I like this game but it must be done something about the rewards because it is causing a lot of anger. Not only to me but to everybody I talk about.
Take the actual CTA. I have been playing today for about 5 hours. And what did I get? a few dies and enchantments. I mean, come on guys! 5 hours just for that?? why are you being like that?? Increase the rate a bit guys. This is not fun at all. Don't forget that people play to have fun not to get angry. If people get angry they just go play somewhere else.
Only 5 hours and you complain?
Me and me mates were the first one to que the CTA (the map dc us for its not been loaded yet, after 2nd retry it let us enter) and after 7 hours straight they got 1 or 2 and I got nothing. I want to play 24 hours just to get that companion but I cant be that selfish my friends needs some rest too! but I relinquish the thought of surrendering thus I continue for another 4 hours and still got nothing.
Day 2 and still got nothing. Day 3 I just DD all the way got some good epics and bought the darned pet! but its active bonus is crappy I sold it in the Merchant NPC out of sheer rage and frustration even so I still love this game!
StrawberryCheesecake TR BlackberryCheesecake CW
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] CheeseCake House
Only 5 hours and you complain?
Me and me mates were the first one to que the CTA (the map dc us for its not been loaded yet, after 2nd retry it let us enter) and after 7 hours straight they got 1 or 2 and I got nothing. I want to play 24 hours just to get that companion but I cant be that selfish my friends needs some rest too! but I relinquish the thought of surrendering thus I continue for another 4 hours and still got nothing.
Day 2 and still got nothing. Day 3 I just DD all the way got some good epics and bought the darned pet! but its active bonus is crappy I sold it in the Merchant NPC out of sheer rage and frustration even so I still love this game!
Only?? you think 5 hours almost non-stop is nothing?? Maybe I should have mention that yesterday I played CTA 3 hours too, so it makes 8 hours in total! So yes, I do complain of this miserable rate! 3 hours yesterday and 5 today doing repeatedly the same thing just to get some worthless stuff is plain frustrating :mad:
Hours doing the same thing over and over is NOT FUN and if then you dont get some nice reward then you feel like throwing the computer out of the window. (I am not doing that, it's just too expensive, )
The game is free-to-play. PW could have just as easily thrown all rewards on the Zen market and called it a day. Instead they created new content and rewards and offered it up for everybody to play for free.
I'm not sure some people will be completely happy until there is an "I WIN" button integrated in to the UI.
Free-to-play should never be used to justify a game design decision.
That's right. It keeps amazing me those who say: "hey, what do you complain about? it's FTP." As if that would imply that the gamers have to keep their mouth shut or quit the game.
I have done the CTA a couple of hours and I didnt get anything worth neither so I went to do something else.
I agree with the thread starter that this game has potential but the devs should rethink the rate of the rewards.
I like this game but it must be done something about the rewards because it is causing a lot of anger. Not only to me but to everybody I talk about.
Take the actual CTA. I have been playing today for about 5 hours. And what did I get? a few dies and enchantments. I mean, come on guys! 5 hours just for that?? why are you being like that?? Increase the rate a bit guys. This is not fun at all. Don't forget that people play to have fun not to get angry. If people get angry they just go play somewhere else.
Only do CTA if there'r itens like tymora coins our pocket companion, if doen't, just ignore it. wast of time
aulduronMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,351Arc User
edited June 2014
There are far fewer enchantments dropping. I usually make far more selling those than I do selling companions.
There are far fewer enchantments dropping. I usually make far more selling those than I do selling companions.
Far fewer medallions too , I have run it 75 times now and no companion , it wouldn't be so bad if the number of enchantments and medallions hadn't been nerfed , for the love of god developers , please add a bound version of companions to the CTA store for those of us RNG seems to get off on hating xD
Also the number of people who try to afk the entire thing is getting silly , if I have lead I leave it till just before the dragon dies then kick them XD
I've run it a number of times on three different toons. The rewards are lacklustre and I won't be bothering with any more runs. A handful of low rank enchantments and some dye packs each run with a minuscule chance of snagging a companion really isn't much encouragement, and the weapon transmutes are plain ugly. Disappointing.
I agree that the drop rate is far too low. It's a pity that the companion isn't available for sale from the event trader, as was the case with the green slime and adorable pet BOP versions at the tabletop event. that would be much betetr than this boring grind. Also, why were the companion stats changed? It is a lot worse than the previous version of that shaman.
mircalla83Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 36
edited June 2014
Soon coming on the Zen Store: Loot Ward - Increase the drop chance in your next skirmish or dungeon run by 100%
Will turn out to be multiplicative, of course, turning a 1% Chance into a 2% one.
Its the same on almost every single event. The RNG is so terrible to players. Some of the population comes away with 10 or 15 pets and others get nothing for multiple days of work.
