■ Disheartening Strike
* -15% damage debuff at rank 3
■ Distracting Knife3
* -5% damage debuff at 5/5 points
■ P.Feytouched Enchantment
* -12% damage debuff at Perfect rank
* +12% damage buff at Perfect rank
* 10 second duration on encounters, 10 second cooldown
■ Blitz or Vengeance's Pursuit
* VP: -9% additional damage debuff at rank3
* Blitz: applies P.Feytouched effect upto 5 targets in a cone in front of you
■ Results: When using Blitz
* Apply DHS to all visible enemies, and then timely Blitz
* Debuff the damage of ALL enemies in combat nearby yourself by -32%
■ Results: When using VPz
* Apply DHS and VP on top of your target of choice
* Debuff the damage of SINGLE enemy by -41%
...needs more testing, but so far.. I'm impressed. I think this might become crucial to any WK-based combat TR builds. It also synergizes well with perma builds -- direct 12% damage increase is almost as powerful as P.Bronzewood(16%), but holds added effect of debuffing enemy damage heavily.
Who would have thought there were such hidden treasures amongst the unused and abandoned enchantment types..
If you got the ADs and determination to try out new things, I strongly recommend it. Might actually become my number1 choice of enchantment to use.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
■ Disheartening Strike
* -15% damage debuff at rank 3
■ Distracting Knife3
* -5% damage debuff at 5/5 points
■ P.Feytouched Enchantment
* -12% damage debuff at Perfect rank
* +12% damage buff at Perfect rank
* 10 second duration on encounters, 10 second cooldown
■ Blitz or Vengeance's Pursuit
* VP: -9% additional damage debuff at rank3
* Blitz: applies P.Feytouched effect upto 5 targets in a cone in front of you
■ Results: When using Blitz
* Apply DHS to all visible enemies, and then timely Blitz
* Debuff the damage of ALL enemies in combat nearby yourself by -32%
■ Results: When using VPz
* Apply DHS and VP on top of your target of choice
* Debuff the damage of SINGLE enemy by -41%
...needs more testing, but so far.. I'm impressed. I think this might become crucial to any WK-based combat TR builds. It also synergizes well with perma builds -- direct 12% damage increase is almost as powerful as P.Bronzewood(16%), but holds added effect of debuffing enemy damage heavily.
Who would have thought there were such hidden treasures amongst the unused and abandoned enchantment types..
If you got the ADs and determination to try out new things, I strongly recommend it. Might actually become my number1 choice of enchantment to use.
.. I actually calculated it wrong.
There's another 5% damage debuff coming from the feat Expert Sneak... so the figures look like..
■ Disheartening Strike
* -15% damage debuff at rank 3
■ Distracting Knife
* -5% damage debuff at 5/5 points
■ Expert Sneak
* -5% damage debuff at 5/5 points
■ P.Feytouched Enchantment
* -12% damage debuff at Perfect rank
* +12% damage buff at Perfect rank
* 10 second duration on encounters, 10 second cooldown
■ Blitz or Vengeance's Pursuit
* VP: -9% additional damage debuff at rank3
* Blitz: applies P.Feytouched effect upto 5 targets in a cone in front of you
■ Results: When using Blitz
* Apply DHS to all visible enemies, and then timely Blitz
* Debuff the damage of ALL enemies in combat nearby yourself by -37%
■ Results: When using VPz
* Apply DHS and VP on top of your target of choice
* Debuff the damage of SINGLE enemy by -46%
...it seems actually powerful enough to help your DC or CW survive forever when a GWF latches onto them.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Nice numbers for sure, now to have you put it to the test in a 1v1 against a equally geared GWF and see if you two can feel the debuff. Seek out some 1v1's and get back to us!!
