"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
SOme of your works are really nice, congratulations!
I'd love to see some of them colored
Thanks ^^
I'll take it as a compliment (though... nah nevermind)
I was worried in fact that whole 'little project' received much more positive feedback even on... pixiv. Though since I don't know Japanese (yet!) I had to google translate and use help of one of my Japanese mangaka friends. Still there is that issue of overall really small activity on Art section. What I hope to change even if a little.
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
No worries, I know how it is. I have 2 books to read before exams start (all hard economical and information technology lectures) and still 2 commissions to finish on Monday T_T (which I already got my 40EU for), so please take it easy. Though I still hope in seeing some piece from You (since we both know: I like Your style XD)
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
Nice work.. but hurry up and put some shading on them already.. they certainly deserve it .
Anyway, GJ!
They do! They scream at night in my dreams and to be honest: Seti and Leera are most terrifying . Yet there is that issue of: doing paid commissions 1st... oh and Uni.
Anyway: Great thanks ! And come by more! Also any suggestion on some arts that should appear in artbook? (beside ecchi characters of mine XD)
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
Sadly I must inform about my scanner currently declining cooperation
So the 'Friday Report' will be held till tomorrow.
I sincerely apologize to any possible watchers of this topic.
Bowing down in shame ~ Angry Neko Elf
EDIT: I'm dumbfounded by now. I do not have idea what's wrong with the scanner, and there ain't any repairs working on weekends nearby. Also phoning 'people I know' does not work. Most of my friends either don't have a scanner or are... somewhere else (weekend trips seem to be a bit popular nowadays )
Thus I'm forced to scan things at Uni on Monday. I'm really ashamed. I know I was one report ahead but... it was just 'in case'. To be honest compare to a full-time colleagues my pace on A.N.E.-chan Neverwinter artbook is simply pathetic. And exams are coming >_>.
Anyone with a warm word to lift up a bit my wrecked mood? T_T
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
mittensofdoomMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 247Arc User
Haha, thanks for praise mittensofdoom (cool nick btw, classy one )
Cleara counting Your vote is 3rd most popular it seems. But all can change once I finally resurrect my scanner and ... well.. scan things up?
I don't wanna spoil things yet though . And yeah... fact of having scanner is nice. Though if it dies one day 'for good' I think of buying A3 format one. Reason? Some of commissions lately I have to do on 2 separate A4 papers and bind together digitally (though they;re still mostly 100% tradart, sells better in my case for now ^^; )
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
In lieu of Dan giving a progress report due to unforseen circumstances, I hereby present to you...
Stand-in progress report!
Flat Color
Only one person here will even know who this character was, and that's Dan, so allow me to give you all a bit of backstory.
Way back when in the year god only knows, I joined a roleplay board on Crunchyroll - in fact, this is where I met Dan. I roleplayed using two characters, Suhiko and Kahiko (also a third called Hafuenjeru but let's try to forget her). I enjoyed playing as them, but I enjoyed Suhiko the most, and eventually requested for Dan to draw her, which he did (and really well, if I may say so). However, when the board dropped, Suhiko went out of use, shelved until further notice. Well, now she's unshelved and in proud use as my character in Neverwinter.
Sincerely Yours ~Jymaru, standing in for Angry Neko Elf without any shred of permission whatsoever
PS: Please don't kill me Dan I mean well
PPS: No I will not shade this. Yes I know there's a lot of detail missing. Yes those are the clothes from the start of the game. Yes I turned a succubus into an elf fight me
Suhiko | Level 15 | Wood Elf | Control Wizard
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
Hei again, haven't been in the forums much these days.. for the artbook - why not mix things up a little with some different camera angles and 'action' (as in mid animation of some tricky movements) poses? Could also introduce some situation comedy elements or whatnot.. stealing cookies and such =P.
With that hair color, suhiko suddenly reminds me or Erza from Fairy Tail. Cold light falling from the orb (turning a portion of the hair/face/shoulder/arm blueish white) would fit well, once you get to the shading part.
EDIT: i just noticed the part about not shading it.. -.-. Mornings...
