I'm going to gear my TR so HAMSTER and start using dumb PvE skills in PvP like Wicked Reminder and draw attention to myself give them something else to nerf--so everybody else can finally take a breather.
it's russian forum. Compare sceenshots TR on first person (post #1) and TR on third person (post #4). I think, that problem in combat log, not in skills.
Sorry for my bad English
lcwwpyjhjsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
it's russian forum. Compare sceenshots TR on first person (post #1) and TR on third person (post #4). I think, that problem in combat log, not in skills.
I guess your talking about this.
The explanation is quite simple. Because your test subject is a dummy. Dummy came with no damage resist/tenacity. Therefore you're dealing with full damage. Full damage wont be indicating a bracket. If u notice those damage in bracket, its always above the actual damage due to TR duelist furry feat & overrun critical feat (buffed critical damage). When your feat buff is gone, u deal back normal damage (Full damage without bracket) instead of buffed damage.
In PVP the story will be different. Thats because even your armor penetration cap above your enemy damage resistance, remember that even with 0 tenacity we have a base of 10% tenacity damage resistance/critical resistance.
You could try testing with player, and you will notice how your lashing blade react in damage.
lcwwpyjhjs, no I talking about screens in 1, 3 and 4 post topic.
Some skills in first person TR (as on screen in 1 post) used on mobs.
DF+LB in combat log
And they have damage resist. But in comat log I cant' see that. Damage on mobs by another character show correct. Third person - CW (post #3):
another TR (post #4):
That was in Sharandar. And in some test mobs was are similar. And I think, that combat log not correct show my damage, but correct show damage another character, who fighting near me.
Ohhh my English too bad. Sorry)
Sorry for my bad English
lcwwpyjhjsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2014
I cant understand a word from the screenshot (could only read english). But if u said its tested on mobs, then it will react the same way as dummy. When your armor penetration is above enemy damage resistance (mostly 24% on mobs/ 0% on dummy), Then u will deal full damage which is without bracket or above damage with bracket due to debuff.
In Player vs Player, there is always tenacity which cannot be migrate. I repeat, even at 0 tenacity players came with a base 10% tenacity. Therefore every single attack in PVP will have a bracket (even with 100% armor penetration) next to our actual damage because we can never deal full damages due to TENACITY cannot migrate.
I'll give an example,
Yellow damage is without bracket, which is full damage due to 0% Damage Resistance. Green damage is with bracket, due to debuff from COI (-15% DR). So i deal above actual damage.
This works the same with with mobs. Once u above enemy damage resistance (24% as i know) , you deal in full damage without bracket or above full damage (due to debuff) with actual damage in bracket.
It work differently in PVP due to TENACITY cannot be migrate. There will always be lower damage and actual damage in bracket.
On second screen I stressed with red line critikal damage on another player in PVP - zinger. First hit (IS) 4958 (7944)
second hit (IS) - 5842.
Second hit ignore tenacity and damage resistance? Problem in skill or in combat log?
Sorry for my bad English
lcwwpyjhjsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
On second screen I stressed with red line critikal damage on another player in PVP - zinger. First hit IS 4958 (7944)
second hit - 5842.
Second hit ignore tenacity and damage resistance? Problem in skill or in combat log?
Another screen:
1. Path of the Blade: 416(512)
2. Path of the Blade: 695
Sorry for my bad English
lcwwpyjhjsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2014
I never test with impact shot. I guess we need to wait a game designer to clarify was it a combat log error or it ignore tenacity/resistance as i stated.
For example:
it's russian forum. Compare sceenshots TR on first person (post #1) and TR on third person (post #4). I think, that problem in combat log, not in skills.
I guess your talking about this.
The explanation is quite simple. Because your test subject is a dummy. Dummy came with no damage resist/tenacity. Therefore you're dealing with full damage. Full damage wont be indicating a bracket. If u notice those damage in bracket, its always above the actual damage due to TR duelist furry feat & overrun critical feat (buffed critical damage). When your feat buff is gone, u deal back normal damage (Full damage without bracket) instead of buffed damage.
In PVP the story will be different. Thats because even your armor penetration cap above your enemy damage resistance, remember that even with 0 tenacity we have a base of 10% tenacity damage resistance/critical resistance.
You could try testing with player, and you will notice how your lashing blade react in damage.
Some skills in first person TR (as on screen in 1 post) used on mobs.
DF+LB in combat log
And they have damage resist. But in comat log I cant' see that. Damage on mobs by another character show correct. Third person - CW (post #3):
another TR (post #4):
That was in Sharandar. And in some test mobs was are similar. And I think, that combat log not correct show my damage, but correct show damage another character, who fighting near me.
Ohhh my English too bad. Sorry)
In Player vs Player, there is always tenacity which cannot be migrate. I repeat, even at 0 tenacity players came with a base 10% tenacity. Therefore every single attack in PVP will have a bracket (even with 100% armor penetration) next to our actual damage because we can never deal full damages due to TENACITY cannot migrate.
I'll give an example,
Yellow damage is without bracket, which is full damage due to 0% Damage Resistance.
Green damage is with bracket, due to debuff from COI (-15% DR). So i deal above actual damage.
This works the same with with mobs. Once u above enemy damage resistance (24% as i know) , you deal in full damage without bracket or above full damage (due to debuff) with actual damage in bracket.
It work differently in PVP due to TENACITY cannot be migrate. There will always be lower damage and actual damage in bracket.
See log, IS:
can I think about second screen that IS ignore tenacity and damage resistance?
Sorry, paragon4ik - my account on ru-server. assa202020 - on euro.
Like i said, i cant read other language . Mind to elaborate in english..?
second hit (IS) - 5842.
Second hit ignore tenacity and damage resistance? Problem in skill or in combat log?
May i know what encounter in use for both damage?
Emm encounter?.. Standart domination. You asking about that?
Impact Shot. But with another skill sometimes log was as in screen - such as 1000 (2000) (for example), and such as 1000.
Encounter as in skill encounter. Our language crash on each other :P. So you're saying both attack is impact shot?
1. Path of the Blade: 416(512)
2. Path of the Blade: 695