■ Disheartening Strike
* -15% damage debuff at rank 3
■ Distracting Knife3
* -5% damage debuff at 5/5 points
■ P.Feytouched Enchantment
* -12% damage debuff at Perfect rank
* +12% damage buff at Perfect rank
* 10 second duration on encounters, 10 second cooldown
■ Blitz or Vengeance's Pursuit
* VP: -9% additional damage debuff at rank3
* Blitz: applies P.Feytouched effect upto 5 targets in a cone in front of you
■ Results: When using Blitz
* Apply DHS to all visible enemies, and then timely Blitz
* Debuff the damage of ALL enemies in combat nearby yourself by -32%
■ Results: When using VPz
* Apply DHS and VP on top of your target of choice
* Debuff the damage of SINGLE enemy by -41%
...needs more testing, but so far.. I'm impressed. I think this might become crucial to any WK-based combat TR builds. It also synergizes well with perma builds -- direct 12% damage increase is almost as powerful as P.Bronzewood(16%), but holds added effect of debuffing enemy damage heavily.
Who would have thought there were such hidden treasures amongst the unused and abandoned enchantment types..
If you got the ADs and determination to try out new things, I strongly recommend it. Might actually become my number1 choice of enchantment to use.
These numbers are mighty attractive. Now I have to think if P.Feytouched debuff-build is a more logical choice than my P.Vorpal autocrit-build.
If I may just add, I would calculate the bonus from Feytouched as follows:
■ P.Feytouched Enchantment
* 12% ÷ 2 = 6% damage debuff at Perfect rank
* 12% ÷ 2 = 6% damage buff at Perfect rank
* due to its nature: 10 second duration on encounters, 10 second cooldown
■ In the few test-bed matches, up against around equally geared GWF (around 15k GS), the highest damage I took was from a non-crit, non-deflected IBS while my health was around 80%. The debuff to the GWF was with VP (-46%). It hit me for 3.8k. If the debuffs are working correctly, and if indeed this was a result of a 46% damage debuff, the normal hit IBS would have hit me for 7.2k damage.
■ Against CWs of roughly similar gear level, I've managed to survive a Entangling Force CC combo rotation (EF - that mark-root thingy - the thrown huge ice spikes) with less than 7k damage total. The Ice Knife that connected afterwards did a 5.8k damage on crit. Normally I would have been left inches before death, but in this case I survived with enough HP to turn the odds.
■ This is a non-accurate approximation, but any CW or DC with a GWF latched on to it, that I've supported, seems to survive around 30~40% longer than usual.
■ The increase in damage, is not too shabby. The spike damage is (ofcourse) lesser than P.Vorpal. However your overall damage increase/output IMO surpasses it.
Conclusion: While using Feytouched, as long as it is active you will likely never be hit for more than around 5k damage per attack. The heaviest hits do around 5~6 damage max. The lighter/medium hit powers are usually confined to less than 3k.
It still needs more combat testing, but all in all, it could be said that you get as much damage increase as Bronzewood, falls slightly short of the total spiking power of P.Vorpal... but it also provides with you an effect that none of those can -- it kills enemy damage. Useful for both self-preservation, as well as protecting your teammate.
I think, if you build really for a "super combat TR"... I think this just might be enough to let you actually facetank a GF or even a GWF.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I might suggest P.Negation for a semi-perma TR, either Whisperknife or Master Infiltrator. Due to the nature of our permastealth rotation, we benefit the most from 25% damage resistance for 7 seconds after exiting stealth. Seven seconds for most TR is enough to restealth, and prolonged stealth is enough to pass the time of its internal cooldown. Just a little something random that I've tried.
By comparison, it works just as efficiently, if not more efficiently, than Barkshield, which only really shields us from burst damage.
I've just realized Feytouched might be a good solution against HRs with Cocktrice companion in OPvP. It doesn't have DoT(DoT triggers cockatrice passive >.>) and gives a straight bonus to overall dmg plus debuffs your enemy. Terror is a good choice too I guess but feytouched is cheaper...