If I do ever shade that piece, it'll be a long time off, but yeah, I agree with you about the lighting idea. And she does kinda remind of Erza Scarlet, though mostly in the hair
I'm sure Dan has some ideas in the works for more "dynamic" group pictures, but it makes sense to want to get the character references out of the way first
Suhiko | Level 15 | Wood Elf | Control Wizard
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
So first of all: sincere thanks for jymaru for saving my topic while I was in real need XD. I admit You done me a favor worth more than praise here and I love the idea of Suhiko coming back XD !!! I think in my set of plot she would surely be a good ally to at least two of my characters (seen here Seti and not second not yet seen). As always: I like Your style ! (nice avii!) But shame indeed if You not shade it. In future maybe? (not like I'm in position to say anything with sketches only )
So then: sorry to all people who awaited report. I tried to get everything ahead and now we have 6th report on 6th week. One fail more and I get behind schedule by far . As to the reason - let's say I was talking about the scanning on Monday at 'bad hour'. I caught flu and on Monday (and 2 following days) had high fever unable to do... pretty much anything.
The project is ongoing though and I plan to speed things up now that I and my scanner are well now!
Expect insanity
6th progress report!
Initial Pencil Sketch
Cleaned (a bit) Pencil Lineart
So here's Avareen. Counting among my characters: together with Sylain and (not yet seen) Kyrion she's one of my '3 main protagonists' and her starring is in prelude to most of what happened in ongoing timeline. Hope You enjoy ^^
Hei again, haven't been in the forums much these days.. for the artbook - why not mix things up a little with some different camera angles and 'action' (as in mid animation of some tricky movements) poses? Could also introduce some situation comedy elements or whatnot.. stealing cookies and such =P.
With that hair color, suhiko suddenly reminds me or Erza from Fairy Tail. Cold light falling from the orb (turning a portion of the hair/face/shoulder/arm blueish white) would fit well, once you get to the shading part.
EDIT: i just noticed the part about not shading it.. -.-. Mornings...
Keep up the good work
Believe me: Suhiko was like Erza before Erza got devised XD (I pretty much can imagine her reaction to 'cake' similar, although victim would get turned to dust rather than sliced )
As jymaru stated: I indeed decided to start of with concepts in 3/4 format for reference and as 'in bio page' art. Planned are also (probably in this order):
-"Faceworks" - the 3-6 different angles and expressions as reference to character's behavior (aaand ev. comic)
-Full-body art in NWO and my own design Forgotten Realms set of clothes. (with some weapon designs possibly)
-"In battle" caption (I deem what it's, is what You wanted )
- Short 4koma comics (for now the possible titles of 2 I plan upload ASAP are: "Overly Manly" and "Hello Folks" ~no more spoilers)
Hope You like the idea and that You will come more often ! We think alike after all... and geez... I need support (it'll be lotsa work )
Sincerely Yours ~Angry Neko Elf
PS: Jymaru! I'll be sending You your contest reward from before now that You have character !
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
Well, my reason for not shading is, by the time I would get around to shading, Suhiko would probably have different equipment, and thus redrawing the picture would be more beneficial. The outfits in Neverwinter have a lot of detail though, and it got a little annoying nearer the end once I decided I was working to a time limit (I do that a lot and I end up being really mean to myself as a result)
It is amusing to note that Avareen and Suhiko have similar upper garments (Suhiko's are the tattered version because I literally played the game up to the point where I was in the city, took some screenshots, and dove back out, all in the name of surprise... and science... surprise science)
I might eventually make Kahiko, but I doubt it tbh. I have enough fun playing as Suhiko, but I can't really imagine myself playing the same story twice, that isn't my kind of thing
And I can't argue about the whole "turn to dust" thing, because that is pretty accurate... even moreso now Suhiko has access to the ever-glorious Magic Missile (shame I can't build in her ability to absorb and reflect magical energies, that would've been a really cool thing to keep)
Also, send it whenever you feel like. I haven't had time for playing the game since I originally played it, and that was at least a fortnight ago
Suhiko | Level 15 | Wood Elf | Control Wizard
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
nice work again, i like the last one the best so far .
And yeah, i get that the "photo" poses are naturally first, only mentioned different things since you asked for ideas if i remember correctly. The mugs add a lot the the Avareen picture imo, they give life to the character or something along those lines .
As a further note to Dan after my prior note about sending my prize whenever: I tried booting up Neverwinter and it keeps crashing a crucial driver, so giving me my prize is probably going to have to wait. As bonus, I am an absolute coward so I will not be sending error reports to the head people because I am scared of authority
Suhiko | Level 15 | Wood Elf | Control Wizard
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
nice work again, i like the last one the best so far .
