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New Combat Timer QQ's

donblacksheepdonblacksheep Member Posts: 132 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2014 in PvE Discussion
The new combat time makes it longer to be able to mount, indeed, kind of annoying untill we get used to it, I agree.
But it will bring a new face to the pvp and premades, strategy, rotations, this simple little thing changes a lot of stuff on the high end pvp.

Don't listen to the QQ'ers, good job cryptic, changes on the pvp are always good, we will get used to it.
Blacksheep - Trickster Rogue Forever <3
Meatball - Control Wizard
Criminal Cheater - Hunter Ranger

<Enemy Team> Guild Leader.
Post edited by donblacksheep on


  • crollaxcrollax Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    yes that change is mega and helpull im very happy about that change now people have to be more awake then old time :)
  • gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    it is funny, everytime i get like "i want to mount!!!". at first i thought i was lagging. it is interesting now, now ppl can't really run much effectively from combat. it should make rotations demands more skills now.
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
  • crollaxcrollax Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    it is funny, everytime i get like "i want to mount!!!". at first i thought i was lagging. it is interesting now, now ppl can't really run much effectively from combat. it should make rotations demands more skills now.

    exactly man need more skill fast and more comminication :) its imba that they dont have emblem anymore also :D soo all ok for me till now in enemy node :)))
  • gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    what about emblem?
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
  • velynnavelynna Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    crollax wrote: »
    yes that change is mega and helpull im very happy about that change now people have to be more awake then old time :)

    This just gives an even bigger advantage to parties that stack point-holding classes. It doesn't mean you have to me more awake or rotations demand more skills. It just means you can't implement your rotations as fast and it disadvantages classes that don't have feats/abilities that increase their run speed.
  • velynnavelynna Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    crollax wrote: »
    exactly man need more skill fast and more comminication :) its imba that they dont have emblem anymore also :D soo all ok for me till now in enemy node :)))

    If you truly wanted to make matches about skill, communication, an "being more awake," you wouldn't use every elixir and potion available in the game against players without them. Maybe you should start there.
  • spongebob56spongebob56 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    No, the new combat timer is annoying. The only people who will like it is those who run around to all non-contested nodes to cap them instead of fighting on those contested. I watched one guy just yesterday cap a node and pass the enemy team on his mount just to go to the next node to cap. I imagine he was quite indignant when one of those enemy members knocked him off his horse and he had to run/dodge his way to that next node on foot. Late game he used the "overpass" to avoid the mid node.
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The new timer is annoying, yes. However, I dunno about others, but I do understand the logic behind it.

    ■ Before the patch, a victory in one large-scale combat (especially the initial "first-contact" combat at node2(mid)) would drastically influence the general outcome of the match itself.

    During the time it takes for the group that lost the fight to respawn, most usually all of the nodes would be under control by the group that won the fight. It often takes heavy amounts of effort just to draw the enemy elsewhere so the losing group can regroup, form their lines, take back nodes, and try to come back as a contendor of the game.

    Hence, by delaying the time the winning group needs to push forward and firmly control all nodes, the developers are hoping to reduce the instances of cascading failures of the losing team which would often demoralize people to just stop playing the match and give up. Cascading failures - most PuGs know of this. The instances when you lose the initial, first-contact battle. With each loss the opponents push forward with lightning speed, and everytime your team respawns, you have to start from the ground zero and push back upto the mid node -- all the while the score is ticking, and eventually leads to further losses in all the major battles that happen.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • risendragonrisendragon Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2014
    It makes sense for Rivenscar, the map is big and mounting up with this new timer makes sense. In Hotenow though, I don't see the point in mounting up anymore. You risk being proned by being hit off the mount for the 2 seconds you may be able to utilize it. All in all, the timer seems to be a little too long. Perhaps it should be map-specific if that's possible.
  • crollaxcrollax Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    velynna wrote: »
    If you truly wanted to make matches about skill, communication, an "being more awake," you wouldn't use every elixir and potion available in the game against players without them. Maybe you should start there.