I might suggest P.Negation for a semi-perma TR, either Whisperknife or Master Infiltrator. Due to the nature of our permastealth rotation, we benefit the most from 25% damage resistance for 7 seconds after exiting stealth. Seven seconds for most TR is enough to restealth, and prolonged stealth is enough to pass the time of its internal cooldown. Just a little something random that I've tried.
By comparison, it works just as efficiently, if not more efficiently, than Barkshield, which only really shields us from burst damage.
Thanks for the idea. I've never thought about P.Negation before. Will have to look it up.
At this point it actually gives me a certain amount of hope, to see that there are still many enchant combos to be studied. This mine of PvP still hasn't run dry yet, hopefully.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Did I mention that despite the healing depression, Life Steal stats synergize extremely well with WK permas? I'm actually using all life-steal related boons from both sharandar and dread-ring and any other available. My current life-steal stats are only around 1.6k IIRC, but in combat I actually heal faster than high-regen.
By definition permas receive very little damage, if at all, as long as the rotation is working. In large-scale combat, the field is full of targets to stick DHS into, and every target with DHS ticks for -- let's say -- 1.5k damage, gives me 100 HP per second for the next 6 ticks. Have 3 enemies in combat near you and that's 300 HP for the next 6 seconds. The CoS bursts amount upto 15k damage in average, meaning around 1k HP healed... and as long as there are enemies around, this becomes constant.
...If I stick Life Drinker...
(but does Life Drinker reveal your location visually?)
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Thanks for the idea. I've never thought about P.Negation before. Will have to look it up.
At this point it actually gives me a certain amount of hope, to see that there are still many enchant combos to be studied. This mine of PvP still hasn't run dry yet, hopefully.
Perfect negation is multiplicative not additive. Barkshield would be heaps better.
■ In the few test-bed matches, up against around equally geared GWF (around 15k GS), the highest damage I took was from a non-crit, non-deflected IBS while my health was around 80%. The debuff to the GWF was with VP (-46%). It hit me for 3.8k. If the debuffs are working correctly, and if indeed this was a result of a 46% damage debuff, the normal hit IBS would have hit me for 7.2k damage.
■ Against CWs of roughly similar gear level, I've managed to survive a Entangling Force CC combo rotation (EF - that mark-root thingy - the thrown huge ice spikes) with less than 7k damage total. The Ice Knife that connected afterwards did a 5.8k damage on crit. Normally I would have been left inches before death, but in this case I survived with enough HP to turn the odds.
■ This is a non-accurate approximation, but any CW or DC with a GWF latched on to it, that I've supported, seems to survive around 30~40% longer than usual.
■ The increase in damage, is not too shabby. The spike damage is (ofcourse) lesser than P.Vorpal. However your overall damage increase/output IMO surpasses it.
Conclusion: While using Feytouched, as long as it is active you will likely never be hit for more than around 5k damage per attack. The heaviest hits do around 5~6 damage max. The lighter/medium hit powers are usually confined to less than 3k.
It still needs more combat testing, but all in all, it could be said that you get as much damage increase as Bronzewood, falls slightly short of the total spiking power of P.Vorpal... but it also provides with you an effect that none of those can -- it kills enemy damage. Useful for both self-preservation, as well as protecting your teammate.
I think, if you build really for a "super combat TR"... I think this just might be enough to let you actually facetank a GF or even a GWF.
Why don't they implement a dueling system in this game? Its so stupid & difficult to properly test our abilities for PvP effectiveness.
Well, open pvp helps a lot with testing. Pro tip, if the person is on your buddy list, and you enter during off peak hours you are extremely likely to get the same instance.
xira4Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited June 2014
Feytouched was one of the few viable options for DCs pre-mod2, not that great for any other classes. If it doesn't have 10 secs CD then it'd be a better choice than P. Vorpal (especially after crit was nerfed with tenacity).
Anyway, for WK I'd go with vorp for better dmg.