And yeah, i get that the "photo" poses are naturally first, only mentioned different things since you asked for ideas if i remember correctly. The mugs add a lot the the Avareen picture imo, they give life to the character or something along those lines .
Yep, those mugs are something already 5 people noticed as a 'good' thing. Makes me wonder about beer popularity connections . Though I admit them giving life to character in some meaning.
And thanks in fact about the mention of those things. It triggered me to write them down in here and to be completely honest: I gotta update 1st post a bit. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. It depends on whether I manage to finish and additional fun stuff I've planned as a weekend work on project
As a further note to Dan after my prior note about sending my prize whenever: I tried booting up Neverwinter and it keeps crashing a crucial driver, so giving me my prize is probably going to have to wait. As bonus, I am an absolute coward so I will not be sending error reports to the head people because I am scared of authority
Jymaru! If You won't tell them then I will! As for the prize: I did send it, even with a little bonus for keeping up topic alive while I was fighting the flu. But really:Maybe re-installation will help? Though the whole download procedure in such case will be depressing (and time consuming).
BTW: I've created my 6th (Guardian Fighter) character for eventual play with You Jymaru once You get more time on holidays . Currently 15th lvl though... got a bit consumed with coins event >_>
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
EDIT: Right after I ranted about it not working, I tried again and it worked. Whoop-de-do, that's four hours of stress I'd've rather not've had
That being said, thanks for the gifts Dan. The orb looks particularly fancy
Also, Suhiko now has a cape. Somehow. I'm still figuring out quite how
EDIT2: Tried booting it up this morning, got the error again. This may take a while
EDIT3: Researched the problem, found a solution that worked, played for an hour or so, and even made a Friend! Man this morning was productive. I wonder if I'll ever see my new Friend again. They were fun to Party with because they let me have all the loot and didn't complain and let me have the first shot at the enemies and- Dan, playing with others is so fun, we really do need to meet up sometime in the game and go curb stomping. I should probably get myself to Level 15 first tho
Suhiko | Level 15 | Wood Elf | Control Wizard
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
If anyone was wondering why the corner hit 2 weeks hiatus, I have but a one word for reason:
Yep this year, to not have any problems with passing, I took pretty much all exams at Uni in an earliest possible dates. Reason to it is that during summer break there is high possibility that I'll return to ... highway designs. Yeh, U heard right. I was working over the maps for highways designs before and currently with N27 in Ireland being revoked as a project - I will probably (not yet 100% sure) get to work on it's design once more, as I was one of the initial aides there.
That being said! IT"S WEEKEND! Hell if I'll slack now! I have tons of unfinished drafts for A.N.E.-chan project and substantially low sleeping requirements . Problem is Monday... 2 new exams struck me then .
I hope everyone is doing fine and have more of a free time since my life-style surely got unhealthy (mostly in mental manner).
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
As it is by now: there is not a single instance of hour I have for myself. I get 30min or even 45min periods of time relatively peaceful but not much more. Results: there IS a bunch of new sketches.
Once again the exams time happens to be way more nasty and exhausting than ever was. I'm hoping other student have it easier. Some in my group might be loosing their sanity by now (if Business Information Technology students had any to begin with).
I won't lie: I have no idea when I'll make next progress report. There will be one for sure and probably have ways more content. But that will only happen once I get a day free from studies. It's mostly since even inking my pieces takes few hours mostly *sigh*
I feel bad with whole this mess... also can't actively play these days
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
So all in all: I have about 2 exams left. Considering they're Prognostics and Economic Mathematics ... with use of such vile programs of world domination by pure evil of economic and financial manipulation such as Gretl... and the books I should read have about 3000 pages to sum up...
But frighten not my dear watchers (in which existence I strongly believe ~ LOL) I shall triple or even quadruple post here if needed. Not to mention my reduced sleep in accordance to get a chance to do anything art related.
That being said, some more positive things!
-1st of all I see lenoretta doing her thing and providing a real fine art pieces to our art section of forums! I would love to show my 'in action pieces' but... as they are now: they are FAR too unfinished (said by person posting sketches... so believe it). We also got new artist alissdee! Looking forward to more works from her!
-2nd of all Jubilee event!!! I mostly not sleep due to it last 2 nights struggling to get Throne at any free while I get XD. Call me self-possessed but lately I must look like a zombie at night... or maybe more like a wight (master commander ofc XD!)