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
The worst thing is, that you just have a chance of dropping a good thing. I have done this CTA 48 times, my boyfriend 63 times. I dropped two companions and two ancient curios, he didn't get anything. I know I would be pretty angry if I had his luck.
So I'm with iambecks1, they shoud give us the option of buying bound version of the companion for medallions.
mircalla83Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 36
edited June 2014
In addition, keep in mind, in the past, an SCA run of the 'CTA' gave 30+ Medallions even if you rushed and wrecked the dragon (and thus skipped most fights, with luck). And during Bridge, people got 40 Medallions (easily) per run.
Call it Tinfoil - but keep in mind, the 'Refiner' cases, for 100 Medallions each, have a chance to drop items that, on the Wondrous Bazaar, cost 100k/25k AD. Then, add the recent TTBar Ward change......
I just play the CTA's till I get bored then buy the stuff I want out of the AH now I can't be bothered to grind out companions I can buy (bad enough I have to grind out the HE's in Ice Dale I don't want more of that). For the other events I don't even bother to "grind" them (like Waukeen) I just play normally and take I what I get
The game is free-to-play. PW could have just as easily thrown all rewards on the Zen market and called it a day. Instead they created new content and rewards and offered it up for everybody to play for free.
I'm not sure some people will be completely happy until there is an "I WIN" button integrated in to the UI.
I could care less if it is free to play or not.
People do not grind the same dungeon over and over again because it is fun.
They do it to progress through the game. Once it takes a week to progress the slightest bit in the game it becomes tedious.
Once it becomes tedious for "free to" players it becomes underpopulated and boring for Paying players.
I like this game and its free to play model, but if you have to grind the same stuff for two days to get one item on a limited time event
then it MAY have a low drop rate...pfft entitled.
People do not grind the same dungeon over and over again because it is fun.
I do. Each run is always a bit different and interesting. Sometime you get a good team. Others can be a real hassle depending on who you get. Unless you bring the same group every time, it's always going to be a new experience each time.
I did one the other night, as my DC. We ended up with two folks AFK. The GWF, who was doing amazing up to that point, took offence and bailed. We we were left with a dead GF that never bothered to release and rez, as group lead. A moderately geared DC who was AFK, off and on. A poorly geared fresh 60 CW, who stalwartly refused to give up. And myself, a heal spec'ed DC of questionable skill.
It took forever, it was both exciting and fustrating, but it was also fun. The CW and myself pretty much duo'ed the entire skirmish until the mystics spawned. At that point the other DC finally woke up and joined in. Allowing us to finally murder the big lizard over the GFs smoldering corpse.
Not a text book run, by any means, but nothing I'd consider boring. Mad props to that CW for refusing to give in despite being a lizard punching bag for most of the time. A good example of how determination and heart can be worth more then gear or skill.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited June 2014
RNG HAMSTER me over as usual. Haven't found a companion since the orc assault, and I only got 1 of them.
Respen's Marvelous Game really should be their model for CTA rewards going forward. The odds of an unbound pet dropping were typically low but there was an option to purchase bound versions for crystal dice. Even if you never get a pet drop on a regular run there was still something to work towards.
fgmfanhaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2014
You guys want to talk about it? i done more than 60 runs, most of them im the paigiver, field medic and immovable object... i.e. i carry my team most runs and the best i got until now was 4 rank 5 enchants.. a friend of mine done like 15 runs and already got 2 companions and the Ancient Currio..... WTH is going on... and this skirmish is anoying as hell....
fgmfanhaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2014
LoL Got again.. Paingiver, Immovable Object, Living Dead, Field Medic and Executioner.... and what do i get???? a rank 4 enchant!!! scumbag droptable
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
LoL Got again.. Paingiver, Immovable Object, Living Dead, Field Medic and Executioner.... and what do i get???? a rank 4 enchant!!! scumbag droptable
AFAIK, the drops from the chest have nothing to do with how you ranked during the CTA run...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I think PWE's new slogan should be "Grind2Win". It seems to be the general direction of rewards. And seems to be a trend in most PWE games. Sadly, I think they are forgetting Westerners and most Europeans do not like incessant grinds that seems to be something Asians like and the reason most asian grind F2P games do not do well in the West and Europe. Although maybe I could be wrong.
fgmfanhaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2014
WHat i meant by saying that is that my efforts dont give anything... and that, in my opinion, is a bit unfair! If i carry most of the games i do i should be rewarded! No?
Top Leaderboard spots do not really effect what you loot in the chest at the end. It's a random chance as to whether you get dye, pet, mount, curio, weapon enchant, rank 4 or rank 5 enchant. Also depends on which CTA you are doing. CTA general determines the themes of the item drops. And AD only drops during skirmish hour, or sometimes randomly in the Sharandar skirmish.