Assuming your opponent has 20% crit resistance, and you have 40% crit chance, your overall dmg is increased by ~12% (30% extra crit severity x 40% crit chance = 12%), but you actually benefit more than 12% since you can keep spamming DS until it crits.
I wouldn't rely on the 12% debuff (Effectively just ~6%, like what Brandon has pointed out)
Feytouched was one of the few viable options for DCs pre-mod2, not that great for any other classes. If it doesn't have 10 secs CD then it'd be a better choice than P. Vorpal (especially after crit was nerfed with tenacity).
Anyway, for WK I'd go with vorp for better dmg.
Assuming your opponent has 20% crit resistance, and you have 40% crit chance, your overall dmg is increased by ~12% (30% extra crit severity x 40% crit chance = 12%), but you actually benefit more than 12% since you can keep spamming DS until it crits.
I wouldn't rely on the 12% debuff (Effectively just ~6%, like what Brandon has pointed out)
Lastly, please DON'T use blitz in PVP.
You didn't read any of the posts in this thread, right?
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
xira4Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
I did, some but not all, what made you think I didn't.
Umm.. Maybe because you don't seem to fully appreciate the heavy damage debuff possible through a combination of WK attacks + Feytouched..? If P.Negation works out as recommended by rustlord, then it's going to be a total of 71% damage debuff applied for 10 seconds or so.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
xira4Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
Umm.. Maybe because you don't seem to fully appreciate the heavy damage debuff possible through a combination of WK attacks + Feytouched..? If P.Negation works out as recommended by rustlord, then it's going to be a total of 71% damage debuff applied for 10 seconds or so.
I was using P. Neg when I was first playing my TR (in fact rustlord got his P. Neg from me), but I stopped using it after a week or so. 7s of 25% increase in DR just won't help much, its effect wears off too quickly and has a long CD, maybe it could help you survive against burst damages once every minute, but then you're gonna be extremely vulnerable while it's in CD (especially when you don't have ITC). P. Bark would probably be a better choice for WK.
Yes it's true that Feytouched makes you slightly more tanky, but if I were you I wouldn't sacrifice the DPS provided by vorp for 12% DR that has 10s CD. WK benefits a lot from vorp because of the fact that you can just spam DS until it crits.
Anyway, if Feytouched fits your play style then use it, maybe a specific rotation could allow you to get hit only when you're buffed, and I could see how its debuff could help your teammates in some situations. I own a feytouched myself, but I just love it for its look XD
Anyway, to support Kweassa's argument, I only utilize P.Negation in that small window I am out of stealth, when Shadow Strike misses its cooldown by about 3-5 seconds. On the other hand, things tend to become screwy if I get hit by a stray AoE while in stealth and it procs Negation. Slim chance. But still enough to get me killed in very tricky situations.
Edit: Elven Battle (after the math) is 33%/50%/60% CC duration reduction (doesn't work on prone, still no idea if perfect rank worked, but if it did, would be 66%). To open another argument for a less popular enchantment, reduced time when frozen, entangled, rooted (except prone I think) is also more damage you can avoid. For a WK without ITC, Elven is something I'm interested to hear about if any has had experience with it recently. Barkshield would suit combat rogues better.
PS: I still refuse to wear soulforged out of preference xD
Anyway, to support Kweassa's argument, I only utilize P.Negation in that small window I am out of stealth, when Shadow Strike misses its cooldown by about 3-5 seconds. On the other hand, things tend to become screwy if I get hit by a stray AoE while in stealth and it procs Negation. Slim chance. But still enough to get me killed in very tricky situations.
Edit: Elven Battle (after the math) is 33%/50%/60% CC duration reduction (doesn't work on prone, still no idea if perfect rank worked, but if it did, would be 66%). To open another argument for a less popular enchantment, reduced time when frozen, entangled, rooted (except prone I think) is also more damage you can avoid. For a WK without ITC, Elven is something I'm interested to hear about if any has had experience with it recently. Barkshield would suit combat rogues better.