    i really wish to steam and take video about how your tr bleed points and get catch about uking all my df and get destroy i had ''heroism tymora adroble + recovery elixir

    once he saw that he also used all elixir aswell u dont need to cry about he is simply sux cant handle me in any node lost all of them even tho u heal him and carry him. its sad but true mss fat *** req. ++ u had 2 tr 2 cw and u still talk about node holder class?:D u are funnny anyway whenever u want a premade just wisp. im rdy to destroy sica in any game its easy tho
  • crollaxcrollax Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    yea and if u still say 200 defance and 2k hp made me god yea thnx for that stats then cause he couldnt even make me onces %50..++ ive never shocked him just used bloodbath he just shocked me and killed me. it was unfair cause had no stamina any thing even tho he couldnt catch and killl me but yea just to mention
  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I thought it was annoying at first, but as a CW it actually makes escaping easier and makes my 3 teleports more valuable. I didn't try GG last night, but I think it might have a positive impact on all the horse racing nonesense that those matches can become.
  • iliveforpvpiliveforpvp Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    The new combat time makes it longer to be able to mount, indeed, kind of annoying untill we get used to it, I agree.
    But it will bring a new face to the pvp and premades, strategy, rotations, this simple little thing changes a lot of stuff on the high end pvp.

    Don't listen to the QQ'ers, good job cryptic, changes on the pvp are always good, we will get used to it.

    Agreed! I actually love it! It's great to see that plus the Emblem nerf.
  • proneificationproneification Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 494 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    I thought ET has internal communication means, such as voice chat. If you intend to make a topic that's started by ET, and bumped further by ET, maybe it's just better to use the guild chat or something.

    Also I'm against the changes. They're dumb. Not all classes are mobile or able to rotate efficiently without the use of mounts.
  • gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    velynna wrote: »
    If you truly wanted to make matches about skill, communication, an "being more awake," you wouldn't use every elixir and potion available in the game against players without them. Maybe you should start there.
    No offense, but in yesterday match i was the only one clean without elixirs, and i never complaiend of it. your entire team was using elixirs... so don't bring this up...:)
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
  • gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    I thought ET has internal communication means, such as voice chat. If you intend to make a topic that's started by ET, and bumped further by ET, maybe it's just better to use the guild chat or something.

    Also I'm against the changes. They're dumb. Not all classes are mobile or able to rotate efficiently without the use of mounts.
    The difference between ET and everybody else is not that we use comm chat. It is just we don't complain much of nerfs or changes, we just adapt to new means of play and try find new advantages.
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
  • gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    i didn't notice emblem was nerfed. HAMSTER LOL. paid so expensive for it, it still healed me alright i think though.
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
  • iliveforpvpiliveforpvp Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    Lol ya. Only 1 tic per second now man xD
  • lisaxxiilisaxxii Member Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    Oh my.....
    Enemy Team
  • velynnavelynna Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    No offense, but in yesterday match i was the only one clean without elixirs, and i never complaiend of it. your entire team was using elixirs... so don't bring this up...:)

    No, the entire team wasn't. And we entered without them. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of fully potting up versus people who didn't enter the match with pots and then arguing for the combat timer because you want "skill-based" rotations, etc.
  • iliveforpvpiliveforpvp Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    Seriously? Can we argue later? Was a good conversation.
  • gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    velynna wrote: »
    No, the entire team wasn't. And we entered without them. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of fully potting up versus people who didn't enter the match with pots and then arguing for the combat timer because you want "skill-based" rotations, etc.

    yes, the entire team WAS. I got like "wtf when both cws were u sing elixirs, and then when i faced both trs, both were using elixirs as well. I cant talk for my own team excepy myself, i was clean for elixirs. but your team was not. I dont care if you didn't enter with elixirs, as long as your team started to use it, especially since the beginning you can't complain of anything anymore.
    you guys had a DC, had plenty of time to catch up when I got a dc of over 5 minutes, and we didn't complain like you are doing. stop QQ requiem.... I barely got back, and I have to watch you QQ already lol. you talk as if it was a nerf for you, everybody else has problem to mount, every char responsible for rotations now have to deal with that, i t is not only about you dude... if you were fully dependant of a cash item to run away all the time, then yes, you need improve your skills instead QQ. I am sorry:(
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    What a shining advert for the PvP community this thread has turned into.