-3rd of all: SUMMER BREAK! It's a now or never period of time for most of freelance artists. As soon as exams are done It'll be tie to devote every fiber of my being into making... well.. something fun ^_^
To not come by into my 'somehow artsy' corner I give U
Erin Quayle Copperweak
This one appeared on my DA while ago and although it haves an ink on... still did not get color
To say a word about Erin: she's a gnome. And FR-wise her class would be of a Breach Gnome despite her gender and rather young (for gnome) age. There is a large bit of story to that and I can say she's one of my eldest D&D characters which I've actually played on occasions. Here we can see her in a ball dress (of my own design), very much not to her liking ;P.
I did design of her 'regular clothes but... they're sketchy for now and might change at this point.
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
Funny bout hands though since I found this position problematic a bit (weird since I never thought of hands as anything hard to draw XD). About the 'Metal Ball' there is a Gnomish trick to it in fact . Her weapon is actually quite heavy considering its size and the ball is there to help with it. There is a whole story behind though which I would not like to spoil yet XD (Garl Glittergold and Copper Dragon involved XD).
BTW: Could You also please say hi to Jubilee? Pretty please . I know we should not spoil her with 'too much attention' but any hand able to help raise fun~ might get handy XD (and her arts seem nice)
Also Leno-chan! A little riddle for Yaa :
Darastrixi re confnir. Xurwka ini sia cha'sid
Yeah it IS D&D, FR related riddle and a bit of spoiler capable of teasing lenoretta specifically ^_^
Wonder if anyone can try translate it. If someone get's it soon then... hmmm.. some reward should be in place, right ? No idea what kind of for now though ;P
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
I hope that after all my arts were enjoyable for quite few people (and it's ecstatic joy for authors, I assure)
Sincerely Yours ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
I'd love to see some of them colored
Thanks ^^
I'll take it as a compliment
I was worried in fact that whole 'little project' received much more positive feedback even on... pixiv. Though since I don't know Japanese (yet!) I had to google translate and use help of one of my Japanese mangaka friends. Still there is that issue of overall really small activity on Art section. What I hope to change even if a little.
Believing in Good intentions ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
I vanished 'cause I'm a busy, I'm so sorry. But I'm still here! I do have a lot of essays though
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
No worries, I know how it is. I have 2 books to read before exams start (all hard economical and information technology lectures) and still 2 commissions to finish on Monday T_T (which I already got my 40EU for), so please take it easy. Though I still hope in seeing some piece from You
Busy busy ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
and unexpected
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
Unexpected: 10% sure. (cause You know me. I expect many things from many things and not many things can surprise me at this point XD)
From many things to many things ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
Anyway, GJ!
They do! They scream at night in my dreams and to be honest: Seti and Leera are most terrifying
Anyway: Great thanks
Sincerely Yours ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
So the 'Friday Report' will be held till tomorrow.
I sincerely apologize to any possible watchers of this topic.
Bowing down in shame ~ Angry Neko Elf
EDIT: I'm dumbfounded by now. I do not have idea what's wrong with the scanner, and there ain't any repairs working on weekends nearby. Also phoning 'people I know' does not work. Most of my friends either don't have a scanner or are... somewhere else (weekend trips seem to be a bit popular nowadays
Thus I'm forced to scan things at Uni on Monday. I'm really ashamed. I know I was one report ahead but... it was just 'in case'. To be honest compare to a full-time colleagues my pace on A.N.E.-chan Neverwinter artbook is simply pathetic. And exams are coming >_>.
Anyone with a warm word to lift up a bit my wrecked mood? T_T
Distressed ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
And hey, at least you have a scanner
Cleara counting Your vote is 3rd most popular it seems. But all can change once I finally resurrect my scanner and ... well.. scan things up?
I don't wanna spoil things yet though
Sorry for digression :P
Sincerely Yours ~ Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
Only one person here will even know who this character was, and that's Dan, so allow me to give you all a bit of backstory.
Way back when in the year god only knows, I joined a roleplay board on Crunchyroll - in fact, this is where I met Dan. I roleplayed using two characters, Suhiko and Kahiko (also a third called Hafuenjeru but let's try to forget her). I enjoyed playing as them, but I enjoyed Suhiko the most, and eventually requested for Dan to draw her, which he did (and really well, if I may say so). However, when the board dropped, Suhiko went out of use, shelved until further notice. Well, now she's unshelved and in proud use as my character in Neverwinter.