PS: I still refuse to wear soulforged out of preference xD
rustlord.. I don't think enemies see Lifedrinker bloodsucking animation. Perhaps it was fixed.
...Tried it out with a full Lifesteal setting.
...I may never have to use Battlepotions again..!
(ps) Don't use Elven Battle. I've been with it since the day I started putting enchants on armor. It only works against slows and roots.. and it absolutely sucks. The only slow/root that Elven Battle needs to really pull its weight is those the CWs use... and it takes at least 3 secs or more to break out of them even with Greater Elven.
Serious disappointment. Elven is not worth it.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Thanks for the info! That goes to show too many in-game tooltips just read good on paper, besides being utterly ambiguous. Yes, perhaps the FX on Lifedrinker was fixed. It would have fallen on the enchants FX seen in stealth category. The sound still prompts the location as a small hint, but not as bad as how Lifedrinker might have behaved.
(ps) Don't use Elven Battle. I've been with it since the day I started putting enchants on armor. It only works against slows and roots.. and it absolutely sucks. The only slow/root that Elven Battle needs to really pull its weight is those the CWs use... and it takes at least 3 secs or more to break out of them even with Greater Elven.
Serious disappointment. Elven is not worth it.
I'm not sure I agree. I run Perfect EBA on my halfling GWF w/ only 1k tenacity & it makes me an utter beast. I rip though strong/weak grasping roots like cobwebs & freezing ray slows do almost nothing until 6 stack freeze. I don't know about your comment on EBAs effect on CW choke or duration of stuns... I haven't tested it myself or seen a good test done by someone else, but honestly... most of that stuff only lasts about a second anyway... annoying, but can't stop me.
Having said all that, I'll be running barkshield on my TR when I get her to 60.
rustlord.. I don't think enemies see Lifedrinker bloodsucking animation. Perhaps it was fixed.
...Tried it out with a full Lifesteal setting.
...I may never have to use Battlepotions again..!
(ps) Don't use Elven Battle. I've been with it since the day I started putting enchants on armor. It only works against slows and roots.. and it absolutely sucks. The only slow/root that Elven Battle needs to really pull its weight is those the CWs use... and it takes at least 3 secs or more to break out of them even with Greater Elven.
Serious disappointment. Elven is not worth it.
drinker does reveal the TR. The animation was fixed so that all people involved see it now.
yeah id really like to see a video of the "Terrifying Negator (™)."
I'll see if I can take a video of a 1vs1 situation against a GWF or a CW and get my HAMSTER kicked for maybe 10 secs, exposing myself to all major attack combos. Should be fairly easy :rolleyes:
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
drinker does reveal the TR. The animation was fixed so that all people involved see it now.
Are you sure its not the armour enchant version? Because during my last two test-bed matches, I've even tried it while contesting a node defended by 3 enemies. All the while I was sucking up their life, none of them had a clue where i was, not even a general position. They just ran around in random directions on the node.
I do know the armour enchant version has visible, snot like blob sucked in when in procs, but I don't think I've ever seen crimson red blood trails. Maybe its because nobody used it in PvP.. but still...
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
But we are not talking about mainstream are we? Better keep this scheme in mind when devs decide to throw a glance at WK paragon path again.
WTB Class Reroll please
.. I actually calculated it wrong.
There's another 5% damage debuff coming from the feat Expert Sneak... so the figures look like..
■ Disheartening Strike
* -15% damage debuff at rank 3
■ Distracting Knife
* -5% damage debuff at 5/5 points
■ Expert Sneak
* -5% damage debuff at 5/5 points
■ P.Feytouched Enchantment
* -12% damage debuff at Perfect rank
* +12% damage buff at Perfect rank
* 10 second duration on encounters, 10 second cooldown
■ Blitz or Vengeance's Pursuit
* VP: -9% additional damage debuff at rank3
* Blitz: applies P.Feytouched effect upto 5 targets in a cone in front of you
■ Results: When using Blitz
* Apply DHS to all visible enemies, and then timely Blitz
* Debuff the damage of ALL enemies in combat nearby yourself by -37%
■ Results: When using VPz
* Apply DHS and VP on top of your target of choice
* Debuff the damage of SINGLE enemy by -46%
...it seems actually powerful enough to help your DC or CW survive forever when a GWF latches onto them.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
These numbers are mighty attractive. Now I have to think if P.Feytouched debuff-build is a more logical choice than my P.Vorpal autocrit-build.