Some people like to believe taking top rank will give you better stuff, but I know I've been in groups where the lowest man in the 5 gets all the goodies, so it is basically random chance. Similar to opening a lock box. Drops are never ensured. They have a chance to drop and you may farm all 5 days for CTA and never see one if the RNG hates you. Now at least you can get the weapon skin for CTA tokens. It's my hope that one day all the rewards will be placed in the CTA token store. Granted it will likely be for a lot of tokens, but at least you will know how much to grind to get one if you really want it.
Me and me mates were the first one to que the CTA (the map dc us for its not been loaded yet, after 2nd retry it let us enter) and after 7 hours straight they got 1 or 2 and I got nothing. I want to play 24 hours just to get that companion but I cant be that selfish my friends needs some rest too! but I relinquish the thought of surrendering thus I continue for another 4 hours and still got nothing.
Day 2 and still got nothing. Day 3 I just DD all the way got some good epics and bought the darned pet! but its active bonus is crappy I sold it in the Merchant NPC out of sheer rage and frustration even so I still love this game!
BlackberryCheesecake CW
CheeseCake House
Only?? you think 5 hours almost non-stop is nothing?? Maybe I should have mention that yesterday I played CTA 3 hours too, so it makes 8 hours in total! So yes, I do complain of this miserable rate! 3 hours yesterday and 5 today doing repeatedly the same thing just to get some worthless stuff is plain frustrating :mad:
Hours doing the same thing over and over is NOT FUN and if then you dont get some nice reward then you feel like throwing the computer out of the window. (I am not doing that, it's just too expensive,
The game is free-to-play. PW could have just as easily thrown all rewards on the Zen market and called it a day. Instead they created new content and rewards and offered it up for everybody to play for free.
I'm not sure some people will be completely happy until there is an "I WIN" button integrated in to the UI.
That's right. It keeps amazing me those who say: "hey, what do you complain about? it's FTP." As if that would imply that the gamers have to keep their mouth shut or quit the game.
I have done the CTA a couple of hours and I didnt get anything worth neither so I went to do something else.
I agree with the thread starter that this game has potential but the devs should rethink the rate of the rewards.
Only do CTA if there'r itens like tymora coins our pocket companion, if doen't, just ignore it. wast of time
Far fewer medallions too , I have run it 75 times now and no companion , it wouldn't be so bad if the number of enchantments and medallions hadn't been nerfed , for the love of god developers , please add a bound version of companions to the CTA store for those of us RNG seems to get off on hating xD
Also the number of people who try to afk the entire thing is getting silly , if I have lead I leave it till just before the dragon dies then kick them XD
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Will turn out to be multiplicative, of course, turning a 1% Chance into a 2% one.
- JailBreak (in development)
So I'm with iambecks1, they shoud give us the option of buying bound version of the companion for medallions.
Call it Tinfoil - but keep in mind, the 'Refiner' cases, for 100 Medallions each, have a chance to drop items that, on the Wondrous Bazaar, cost 100k/25k AD. Then, add the recent TTBar Ward change......
People do not grind the same dungeon over and over again because it is fun.
They do it to progress through the game. Once it takes a week to progress the slightest bit in the game it becomes tedious.
Once it becomes tedious for "free to" players it becomes underpopulated and boring for Paying players.
I like this game and its free to play model, but if you have to grind the same stuff for two days to get one item on a limited time event
then it MAY have a low drop rate...pfft entitled.
As I already said: do NOT give them ideas..
I do. Each run is always a bit different and interesting. Sometime you get a good team. Others can be a real hassle depending on who you get. Unless you bring the same group every time, it's always going to be a new experience each time.
I did one the other night, as my DC. We ended up with two folks AFK. The GWF, who was doing amazing up to that point, took offence and bailed. We we were left with a dead GF that never bothered to release and rez, as group lead. A moderately geared DC who was AFK, off and on. A poorly geared fresh 60 CW, who stalwartly refused to give up. And myself, a heal spec'ed DC of questionable skill.
It took forever, it was both exciting and fustrating, but it was also fun. The CW and myself pretty much duo'ed the entire skirmish until the mystics spawned. At that point the other DC finally woke up and joined in. Allowing us to finally murder the big lizard over the GFs smoldering corpse.
Not a text book run, by any means, but nothing I'd consider boring. Mad props to that CW for refusing to give in despite being a lizard punching bag for most of the time. A good example of how determination and heart can be worth more then gear or skill.
AFAIK, the drops from the chest have nothing to do with how you ranked during the CTA run...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Some people like to believe taking top rank will give you better stuff, but I know I've been in groups where the lowest man in the 5 gets all the goodies, so it is basically random chance. Similar to opening a lock box. Drops are never ensured. They have a chance to drop and you may farm all 5 days for CTA and never see one if the RNG hates you. Now at least you can get the weapon skin for CTA tokens. It's my hope that one day all the rewards will be placed in the CTA token store. Granted it will likely be for a lot of tokens, but at least you will know how much to grind to get one if you really want it.