Sincerely Yours ~Jymaru, standing in for Angry Neko Elf without any shred of permission whatsoever
PS: Please don't kill me Dan I mean well
PPS: No I will not shade this. Yes I know there's a lot of detail missing. Yes those are the clothes from the start of the game. Yes I turned a succubus into an elf fight me
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
With that hair color, suhiko suddenly reminds me or Erza from Fairy Tail. Cold light falling from the orb (turning a portion of the hair/face/shoulder/arm blueish white) would fit well, once you get to the shading part.
EDIT: i just noticed the part about not shading it.. -.-. Mornings...
Keep up the good work
I'm sure Dan has some ideas in the works for more "dynamic" group pictures, but it makes sense to want to get the character references out of the way first
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
So first of all: sincere thanks for jymaru for saving my topic while I was in real need XD. I admit You done me a favor worth more than praise here and I love the idea of Suhiko coming back XD !!! I think in my set of plot she would surely be a good ally to at least two of my characters (seen here Seti and not second not yet seen). As always: I like Your style ! (nice avii!) But shame indeed if You not shade it. In future maybe? (not like I'm in position to say anything with sketches only
So then: sorry to all people who awaited report. I tried to get everything ahead and now we have 6th report on 6th week. One fail more and I get behind schedule by far
The project is ongoing though and I plan to speed things up now that I and my scanner are well now!
Expect insanity
So here's Avareen. Counting among my characters: together with Sylain and (not yet seen) Kyrion she's one of my '3 main protagonists' and her starring is in prelude to most of what happened in ongoing timeline. Hope You enjoy ^^
Believe me: Suhiko was like Erza before Erza got devised XD (I pretty much can imagine her reaction to 'cake' similar, although victim would get turned to dust rather than sliced )
As jymaru stated: I indeed decided to start of with concepts in 3/4 format for reference and as 'in bio page' art. Planned are also (probably in this order):
-"Faceworks" - the 3-6 different angles and expressions as reference to character's behavior (aaand ev. comic)
-Full-body art in NWO and my own design Forgotten Realms set of clothes. (with some weapon designs possibly)
-"In battle" caption (I deem what it's, is what You wanted
- Short 4koma comics (for now the possible titles of 2 I plan upload ASAP are: "Overly Manly" and "Hello Folks" ~no more spoilers)
Hope You like the idea and that You will come more often ! We think alike after all... and geez... I need support (it'll be lotsa work
Sincerely Yours ~Angry Neko Elf
PS: Jymaru! I'll be sending You your contest reward from before now that You have character
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
It is amusing to note that Avareen and Suhiko have similar upper garments (Suhiko's are the tattered version because I literally played the game up to the point where I was in the city, took some screenshots, and dove back out, all in the name of surprise... and science... surprise science)
I might eventually make Kahiko, but I doubt it tbh. I have enough fun playing as Suhiko, but I can't really imagine myself playing the same story twice, that isn't my kind of thing
And I can't argue about the whole "turn to dust" thing, because that is pretty accurate... even moreso now Suhiko has access to the ever-glorious Magic Missile (shame I can't build in her ability to absorb and reflect magical energies, that would've been a really cool thing to keep)
Also, send it whenever you feel like. I haven't had time for playing the game since I originally played it, and that was at least a fortnight ago
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
And yeah, i get that the "photo" poses are naturally first, only mentioned different things since you asked for ideas if i remember correctly. The mugs add a lot the the Avareen picture imo, they give life to the character or something along those lines
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
Yep, those mugs are something already 5 people noticed as a 'good' thing. Makes me wonder about beer popularity connections
And thanks in fact about the mention of those things. It triggered me to write them down in here and to be completely honest: I gotta update 1st post a bit. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. It depends on whether I manage to finish and additional fun stuff I've planned as a weekend work on project
Jymaru! If You won't tell them then I will! As for the prize: I did send it, even with a little bonus for keeping up topic alive while I was fighting the flu. But really:Maybe re-installation will help? Though the whole download procedure in such case will be depressing (and time consuming).