If I may just add, I would calculate the bonus from Feytouched as follows:
■ P.Feytouched Enchantment
* 12% ÷ 2 = 6% damage debuff at Perfect rank
* 12% ÷ 2 = 6% damage buff at Perfect rank
* due to its nature: 10 second duration on encounters, 10 second cooldown
■ In the few test-bed matches, up against around equally geared GWF (around 15k GS), the highest damage I took was from a non-crit, non-deflected IBS while my health was around 80%. The debuff to the GWF was with VP (-46%). It hit me for 3.8k. If the debuffs are working correctly, and if indeed this was a result of a 46% damage debuff, the normal hit IBS would have hit me for 7.2k damage.
■ Against CWs of roughly similar gear level, I've managed to survive a Entangling Force CC combo rotation (EF - that mark-root thingy - the thrown huge ice spikes) with less than 7k damage total. The Ice Knife that connected afterwards did a 5.8k damage on crit. Normally I would have been left inches before death, but in this case I survived with enough HP to turn the odds.
■ This is a non-accurate approximation, but any CW or DC with a GWF latched on to it, that I've supported, seems to survive around 30~40% longer than usual.
■ The increase in damage, is not too shabby. The spike damage is (ofcourse) lesser than P.Vorpal. However your overall damage increase/output IMO surpasses it.
Conclusion: While using Feytouched, as long as it is active you will likely never be hit for more than around 5k damage per attack. The heaviest hits do around 5~6 damage max. The lighter/medium hit powers are usually confined to less than 3k.
It still needs more combat testing, but all in all, it could be said that you get as much damage increase as Bronzewood, falls slightly short of the total spiking power of P.Vorpal... but it also provides with you an effect that none of those can -- it kills enemy damage. Useful for both self-preservation, as well as protecting your teammate.
I think, if you build really for a "super combat TR"... I think this just might be enough to let you actually facetank a GF or even a GWF.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
By comparison, it works just as efficiently, if not more efficiently, than Barkshield, which only really shields us from burst damage.
WTB Class Reroll please
Thanks for the idea. I've never thought about P.Negation before. Will have to look it up.
At this point it actually gives me a certain amount of hope, to see that there are still many enchant combos to be studied. This mine of PvP still hasn't run dry yet, hopefully.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Did I mention that despite the healing depression, Life Steal stats synergize extremely well with WK permas? I'm actually using all life-steal related boons from both sharandar and dread-ring and any other available. My current life-steal stats are only around 1.6k IIRC, but in combat I actually heal faster than high-regen.
By definition permas receive very little damage, if at all, as long as the rotation is working. In large-scale combat, the field is full of targets to stick DHS into, and every target with DHS ticks for -- let's say -- 1.5k damage, gives me 100 HP per second for the next 6 ticks. Have 3 enemies in combat near you and that's 300 HP for the next 6 seconds. The CoS bursts amount upto 15k damage in average, meaning around 1k HP healed... and as long as there are enemies around, this becomes constant.
...If I stick Life Drinker...
(but does Life Drinker reveal your location visually?)
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Yes. It was such a letdown. Confirmed by two friends whom I asked to test my p.lifedrinker with. I ended up dropping the idea.
Why don't they implement a dueling system in this game? Its so stupid & difficult to properly test our abilities for PvP effectiveness.
Anyway, for WK I'd go with vorp for better dmg.