    Deary me today...
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • lisaxxiilisaxxii Member Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    The delayed mount makes it ALOT harder for me to carry my pugs... :(

    But for organized 5v5? Yeah, its going to be interesting! Looking forward to a change.
    Enemy Team
  • adamy2004adamy2004 Member Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    yes, the entire team WAS. I got like "wtf when both cws were u sing elixirs, and then when i faced both trs, both were using elixirs as well. I cant talk for my own team excepy myself, i was clean for elixirs. but your team was not. I dont care if you didn't enter with elixirs, as long as your team started to use it, especially since the beginning you can't complain of anything anymore.
    you guys had a DC, had plenty of time to catch up when I got a dc of over 5 minutes, and we didn't complain like you are doing. stop QQ requiem.... I barely got back, and I have to watch you QQ already lol. you talk as if it was a nerf for you, everybody else has problem to mount, every char responsible for rotations now have to deal with that, i t is not only about you dude... if you were fully dependant of a cash item to run away all the time, then yes, you need improve your skills instead QQ. I am sorry:(

    so you think potting up after several minutes as a response to players instantly potting up as soon as they see who they are against is a fair reason not to QQ? using elixirs is pathetic period.
    Don't waste my time.
  • gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    adamy2004 wrote: »
    so you think potting up after several minutes as a response to players instantly potting up as soon as they see who they are against is a fair reason not to QQ? using elixirs is pathetic period.
    it wasn't a organized premade, we were fooling around and playing together for fun. i don't even know why you guys are complaining, especially after you guys used elixirs also. i never used elixirs, and i got dc of more than 5 minutes... i don't see how complain of elixir is relevant due these two factors, it only make you guys look like cry babies. seriously... isn't the QQ for mount enough already?
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
  • mehpvpmehmehpvpmeh Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    I for one approve of the changes to mounting!

    I also approve of the turn this forum has taken!!
  • velynnavelynna Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    it wasn't a organized premade, we were fooling around and playing together for fun. i don't even know why you guys are complaining, especially after you guys used elixirs also. i never used elixirs, and i got dc of more than 5 minutes... i don't see how complain of elixir is relevant due these two factors, it only make you guys look like cry babies. seriously... isn't the QQ for mount enough already?

    I didn't ONCE complain about the elixirs on this thread. I was pointing out the dissonance to a specific person between calling for skill-based combat and then stacking elixirs before a match. That's not QQ/complaining. BUT HOLY ****, never going to point out contradictions again.

    Anyway. Back to the topic.
  • gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    velynna wrote: »
    I didn't ONCE complain about the elixirs on this thread. I was pointing out the dissonance to a specific person between calling for skill-based combat and then stacking elixirs before a match. That's not QQ/complaining. BUT HOLY ****, never going to point out contradictions again.

    Anyway. Back to the topic.
    oh mention it isn't enough? lol.
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
  • forumnamesarelamforumnamesarelam Member Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    I've played quite a few matches since yesterday and despite all the theorycrafting in this thread, the delay timer has had no appreciable impact on the dynamics of team gameplay on either of the standard domination maps. Everything is playing exactly like before, except with more annoyance.

    If anything, it's actually made GWF's more dominate because of their ability to sprint.

    If that's what Cryptic was after, congratulations. If not, then revert the change because it's stupid.
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