etc cutting the healing effect with aboutish 75%
Romoved 10 % defection feat from meele (nerfing the proc rate of armor further)
Removed the 3 stun effect from constricted arrow and replaced it with a 1 sec snare in pvp(you dont even notice it)
Reduced the overall dam in meele path and added a healing proc that am sure when done wont make any differance(already nerfed twice)
Removed the pathfinder feats and the 20% extra on heals from it (nerfing healing even further) and replaced it with a trapper path that have no anti cc 2-3 secs snare, pittyful dam and no cc escape.
All in all I wouldent be so conserned with HRs in future as not many going to play them, instead you will find the gwf class and cw class get some more players ...............
All these changes are a step in the right direction and true to DnD.
As a Control Wizard player, I have always wanted more Control" over my targets in PvP so my team could do their jobs and burn them down as dps classes, not saying I would not want dps, but I prefer "CONTROLLING" my target to the point that they feel like I am a waste of time. If every class is a STRIKER/HEALER what is the point in having class descriptions or limitations?
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Except that Wilds Medicine is even stronger than the current Profound Armor set.
And that the Archery tree has insane damage buffs.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
You brought up archery's damage as if archers could reach Wilds Medicine. Nature's Blessing is amazing because any hunter can reach it, and it is useful in both PvE and PvP. Why buff Oak Skin and then take away the only feat that made that buff noticeable? I don't even like this game sometimes...