Assuming your opponent has 20% crit resistance, and you have 40% crit chance, your overall dmg is increased by ~12% (30% extra crit severity x 40% crit chance = 12%), but you actually benefit more than 12% since you can keep spamming DS until it crits.
I wouldn't rely on the 12% debuff (Effectively just ~6%, like what Brandon has pointed out)
Lastly, please DON'T use blitz in PVP.
You didn't read any of the posts in this thread, right?
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Umm.. Maybe because you don't seem to fully appreciate the heavy damage debuff possible through a combination of WK attacks + Feytouched..? If P.Negation works out as recommended by rustlord, then it's going to be a total of 71% damage debuff applied for 10 seconds or so.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I was using P. Neg when I was first playing my TR (in fact rustlord got his P. Neg from me), but I stopped using it after a week or so. 7s of 25% increase in DR just won't help much, its effect wears off too quickly and has a long CD, maybe it could help you survive against burst damages once every minute, but then you're gonna be extremely vulnerable while it's in CD (especially when you don't have ITC). P. Bark would probably be a better choice for WK.
Yes it's true that Feytouched makes you slightly more tanky, but if I were you I wouldn't sacrifice the DPS provided by vorp for 12% DR that has 10s CD. WK benefits a lot from vorp because of the fact that you can just spam DS until it crits.
Anyway, if Feytouched fits your play style then use it, maybe a specific rotation could allow you to get hit only when you're buffed, and I could see how its debuff could help your teammates in some situations. I own a feytouched myself, but I just love it for its look XD
Anyway, to support Kweassa's argument, I only utilize P.Negation in that small window I am out of stealth, when Shadow Strike misses its cooldown by about 3-5 seconds. On the other hand, things tend to become screwy if I get hit by a stray AoE while in stealth and it procs Negation. Slim chance. But still enough to get me killed in very tricky situations.
Edit: Elven Battle (after the math) is 33%/50%/60% CC duration reduction (doesn't work on prone, still no idea if perfect rank worked, but if it did, would be 66%). To open another argument for a less popular enchantment, reduced time when frozen, entangled, rooted (except prone I think) is also more damage you can avoid. For a WK without ITC, Elven is something I'm interested to hear about if any has had experience with it recently. Barkshield would suit combat rogues better.
PS: I still refuse to wear soulforged out of preference xD
rustlord.. I don't think enemies see Lifedrinker bloodsucking animation. Perhaps it was fixed.
...Tried it out with a full Lifesteal setting.
...I may never have to use Battlepotions again..!
(ps) Don't use Elven Battle. I've been with it since the day I started putting enchants on armor. It only works against slows and roots.. and it absolutely sucks. The only slow/root that Elven Battle needs to really pull its weight is those the CWs use... and it takes at least 3 secs or more to break out of them even with Greater Elven.
Serious disappointment. Elven is not worth it.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I'm not sure I agree. I run Perfect EBA on my halfling GWF w/ only 1k tenacity & it makes me an utter beast. I rip though strong/weak grasping roots like cobwebs & freezing ray slows do almost nothing until 6 stack freeze. I don't know about your comment on EBAs effect on CW choke or duration of stuns... I haven't tested it myself or seen a good test done by someone else, but honestly... most of that stuff only lasts about a second anyway... annoying, but can't stop me.
Having said all that, I'll be running barkshield on my TR when I get her to 60.
PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
I'll see if I can take a video of a 1vs1 situation against a GWF or a CW and get my HAMSTER kicked for maybe 10 secs, exposing myself to all major attack combos. Should be fairly easy :rolleyes:
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Are you sure its not the armour enchant version? Because during my last two test-bed matches, I've even tried it while contesting a node defended by 3 enemies. All the while I was sucking up their life, none of them had a clue where i was, not even a general position. They just ran around in random directions on the node.
I do know the armour enchant version has visible, snot like blob sucked in when in procs, but I don't think I've ever seen crimson red blood trails. Maybe its because nobody used it in PvP.. but still...
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'