BTW: I've created my 6th (Guardian Fighter) character for eventual play with You Jymaru once You get more time on holidays
Doodling stuff right now ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
That being said, thanks for the gifts Dan. The orb looks particularly fancy
Also, Suhiko now has a cape. Somehow. I'm still figuring out quite how
EDIT2: Tried booting it up this morning, got the error again. This may take a while
EDIT3: Researched the problem, found a solution that worked, played for an hour or so, and even made a Friend! Man this morning was productive. I wonder if I'll ever see my new Friend again. They were fun to Party with because they let me have all the loot and didn't complain and let me have the first shot at the enemies and- Dan, playing with others is so fun, we really do need to meet up sometime in the game and go curb stomping. I should probably get myself to Level 15 first tho
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
Ok so today I'm 111% determined to play with You as soon as I get home (at Uni atm T_T).
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
Yep this year, to not have any problems with passing, I took pretty much all exams at Uni in an earliest possible dates. Reason to it is that during summer break there is high possibility that I'll return to ... highway designs. Yeh, U heard right. I was working over the maps for highways designs before and currently with N27 in Ireland being revoked as a project - I will probably (not yet 100% sure) get to work on it's design once more, as I was one of the initial aides there.
That being said! IT"S WEEKEND! Hell if I'll slack now! I have tons of unfinished drafts for A.N.E.-chan project and substantially low sleeping requirements
I hope everyone is doing fine and have more of a free time since my life-style surely got unhealthy (mostly in mental manner).
Expect some update tomorrow!
Sincerely Yours ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
"Jymaru no" ~Anyone who's ever known me for more than five minutes probably
I am now a Pokemon. Good times
As it is by now: there is not a single instance of hour I have for myself. I get 30min or even 45min periods of time relatively peaceful but not much more. Results: there IS a bunch of new sketches.
Once again the exams time happens to be way more nasty and exhausting than ever was. I'm hoping other student have it easier. Some in my group might be loosing their sanity by now (if Business Information Technology students had any to begin with).
I won't lie: I have no idea when I'll make next progress report. There will be one for sure and probably have ways more content. But that will only happen once I get a day free from studies. It's mostly since even inking my pieces takes few hours mostly *sigh*
I feel bad with whole this mess... also can't actively play these days
Hope You guys are doing fine though.
Sincerely tormented ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
So all in all: I have about 2 exams left. Considering they're Prognostics and Economic Mathematics ... with use of such vile programs of world domination by pure evil of economic and financial manipulation such as Gretl... and the books I should read have about 3000 pages to sum up...
But frighten not my dear watchers (in which existence I strongly believe ~ LOL) I shall triple or even quadruple post here if needed. Not to mention my reduced sleep in accordance to get a chance to do anything art related.
That being said, some more positive things!
-1st of all I see lenoretta doing her thing and providing a real fine art pieces to our art section of forums! I would love to show my 'in action pieces' but... as they are now: they are FAR too unfinished (said by person posting sketches... so believe it). We also got new artist alissdee! Looking forward to more works from her!
-2nd of all Jubilee event!!! I mostly not sleep due to it last 2 nights struggling to get Throne at any free while I get XD. Call me self-possessed but lately I must look like a zombie at night... or maybe more like a wight (master commander ofc XD!)
-3rd of all: SUMMER BREAK! It's a now or never period of time for most of freelance artists. As soon as exams are done It'll be tie to devote every fiber of my being into making... well.. something fun ^_^
To not come by into my 'somehow artsy' corner I give U
This one appeared on my DA while ago and although it haves an ink on... still did not get color
To say a word about Erin: she's a gnome. And FR-wise her class would be of a Breach Gnome despite her gender and rather young (for gnome) age. There is a large bit of story to that and I can say she's one of my eldest D&D characters which I've actually played on occasions. Here we can see her in a ball dress (of my own design), very much not to her liking ;P.
I did design of her 'regular clothes but... they're sketchy for now and might change at this point.
Sincerely apologetic ~ Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
And thanks for mentioning me
Funny bout hands though since I found this position problematic a bit (weird since I never thought of hands as anything hard to draw XD). About the 'Metal Ball' there is a Gnomish trick to it in fact
BTW: Could You also please say hi to Jubilee? Pretty please
Also Leno-chan! A little riddle for Yaa :
Yeah it IS D&D, FR related riddle and a bit of spoiler capable of teasing lenoretta specifically ^_^
Wonder if anyone can try translate it. If someone get's it soon then... hmmm.. some reward should be in place, right ? No idea what kind of for now though ;P
Sincerely Yours ~Angry Neko Elf
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk